F3 Knoxville

Staying Warm at Juco

THE SCENE: Cold, 20 degrees with a slight wind making the wind chill somewhere in the teens.


All of the exercises for the day were picking to work big muscle groups, in an effort to stay warm.  We tried a few new things, one of which was pretty challenging (Balls to the wall Indian Run means you hold plank for a really long time)!  3 rucked prior to the boot camp in an effort to be warm!  6 men did JUCO Rush.  Props to Guardrail for riding his bike every week, in the rain and in the cold!

2 laps around the small parking lot (.25 miles)
Speed Skaters (5 each Leg)
El Capitan 5 each leg (deep lunge with both hands to the ground)
20 Merkins OYO


Mosey to loading dock near CMU’s
Count into 3 groups
3 stations
at box (for lack of a better word), do calf raises 25L, 25R, 50 together 100
at loading dock do leg lifts while holding yourself off the ground 20
at designated area, Merkins/squats 30 each
rinse and repeat x3
mosey to wall
20 squats OYO
at wall perform wall squat indian run
15 incline Merkins feet on wall
BTW  (Balls to the wall or as close as you are comfortable) indian run back
El Capitan up hill behind wall to sophomore hill
Speed Skaters (10 each Leg) 20
Mosey down
Repeat x 3
Mosey Back to AO

It was too cold to lay on the ground for some Mary!  We took advantage of our time elsewhere today.
13 for boot camp and 6 for Juco Rush
How do you know the will of God?

Ephesians 4:25-32
Paul gives some guidelines on how we should act, ie things we should or should not do.  Scripture defines how we should act so that through prayer we can be more in tune with God.  If we don’t do the simple things listed in scripture., how can we expect big things from God?
2 prayer requests:
Pool Boy is meeting with the Attorney today, it could be to finalize the divorce.
Curve ball has a colonoscopy coming up this week, pray that the prep day is “smooth”, and the the test reveals noting of concern.
Convergence coming up in early December at the Truck Stop.

Burpees in snowy slush

THE SCENE: 30’s and snow in the face!

20 SSH, 20 Imperial Walker, 10 Windmill, 5 Cherry Picker, 15 Moroccan Night Club, 15 Seal Clap
Mosey to the playground for 11’s.  Start with 10 pull-ups and 1 burpee.

Mosey to the track for an attempt at a dryer setting.  No luck, but we did the planned workout anyway.  Constructing burpees.

  • 1st lap 10 squats every 100 meters
  • 2nd lap 10 squats and 10 leg thrusters every 100 meters
  • 3rd lap 10 squats, 10 leg thrusters, and 10 merkins every 100 meters
  • 4th lap 10 burpees every 100 meters

Mosey back to the shovel flag.

No time!
6 HIMs played in the snow at the Project.
James 1:5 – “But if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.”

Trying to raise kids the right way can be difficult.  A lot times, I try to figure it out for myself, but in truth, God has given us all the pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).  God has the wisdom we seek, and we just have to study His word to find it.
Staches are looking good for Movember!

Track laps and core

THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.

Insert information about the warmup.
Mosey to the high school track and discover a CMU and 10 lb. plate on the opposite end.  PAX lined-up on their 6 head-to-head and toe-to-toe every other person.  While one PAX runs a lap, others pass the cmu overhead to the next person in line.  Once everyone has completed a lap, repeat with american hammers using the 10 lb. plate.  Perform 4 count and pass to the next PAX.

There may have been another round of this, but I don’t recall.  I am just posting this because Chaco didn’t. (Got to give everyone credit!)

Insert information about any additional post-THANG work (if applicable).
7 HIMs at the Project
Insert the WORD here.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Pumpkins & Prison Workout

THE SCENE: High 50s

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 20
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Hand Release Merkins – OYO X 10
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Calf Raises X 50 (OYO)
  • Frankenstein Leg Lifts X 20 Yards
  • Mosey


Parking Lot near AO

  • 20 Merkins on one end & 20 Squats at the other
  • Rinse & repeat X 4
  • Max Big Boy Sit-ups – 1 minute
  • Indian Run Mosey

Sophomore Hill

  • AMRAP burpees at the Bottom while partners sprints up and back; switch
  • Rinse & Repeat X 4
  • Spider crawl & bear crawl to the top of the hill

Fitness Center

  • 20 Pullups while partner does AMRAP of Diamond Merkins, Wide Grip Merkins & Carolina DryDocks; rinse & repeat X 3
  • Flutterkicks


  • LBCs
  • Hello Dollies
  • Superman


26 HIMs – 5K, Anchorman, Archie, Butcher, Commission, Cosmo, Cortez, Curveball, Downhill, Erector, Frenchie, Ginger, Gump, Jitters, Judge Judy, KickFlip, Mermaid, Nadia, Pool Boy, Sargent Slaughter, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Triage, Weedwacker and Booster.


On Wednesday, October 23, I met two people in Oklahoma City who have overcome great obstacles to make a difference in our world and impact me in a strong way.  Amy Downs was a 335 pound woman living a bad, unfulfilling life.  She was a college dropout, had no social life, didn’t volunteer in the community and was a teller at a local credit union.  One morning while talking to a friend at work, there was an explosion and she found herself trapped. She thought it was a nightmare but it was a real nightmare.  The Murrah Federal Building where her credit union was located on the 3rd floor was under attack by domestic terrorists.  She fell 3 stories and was trapped on the first floor where the daycare was located.  For 6+ hours, she cried, asked God to forgive her for not living her life to her fullest and begged to be saved.  She promised God if her life was spared that she would do her best to fulfill her promise.  She was rescued and turned into a different women.  She lost 200 pounds, she got her bachelors and MBA, she started attending church and volunteering in the community.  Amy got married, had 2 children and is now President/CEO of Allegiance Credit Union where she worked during the bombing.  Amy became an endurance athlete and has competed in countless ironman, marathons, etc. around the world.  She is now making the most of the gift God gave her.

Lt. Colonel Forrest “Woody” Aurentz (retired) and I sat next to each other on the plane back from Oklahoma City to Atlanta.  He’s a great guy.  He started the Gathering of Mountain Eagles, a charity that helps wounded veterans.  Woody and his volunteer team takes them whitewater rafting, deep sea fishing, skiing, etc.  I asked him what made him start his charity…he paused and looked away.  I told him it’s OK if he didn’t want to share.  Woody looked back with tears in his eyes and began another nightmare that led us both to start crying at 30,000 feet above our great country.  When his daughter was 14, she went on a church trip to an amusement park out of town.  A drunk driver hit her bus and 27 people were killed including her best friend.  His daughter would have died but she woke up because her legs were on fire.  She crawled off the bus.  She lost her leg and was burnt more than 65% of her body.  Woody ended up having PTSD himself because he would hold his daughter’s hand as the trauma team would cut the dead skin off of his baby girl twice a day.  He said it was the worst experience of his life.  The military men and women up near Fort Knox, Kentucky where they were stationed were there to help Woody, his wife and family with food, financial and emotional support, donating blood, etc.  He promised that if he was ever in a position to help the men and women who have served our country that he would.  Woody said he’s great at organizing but doesn’t know anything about fundraising.  I asked Woody what he would do if his charity had more money and he said have more activities and trips because there’s always a waiting list and people that can’t afford to pay to get to wherever the activity will be held.  I’m going to start helping the charity pro bono through my new fundraising consulting firm.

Brolympics is on November 9

Bring canned food.


THE SCENE: 57F Cloudy

1 mile mosey
Hill Repeats:
Start at the bottom of JUCOmanjaro and sprint up to the first turn out. Its about halfway up. My Garmin says it was 0.14 miles.
Then slow mosey back down. The time to come back down should be double the time it took to go up.
Then Rinse and Repeat, until the hill had been conquered 8 times.
Cool Down was a mosey through the JUCO campus.
Finally we got in some stretching: Touch Your Toes, Downward Dog, Upward Dog
Joined in with the Boot Camp guys led by Booster.
Erector, Frenchie, Cosmo, Downhill, Gump, Spotter, QIC-Archie