F3 Knoxville

Seeds of Change

THE SCENE: 40 degrees and dropping. Mostly dry though.

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
Moroccan nightclub 20
5 burpees on your own
10 tempo merkins
Tempo squats
10 Hairy Rockettes
Side to side mountain 🏔 climbers

Mosey to new parking lot for 5 mins of CORE

  • Legs in the air lower the right take right elbow to left knee, switch sides x20
  • Start sitting up, lower down one vertebrae at a time, until you can’t go any further without falling, and pop up x20
  • Lie on left side, bring righ knee into chest while taking your right elbow to your right hip targeting the obliques. x20 switch sides repeat.
  • LBCs
  • Catilina Wine Mixers x20
  • Cone drills:
    In and outs
    Side to side
    Moving planks 5 cones, switch the direction you’re facing, for 5 cones

Mosey to the FIA parking lot

  • 88s maybe?
    8 merkins followed by 8 flutter kicks

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Grab a coupon
    Rifle carry to the hill
    Curls x20
    Bear 🐻 crawl up
    1 Burpee at the top
    Run down
    Repeat starting with the curls x1
  • Return Coupon and wall sit for the longest 15 count (thanks Archie!)

Mosey to the flag with a Jail Break


  • 2 games of Bear Infection: In a confined space. IT starts in a Bear Crawl tagging everyone else who are Crab Walking. Once you’re tagged, you become a Bear and tag the other Crabs.
  • Hello Dollies x20
  • Plank Variations

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert the WORD here.
“And those who are Peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.”
James 3:18

I hope you all reap a harvest of righteousness! Plant the seeds, teach your family to plant the seeds… Teach them to be patient, teah them to shower the seeds with love, and it will be well worth the wait!

CSAUP Next Weekend. Get signed up!
Please consider donating to the Wesley House. This is an opportunity to step up and help others that are less fortunate. Consider it an “off the court” challenge!

Dying to Love Others

THE SCENE: Cold. Hopefully not like our hearts.

Overhead clap
Seal Clap Squat
Tennessee rocking chair
Tempo Merkin
Mountain Climbers
20 Calf Raises OYO
50% 60 70 80 90 100

Falling Indian run to parking lot next to pond – count to 5 and then do squats til the end of the line reaches you and fall back in.

11’s – this is definitely becoming a favorite routine of mine!
10 merkins-> bear crawl across 2 parking spaces
1 squat-> lunge across 2 parking spaces
9 merkins… etc.

20 flutter kicks, 10 second rest if you finish before the 6 does & repeat.

Burpee Mile (this is like ^4? Here’s ^2 wait no I did it once before)

After completing your 3rd lap, don’t do more burpees but pick up the 6 but actually keep running back the whole lap and then everyone does 12 burpees at the end together. (This took longer than I’d remembered because it’s like 0.4 miles for a “lap” so even 3 basically got us to 1.77 miles for the whole Q)

Mosey to the coupon pile. Stop at the stop sign with Heels to Heaven x 15 IC lead by Erector.

Mosey some more all the way to the coupon pile. Do 10 reps of: CMU Thrusters, CMU Swings, CMU Skull Crushers. Repeat once and put your CMU away, doing a wall sit while waiting for the 6.

Mosey back to the #ShovelFlag and barely make it back in time for the 6:15am alarm to go off on YHC’s watch

Ain’t nobody got time for that

Today is… Guardrail’s birthday!

But seriously, today is Valentine’s Day but I want to tell you about the things over the past 2.5 years I’ve seen lots of examples of love & what it is & what it means. My F3 brothers have been such a source of brotherly love I really don’t know what I’d do without it.

If you’re new or old, here are a few examples:

Guardrail reached out to me in September 2019:

@poolboy didn’t know we were neighbors, if only for a season- but love that we are. let’s catch up soon I’m at 2528 and work from home so I’m here all the time.

This was right before my divorce. And Guardrail has been a faithful and loving friend for over 2.5 years now.

I’ve seen friends reach out & look to bring men back from their wandering / not coming.

I’ve seen this group pray for men in various circumstances- mentors dying, children sick, even guys in this group personally ministered to by the hands that lift CMUs and pound the pavement from burpee to burpee.

I’ve seen love displayed in so many ways like stepping up for Q’s, sacrificing times, & even helping out guys when the do their VQs & something doesn’t work out.

Today’s message is simple. A few verses that communicate one clear message: LOVE

““This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:12-14‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.””
‭‭John‬ ‭14:21‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Love others because Jesus has laid down his life for you. This shows you have His love in you & are Jesus’ friend & disciple.

It’d been too long since I Q’d not OTB. Good to be back in the saddle.
Order those JUCO shirts! See Slack for details.

Doing the DID (Dips, Irkins, Derkins) at JUCO

THE SCENE: It was cold.

Quick jog around the parking lot
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats


Mosey to the new math building; stopping at the wall to do the following
50 Dips
50 Irkins
50 Dirkins
Do a run around the building between each set
Mosey to the Guardrail across from Shopping Center; repeat the above exercise, except 50/40/30
Mosey across the street to the Shopping Center over by Tomo Poke; repeat the above exercise except running up the stairs and around the parking lot

Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, LBCs

Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
This Scripture tells us that when we acknowledge our spiritual bankruptcy, this is when God can use us the most. Counter to the culture which is all about you, God gives us a different path. Let us focus on God and see how He, in turn, allows us to see His work and His Kingdom rule in our lives

Soggy Biscuits

THE SCENE:  Chilly and damp.  Around 40 degrees



Warmed up in Pavilion with 30 SSH on four count, 10 tie fighters right and left legs, tempo merkins, 4ct plank jacks and a mosey around the parking lot
Started with traditional Sea Biscuit:

10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, and 30 Lunges then a lap

10 Burpees, 20 Merkins, and 30 Lunges then 2 laps

All completed 4 rounds then we grabbed a rock for

12 Minute coupon workout of

1 min of curls

1 min oh press

1 min of tricep extensions

1 min of squats

3 rounds worth

Couple of Ab exercises got us to 615

Today we commemorated Rosa Parks birthday and talked about courage.  Courage to stand up for what we believe in.  Joshua 1:9


Lil’ Changes

THE SCENE: Calm, Dry Wonderful 37°


Overhead Claps: Seal Claps: Tempo Squats: Imperial Squat Walkers (poorly counted): Tempo Merkins: Cherry Pickers: OYO stretch
Mosey to the stairs by the new building.

1st Lap Bear crawl up the stairs, skip, crawl bear down, 3 Burpees (thanks for the HC reduction) Bernie back

Little change

2nd Lap Crawl Bear up the stairs, skip, Bear crawl down, 3 burpees, Bernie back

Mosey to the new half wall

22 Dips at top with feet far, 2 diamond Merkins & 2 Wide merkins at the bottom.

Little change for 2nd round: feet close; Little change for 3rd round: One foot up

Mosey to the courtyard

Run a lap: little change: Long stride.  Little Change: short stride: Little change; No arm (half lap)

Mosey to the loading dock

Plank, 2 at a time, jump up on the dock, run down the ramp and release 2 more, newtons ramp style.

Mosey to the far end of the big lot

At each lot entrance 5 Kick throughs.  Got between spots with bear crawls, bernie, long jumps, wheel barrows and finally skipping.

Mosey to the guardrail for some derkins; Finished with sprints between the arrows.  Little change: Flat, then uphill, then downhill and then flat again.

Got to spend some time doing Freddy Mercury, Starfish, BBS, Heel touches
13 Men, 5 rushers

If your spiritual life is in a rut, maybe it’s not big changes you need.  If your not being fruitful or it’s ineffective take little steps.

Consider 2 Peter 1 5-7

For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,
and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,
and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.

A small faith, supplemented with virtue: Might just be keeping your word and coming out here b/c you said you would. Or the virtue of opening your heart to your family and being present despite distractions.
Virtue with knowledge: Take some time to study God’s word and take it seriously; hint: don’t go it alone
Knowledge with self control: Figure out how to control your body, desires and ambitions. That’s a differentiator.
Steadfastness: Do it for a long time and you get godliness
godliness which results in brother affection because God is full of affection for every brother.  Finally resulting in Love.  Just as Jesus loved us.

Be faithful to your Savior, Be faithful to your family, be faithful to your Church
But try a new time of day for study, a new setting for prayer, Try a new posture
Reach out to a friend and pick a 3 day reading plan together or a short book of the bible

For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge,
and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with godliness,
and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love.
For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you
from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Peter 1:5-8

CSAUP at the end of the month, Camping trip in April and T shirt order (see slack for details on all 3)