F3 Knoxville

Burn the Ships

AO: asylum-am
Q: Tropicana
PAX: Snitch (Cory Beilharz ), P3, Hands, Sawdust, Pac-man, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Grandslam, Farley, M&M
FNGs: None
WARMUP:burps, hops, pickers, stretches

10 swings
3 gob squats
10 mericans
Carry L/R
Walk recover

Rinse & Repeat

MARY: Stretches


COT: In your actions, don’t procrastinate. In your conversations, don’t confuse. In your thoughts, don’t wander. In your soul, don’t be passive or aggressive. In your life, don’t’ be all about business.
Marcus Aurelius

CMUesday = Longer Arms

AO: asylum-am
Q: P3
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Dung Beetle, Tropicana, Grandslam, Pac-man
FNGs: None

5 EASY Burpees
15 SSH
20 Carltons/Front Swings/Michael Phelps
Runners Stretch
Tie Fighters
Cherry Pickers
Deep Squat


Farmers Carry to the Rustic Pavilon..


20 Merkins
15 Table Rows
20 Jump Squats

Round 2:

20 Derkins
15 Table Rows
20 Iron Mikes (10 Each Side)

Round 3:

20 Irkins
15 Table Rows
20 Air Squats

Farmers Carry to the Amphitheatre

Station One:
1.) Up and over Merkins

2.) Lawnmowers (R/L)

Transport = Farmers Carry (Switch halfway R/L)

Station 2

1.) Curls

2.) Big Bois

Transport = Rifle Carry to the bottom


ditch the CMUs at the charging station and hustle back to the AO


Convergence this weekend!


Story of a man teaching his son that when you love someone… you serve them.

Exploring the New Areas

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Fabio (Joe Hamilton), Tropicana, Coolio (Greg Fox), bluebird, Waffle House (Brady Greene)
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Plant the :shovelflag:

THE THANG: Ruck for 4.3 miles

MARY: No time for her today

ANNOUNCEMENTS: F3 UnCOVEred is this Saturday. Register if you’re going.

COT: Caught Woodpecker’s BOM

The Goo Gone Firecracker 500

AO: asylum-am
Q: Sawdust
PAX: Matlock (Bill Maddox), Gibbler, Double Wide, Waffle House (Brady Greene), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Rainbow, Foie Gras
FNGs: None
– Motivators
– Tempo Merkins
– Cherry Pickers
– Windmills
– Rockettes
– Tie-Fighters
– X-Wing
– 6 Count Burpees

– Exercised at various stations to the base of Cardiac
– Tried out the new pavement with Bearpees to the first turn and Lt. Dans to the next turn
– Went down and up Route 66
– There was some splashing of merlot, but it was time to find Mary anyway.

– Dante’s Core

– Asylum Gear is ordered and should be coming our way soon.

– The right path is the clear choice, but it will not be an easy path. It will be uphill and we will be tempted to turn back. But 1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that we will not be tempted more than we can stand to resist.

12 for Cardio and Core

AO: asylum-am
Q: Tropicana
PAX: P3, Matlock (Bill Maddox), Hands, Loves, Cinco, Bunny, Farley, DoubleWide, Woodpecker, Garbage Plate, Fois Gras
FNGs: 1 Fois Gras
WARMUP:SSH, TN rocking chair, Abe Vagoda, down/up dog, single leg balance.

THE THANG: Bernie Baby Everest, 5 burps. Jog down cardiac. 5 burps. High knee skip. 5 burps, karaoke 5 burps. Jog. 5 burps. Karaoke. 5 burps high knee skip 5 burps jog 5 burps. Bernie. 5 burps
Arrive at New Amphitheater.

3 groups. Run. Core of choice. Runners pick the next group round and round we go.

Jog to Pavalon

Wall sit
Ball(s) to the wall
Few rounds

ANNOUNCEMENTS: welcome Garbage Plate from Richmond, VA and FNG Fois Gras

COT: Fear of the future. Our response needs to be hard work and discipline together to strengthen ourselves and each other for hard times ahead. Grateful for F3 providing the foundation.