F3 Knoxville

The 4-leaf clover

THE SCENE: Cool mid 50’s, rain had just subsided

Push yourselves to get better today. Not a professional, nor a doctor. Still ‘social distancing’ per covid 19 guidelines


20 SSH (IC), 10 Imperial Squat Walkers (IC), LBAC (8 F and R IC), mosey, 8 Mountain Man poopers (IC), 10 Merkins (IC). Mosey back to AO for 10 Thrusters (IC) and 10 Blockees (OYO)

In the Spirit of St Patrick’s day, we went looking for four leaf clovers by moseying over to the parking lot by the football field. Upon arriving at the parking lot, we found a four leaf clover, whose stem extended down a hill.

The Four-Leaf Clover consisted of 4 stations. PAX completed a station before returning to the stem (5 Burpees) and then running down the hill to the base of the stem for 5 body builders before returning back up the hill to the top of the stem for 5 more Burpees and proceeding to the next station.

Station 1:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 merkins
  • 20 4ct Monkey Humpers
  • 40 LBC

Station 2:

  • 10 Body Builders
  • 40 Dry Docks
  • 20 Mountain Man Poopers
  • 20 WWII

Station 3:

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Dips
  • 20 Jump Squat
  • 20 Hello Dollys

Station 4:

  • 10 Body Builders
  • 40 Shoulder Taps
  • 40 Iron Mikes
  • 20 V-Ups

Mosey Back to AO

PAX got about 1 minute of CMU Flutter Kicks to finish up
16 PAX: Veep, Taco, Avocado, T-Bone, Espy, Postpone, Swerve, Smoky, Limbo, Radioshack, Napster, Rep Sleepy, Nair, Hundo, Drifter, Hellbender

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

Embrace the challenge everyday to not shy away from the difficult things in life.


Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Arsenal 3/12

THE SCENE: Warm morning at The Arsenal

SSH IC x10

Arm circles IC x5
Run along the Autobahn, stopping at 4 points to do an exercise. Once at the bridge, return to start, no exercises on the return trip. Repetitions of each exercise equal to the number of laps you’ve made

  • Step ups
  • Merkins
  • Dips
  • BBS

Dealers choice of abs. Pax selected;

flutter kicks


hello dolly
Welcome FNGs Front Row and Webelos. Webelos is Scoutmasters 2.0
There has been a lot of talk within our PAX recently of leadership. It has brought me back to when I first took a leadership role within my organization at work. A mentor of mine quote John C Maxwell to me “Leadership is influence. Nothing more. Nothing less”

We can all be leaders within our lives and communities. The entirety of F3 has been leaders to me, causing me to be a better version of myself, better man and father. Let’s all go forward in our lives, looking to lead and influence those around us
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Daily Doracide

THE SCENE: Upper 30’s

  • SSH x20 IC
  • Arm Circles x10 IC (each direction)
  • Cherry Pickers x8 IC

Dora – movement is a suicide with 3 cones. 1st cone = 1 burpee, 2nd cone = 2 burpees, 3rd cone = 3 burpees

Two rounds of Dora:

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 BBS
  • 300 Squats


  • 100 Dry Docks
  • 200 Flutter Kicks (2ct)
  • 300 Iron Mikes

Finish up with a round of 7’s – Body Builders and Iron Squats

Practiced our Dr. W’s! (but only 10, cause they suck)
8 came out to get better
I wanted to use this day to continue to talk about fitness. The first F of F3 is fitness, and that’s what we do for 45 minutes each morning. Use that time to make yourself better. Short cutting exercises to stay out of the back or to try to race someone is only cheating yourself. If you take shortcuts out here, where else are you short cutting your life?

Work on your form, get yourself better. Are you setting a good example? If an FNG comes out and watches you to see how to do these exercises, would you be proud that he copies how you do it?
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Blueberry’s and Bo Rounds

THE SCENE: 29 degrees, clear morning sky, moon was shining bright

  • 15 SSH IC
  • Hamstring scoops from sideline to sideline on basketball court
  • 5 inchworms jog to other sideline
  • 10 groiners
  • Mosey to pick up CMU
  • 1 Manmaker at depo- Hold CMU squat for 6
  • mosey
  • 2 Manmakers by dumpster- Hold CMU squat for 6
  • mosey
  • 3 Manmakers at top of stairs to the oval office- Hold CMU squat for 6
  • mosey to OO slab
    25 Min AMRAP- Bojangles Blueberry Biscuit with Bo Rounds
  • 10 Burpees to start each round
  • Sprint straight away, jog back and front side of track
  • After lap complete CMU exercises ( Bo Rounds)
  • 8 CMU SL DL with Row- Each Leg
  • 10 CMU Squat Thrust
  • 5 CMU Turk Get Ups or 20 CMU BBS
  • Rinse and repeat for time
  • Mosey Back to Ammo Depot
  • 3 Manmakers at bottom of stairs- Hold CMU squat for 6
  • Mosey
  • 2 Manmakers at dumpster- Hold CMU squat for 6
  • Mosey
  • 1 Manmaker at depot- Hold CMU squat for 6

We rushed to get in a couple reps of Dr.W. Still working on the cadence but it will be back!
I just started reading “Freed to Lead”. This story spoke to me and why we are out here. It was perfect timing since we had an FNG at the beatdown today.

PG. 20 “An FNG Posted one morning , Splashed Merlot, and otherwise ( in his mind, and only his mind, disgraced himself. At the end of the Workout he got his F3 Name in the COT and was dragging his Six back to his car when he stumbled accidentally into the Workout Q, who was obliviously admiring his pecs in the window of his Lexus. The FNG must have felt a little goofy because he went ahead and blurted out what was on his mind. He Apologized for ” slowing the group down.” The Q laughed and replied that he hadn’t slowed anything down. “Anyways,” the Q told the FNG, ” Brother, you’re the reason we are here in the first place. You are why we are here.”

F3 is more than we can ask for and is nothing without us. Carry on this message and lets help grow F3 in our community. We are here for each other and always there to help lift up those who need it the most.
Dredd and OBT are rewriting “Freed to Lead”. They are asking for testimonials from members on what F3 has meant to your leadership. Ill send out the info in Slack as to where and how to submit your entry. Moses, Pinocchio, and I all have copies of “Freed to Lead”. We want to share these with the PAX so let us know and we will make sure to pass along the book.
F3 is collecting items for Street Hope House, helping victims of Human Trafficking through the month of March. Lets all bring one or more of the following items when we Post all month. Items needed- 55 gallon trash bags, Napkins and /or Copy Paper. We will hold these till the end of the month.

Lighting the Arsenal’s Cannons

THE SCENE: Low/Mid 30’s with some sunshine
This is F3, Stands for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
It is a FREE workout
I am not a professional
You are here on your own volition
I have no knowledge of any injuries or your fitness considerations
It is your individual responsibility to be safe and to modify exercises if you need to, we all do it

  • SSH – 15 (IC)
  • LBAC – F/B – 10 (IC)
  • Air Squat – 10 (IC)
  • Merkin – 10 (IC)
  • BBS – 10 (IC)

Active Warm-O-Rama – Ring of Fire:

  • While Pax are still in circle have everyone alternating between plank and Al-Gore. 1 Pax will run to the center of the circle and burnie back. Once they return to the plank position the next Pax member goes. Rinse and repeat until all Pax have run to the center and back.

** Have Pax number off by 1s and 2s. 1s will go with Drifter to the Baseball Field and 2s will go with Moses to the Football Field.


Baseball Field: Bleacher Work
5 Minute AMRAP:

  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Incline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)
  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Decline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)

Mosey to Outfield:

  • Suicides – 30 seconds
  • LBC – 20 (4ct)
  • Suicides – 30 Seconds
  • BBS – 10 (4ct)

Rinse & repeat until other group is done

Football Field Work

Place cones at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards. Pax will run to first cone, complete the exercise and run back. Then run to the 2nd cone complete the exercise, run back. 3rd cone exercise, run back. 4th cone exercise, run back. Rinse and repeat.
5 Minute AMRAP

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees

Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 American Hammers (count only one side)
  • 3rd cone 10 Hello Dolly (single count)
  • 4th cone 30 LBC

Suicides on cones 1-4 until 15 minutes is up.

Q2 and Q1 Groups flap jack and repeat circuits.

Merge Groups and mosey to Shovel Flag and present the flag

The shovel flag is one of the classic symbols of F3. No matter where you are within F3 Nation, the Shovel Flag is the one true physical link that connects us all. Just like we leave no man where we find them, the Shovel Flag is portable so that it can be carried forward and shared with others.

This shovel flag represents Respect: respect for country, respect for those who hae served and currently serve to protect our freedoms, and respect for the other AO’s across F3 Nation where similar flags are planted ever week

It represents Hard Work: it bears witness to the blood, sweat, and tears of the men of F3 who gather together at some obscene early hour to get better physically while finding new mental limits. Men getting stronger, fit, and conditioned to handle life’s challenges – most of which are not physical at all – Hard Work

This flag also represents the lives of men being changed. Men are moving from being passive participants in life, to being present. Present in our families, present in our places of work and worship, and present in our communities.

Mosey to SP (Smuggler leading the way carrying the flag)


We returned with a little extra time to spare so we decided to push through a few more variations of Merkins!

  • Regular Merkin 10(IC)
  • Wide Merkin 10(IC)
  • Dimond Merkin 5(IC)
  • 6” Crunch 10(IC)
  • Gas Pumps 15(OYO)
  • Ankle Touches 20(IC)
  • LBC for time!

48 Pax! Included (2) 2.0s and (1) FNG – Welcome ‘That Guy’

F3 has always been and will always be more than a workout.  We definitely want to push ourselves and each other physically, but we also want to grow relationally and spiritually.  The PAX is unique in many ways, But the one that is most important to remember is that we are not out here to compete against each other, but collaborate together to grow as husbands, fathers, sons, employees, employers, friends, and neighbors.  We are bound together under a high power for a greater purpose. And I pray that this group of men will continue to lead they way in setting the example for others.