F3 Knoxville

Train Train Train


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
59 ℉ 81% 59 ℉ 12.6 mi/h SSW

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


SSH (20)
Imperial Walkers (10)
SSH (15)
Tempo Merkins (10)
SSH (10)
Cherry Pickers (ARAP)
Twisties (5)

Slow mosey to the football field.

Route 66s on field. Starting at goal line and then stopping every ten yards. So, 11 places. 1 rep at first, 2 at second, 3 at third etc. 11 stops 66 total reps.
1. Merkins
2. Monkey Humpers
3. Big Boy Sit-ups

Using equipment on the track. Creating a circuit of exercises.
1. Dips (20)
2. Incline or Regular Merkins (20)
3. Pull-ups (AMRAP)
4. Bear Crawl under hurdles.
5. Up and down bleacher steps (3 trips).
Rinse and Repeat.

Back to goal line. Wheel of Exercises. App on my phone that randomly picks an exercise and rep count.
Goal line: 30 Lunges
25 yrd line: 20 Wide Merkins
50 yrd line: Squats
25 yrd line: Lunges
Goal line: 20 BBS

LBC (17)

8 good men got in some good training.



For those suffering from cancer specifically friend Matt, and girlfriend’s mother.  For parenting plans and the kids that are influenced by them.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


Pool Boy’s 3rd Annual Black Friday JUCO Discount Coupon Special

Deals for days! After we enjoyed a day of thanks we had just enough PAX to have the right amount of gloom as getting up and going shopping on Black Friday should be! (Actual weather: ~38°F and although it rained yesterday evening we were pretty dry.)

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER (Administered):
I’m not a professional Pool Boy or anything else. Know your injuries especially after Thanksgiving Day being yesterday.

5 each leg x El Capitan OYO
10 x OHC IC
5 x Werewolf OYO
10 x Tempo Squat IC
7 x Tennessee Rocking Chair IC
5 x Decline Pushup on Curb IC
15 x Calf raises on the curb IC (5 left leg only, 5 right leg only, 5 both legs)

Single Coupon – Grab a Coupon from the back of my car and start a Falling Indian Run – the PAX at the front of the line counts to 5 and then “falls off” and does a either Goblet Squats, Thrusters, or Blockees until the 6 passes him and then falls in. We stopped about halfway and did some core and then did a mosey the rest of the way (this was harder than YHC remembered)

TODAY’S SALE IS A REPEAT FROM 2019: Everything is $9.99!

9 hard reps 99 “easy” reps Mary until done
Werewolves w/ or w/o a block Calf raises
Boat-Canoe 3 sec rotate, 5 each followed by a 10 count break then repeat Boat-Canoe
Blockees / Burpees 1/4 pushups Flutter kick
CMU Lunge 1/4 squats BBS
Wall pull-ups / hangs (no block) Wall jumps

Next Up: AMRAP Dora with Unlimited COUPONS! (semi-repeat from 2019)

AMRAP DORA for time with core after each round (2019 we did this where we rotated through the exercises with a person in between, but this time we’re just having the partner run to the concrete pad just past the dumpster because the exercises are meant to be quite heavy.

First round:
CORE @end after timer, 30-count rest:

Second round:

Goblet Squats
Tricep Extensions
Piston (Hodor if Ribbed had showed up)
CORE @end after timer, 30-count rest:

Put up Coupons. Mosey back. Stop at overhang, dip a bit.
Mosey back to the AO with no time for Mary.

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

4 PAX who got major discounts!

The origin of the word “holiday” actually comes from a concatenation of the words “holy day”.
What is the focus during the American / Western Civ. season between the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas? The reason I like to call this “Black Friday: Discount Coupon Special” is that it’s so easy to miss what we’re supposed to be Thankful for (Christ’s redemption of us for His glory by His perfect sacrifice on the cross and subsequent resurrection from the grave) and what we are celebrating at Christmas (the miracle of God condescending by becoming a man and one in in every way like us, yet without sin).

With this knowledge, what ought we to do? 3 things we’ll take this Advent Season from a passage you probably didn’t think I’d talk about to start the Christmas season with:

Romans 8:12-17 – 12 So then, brothers,[e] we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. 13 For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. 14 For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons[f] of God. 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” 16 The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
Refocusing our gaze on Christ in the busyness and stress of all that is going on in our world is EXACTLY what our souls need.
1. v.12-13 We have debt – but not to the flesh but to the Spirit who called us to Christ. This is the Gift of Christmas.
When you give that gift to your friend, to your wife, to your son or daughter – you give out of what God has given you – and you and we have the opportunity to acknowledge that it’s not in us but all from Jesus
2. v.14-15 We have the Spirit of God that confirms us as children of God.
Anyone who has or has seen a young boy (say under 10) cry out to his father knows that Jesus said “11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11). We know that this is true, but we can appropriate this for ourselves because of the solid foundation with this promise from God. This is another gift from God.
3. v.16-17 Because we have the Spirit, we are co-heirs with Christ and have the privilege to suffer with Christ.
This may not seem like the greatest thing, but that is the beauty of what Christ did for us. He suffered outside the camp for us so that we can be made like Him. His substitutionary death for us on the cross to redeem us allows us to say with the apostles in Acts 5:41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name.
So, as you go through Advent, see what debt you have (to the Spirit). Remember that you are a child of God who gives you the gift of Salvation, which is eternity with Him. And remember that we can rejoice when suffer because that is what Jesus did for us and it puts us in the best company and place. And that gift is, ironically, the best place for us because it identifies us with Christ.
“He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” – Jim Elliot

Prayed for Data & his marriage – we are rooting for peace and love for you and your M, sir!
I’m still looking for a house to buy so could use some prayer there as well.
Also a BIG SHOUTOUT to Baby Boomer who drove past Shamrock to join us this morning. It was a pleasure and the 2nd-f at our coffeeteria at Dunkin was great.

F3 Christmas Party December 11th at Judge Judy’s abode, 5-7pm. See #annual-christmas-party in Slack for more info and to sign up to bring something for Hot Providence.

45 Minute Warm Up


Mid 30’s with a slight breeze


4ct SSH x 20; Tai Fighters x 10 (forward and backward); Cherry Pickers x 5; Plank Jacks x 10; Failure-to-launch x 7; mosey up and around to CMU pile (stopped for some Rocky Balboa’s and Derkins on the way)


Carried CMU’s over by the church parking lot for some group therapy (and to continue warming up!).

Simple format… perform exercise listed at first cone, run to next cone across park lot and do same, continue and do same at cone 3 and 4, then run all the way back to cone 1 for round 2.

Exercises by rounds and cones:

1) CMU Thrusters x 5; Hand-Release Merkins x 10; Big Boy Sit-ups x 15; and 4ct SSH x 20

2) CMU Hammers x 10; Carolina Dry Docks x 15; Flutter Kicks x 20; Squat Jumps x 25

3) CMU Squats x 15; Wide Grip Merkins x 20; Freddie Mercurys x 25; Lunges x 30

4) Lightening Round – perform all 3 exercises at each cone… CMU Thrusters x 5 + CMU Hammers x 10 + CMU Squats x 15… then move to the next cone… so on and so forth

Restocked the CMUs and did high knees, rockettes, karaoke (both sides), and jogged back to AO


Time for modified Howler Circle (PAX does non-stop monkey humpers while we rotate one at a time taking a lap around the circle – friendly “pats” on rears may have occurred)

Finished with Hello Dollies, Pickle Pounders, and Dead Bugs.


6 well seasoned HIMs present – no FNGs

Reflected a bit on my up and down year of leading well at times and failing other times (more lazy than missing while trying).  Many opportunities to lead in our homes, work, church, and community.  Sometimes we pull back for fear of failure or the sting of memories from recent failures.  2 Peter 1 we read that the Lord has given us everything we need for life and godliness – for His glory and excellence – and therefore we have no excuse to “not try”.  We need to pursue the model of Jesus described in Philippians 2 where His attitude was right before any actions took place.  With humility we should try and try again and trust the Lord for the results.  Read an excerpt from Q source 4.5 talking about the tool of failure in carving out Virtuous Leaders.  Failure will happen… especially if we try to do difficult things… but we should not give up and we should get up and try again.

Quarter Mile Stations


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
36 ℉ 87% 33 ℉ 3.5 mi/h NE

I am not a professional.  I have a phone.  Workout as injuries allow.


Happy Jacks (5)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Dead Bugs (10)
Abe Vigodas (10)

Mosey to the track.

On the track, there are nine stations.
1. Burpees
2. Monkey Humpers/Squats
3. BBS/Merkins
4. Flutter Kicks/Hello Dolly
5. Diamond/Wide Merkins
6. Smurf Jacks/Lunge
7. LBC/Box Cutters
8. Merkins/BBS
9. Dips/ Carolina Dry Docks

Running around the track stop at every station and do 10 of the exercises. Second time around the track do the second exercise listed. If there is one. Third time go back to first. And so forth. If you want, you are allowed to pass a cone and not do that exercise. But every cone passed increases the number of exercises by 10. If you pass 1 cone, then you do 20 at the next cone. You then drop back to 10. So, you can make this go as you want. You could run the entire time and not do any exercises. On your honor. Work yourself out as hard or easy as you want.

Dead Bugs (15)
Supermans (5)

8 good men got better.


“If a guy cuts you off in traffic, you can take that as “drop dead” and respond in kind. Or you can just assume that he is a bad driver and keep driving reasonably. If you choose the former, that means that you too become a bad driver and may provoke another negative response from him. A good driver wouldn’t do that because it might disrupt him from getting to his destination safely, which is the whole purpose in driving, to get where you are going in one piece.”
With your goals, don’t let the bad change you in a way that could keep you from where you want to end up.


For all of our families and coworkers.  For Pom Pom and his competitors next week. Just a wee bit more for Pom Pom.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


SSHhhh – Faithfulness is Quiet

THE SCENE: Coldest day in awhile. But just right for a beatdown (it wasn’t raining!)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER – Administered

Overhead clap x 10 IC
Seal clap x 10 IC
Tempo squat x 10 IC
Seal clap squat x 10 IC
Tempo Merkins x 10 IC
Rainbow drop x 5 IC
Mountain climber x 10 IC
Forward lunge x 5 each leg
Side lunges x 5 each leg
Burpees x 7
Tennessee Rocking Chair x 10 IC

Name an exercise not SSH- Curveball named Jump Squats (after SSH’s & variants were named several times)

Falling Indian Run to the CMU pile

At the CMU pile

Exercise (modification in parentheses)
10 Blockees (10 burpees or 10 squats & 10 merkins)
15 Kettle bell swings (15 seal clap squats)
20 Goblet squats (20 squat jumps)
Run down the slope & back

We modified the second time through to the following:
10 Burpees
15 Kettle bell swings
20 Squats

Sparkles finished first and led us in 20 Flutter Kicks x IC. Put our CMUs up.

Falling Indian Run 1x and then back to the #ShovelFlag

Inspired by @Baby Boomer’s use of my 11’s we’ll be doing a modified hill version of 11’s:
BBS at bottom
Bear Crawl or Lunge up
Flutter kicks (4-ct)
Crawl Bear or crab walk down

Dealer’s Choice (stopped after 4 PAX)
Big Finale: Pool Boy’s modification of Thunderstruck

Q plays “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every “thunder!” that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song. Awesome way to end a workout and just make sure any juice that’s left is burned away. (modification listed below)
Thunder = 1 merkin, return to plank
Thunderstruck = 1 burpee and do core the Q calls
Core Exercises Flutter Kicks
Box Cutter and end with like 7 burpees

COUNT-OFF & NAME-O-RAMA6 faithful men.

Proverbs 20:6Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

Faithfulness is maybe the most underrated fruit of the Spirit. Staying your post when it seems all hell is breaking loose is hard, yet it also is commended in Ecclesiastes 10:4If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness[a] will lay great offenses to rest.

We live in what seem to be crazy times. Can we even count on having liberty, food, a house, a marriage, you name it tomorrow? This is why Proverbs 20:6 asks the question:

Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

We all see and I especially see in my own heart where it has gone astray and yet we’re called back time and again by God. We are the bride of Christ, to be presented without spot or blemish

But what does real faithfulness look like? It starts with doing what you’re supposed to do. With showing up at work and working diligently. With doing what you told your wife / kids / friends you would do.

It goes from there and works its way out to ministry opportunities. As a Christian, to quote Mack Stiles (who will be at my church’s Men’s Conference “Act Like Men” this weekend), “my life is forfeit.” We have been bought by Christ, how could we not be faithful and serve others? Then as we live out the Gospel (also summed up in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5) it will overflow. We’ll make disciples of all nations, starting with our families, then churches, then communities, and go on and on!

But remember, it starts with being a faithful man.

Some ways we can be faithful men in F3:
1. Show up to workouts regularly and consistently (make the HC!).
2. Intentionally get to know other PAX while working out.
3. Intentionally get to know other PAX outside of F3 (that’s the 2nd F ICYMI).
4. Sign up to Q! This not only will humble you (the Q is not about you but about serving the men who show up and trust your leadership) but also it serves the AO-Q. The best problem to have is that the AO-Q cannot get a Q in. This happened last summer at Shamrock. Let’s make it happen again!
5. Post a backblast!
6. Ask an AO-Q or the Nantan and other men how you can serve them.
7. Pray for your F3 brothers.
And so much more.

So ask yourself the question that Proverbs 20:6 asks:
Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?

Some people tried to troll me with SSH’s as suggested exercises. I hate to have to qualify it but we can be SO MUCH MORE CREATIVE than that overused exercise! Prayed for Amber and Megan (doctors are unsure for both of them what is causing the physical pain and suffering they’re experiencing), Curveball’s mom, Boomer’s travels, and Mermaid’s upcoming family business purchase.
Men’s Conference at my church tonight. EH the guys who haven’t been out in a while too.