F3 Knoxville

Wise men still seek Him



A perfectly chilly mid-40s morning
Some SSHs, Tai Fighters, Merkins, and Tempo Squat Jumps to get us warm.
Mosey over to the CMU pile with a brief stop for some Rocky Balboas.

12 pains of Christmas… just like the song start at exercise 1 (which is also the number of reps for that exercise) and then run over there and back… now do exercise 2 plus 1 and then run… rinse and repeat until you get all 12 in… bonus fun for those who finish – start at 12 and do 12 reps of each exercise one more time (only a few had bonus time).

Exercises: 1-4ct SSH, 2-Hand-release Merkins, 3-Plank Jacks, 4-BBS, 5-CMU Squat Thrusters, 6-CMU Curls, 7-Jump Squats, 8-CMU American Hammers, 9-Alternating CMU Merkins, 10-CMU Goblet Squats, 11-CMU Military Press, and 12-CMU Deadlifts

Mosey back to AO after restocking the CMUs

Howler Monkey circle where one HIM runs a lap around the circle while the rest of the PAX does Monkey Humpers… finished with motivators starting at 5.

10 HIMs no FNGs
Talked about the origin and tradition related to the familiar song about 12 days of Christmas – historically referred to as the time between Christmas and Epiphany (where the Magi came to worship the Christ in Bethlehem).  The star and the fulfillment of Micah’s prophecy culminating in an expense journey that disrupted the local region.  Christ is still interrupting culture today as wise men continue to seek Him!  Remember that Jesus, our Savior, is the reason for this season of celebration.

“Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭2:1-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬