F3 Knoxville

Shamrock – Faith in His story

THE SCENE: 59F light rain

Tie Fighters x10 both directions

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

Cherry Pickers 5


Mosey to Block Pile 

Rifle carry to the covered walkway 

Snow Angels x25 OYO

7’s: 1 Burpee – bear crawl toe taps forward – 6 Diamond Merkins -bear crawl toe taps back keep going until you hit 6 burpees & 1 Diamond Merkin 

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes 

10 seesaw lunges right leg

10 – 4 count Twinkle Toes

10 seesaw lunges left leg

20 CMU Squats 


Run a lap

50 Bench Press

25 Curls

Run a lap 5% increase

55 Bench Press

30 Curls

Run a lap 10% increase

60 Bench Press

35 Curls

Run a lap 15% increase

65 Bench Press

40 Curls

Early Mary – Flutter Kicks with CMU & American Hammers

Return CMUs

Mosey / bear crawl back to AO.


14 including 1 FNG in-and-out
Slappy, Trolley, Betty, Honeydew, Mermaid, Waxjob, Hydro, Wanderer, Interpol, Cheatsheet, Baby Boomer, Jenner, in-and-out, Anchorman,

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

It goes on to talk about the ancients: Noah, Abraham, Moses and so on. What they went through in life and how God challenged them with tough situations. 

13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth.

So they trusted that God had everything in control and they were just a small part of His story. 

I mentor a small group of high school guys and last week we asked each other “Do you truly believe that God loves you?”  

I asked them what about when things are going wrong in your life. 

One of my guys said that when he goes through a hard time in his life he just simply has to give it up to God and practice faith. I was humbled by his statement, because I had to admit to him that my go-to reaction to hard times is to try to figure it out and fix it on my own. I end up wasting a lot of time until God smacks me in the head and reminds me that He is there. 


Murder Bunnies Meet Doracides

THE SCENE: Temp in the low 30’s but the wind took us to the 20’s!  (but it was dry)

4ct Predator Jacks x 10 (IC); 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 (IC) forward and backwards; 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO)


Mosey over to CMU pile and carried them to sidewalk near St. Patty’s Circle.  Picked a battle buddy for Dora-style routine.

Round 1: HIM1 does Doracides by running towards parking lot islands stopping for 10 reps of Hand Release Merkins at island 1 then 20 reps of Hello Dollies at island 2 then 30 reps of Predator Jacks at island 3 before returning to starting point to switch with HIM2; Meanwhile, HIM2 does Murder Bunnies in opposite direction (to cones) and Zombie Carry back to starting point where he does CMU Squat Thrusters waiting to switch with HIM1; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 2: Similar pattern with new exercises; 10 reps of Carolina Dry Docks + 20 reps of Flutter Kicks + 30 reps of Squat Jumps on the Doracides; CMU Lunges + Rifle Carry + CMU Dead Lifts while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 3: Similar pattern once more with new exercises; 10 reps of Wide Grip Merkins + 20 reps of Freddie Mercury’s + 30 reps of Lunges on the Doracides; Murder Bunnies + Rifle Carry + CMU Squats while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Mosey to return CMU’s to pile and head back to AO.

No Time.

12 HIMs with no FNG’s today.

Talked about a book I am reading (The One Thing) that has challenged me to think through how my time is planned and used (or the lack there of) and the importance of focus.  Encouraged PAX to focus on the one thing that they should do in their faith, marriage, family, career, etc. to move forward and get better.  Further encouraged them to think about the one thing they needed to accomplish today.  “Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus” (quote from book).

Reading this book has resonated with several passages of scripture.  I mentioned to the PAX the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into the promised land after Moses died.  Specifically the passage where Joshua encourages the group to consider where their focus was… on false gods of Egypt, on false gods of the Amorites where they were standing, or in the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  “Choose today whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Matthew 6:33-34 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.  So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today’s trouble is enough for today.”


Don’t Underestimate Today

The Scene

22 degrees and ice cold

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


  • Motivators
  • Bear Crawl (F/S/B/S)
  • Tempo Squat
  • Merkins
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Toe Tap Jumps


Mosey to CMU Pile and grab 2 coupons per person and head to the parking lot

Traveling to the four Corners we will use the following exercises:

  • Murder Bunny 
  • Rifle Carry with Blockee every 5 steps
  • Granny Drag
  • Bernie w/ CMU

At every corner abandon CMU and run back to corner one for work with your second CMU 

  • 10 CMU on Shoulder Split Squats (10 E/S)
  • 20 CMU to Knee Taps
  • 30 SSH w/ block
  • 40 Z press (Seated CMU Press)
  • 50 Opposite Foot Deadlifts
  • 60 Mt Climbers (2 Count)
  • 70 Side Jumps over CMU 
  • 80 Freddy Mercury’s 

Called recover and brought all CMU’s back to corner 1

2 minutes CMU holds (one CMU in each hand). We took turns telling bad dad/lawyer jokes to help the time pass. 

Recover, rack the CMU’s, Mosey back to AO sprinkling in some walking lunges and reverse walking lunges. 


No Time


13 High Impact Men


I have a confession, on Monday I did the bare minimum at work all day long. I was feeling tired and unmotivated so I did just enough to fly under the radar until it was time to go home. I didn’t feel great about it but it really punched me in the mouth when I woke up on Tuesday morning. School was canceled for my wife and daughters and they got a “snow” day. My wife suggested I take a PTO day and spend time with them. My heart broke. I told her I had way too much to do and some lunch deadlines I had to meet (spreadsheets and reports that I could have done on Monday but…). I was sick over the time with my family I could have had but the “fart sack” on Monday led to a missed opportunity to get closer to my M and Shorties on Tuesday. Later that day I ran into this quote by John Maxwell that hit home and came with perfect timing. 

“We overestimate what we can do tomorrow, we over-exaggerate what we did yesterday and we underestimate what we can do today.” -John Maxwell

If we stay consistent about how we structure our “today’s” the yesterdays and tomorrows will take care of themselves. 

Today is the only moment we have, all we have is now. What is on your daily agenda? What are you putting off until tomorrow? Don’t wait, perform the tasks at a hand and do the best you can today. We never know what tomorrow will hold. 


What is everyone’s go-to song/band right now? Comment under the backblast post in slack and share with the group. 


10 for 30 for 30 for Giving, Protecting, and Creating @ Shamrock

  • What: Today in 34 degrees of pre-dawn darkness, 10 Men came out to share some traveling exercises.
  • Where: Catholic High School of Knoxville – Area of Operation name Shamrock.
  • Welcome: Always totally free, we are not professionals. Be careful – it’s dark – we tired & sleepy.  We’re here to wake up!
  • Warmup:
    • 30 Side Straddle Hops, 30 Merkins, 30 Squat Jumps, 30 Mountain Climbers,
    • For 30 seconds think of your favorite spot on Campus
  • Workout: 30 for 30
    • Part 1:
      • We stay in a single file line the whole time. Running and doing exercises in a line.
      • The person at the head of the line decides where we will run to for 30 seconds.  We stop at 30 seconds regardless of if we get to where he wanted to get.  When we stop, we do 30 repetitions of the exercise of his choosing.  Then he goes the back of the line.  We repeat this process until 6:00 am.
    • Part 2:
      • At 6:00 am we mosey to the Cement Unit pile on campus and clean up the pile.
      • First we unload & dis-assemble the sloppy pile into a flat (1 level high) grid of blocks in the Parking lot – We do this for 5 minutes.
      • Next we take 5 minutes to assemble and VERY neatly stack the blocks we dis-assembled.  If the new neat block pile does not meet our cleanliness standards then we all do 100 burpees.  Luckily the pile was very neat.
    • Run back to Area of Operation home base – unfortunately they broke formation on the way back and received a 10 burpee penalty.
    • Jenner one the “Best location & exercise” vote and did not have to do the 30 burpees the rest of us had to do as a wrap-up.
  • Wrap-up
    • Today in 34 degrees of pre-dawn darkness, 10 Men came out to share some traveling exercises – and organize some blocks.
    • I encourage you today to go out there and Give, Protect, and Create.  If our evil enemy wants to Steel Kill and destroy, and I am sick and tired of the enemy, and I recognize the Good vs. Evil war we are already in, then I’d like to make some serious advances on the battle-front by doing direct things that are opposite of what the enemy does.  So go instead of Steeling – go out and Give today – Flex that giving muscle – it will get stronger.   Instead of Killing life – go out and protect a life (or create a life :), give money to a pro-life cause, go be a foster parent or big brother, protect our youth in some caring way – Nurture life in some way.  Instead of Destroying something – go out and use that creative brain and muscle that God has given you and create something – build something – design something.  Make advances for our Kingdom, God’s Kingdom!

How long can you HOLD on?

THE SCENE: High 30’s windy and some drizzle

20 SSH, 5 slow cherry pickers, 5 slow tempo squats, 10 baby arm circles forward & backward.

Divide into 3-4 teams
A team will perform the circuit, while one team member is in a hold.
When the team member breaks the hold, the next team member rotates in, and the one that rotates out, takes the position of doing exercise.
Repeat until all exercise are done.  Take a lap, start the next round with the same format.
You can only do exercise while a teammate is “holding”
Station 1
Hold plank on elbows
25 merkins each team member
25 squats
25 big boy sit ups (ea)
run a lap
Station 2
Hold a wall squat
25 burpees each
25 monkey humpers
25 little baby crunches (4ct)
take a lap
Station 3
Hold a “canoe” position
25 diamond merkins
25 lunges
25 hello dollies (4ct)
Run a lap
Station 4
Hold balls to the wall position
25 bicep merkin
50 single leg calf raises (25 ea)
25 American Hammers (4ct)
run a lap

We went around the circle.  One PAX led us through an ab exercise, then we did 10 merkins following each.  We made it through 8 PAX (80 Merkins) and did a variety of ab exercises along the way.


Pride… Things I am proud of:
That flag has been here for every workout
WE have never had to use a pocket Q, you guys have signed up and showed to lead every workout at Shamrock
This AO makes me proud, and then things I am not proud of.
James 4:6 But He gives all the more grace; therfore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
Proverbs 29:23 A person’s pride will bring humiliation, but one who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor.