F3 Knoxville

Murder Bunnies Meet Doracides


THE SCENE: Temp in the low 30’s but the wind took us to the 20’s!  (but it was dry)

4ct Predator Jacks x 10 (IC); 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 (IC) forward and backwards; 5 Hand Release Merkins (OYO)


Mosey over to CMU pile and carried them to sidewalk near St. Patty’s Circle.  Picked a battle buddy for Dora-style routine.

Round 1: HIM1 does Doracides by running towards parking lot islands stopping for 10 reps of Hand Release Merkins at island 1 then 20 reps of Hello Dollies at island 2 then 30 reps of Predator Jacks at island 3 before returning to starting point to switch with HIM2; Meanwhile, HIM2 does Murder Bunnies in opposite direction (to cones) and Zombie Carry back to starting point where he does CMU Squat Thrusters waiting to switch with HIM1; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 2: Similar pattern with new exercises; 10 reps of Carolina Dry Docks + 20 reps of Flutter Kicks + 30 reps of Squat Jumps on the Doracides; CMU Lunges + Rifle Carry + CMU Dead Lifts while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Round 3: Similar pattern once more with new exercises; 10 reps of Wide Grip Merkins + 20 reps of Freddie Mercury’s + 30 reps of Lunges on the Doracides; Murder Bunnies + Rifle Carry + CMU Squats while waiting; Flapjack and continue cycle for 10 minutes.

Mosey to return CMU’s to pile and head back to AO.

No Time.

12 HIMs with no FNG’s today.

Talked about a book I am reading (The One Thing) that has challenged me to think through how my time is planned and used (or the lack there of) and the importance of focus.  Encouraged PAX to focus on the one thing that they should do in their faith, marriage, family, career, etc. to move forward and get better.  Further encouraged them to think about the one thing they needed to accomplish today.  “Extraordinary results are directly determined by how narrow you can make your focus” (quote from book).

Reading this book has resonated with several passages of scripture.  I mentioned to the PAX the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into the promised land after Moses died.  Specifically the passage where Joshua encourages the group to consider where their focus was… on false gods of Egypt, on false gods of the Amorites where they were standing, or in the one true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  “Choose today whom you will serve… as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15)

Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.”

Matthew 6:33-34 “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.  So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries.  Today’s trouble is enough for today.”