F3 Knoxville

Shuttle Movin Hill Hundreds

THE SCENE: Misty Mountain madness

Mosey to CMU pile and while en-route do, side steps (both sides), Kerokee both sides, Crab walk (forwards and backwards), Bear crawl (forwards and backwards).

Shuttle Movin Hill Hundreds:

Each Him grabs a stack of six CMUs and carries them to the start of the hill bowl (starting marked on pavement).  Do 50 reps at the bottom of the hill at each pavement marked station, carry one cmu to the top of the hill and do another 50 reps of the same exercise.  Come down the hill to your CMU stack and move your cmu stack to the next station however you want and then start the next exercise marked on the pavement.  The exercises are:

  1. Merkins (alternate raised with cmu)
  2. Squats
  3. Thrusters
  4. Curls
  5. American Hammers
  6. Push Press
  7. Rows

All exercises are with the cmu

Ran out of time for Mary, so used up the time trying to finish.  At the Curl station, due to time we dropped the reps down to 25 (top and bottom).  Then At the American Hammer station we dropped it to 10. Then for Push Press’s and Rows we dropped it to 5, and were still over time.   For next time suggest only have 2 CMU’s per person and only do 25 reps for a total of 50 per shuttle station.

10 HIMs,   1 new FNG (Lee) who was named “Spur”.

Verse of the day from the Bible app, with a little encouragement to memorize verses and the value of it.

Psalm 59:16 “But as for me, I will sing of Your strength. Yes, I will joyfully sing of your loving kindness in the morning. For you are my strength and my refuge in the day of my distress.”

Fight or Flight

THE SCENE: 72 degrees, clear, and humid

  • SSH x 30 (IC)
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • Windmills x 15 (IC)
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)
  • BACs F&R x 15 (IC)
  • Cherry Pickers x 5 (IC)
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)


Mosey to the west parking lot

  • Partner A sprints out and back, Partner B squats. Swap. x 2 rounds.

Mosey to the coupon pile

  • Curls, Tri-Ceps, Rows x 25, run the steps, R&R
  • Merkins, LBC’s, Weighted Squats x 25, R&R
  • Double Burpees x 5 (OYO)

Mosey to the short walls

  • CCD’s, Dips, Decline Merkins x 10, run around the walls, x 3 rounds

Mosey back to the flag

60 second hold feet up 6″


When confronted with a “no” be careful to not let your brain go into fight or flight mode. When presenting a “no” try to start with a “yes statement” of equal significance.

We definitely kept our heart rates up this morning. Everybody pushed themselves.  Proud to be a part of the JUCO group!

Ratchet Approved Wednesday

THE SCENE: Low 70s



Outhouse run & explain the workout

8 stations.  Each PAX completes a lap (all 8 stations) then does 10 burpees and an outhouse run.  Lap1=20 reps; Lap2=15 reps; Lap3=10 reps; Lap4=5 reps.

The stations:

  • Medicine ball toss
  • Merkin with KB pull under
  • Squat (60lb sand bag)
  • Bent over row (40lb sand bag)
  • OH Press (CMU)
  • Big Boys (CMU)
  • Lunges (CMU)
  • Flamingos (CMU)

Dealers choice

  • Flutter kicks (Junk)
  • Penguins (La-Z-Boy)
  • Boat/Canoe (Butters)

6 studs.  Wall Ball, La-Z-Boy, Junk, Tweet-E, Butters, Bartman


Talked about my frustration lately with “prayer requests” that basically say “I don’t quite have enough, please give me a little more”.

Junk and Tweet-E are beasts.  They completed all 4 rounds and repeated the round of 5 twice!


Three headed monster

THE SCENE: Calm, Humid, 70sih

Little of everything… Merkins, Alabama ass-kickers, jog, burpees, tempo squat, jog, BLIMPS

  • Aiken legs –>  Bernie Sanders  –> 50 yd sprint (x2)… Legs blasted, check
  • Bear crawl ring of fire –> center circle of the MRSA field. There was no safety on the ground or on your hands.
    1. 360 degrees of bear crawl –> 10 merkins.
    2. 180 degrees of boo boo bear crawl –> 10 werkins.
    3. 180 degrees of boo boo bear crawl (opposite leg) –> 10 werkins.
    4. 180 degrees of crawl bear –> 10 derkins. Arms smoked.
  • Doracides – 400 iron mikes, 250 Big boy sit-ups, and 250 dry docks.
    • partners take turns chipping away while the other runs a suicide style sprint with burpees at the turn around point. At least the end was near.


Just cause we had 3 minutes left…. gas pumpers and peter parkers.

17 strong.

After God threw man out of the garden of Eden, the first thing he did was form clothes for them. How do we extend grace to our children even when we punish them?

F3 olympics…. not sure when, but sounds like fun.

Hurricane at JUCO

Weather: cloudy, cool, waiting on rain

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Cherry Pickers


World’s Greatest Merkin

Mosey to the parking lot

  • Sprint to each line
  • 20 Merkins at each end

Bear crawl the building

Mosey to rock pile

Battle buddy up

Parking lot Dora 

  • 50 blocky Hurley
  • 100 tri extensions
  • 200 curls
  • 50 Blurkey

Rocks up

Burpee lunge past the  building

Mosey back to the AO

Tabata if time

  • Iron mikes 
  • Lizard hops
  • Tuck jumps
  • Donkey kicks

Watching “Up” this weekend with my kids 4/8, and the scenes about death came on.  Afterwards it was the questions from my 4yo:

Where is the girl?

What happens when we die?

What happens to or bodies?

What is heaven like?

Are their toys in heaven?

Do we have bed times in heaven? 


Me trying to put death into a system where a 4 year old could understand it is hard. But what I tried to explain is if we believe in Jesus, and ask him to be in our hearts we are superheros.  What I mean by that is if we believe in Jesus, we never die we live forever with Him in heaven.