F3 Knoxville

Mr. Spectacular and the Victory Lap

THE SCENE: 71 and muggy but we did not get mugged! Saw a Fox on the Ruck!

Everything based on OCHO! Team OCHO won the HHH 10 hr race so why not celebrate it with reps of 8!

SSH x 8 iC

Rockettes x8 IC in a circle with Tank calling the cadence

Squats x 8 IC

Merkins x8 IC

Shoulder taps x8 ic

Mr. Spectacular x8 OYO . Mr. Spectacular is easy if you do one, but do LOTS and LOTS of them and they suck!. Put the CMU on the ground, feet on either side of the CMU, bend over and put your hand son the ground in front of your feet, walk your hands out until you are in the push up/plank position, do a MERKIN and walk your hands back to your feet, pick up the CMU and do a thruster. repeat that about 100 times and let me know how you feel, spectacular! Not……..

  • Partner up  and make a victory lap to the Matterhorn. Partner one Farmer Scurries(run or fast walk) with 2 CMU while P2 stays behind and does 8 merkins and 8 squat jumps. Once done P2 runs to catch P1. P1 hands off CMUs to P2 and P2 takes off while P1 stays back for 8 merkins and 8 sq jumps. You get it? Do this all the way to the Base camp of Matterhorn.
  • We had 28 so we stayed with our partner. P1 ran halfway up Matter horn and does 8 Big boys(incline) while P2 stays at the bottom and does 8 Mr. spectaculars. Switch out when P1 runs back. P1 now does Mr. Spectacular and P2 runs up and does 8 big boys
  • We do this with the goal of running up the matterhorn 8 times…imagine that, 8 times!
  • Well, due to time, I think we ran up the hill 5 times. Some may have ran 6 and some may have run 4. Either way, we kept moving and NO ONE stopped! Way to work men!
  • You all are Spectacular!
  • Partner up and complete the victory lap back to the AO. Again with P1 cmu farmer scurry and P2 does exercises. then run to catch and switch up….

Just under 5 mins left for mary…

LBC x8 ic

Flutters x8 ic

Dollies x 8 IC

Proton Parkers x8 IC

Box cutters x8 IC

Plank the last 20 seconds

28 MR> SPECTACULARS where on hand for the Celebration of Team Ocho! 2 FNG, Fax and Flashback, welcome!
HIM ( High Impact man) or as Detention puts it. Humble Invest Mental. The acronym that I love and used it on TANK. he exuded ALL three this past weekend and really, the past several months, planning for the Hardship Hill event. Tank put himself last and his HUMBLE disposition was apparent(by the way, I know Tank pretty well and he is a SMARTASS too, LOL!!). He INVESTED himself for the sole purpose of raising money for OEW by dedicating a tone of time and effort into the Hardship Hill race. With the stresses of putting on such an event, he showed MENTAL toughness through out and never waivered on his attitude. Not to say deep down(like all of us) he was stressing a little, but he NEVER burdened anybody with his stresses about the event. He was always positive. Truly a HIM and I am proud to call him my F3 brotha but more importantly , my friend!
Don’t be like Tank, be your self but take the “HIM” and apply it to your everyday actions. I know I need to! Love you guys!
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Tank, when the hell is the next one!? LOL!

JUCO – Interlaken

THE SCENE: Beautiful sky and temp..  Humidity was cause for a quick sweat.

Praise the Lord for a great event this weekend.

Cherry Pickers, Lunges, Side-straddle-hops, Side toe touches, 4-count merkins

THA-THANG:  Interlaken
Using a FIFO Sprint Train,  inter link (connect) the three lakes on campus.

While one person sprints to the next exercise station, the rest of the group does the current exercise in place.  When one person finishes the sprint he calls out “Go” to the next in line person, who then stops doing the exercise and sprints to the next station.  Upon reaching the next exercise station, begin doing the next exercise until the whole group has reached the current station.  It works best if we all stay in the same order.   Sprints are designed to be mostly on the straight aways and about 100 yards.  Exercises are:

  1. Plank hold.
  2. Leg lift hold.
  3. Squat Hold.
  4. Side Plank Star Hold.
  5. Elbows to Plank.
  6. In place Lunges
  7. Rainbow Drops
  8. Windmills
  9. Burpees
  10. Side-Raises
  11. Sizzor Kicks
  12. Flutter Kicks
  13. Windshield Wipers
  14. Imperial Walkers
  15. Bicycles
  16. Toe Touches
  17. Merkins
  18. Hello Dollys
  19. Squats
  20. Big Boy Situps
  21. Jumping Jacks
  22. Cross Toe Touches


We made it to the third big lake about half way around and ran out of time on #13 Windshield wipers.  Sprint race back to the AO.

Archie, Bartman, Booster, Pink Eye, Snaggletooth, Crotch Rocket, Trolley,
Humility over Pride. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+18:12&version=NIV

Humility https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=humility&version=NASB&resultspp=25


The Importance of Battle Buddies

THE SCENE: 60s…warm



  • Merkins IC x10
  • Tempo Squats IC x10
  • SSH IC x 20
  • This/that/these/those/Michael Phelps


  1. Grab a battle buddy & mosey to the tennis court
    • DORA:  100 Burpee, 100 Iron Mike, 100 Big Boy Situps
    • Running partner bear crawl forward across the court & crawl bear back
  2. Mosey to hockey rink – keep your battle buddy
    • DORA:  100 Merkin, 100 Squats, 100 Little Baby Crunches
    • Running partner runs to the other side of the rink & back, stopping for 2 burpees each time they cross the center line
  3. Mosey to Pee Rocks – same battle buddy
    • DORA:  100 Curls, 100 Overhead Press, 100 Tricep Press
    • Running partner runs to the grass & back


  • Box cutters x 25
  • Freddie Mercury x 25

16 total:  Ratchet, Onesie, Respect, Frosty, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Tweet-E, Bowflex, I-Beam, High Heels, Sparky, Squirt, Flute Loop, Toto, Abacus, Bartman


Proverbs 13:20 – Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Who are you walking with?  Who are you spending time with?  The proverb isn’t saying you always have to be with people who are smarter than you….it says to associate with those who are wise.  These are people who are seeking Christ in their life.  These are people who lift you up and edify you, rather than tear you down.  These are people who are honest enough to tell you when you’re wrong.  So….who are you surrounding yourself with?



Hardship Hill is 2 days away.  Pray for safety for the teams and for a good time to be had by all.


THE SCENE: Warm about 70 degrees. Pollen is everywhere.

SSH X20, 10 odd count merkins, 5 Cherry Pickers

Do 10 of each exercise at each cone along the big loop.

  • Inch worms
  • Smurf jacks
  • One arm up planks
  • diamond mericans
  • 10 sec one legged stands
  • Run to top of hill at restaurant
  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Reg mericans
  • squat jumps
  • wide mericans
  • bobby hurleys
  • iron mikes
  • shoulder tap mericans
  • lunges

Flutter kicks x 30 till 6 joins then Mosey to AO
Ring of fire-leg lifts x3
19 in attendance
Talked about example of doing a mud race with my wife and being too self centered and wanting to run it and do it fast. My wife is not in the shape I’m in and really struggled. I got irritated and she could sense it and along with the fact we got there late and she hates the shape that she is in, ended up having a small panic attack. It litterly took that for my dumb ass to figure out that the day was not about me running a race but about spending time with my wife and the mother of my children.

so…..when you spend time with your family, BE THERE for them mentally as well.
Good chatter this morning and some new guys are adding some good energy to the PAX
Hardship Hill, prayers for Tanks wife

Fear the Lord


68 and clear


Quick mosie around the outhouse

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC
Some o’ this, Some o’ that

Tre UP! Get a CMU and a pair of rocks

FEAR THE LORD (Dora Exercise)

Partner 1: rock/CMU exercise

Partner 2: run to the hill

Partner 3: Hill exercise

Rock exercises: 200 total each

Flys (2 rocks)
External rotation curls (2 rocks)
ABCs (Alphabet x6)
Rows (big rock)

Tricep extensions
Hello Dolly
Elf on the shelf (lift, reach across overhead)

Lazy Boy Curls (palm up grip)
Overhead Press
Reverse crunches
Dry docks

Hill exercises: 20 each
Wide Merkins
Imperial Walkers
OPP (one armed pickle pounder)
Mountie Squats (toes out)

Didn’t we do enough during the beatdown?
Tank,  shooter, Tweety, Bowflex, Butters, Frosty, Bartman, Farva, Fluteloop, I-beam, Respect, Snitch, Wagon Wheel, Booger, Laettner,  Abacus, Detention, Woodshack, Deadhead, Ribbed, Podium, LA-Z-Boy, Waxjob, Smoker

I have a colleague w/ wisdom and maturity issues. Started praying about him, and then for him to develop more maturity and wisdom. God chuckled at me. “It takes one to know one, my boy! Don’t you remember when this was you?”

Immediately I had the words of Proverbs 9 in my head. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I do remember, because it wasn’t too long ago and I consistently fail in these same things. The fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of wisdom.

I don’t know where the end is, but the beginning of wisdom is fearing the Lord. This isn’t about being terrified or feeling guilt and shame for our wrong doing. This is about recognizing the natural order of things and in whose world we are living. Recognizing whose children we interact with every day and just how much He loves us…AND them! We are loved as sons, but we bear the responsibility to carry that name!

We all think we’re football experts. We’ll talk for hours about what needs to change. We’ll tweet endlessly, and even call into radio shows to second guess decisions. But none of us would walk into Jeremy Pruitt’s office and presume to tell him what he needs to do or how he could do it better. Why? ‘cuz that’s his world and we KNOW we don’t belong in charge of it.

Apply the same to God. You are not in control of half of what you think you are, and you mismanage most of what you are in control when you do it under your own steam. Recognize whose you are and in whose land you live…change that perspective and you’ll see some new wisdom come your way.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life. If you are wise, you are wise for yourself; if you scoff, you alone will bear it.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9:10-12‬ ‭ESV‬‬
http://bible.com/59/pro.9.10-12.esv MOLESKIN:
This was a tough workout, but a pretty fun one. Lots of mumble chatter and sore muscles. I was proud of the men.

Hardship Hill registration is full!