F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: Just 30, but with the breeze it feels colder than some of those single digit mornings the last couple of weeks.  Nice coat of snow on the grass, but the pavement’s all dry.

SSH x20 IC
Warmup lap around the parking lot
TN Rocking Chairs x20 IC
Tempo Squat x15 IC
LBAC x15 IC fwd and back
One more warmup lap
Monkey Humpers x15 IC
Snot Blowers OYO


Five 50/50s on all the beautiful snow-covered turf fields of the luxurious Truck Stop. And one parking lot.

50/50s: Sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps (25 of each exercise), sprint 50 yards, do 50 reps

Mosey over the bridge (carefully… It’s covered with snow but not really slippery) to the lot beside the Watt Road field for
50/50s: Pickle Pounders/Gas Pumps

Mosey back around to the soccer field nearest the AO for
50/50s: Carolina Dry Docks/Ice Skaters

Back to the parking lot for
50/50s: Big Boys/Dips

To the upper field (15 impromptu body weight rows at the new outhouse along the way) for
50/50s: Merkins/Squats

Watt Road field for
50/50s: 4-ct SSH, 4-ct Imperial Walkers

Final mosey around the park to pick up the Weinke pieces, back to the AO for some Roll Your Own with the exercise D12.
2 rolls for everyone, to the best of my memory, it went something like:
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Crab Walk Toe Touches
-10 Squat Jumps
-15 Burpees
-15 Star Jacks
-1 minute Jump Ropes
-15 Merkins
-15 Calf Raises
-20 Iron Mikes
-15 Burpees

15s Star Gazers after that last set of burpees…
Roll over for 15 Side Crunch IC both sides
A little bit of Protractors
25x LBC IC
AMRAP Merkins for the last minute!
5 HIMs this morning, no FNGs
I recently got the opportunity to get some constructive feedback that brought about a bit of an internal struggle for me between my ego and my rational mind. My ego wanted to go straight to being defensive or make justification/excuses for what needed improvement, but that is totally the wrong reaction. I had to take a step back mentally and make the decision to flush that ego down the toilet and open up to that feedback. Without that, I can’t improve. We’re all here in this relationship as HIMs and in our daily lives to help one another get better… Be careful not to let your ego get in the way of that process.
PAX moved fast in the cold today. Blew right through the 50/50s. Great to have Tank show up at Coffeeteria!
Alcoa CSAUP Feb 24!

Ribbed 66

THE SCENE: It was a balmy 49 degrees with a little mist as 18 men gather together for a BOM

Tempo squats 15X
Baby Arm circles (forward and backward) 15X
Some of these and those

Two lines and we Indian ran to the middle of the parking lot around the restaurant. We stopped at the break that runs down to the boat ramp and started with 11s. 10 Carolina Dry Docks and run to the other side of the split and do 1 Big boy sit up and rinse and repeat all the way down.

  • Ribbeds 66
    • lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Berny sanders to the next light pole
      • 10 Star Jaxs
    • Reverse Lunges to the next light pole
      • 10 Burpees
    • Sprit to the end of the parking lot
      • 10 tempo squats
  • Mosy to the AO stopping to do incline merkins 15X
    • 20-yard increments we did the following:
      • Bear Crawl to one side then 10 Big boys situps
      • Bunny hope to one side then 10 tempo squats
      • lunges to one side then 10 stare jax

Circle up

  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 Box cutters

18 men: LaZyBoy, Bartman, Butters, Scutter, Pogo, Frosty, junk, waxjob, Mayberry, sparky, detention, compost, abacus, shooter, Frenchie, ibeam, booger, ribbed.

Thank you all for your example and faithfulness. It’s been a year since I started working out with F3, its because of all you men that keep asking me where you been, that I keep coming. As I look to goals for 2018 I look to lead at f3 at least once a month.

Day 2 – 4 Rounds

THE SCENE: Low 40s, but hot compared to the 7 we had last week.

Mosey around the Outhouse
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Russian Swings


4 Rounds for Time

23 Russian Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)
23 Box Jumps
23 Big Boy Sit-Ups
23 Kettlebell Snatches (single arm)
23 Goblet Squats
69 Single-Unders
5 Sandbag Cleans 60#

2 min plank
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.  Consider the other side’s viewpoint before pushing your agenda!
Screeching tires and Shooter pulls up 10 minutes late – but made the most of it and jumped right in!  Welcome FNG Man Hands!

Day 1 – List of 10

THE SCENE: 35 and really warm!

Cherry Pickers 15x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 15x
Hand Release Merkins 15x


In partners – One partner runs 400m while other exercises. Then swap until all reps are completed for that exercise. Begin and end each round together, so Al Gore or plank until all in.
200 total reps of each per team= 2,000  (we made it through about 1500 reps, and over 2 miles)
Round 1 – ‘Merkins
Round 2 – Alternating Lunges (1 leg=1)
Round 3 – Mountain Climbers (2-count)
Round 4 – Big Boy Sit-ups
Round 5 – Carolina Drydocks (1=1)
Round 6 – Squats
Round 7 – Overhead Press
Round 8 – Bobby Hurleys
Round 9 – AbClaps
Round 10 – Burpees

AbClaps aren’t that great of an exercise

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups to invigorate male community leadership. We need to be constantly reminded of our mission so we know who we are and why we’re here. The same is true in your life. What is your mission? Can you articulate your mission clearly?  Probably worth spending some time to craft it, so it rolls off your tongue..

Hills & Elevators

THE SCENE: a nice warm 33 degrees



Stretch a little & stay moving:  Run in place, 5 merkins, back to running, 10 Side Straddle Hops, back to running, 10 merkins


  1. Mosey to the Dawn Wall for some work
    • 7s:  squat jumps at top / merkins at bottom
  2. Mosey to the coupon pile
    • 4 corner elevators in parking lot
      • Corner 1:  10 Burpees
      • Corner 2:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press
      • Corner 3:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat
      • Corner 4:  10 Burpees; 20 OH Press; 30 Goblet Squat; 40 Big Boys (with rock)
      • (ran out of time on way down the escalator….had to audible the reps)
      • Corner 1 descending:  20 OH Press; 20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys
      • Corner 2 descending:  20 Goblet Squat; 20 Big Boys


  • Had to make it quick…not much time
    • Hello Dolly x 20
    • Hello Dolly (on elbows) x 10

3 strong at JUCO today:  Booster, Neutron, Bartman

Yesterday in Sunday school we talked about the importance of having individuals we are praying for.  I shared with the men today the idea of having a Top 5….that is, 5 people you are specifically praying for on a daily basis who are lost.  As you continually lift these 5 people up in prayer it will also create a top-of-mind awareness for you to look for opportunities to be bold and insert salt & light & grace in that person’s life.

Disclaimer:  non-original material.  The “elevator” portion was straight-up stolen from a beat down Proton delivered at the Dog Pound a few months ago.  Gotta give credit where it’s due – it was a good one and worth repeating!