F3 Knoxville

12 Pains of Christmas

THE SCENE: Cold and foggy

  1. Projectivator
  2. Cherry picker
  3. Tempo squat
  4. Tempo merkin


Death march to a hill in the ORAU parking lot

Start at 1 burpee, then run up and down the hill.  Then do 2 Imperial Squalkers + 1 burpee and run up and down the hill.  Continue in sequence.

  1. Burpee
  2. Imperial Squalkers
  3. Basilisks
  4. Merkins
  5. Big Boys
  6. Lunges
  7. Side straddle hops
  8. Prone rows
  9. Diamond merkins
  10. Heels to heaven
  11. Squats
  12. Burpees

Return to shovel flag

Isaiah 40:27-31.  Let us remember who God is and who we are.

Christmas parade, family workout, and Christmas party are all this Saturday.

Grateful Cards

THE SCENE: Cold and gloomy

1. Run around the parking lot
2. Projectivator
3. Cherry Picker
4. Tempo merkins
5. Tempo squat


  1. Draw a card; do number in reps of:
    1. Clubs – LBCs
    2. Spades – Big Boys
    3. Diamonds – Merkins
    4. Hearts – Squats
    5. Joker – 1 burpee (double for each joker)
  2. Each PAX takes a turn drawing a card
  3. After each time around the circle, do a flutter kick ring of fire
  4. Add all jokers to the remaining deck and shuffle
  5. Run a lap around the parking lot with burnie, high knees, and butt kicks



  • The more we have, the less grateful we are.
  • Challenge: daily gratefulness session
  • Example:  I’m thankful for Kickflip and his humble and authentic leadership.  I have ordered Jotham’s Journey based on his suggestion in the newsletter this week to read with my family during Advent.
  • Psalm 100

FNG:  Wet Bandit

Dora B.L.I.M.P.S – Strength Under Control

THE SCENE: 55 and clear skies. The gloomiest of glooms.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Dutifully and “unprofessionally” administered.


  • SSH x15
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers x10
  • Abe Vigoda x10 
  • Willy Mays Haze x9
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • FLBAC x10
  • RLBAC x10
  • Grady Corn x10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs x10 (This is where the wincing *read growth* began.)
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x10
  • SSH x10


Mosey for 11s on the “Little Baby Hill”. Hurleys at the bottom. Big Boys at the top.

Mosey to the fountain.

Grab a battle buddy for Dora. Pax one performs exercises below. Pax two bear crawls to the fountain and mosey back.

  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Lunges (double single count)
  • 150 Imperial Walkers (double count)
  • 200 Merkins
  • 250 Plank Jacks
  • 300 Squats


Flutter Kicks (IC – 15)
Basilisk (IC – 10)


Matthew 5:5 – “Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”

Often when a word is translated, we get the meaning but lose the all the underlying intent. The Greek word for “meek” is praus. We usually interpret that as gentle or humble, which it does mean that. But the background to the word Praus is actually loaded with something like,  “strength under control”.  It’s original use comes from something close to meaning a powerful horse that is tamed.

Matthew 21:5 says, “Look, your king is coming to you, humble (same word – praus) and mounted on a donkey.” This doesn’t mean weak. When we think about it, Jesus was the epitome of “strength under control”

Today, if we’re honest, guys typically struggle with taming their behaviors/habits, appetite (Hello, Halloween candy), thinking (negative self talk), bodies, temper, ego, sexual desires, worldly desires (spend money), etc.

How does one bring strength under control? Discipline.

3 Types of Discipline

  1. Reactive Discipline – when you’re tempted or drawn into something
    (eh hem…Halloween candy last night?). It’s important to know when you’re weakest and what to avoid.
  2. Structural Discipline – routines and habits that make you better.
    The best way to create a habit is to link it to something else.
  3. Expansive Discipline – opportunities for growth, “doing it anyway”
    In the face of fear, hesitation, difficulty, etc.
    Almost always thankful I did what I was most afraid of
    The more dread, the more reward.

Exercise meekness (praus) in your life.
Cultivate and strengthen the 3 types of discipline in your life – Reactive, Structural, Expansive. Know you have the strength to do what needs to be done. Know you have the discipline to control it.

Welcome FNG – Blindspot! Prayers for Ocho finishing up doctoral work deadlines and for Mathlete traveling for work.

Brolympics – Nov 5! Get signed up! See Slack for details!
Christmas Parade is happening! We’re signed up! Watch Slack for details!

Death to Granbak

THE SCENE: Cool, clear, and gloomy

  1. Projectivator – from 13
  2. Tempo merkins
  3. Tempo squats
  4. Overhead clap
  5. Cherry pickers
  6. Run a lap and explain the set up


The evil dwarf Granbak stole the children’s Halloween candy.  We must band together as a noble fellowship to save the candy and defeat the monsters.

  1. Chased by wolves to the pool wall.  10 wall ups and climb over the wall to escape.
  2. Mosey to playground. Monkey bar through the jungle.
  3. Stuck in quicksand.  5 pull ups to get out.
  4. Mosey to amphitheater.  Attacked by bears.  Pretend to be a bear by bear crawling up the hill.
  5. Mosey to the dwarf forge (recruiting center) and steal weapons (CMUs).
  6. Caught by a dwarf.  20 thrusters to intimidate him.
  7. Carry to the stairs.
  8. We fell into a trap set by Granbak.  Heavy squat ring of fire.  One adventurer climbs the stairs with his block.
  9. Tricep extension ring of fire; rifle carry hold when not counting. One adventurer climbs the stairs with his block.
  10. After escaping the ring of fire, we tip toe (heavy lunge) to the bank drive through (so we don’t fall into another trap).
  11. Granbak can only be defeated by each of us doing 100 heavy ab exercises.
    1. 20 big boys
    2. 20 flutter kicks
    3. 20 freddy mercuries
    4. 20 LBCs
    5. 20 American Hammers
  12. Return weapons to the forge.
  13. Mosey to amphitheater.  Crawl bear down the hill.
  14. Mosey to the playground.  Monkey bar through the jungle.
  15. Mosey to pool wall.  10 wall ups.
  16. Return to flag.

Tuba graced us with a round of 13 prone rows.


  1. October 31 is…….. Reformation Day!
  2. Martin Luther posted his Ninety Five Theses on this day in 1517
  3. This action led to serious consequences for Luther.
  4. He was tried for heresy and ultimately excommunicated.
  5. Standing up to the most powerful institution on Earth was a huge act of bravery.
  6. Would you be able to face a giant like this?
  7. Joshua 1:9 – Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

Oak Ridge Halloween event tonight!  Brolympics on Nov. 5.  Clothing and food drives ongoing.

What needs to go?

THE SCENE: Crisp, clear autumn morning. Couldn’t hope for better.

  • Slow windmills
  • Imperial walkers
  • Cheer leaders
  • Cherry pickers
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Up dog/Down dog
  • Right plank/left plank


  • Mosey to pool wall for 10 Wall-pees
  • 4 rounds:
    • 20 jungle boi squats
    • 5 pull ups
    • 20 merkins
    • 5 wall-ups
  • Mosey to amphitheater and do 3 rounds
    • 20 LBCs
    • 20 flutter kicks
    • 20 Freddies
    • 20 awkward turtles
    • Bear crawl up the hill
    • 5 burpees
  • Mosey to fountain and do 2ish rounds until time
    • 20 dips
    • 20 step ups
    • 20 dry docks (or Der-docks for +)
    • 20 BBS
    • 20 Iron Mikes
  • RTF

Pulled in Erector for Heels to Heaven and Skewer for some Hammers

In my pre-blast, I mentioned the need to make hard choices over the next couple months, and I wanted to expand on this just a bit.

I, personally, have been buried with too much stuff. After the relative low of the past couple years, my self-regulation was totally out of whack, and I have said yes to WAY too many things. All good things that bring value when done right, but doing it right requires time to think and plan, which is impossible when there isn’t even enough time to drive between them.

While this is partly a result of a desire to be generous, that isn’t the whole story. When I really scrutinize my inner most thoughts, there are also elements of self-importance, image, and arrogance.

Self-importance in the sense that it is affirming to feel responsible, to have others look to me.

Image in the sense that I want people to see me as the guy who “does it all”. To say things like “I don’t know how you do it”

Arrogance in the sense that I have rather too high an opinion of my own ability and how it compares to others.

In short, it’s ME focused. In F3 we are peer led, not just to make it easier, but because when I give someone else the lead, it gives them an opportunity to develop their skills. It also diffuses the tendency of groups to orbit around strong personalities.

The image that I should be most focused on is the one I project to my 2.0s. I sought involvement because I saw my father as being uninvolved, but now I see that I can be just as disconnected from them when I’m too involved. My attention for them is sacrificed when I must attend to the group.

So now, I find myself working through the new problem, what needs to go.
Just great to be back with the pack.
Halloween event Thursday, 6-8 (setup at 4). Brolympics Nov 5. Christmas parade December 10.