F3 Knoxville

Welcome Back Dora – Lo hicimos!

THE SCENE: A cozy 34 with minimal cloud cover and a 6mph northeasterly wind.

Check and check!

SSH (x10)
Willie Mays Hayes (x10)
Tempo Squats (x10)
Cherry Pickers (of the Knoxville variety) (x10)
FLBAC (x10)
RLBAC (x10)
Cherry Pickers (of the Chattanooga variety – if you don’t feel it in your fingers, it’s a modification!) (x10)
Grady Corn (x10)
SSH (x10)

Mosey to the track.

Pax partner up for a Two-Man Dora with a lap around the track in between each round! Partners complete reps collectively. One pax traveled from sideline to cones at the center of the football field and back, the other works the reps, then flapjack. Once total reps complete, both HIM’s take a lap.

Round 1 – 150 Merkins | Travel: Imperial Walkers | Lap
Round 2 – 150 BBS | Travel: Lunges | Lap
Round 3 – 200 Squats | Travel: Bear Crawl | Lap
Round 4 – 150 American Hammers | Bernies | Lap
Round 5 – 150 Carolina Dry Docks | Grapevine | Lap

Mosey to the flag for Mary.

MARY: Dealer’s Choice
Bobbitt – LBCs (x15)
Borg – Freddie Mercury (x20)
Tuba’s back row thingies that cause YHC to regurgitate his morning coffee (x20)
Mathlete – Hello Dollies (x25)

YHC discussed the difficulty of having to talk about death to someone who was dying. Shared about experiencing doubt, fear, and hesitation. Often we are asked to do hard things that create this kind of reaction in our lives.

YHC also discussed a podcast in which a pilot in training had lost an engine and the plane started going out of control. The trainer simply came over the coms and said “Kick its @$$” (pardon YHC’s crudity) to which the pilot responded by mustering up a ferocity to quell the fear and take control of the plane.

F3 has been the primary place that YHC has learned to recognize the voices of hesitation and doubt, primarily when the alarm goes off to head to the gloom. It has also been the place to recognize the voices of other pax that speak truth and encouragement in the face of doubt.

Romans 5:3-5 says, “And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope…”
We know how this works

We know how this works. The more we do difficult things, the more we experience endurance. The more endurance, the more character. The more character, the more hope. However, Paul continues…

“…and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.”

We not only need learn to listen to the lies of doubt, worry, and hesitation, we need HIM’s around us to help us hear otherwise and “Kick its Boutté”, but we also must learn to listen to the Spirit within us. This is an assurance of God’s work within us which fortifies and strengthens our hope.

You know things are getting severe when Snaggletooth lets out the “Cha-hoo!” Borg noted that one should refer to the King James Version of Luke 14:5 if bothered by YHC’s crude language. It’s been a while since the Project has done a “do do do do do Dora!” YHC was happy to provide her welcome return. “We did it!” Fun was had by all.

Operation Christmas Child boxes were distributed to fill and return by Thursday. The Oak Ridge Christmas Parade will be Saturday, Dec 11 from 6-8pm. All F3 men and families are welcome to participate and hand out candy and F3 flyers.

Totem Pole

THE SCENE:  So nice.

Round robin

The Real Cherry Pickers
Moroccan nightclub
Tempo Squats
Tempo merkins
Imperial Squawkers


Mosey to the pool wall – 10 Wall-ups

Mosey to the playground, partner up.  Partner 1 does max pull-ups.  Partner 2 matches P1’s reps with burpees.  Switch – repeat x4

Mosey to the amphitheater.  10 box jumps, 10 derkins.  Repeat


Totem Pole:  Do all exercises in the set then run.

Next time, skip the highest rep exercise and repeat sequence until finished.

Exercises were;

12        Burpees

11        Squats

10        Werkins

9          LBCs (4-ct)

8          Flutter kicks (4-ct)

7          Hello Dolly (4-ct)

6          Bobby Hurleys

5          Carolina Dry Docks

4          Broad jumps

3          Diamond Merkins

2          Donkey kicks

1          Clap Merkin




Mosey to parking lot.

30 squats, 30 second Al Gore – sprint
30 merkins, 30 second plank – sprint

Repeat for 20/20 seconds, 10/10 seconds







Philippians 4:8

“…whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Also revisited the fundamentals of F3;

The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership.

It’s not just about the workout – “it’s more than a workout”.  The purpose is to inspire your leadership as a man, a father, a friend, a husband.  You post at F3 to become motivated to be a better version of yourself.  “Leave no man behind, leave no man where you found him.”

5 core principles: Free of Charge, Open to All Men, Held Outdoors, Peer-led, Ends with a Circle of trust.

“ISI” – Iron Sharpens Iron.  Proverbs 27:17: “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another”.

F3 has a leadership model that they call the Q Source – 52 elements divided into four quadrants; Get Right, Live Right, Lead Right, Leave Right.

The ultimate goal of F3 is to mold you into a HIM – a high-impact man. A man who leads and who serves and lives third.  Living third means choosing to live and serve God, family and/or community, and then yourself.



Prayers for Bobbitt as he presides over a tough funeral today – grace and peace, brother.

Prayers for Rocket’s son’s friend, Ty – and his family.

The Nine Worthies

THE SCENE: Crisp 40s, mixed sky above.

  • SSHs
  • Tempo Squats
  • LBACs
  • Tempo merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Fence steppers
  • Cat Cows
  • Hip bridges
  • Cherry Pickers


  • Mosey to the recruiting center
  • Pick up CMUs and transport to theater stairs
  • Nine exercises in three groups of three
    • Legs
      • Squats
      • Lunges
      • Heel raises
    • Arms
      • Curls
      • Dips
      • OHP
    • Core
      • Heavy LBCs
      • Heavy Freddies
      • Heavy Hammers
    • Pyramid each group 5-10-15, then pyramid all 9. After each round, run the stairs.

No time.


The “Nine Worthies” is a set of nine figures who exemplify the ideals of chivalry, and whose lives were thus deemed valuable to study for aspirants to chivalric status (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_Worthies). Composed of three sets of three: three pagans, three Jews, and three Christians.

  • Pagans
    • Hector
    • Alexander the Great
    • Julius Caesar
  • Jews
    • Joshua
    • David
    • Judas Maccabeus
  • Christians
    • King Arthur
    • Charlemagne
    • Godfrey of Bouillon

Godfrey of Bouillon – French nobleman who was instrumental in retaking the city of Jerusalem in 1099. He was offered the title of King of Jerusalem. He agreed to rule, but refused the title of king, saying:

Why would I bear the name of a king in a place where my savior was crowned with reproaches?
Why would I take a scepter in my hand where he took a cross upon his shoulders?
Why would I suffer a crown of gold upon my head where he received a crown of thorns?

This is a high standard, to give up everything and work hard, but at the moment when it seems that you are finally ascending, to give up the glory to God. Godfrey wasn’t perfect, but to respond with such virtue in the face of such a test is worth remembering a thousand years later.
Here is the podcast I was listening to that contained most of this content: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5Yi95ok0Xo&t=4225s.
Coat collection, Christmas parade.

Welcome Three-peat!

THE SCENE: 50s dark and misty.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: followed as suggested

  • seal claps (IC) 4ct
  • Imperial squakers
  • rapid merkins, 4ct (3 half way and full hand release on 4th)
  • upward and downward dog


Mosey to the blocks
  • Archers (5 left, 1 center, 5 right)
  • full length, half low, half high, full length (5 each)
  • Diamond stress form (10)
  • Wide with hands pointing out
  • push until hands come off ground (10)
  • decline (10)
  • Incline (10)
  • Circle of pain, starting at 6, reduce until 0.
Biceps, finish below circuit then bear crawl to other side and repeat. Repeat below going from 5, 10, 15, 20 reps.
  • full curls
  • Right arm curl
  • Left arm curl
  • triceps
We finished by making a snake line indian run to block. went until failure.
Run back to AO


Mary (45 sec exercise, 15 sec rest)
  • Scissors
  • Flutter
  • heals to heaven
  • start fish
  • stair master (on back 4 steps up and 4 steps down)
  • side crunch
  • side crunch
  • push-up plank jacks
  • leg lift



thought about what Bobbit said about treating yourself like you treat others. we took 30sec of silent self reflection and then asked for forgiveness.


Coat collection announcement made

Navy PFA Day

THE SCENE: Crisp fall morning with a startling moon, waxing gibbous, on the horizon.

  • SSH
  • Tempo squats
  • LBACs
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Fence Steppers
  • Leg Swings
  • Cherry pickers

Navy Physical Fitness Assessment: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Support/21stCenturySailor/Physical/Guide%205-Physical%20Readiness%20Test%20%20(MAR%202021).pdf?ver=ZDdLAwzZ_GJnePr1gOgkxA%3D%3D

Max Merkins in 2 minutes. Hold a plank as long as possible. Run 1.5 miles as fast as you can.

Here are the scores, for posterity: Erector – 270, Borg – 265, Biohack – 260, Rocket – 225, Mathlete – 225, Snaggletooth – 220, Bobbit – 220, Kickflip – 205

In honor of Naval Efficiency, we went WAY over, no time for Mary.
Draw your attention to the final verse of two important, patriotic songs:

Navy Hymn (Eternal Father Strong to Save):
O Trinity of love and power
Our brethren shield in dangers hour
From rock and tempest, fire and foe
Protect the where so ere they go
Thus evermore shall rise to thee
Glad hymns if praise from land and sea

The Star Spangled Banner:
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation!
Blest with vict’ry and peace may the heav’n rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto – “In God is our trust,”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land  of the free and the home of the brave.

The beginning of a song sets the tone, but the ending drives home the core message. Both of these songs make clear the heart of their message – In the end, it is God who preserves and protects, brings victory and peace, and deserves Glad hymns of our praise.

This fundamental truth is vital to successfully navigate in our world today. I find that C.S. Lewis’s observations, in the voice of Screwtape, are as poignant today as they were in 1942.

I had not forgotten my promise to consider whether we should make the patient an extreme patriot or an extreme pacifist. All extremes, except extreme devotion to the Enemy, are to be encouraged. Not always, of course, but at this period. Some ages are lukewarm and complacent, and then it is our business to soothe them yet faster asleep. Other ages, of which the present is one, are unbalanced and prone to faction, and it is our business to inflame them.

Lewis, C. S.. The Screwtape Letters (p. 32). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.

We are prone to faction, and it is important to remember that extreme patriotism serves diabolical designs just as readily as patriotism’s opponents. The key to combating this temptation is not special to it – keep God first. Be obedient first to His Call, His Law, and His Love. In so doing, what might have been devotion to a mere principality is elevated to the realm of the sacred participation in His ongoing restoration of creation. However, I have seen cases where church participation seems to be just one act of American cultural participation, equally valuable as rooting for your college football team or going to Disney World. When these priorities are out of order, if we worship country over God, then the angel that has watched over us in the past falls and becomes a devil.
Went WAY over time, definitely need to streamline when we revisit this for progress.
Collecting coats for KARM, bring them to workouts.
Halloween Bash for Oak Ridge kids at Bissell October 28th.
Start thinking about the Oak Ridge Christmas Parade on December 17th.
Brovember activities and scoring details available on Slack.