F3 Knoxville

No Glove Love, Equalizer Style

THE SCENE: low 70’s & humid

Jog around the parking lot, bernie around the parking lot, cherry pickers, windmills, & quad stretching
Mosey to the bathrooms!!!

20 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
19 lunges & a 30 second wall squat
repeat to 1/30

Bernie to the parking lot between the pavilion and the splash pad
Rinse and repeat the following 3-5X:
20 elevated heel squats on the curb stops at the splash pad
20 monkey humpers at the island with rocks
20 (10 each leg) Bulgarian Split Squats

Mosey back to the Flag for the Mary in whatever time remains.
Hello Dolly’s
Big Boys
Glute and Quad Stretching

See above


I talked about my struggle to pray when times are good, and my desire to pray when times are tough.  I recently dropped my daughter off at a camp in Palo Alto CA.  She is 15, and we were both struggling at the prospect of her being on her own.  I finally left her, and I was a wreck emotionally.  I took a long walk around the Stanford Campus to clear my head and spent a lot of time in prayer.

My daughter met some people and did great, and I hailed an UBER back to San Francisco.  I encountered the best driver I have ever had.  He had over 28,000 trips and maintained a 4.99 star rating out of 5.  Nasim was a Jordanian immigrant.  He retired from the grocery business, and drives UBER for fun.  He loves people, and was raised as a Christian in Jordan, before immigrating to the US.  We had a delightful conversation, and he was an answer to prayers, and maybe even an angel.  Nasim and I swapped numbers and he texted me the next day (Father’s Day) to see how I was doing.

We need God all of the time, not just when things are rough, the challenge this week is to remember that and spend some time in prayer.  God is real, He is there just waiting for you to have a relationship with Him.



Convergence 7/2

Tour de Equalizer part 2

THE SCENE: 72 and slightly humid.

1 burpee

5 cherry pickers

30 SSH


Get your headlamp and let’s go.

Mosey over to the trails and three different spots that we do the following

  • 20 each
    • Merkins
    • squats
    • LBC

After coming out of the other sides we get to the bottom of the hill.

  • 11’s
    • man makers
    • run up to the pavalon
    • Dips
  • time crunch and run back through the trail. and in three different spots
  • 20 each
    • Merkins
    • squats
    • LBC

no time

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
1 week till convergence sign up!

The Equalizer 1K

THE SCENE: Not too muggy… yet.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Done somewhat poorly 

LBAC IC x10 each way; Tempo Squats IC x10; Cherry Pickers IC x3
Mosey to the Brickhouse to grab CMUs from their cozy homes. Choir Boy demanded he not get a painted one. Whatevs.

Carry CMUs to 1st station on the track to be used for later. Mosey to FlagPole

3 Stations are marked along the track with 3 exercises written in chalk at each station. Choir Boy tried to wash the chalk away during his warmup lap, but he failed in his efforts.

Starting from the flagpole do 25 SSH at the beginning and each time you return to the flagpole

  • Station 1 (w/ CMUs): Arms
    • Curls
    • OH Press
    • Rows
  • Station 2: Core (not “Abs” as originally stated thanks to School Zone’s observation that Mountain Climbers work more than abs, *eye-roll emoji*
    • American Hammers
    • Mountain Climbers
    • BBS
  • Station 3: Lower Body (Not “Legs” as originally stated … see above)
    • Iron Mikes
    • Squats
    • Imperial Walkers

First lap = 40 reps each

Second lap = 30 reps each

Third lap = 20 reps each

Fourth lap = 10 reps each

Fifth lap = 5 reps (It should be noted that Mouthwash and Choir Boy were the only ones to complete the 5th lap and Snitch got to the first station of the 5th lap… Extra Credit will not be counted towards your final grades you nerds)

Return CMUs to their homes and Fellowship Mosey (TM) back to the AO

Final rep Count
PAX ab roulette:

Ribbed: 10 Gas Pumpers IC (School Zone went overboard and showed us his technique from the night before)

School Zone: 15 LBCs IC as time expired
8 HIMs; 0 FNGs
Do hard things. Don’t do easy things now and put off the hard things. Make the commitment and accomplish great things.
Convergence next Saturday at JUCO. Check Slack for times and to sign up so Judge Judy has accurate numbers for coffee and breakfast.

Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Warm, yet cool morning.

Some stretching with SSH mixed in.

36 of Everythang with a lap around the island every time

Merkins, Wide Merkins, Close Merkins, Dry Docks, Lunges, Side Lunges, Squats, Superman, Skaters, Flamingos, Calf Raises and LBC’s

Its been almost 5 months since I’ve been able to really join you men.  Something has been missing in my life and its been F3 this whole time. Glad to be back in the gloom with all of you.
Don’t forget the convergence on July 2nd. Please sign up if you are attending. Also, Earmuffs is going to be a grandpa. Blindside is working on the Dr. thing and pray for Sarah.

Too Many Clock Lunges (VQ!) Speedway AO

SPEEDWAY AO. Not sure why it’s defaulting to Asylum, but I don’t have a tag for Speedway.

THE SCENE: A little humid, but otherwise perfect weather for a beatdown.

SSH x20, Tie Fighters x15 each side, Calf Raises x20
Mosey to corner of parking lot closest to playground. Bear crawl inch worm from parking lot to playground entrance: partner up and form two lines holding plank – partners at end of line bear crawl to front of line, signaling to the new caboose it’s their time to bear crawl to the front. Once to playground, same partners took turns drawing a card from deck and performing exercise while other partner runs lap around the outside playground fence. Exercises were irkins, BBSu’s, and crackalackin’ burpees. Numbered cards = number of reps, face cards = 15 reps, Aces / jokers = 20 reps. If running partner completes lap before other partner completes reps, the returning partner resumes reps where first partner left off. After a few rounds, moseyed to the grassy field next to parking lot. Pax completed a suicide style workout without partners performing 10 reps of each exercise at associated station. Station 1: Burpees, Station 2: clock lunges (way too many clock lunges. . .), Station 3: Carolina dry docks, Station 4: Bolt 30’s. Mosey back to starting point in parking lot.

Pax roulette: flutter kicks, georgia cheerleaders, diamond merkins, and more
Halfday, Doppleganger, Cow Patty, Streaker, Shoelaces, Outhouse, Trousers, Pennies, Blindside, Quad, Doctor, Rep Sleepy, Banjo
“Good and evil both increase at compound interest. That is why the little decisions you and I make every day are of such infinite importance. The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point form which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of. An apparently trivial indulgence in lust or anger today is the loss of a ridge or railway line or bridgehead from which the enemy may launch an attack otherwise impossible.” – C.S. Lewis (from Mere Christianity) Reminder that we are never staying stagnant or just existing. We are always moving in one direction or another; either in a way that builds up our relationships with God, our family, and friends, or in a way that undermines those same relationships.