F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: The brisk 40 degree weather returns!

Side straddle hops, Knox cherry pickers, Tempo merkins & squats, Tennessee rocking chairs, mountain climbers.
Rugby shuttle run to the Freedom bell

  • The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group…and beat Juco’s time in the same event last week!  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included:
    • Bodybuilders
      2 burpees (w/ merk) : 1 BB
      3 burpees (no merk): 3 BB
      1 hash = 5 BB, 10 with, 15 w/o
      20 hash marks required
    • Pull-ups
      10 Bent Over Rows : 1 PU
      1 hash = 5 PU, 50 BOR
      20 hash marks required
    • Running Laps
      1 hash = 1 lap
      20 hash marks required
    • Clean & Press (with CMU)
      2 squats : 1 C&P
      4 OHP : 1 C&P
      1 hash = 10 C&P, 20 squats, 40 OHP’s
      40 hash marks required
    • Freddy Mercuries
      2 Big Boys : 1 FM
      5 LBC : 1 FM
      1 hash = 10 FM, 20 BB, 50 LBC
      40 hash marks required
    • Clock Merkins
      20 merkins : 1 CM
      30 knee merkins : 1 CM
      1 hash = 1 CM, 20 m, 30 km
      40 hash marks required

    MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!  Beat Juco’s time by 1 minute!  Victory mosey back to the flag.

Had time for the Chumbawumba music challenge.  By the end most had some issues getting “up again”, the Q included.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.”  (Matthew 6:13, NIV)

 Temptation: Question: What’s the best way to handle temptation?  Answer:  Don’t try to handle the temptation!  Turn away from it!  “A wise man is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is arrogant and careless.” (Proverbs 14:16, NASB) It’s common sense that if you don’t want to get stung, stay away from the bees!  If you don’t want to get burned, don’t get close to the fire!  If you don’t want to fall off the cliff, don’t hang off the ledge! The goal is not to see how close you can get to temptation but rather how far away from it you can stay! Only a fool thinks they can handle temptation.  Analyze when and where you are most tempted and vulnerable, and then stay away from those situations as much as you can.

-Credit to Larry Blakeburn of First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, TN

Great to get our party crashed by three HIMs from Rampart and a Respect FNG!  An honor and privilege to lead you all this morning!
None passed.

Skeletor’s Toy Box

THE SCENE: It’s a beautiful morning

As always, ticked those boxes


  • SSH: 15 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Merkin: 10 x 4 IC
  • Tempo Squat: 5 x 4 IC
  • Little baby arm circles 10 x 4 F & 10 x 4 B
  • Chattanooga cherry picker
  • Seal claps
  • Overhead claps
  • SSH: 10 x 4 IC


Round 1 Man at each toy.

120# sandbag Mosey out, Bernie back

60# bag Dead lift

40# bag clean

40# bag overhead press

20# bag tricep extension

35# kettle bell swings

53 # kettle bell farmers carry out with right, back with left

30# rucksack merkins

20# plate heavy big boys

Mosey around for rest

Round 2

120# sandbag Mosey out, Bernie back

60# bag bent rows

40# bag curl

40# bag Heavy Squat

20# bag Dead lift to press

35# kettle bell single arm row

53 # kettle bell farmers carry

30# rucksack get ups

20# plate clean

Mosey to sign and back

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

We aren’t called to carry the burdens of life alone. Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and thereby fulfill the law of Christ.

How do we do that:

  1. Be available – This is the easiest one. Show interest in helping a brother carry his load. Ask him how he is doing, how you can pray for him.
  1. Be a listener- We as men can be  bad listeners, we want to take cation to solve the problem. Sometimes folks just want to share what’s on their heart and need someone to confide in. Be there to listen and give a hug or fist bump to say, I love you and I’ve got your back.
  1. Be a conduit – sometimes we aren’t the right people for the situation a friend is in. Be someone who points others to a friend who has dealt with something similar and has experience with the same type of pains.
  1. Be a witness – no matter what the problem, sin, or affliction, there is only one resolution, the Gospel. The Gospel is a daily reminder that we cannot do it, we need a savior, and that savior is Jesus Christ. He is the one who lived a perfect life, that we can’t live, died a righteous death that we can’t die, and rose again defeating death forever and providing a way for his children to dwell with him forever.

Carry your brothers burdens, look for opportunities to be a blessing.

Prayer requests



We are now moving to an official boot camp on Saturday at 0700. I will work with leadership to get us set. Saturday workouts are a great opportunity to EH guys and be in the community.


THE SCENE: cool 50 degrees and clear

The PAX in cadence of Windmills, the 🐉 wings, Chattanooga Cherry pickers, Knoxville Cherry pickers.
THA-THANG:  Welsh Dargon

  • 4 bear Crawls forward
  • 1 Merkin, 1 Plank Jump, 1 shoulder tap. Then 4 bear crawl backwards.
  • Run 400 meters
  •  Rince, Repeat, and add 4 Crawls to the bear crawl. Add 1 rep to other exercise.
  • X8

MARY: Thunderstruck 
Check the Exicon in Q resource


Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.
1 Corinthians 16:13‭-‬14 ESV

Growing up in the late 80s and 90s we all had some cool toys , such as G.I.Joe, Stretch Armstrong, He-Man, Hulk Hogan. And as kids we thought it was cool how Stretch could be stretched and then return to normal size. However as men when we Stretch our souls to the world and flesh we lose our soul and continue to Mar God’s image.

The G.I.jo landmine is one of the most important men because they go ahead of their family to mark the bombs and traps that would injure them. As men we need to be on guard an out of love in a meek an humble way direct our community,  family to God by living a gospel saturated life.

We should not confront thing like hulk hogan being loud and tearing clothes.. the world says thar is a real man.. a real Biblical man is one that is meek and humble


Saturday “Beatdown & Breakfast” @ Rampart

THE SCENE: Crisp with a steady autumnal wind flowing steadily off the river.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Diligently Delivered.


  • SSH x15
  • Knox Pickers x5
  • Willy Mays Hayes x6
  • Tempo Squats x10
  • Tempo Merks x10
  • Shoulder Burn
    • FLBAC x10
    • RLBAC x10
    • Seal Claps x10
    • OH Claps x10
    • Moroccan Nigh Clubs x10
    • Hallelujahs x10
    • Chatty Pickers x10
  • Michael Phelps OYO

Mosey (cut short so as to not scare the poor woman walking ahead of us…awareness is key).

PAX formed two teams of three. Each team drew a card from the deck and performed the routine designated by suit and the number on the card for each exercise. Once all four exercises are complete, mosey to the cone and back. Winning team will have completed and collected the most cards from the deck.

♦️Mucho Chesto! (We’re coming for you, Snaggletooth!)

  • Merk
  • Wide
  • Diamond
  • Uneven

♠️ Can’t Feel My Legs!

  • Squats
  • Hurleys
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Iron Mikes

♣️ My Poor Core!

  • Big Boys
  • Basilisk
  • LBCs
  • Flutter Kicks

❤️ Build-a-Burpee!

  • Merkins
  • Kickbacks
  • Squat Jumps
  • OH Clap

PAX were 3 cards short of finishing the deck at time.

No time. Sorry, Mary. Next time.


The word “diligent” has been standing out to YHC lately. There’s a sign on the turnpike YHC passes every day.

Proverbs 13:4 “The lazy have strong desires but receive nothing; the appetite of the diligent is satisfied.”

Hebrew word for “diligent” is charuwts. Related to skillfully mining for gold. Mining for gold takes diligently digging. Once you stop digging, the likelihood of finding gold is zero. In Jewish wisdom “A rabbi is the geologist of the soul. He can show you where to dig and what to dig for. But the digging you must do yourself.”

The most practical skill in life is learning to do things when you don’t feel like doing them. Anyone can do it when it’s easy, but most people drop out the minute easy stops. Muhammad Ali was asked how many sit-ups would do to prepare for a fight. “I don’t count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting. When I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, because that’s when it really counts.” Doing something when it’s difficult is when it counts the most!

The person who is consistent outperforms the person who is not every time. Inconsistent effort might get SOME results for the things that really matter you need to be consistent.

If you want to be consistent, you need strategies to keep you going when things are hard.

  • Create habits so that you can set important things on autopilot.
  • Categorically remove the option to quit.
  • Keep the real goal in front of you.

On the last point, Piston reminded us last week of Christ who kept before Him the ultimate goal. Heb 12 says “Who for the joy set before him endured the cross.”

Galatians 6:9 says, “So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up.” F3 is place to practice diligence so you can make hard choices in life and in faith.


  • Welcome FNG “Thai Hot”!
  • *Sidebar: Apparently, ordering Thai Hot is not a good decision the night before an F3 beatdown. Thank you Skeletor for your investigation into this mystery. Inquiring minds. Props to you and Thai Hot for also not sharing last night’s delectable Thai dinner with the rest of the PAX this morning. YHC is impressed and surprised…and maybe a little disappointed. That’s diligence!
  • Prayers for hurricane victims, our Airforce HIMs, Binks’ family, and Foghorn Leghorn.

Brolympics in November!
SYITG Monday morning, boys! ISI!

Now THAT’S Impressive

THE SCENE:  High 40s and clear.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered



IPC Week 4!

  1. 100 Gas Pumpers
  2. 50 Jump Rope
  3. 1 mile run
  4. 25 Hello Dollies
  5. 25 Burpees
  6. 50 Jump Rope
  7. 400-meter run
  8. 25 Hand Release Merkins
  9. 25 V-Ups
  10. 50 Jump Rope
  11. 400-meter run
  12. 25 Leg Raises
  13. 25 Jungle Boi Squats
  14. 50 Jump Rope
  15. 400-meter run
  16. 25 4-count flutter kicks
  17. 25 Bonnie Blairs (hard way)
  18. 50 Jump Rope
  19. 400-meter run
  20. 100 Big Boy Sit-ups
  21. 50 Jump Rope
  22. 1 mile run




Me and 13 of the best men I know


You finished Week 4 of the Iron PAX Challenge!  Impressive!  You ran 3 miles and completed 700 reps of exercises!  Very impressive!

You know what I find MORE impressive?

  • All 14 of you set an alarm to go off this morning. You got yourself out of bed and came out here knowing what we were planning to do.  Your determination is impressive. 
  • At one time, each one of you came out here in the dark, without knowing another man, and decided to give it a go. If you were like me, your first day kicked your butt – but you came back.  Your resolve is impressive.
  • Many of you have done this for months or years on end. Continually subjecting yourself to these trials to become an increasingly better version of yourself – and to challenge your brothers out here to do the same.  Your consistency is impressive. 
  • Many of you lead Qs. You lead five to ten other men in exercises, a thought, and a prayer.  It might be uncomfortable and intimidating, but you do it because you know that you get better at leading by practicing leading.  Your leadership is impressive.
  • When you lead, several of you have shared from the heart – your struggles, your challenges, your setbacks – you’ve been transparent in this ball of man. That takes real courage.  We may impress each other with our strengths, but we relate to each other through our weaknesses.  Your transparency is so impressive. 

Iron sharpens iron and that’s what we are doing out here.  Each and every one of you made a commitment to be here.  I watch you getting stronger and faster, building your endurance, building your toughness, growing your faith, growing as leaders, and challenging the rest of us to do the same.  That is so impressive and I’m grateful for you men.

Throughout scripture, Jesus was impressed by people on several occasions.  What was it that impressed Him?  Not material things…  Not power…

Jesus is impressed by humility.

  • He said, “Whoever humbles himself like child…is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Mathew 18:4).
  • The Canaanite woman who said “even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table” impressed Jesus (Matthew 15:27).
  • About the sinful tax collector who beat his chest and prayed, “God, be merciful to me a sinner”, Jesus said he left justified (Luke 18:14).

Jesus is impressed by faith.

  • The centurion in Capernaum who pleaded, “just say the word, and my servant will be healed…” – impressed Jesus (Matthew 8:10)
  • About the blind beggar near Jericho, Jesus said, “Your faith has made you well.” (Luke 18:42).
  • All over Scripture we read about Jesus in heaven sitting at the right hand of God. In Mathew, Mark, Luke, John, Hebrews, Colossians, Revelation… And then there is a description in Acts 7.  Stephen, just before he is killed for his faith, looks to heaven and sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God.  You know what literally gets Jesus on His feet?  Persistent faith.

Maybe we could train ourselves to be impressed by the same – faith and humility. 


I wish I could say it as elegantly as he did… Ocho mentioned after the BOM that faith and humility are hand-in-hand with each other.

I’m impressed by Ocho for coming out these last couple of months and showing real progress in his fitness.  You’ve showed grit, brother!

Likewise, I’m impressed by Papa Lock for making time in his crazy schedule to post several times a week – he too is making steady progress.  Stick with it – and you’ll be unrecognizable in a year!

I’m impressed by Skewer for leading Qs – each one better than the last – and for courageously sharing his struggles during some of his BOMs.

I’m impressed by Slappy for posting today – despite his injuries – and gutting it out through the entire IPC.  GRIT.

I’m impressed by Borg for being able to run circles around me at 59 years old – and for continuing to demonstrate that age is just a number.

I’m impressed by Rocket for his long-term steadiness and tenacity to work through obstacles and keep getting stronger

I’m impressed by Boy George for nearly completing his insane race last weekend

I’m impressed by Erector for conceiving this merry band of misfits – and for being a machine out there today.

I’m impressed by Bobbitt, who has been with us for a little over a year and has totally transformed his fitness level – and emerged as one of the region’s best AOQs.

I’m impressed by Tuba for the steadfastness he demonstrates in his life and his parenting – and for wearing shorts even in the dead of winter

I’m impressed by 3-Peat for his resolve to show up over and over again – not listening to the devil on his shoulder telling him to sleep in today

I’m impressed by Oh Brother for posting with us just days after moving to town – and coming back out two days in a row now

I’m impressed by Mathlete for leading this group well and challenging us all to accelerate our fitness, fellowship, and faith.


  • Today – Shovel flag handoff at the Asylum PM
  • Oct 8 – 2.0 Workout
  • Oct 27: Halloween event in Oak Ridge
  • Nov 5: Brolympics at the Asylum
  • Dec 10: Oak Ridge Christmas parade