F3 Knoxville

Peacock Invitational Kraken

SCENE: 65° & sweaty



  • SSH IC | Grady Corns IC
  • SSH IC | Windmills IC 
  • Cherry Pickers IC | Rockettes IC


Mosey to the top of the Equalizer. Kraken. Pick station, complete 5 reps of the prescribed exercise, then run a full lap around the course to the next station. Rinse and repeat. On each subsequent round, add 5 reps to each exercise. Push yourself & push each other. Try to catch the guy in front of you. Stations included:

  • PullUps//Burpees – bottom of splash pad ramp
  • Step Ups – top of splash pad ramp
  • Dips – picnic tables
  • Mountain Climbers- splash pad handicap exit
  • Merks – below splash loading zone
  • Flutter Kicks – midpoint of splash pad parking
  • CDD – end of parking lot under light
  • Squats – top of curvy parking


  • Box Cutters IC 


  • Bend down & grab toes
  • Figure 4
  • Child pose
  • Cobra Kai/upward dog


BOM: The first temptation of every leader is to misuse our power to take instead of to give. -Glenn Packiam

Don’t be Conformed

THE SCENE: 74 and Humidity with a beautiful moon.

1 Burpee

20 grady corn

20 SSH

Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn

  • start a t the bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position and do 25 SSH. R&R 4 times, totaling one hundred of the exercise.
  • round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
    • Mosey to the bottom of the steps
  • Round 2: LBC (Single Count)
    • Mosey to the pee rocks pile
  • Round 3: Lunches (Single Count)

Romans 12 :2


Small, medium or large

THE SCENE: Steady light rain, nice actually

Regular stuff
Mosey to the marina clubhouse.
Small: CMU and burpees, Medium: 2.5’ pole and squat jumps, Large: 3+’ log and Merkins

split up into groups of 3. One person from each group carries their item to the con while their team runs ahead. The team does the exercise associated with the item until their item reaches the con. Then you switch with a teammate and continue down the trail of cones to the Matterhorn and the pull up bars. Do five pull-ups and then repeat heading back to start. Once at start, teams switch items and repeat until all three teams have carried all three items. Once complete, all teams run to cones and do 10 Merkin (3 times) and Cobra Kais (3 times). All hang from bars until 6 catches. Then 10 knee ups. Mosey back to start stopping at each cone for 20 LBCs.
Everyone take turns carrying items back to AO


  • Sometimes
  • bulleted
  • lists
  • are
  • handy.
  • in this case they were not.

Marge Simpsons led by Tweet-E since the Q didn’t know what the correct form of a Marge Simpson was. Some other stuff and then something else. Maybe something else too but not sure.
Prayer and worship. Spoke to the packs about prayer not being some grand rehearsed spectacular thing, but rather a communication with our father. It’s not for others but for him. Same with worship, we don’t need to worry about how good our voice sounds or who hears us and what they may think. We just need to worship our father.
So last night was one of the worst nights of sleep I’ve had in a while. Not showing up was not going to be an option. Glad I did. I need to make it out more often, but the bed feels so good in the morning. I have this memory foam pillow and it’s so nice. I probably should give it a name. We have a memory foam mattress pad to. It’s pretty awesome. I don’t think I should give it a name. Our blankets are regular type blankets but are very comfortable. Although last night none of this helped me. It was a bit hot in my room last night because we forgot to turn the air down. That sucks. I went out and slept in the living room and it was too cold because there’s two vents in that room. I felt like Goldilocks I was looking for baby bears bed, but sadly there was no baby bear bed, so I went back to the big bears bed in my room and it was cooler then so I might have slept 15 to 20 minutes. I was thirsty so I got something to drink, not beer. I did fall asleep for a little bit after that and remember dreaming about beating people up that were bullies. I mean like really beating them up. One of them I remember throwing over a fence when I was done with him. They kept coming back with more of their friends to try and beat me to no avail. I kind of felt bad when I woke up. Do you have  dreams like that? I like dreams. Dreams are fun. I like to have fun. Do you like to have fun? You know what’s funny? Monkeys are funny. They throw their poop sometimes. I hope those of you that are reading this are wondering what the heck is he talking about, did he come off his meds or something? Then again I don’t think anybody reads this. If you are reading this, I’m not off my meds, I don’t even take meds…well sometimes ibuprofen. Anyway, if you are still reading this then put a monkey emoji under the post on slack. Then you will be in the secret society of people that read Tank’s backblasts and I will send you a decoder pin in the mail telling you to drink more Ovaltine. Till then, have a wonderful day my brothers
CSAUP, forgot to mention snack drive.

Chumbawamba and Tabata

THE SCENE: late spring morning kinda cool kinda meh

 1 Burpee

Chumbawamba – Play the song by the same name and do SSH. Every time you hear the line “I get knocked down” you do a burpee then keep up the SSH. We did 28 burpees.

mosey over the tennis court. Tabata workout 5 rounds of the following exercises for 40 seconds with a variable rest time between

  • V-up
  • rest
  • Freddy Mercury
  • rest
  • Air Taps
  • rest
  • Monkey Humpers
  • rest
  • pickle pounders
  • rest
  • LBC
  • rest
  • lunges
  • rest
  • merkins
  • Agassi’s
  • rest

No time
Convergence and off the chain event at the dog pound.

Jail Break with a Parting Gift from Your Q

THE SCENE: Slight chill in the air. APPARENTLY, there’s a nice moon this morning, I don’t know, ask Aladdin. A nice, soft glow from a newly fixed street light. 


Not a professional. Here on your own. Know your injuries, but don’t tell me. Modify. COVID-ish rules? 


Little Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward x10

Windmills x10



  • “Oldest” F3 HIM picks a card (has been coming to F3 the longest)
  • Jailbreak to the location on the card
    • Wagon Wheel with the six
  • Complete exercise on the card
  • 10 count while next “oldest” HIM chooses a new card
  • Q has the right to veto a card (if the location is too close to the current location)
  • Locations and exercises:
    • Splash Pad 
      • 30 Dips 
      • 30 Incline Merkins
    • Flag Pole 
      • 30 Dips 
      • 30 Plank Jacks 
    • Dock
      • 30 Incline Big Boys 
      • 30 Squat Jumps 
    • PlayGround 
      • 1 Round of Rocky Balboas 
      • 30 Smurf Jacks
    • Stonehenge 
      • 1 lap of Walking Lunges 
      • 30 Side Straddle Hops 
    • Tennis Courts 
      • 1 Bear Crawl Lap 
      • 10 Imperial Walkers @ Corners 
    • Basketball Court
      • 30 Jump Shots 
      • 30 Monkey Humpers 
    • Return to A.O. 
      • 30 Pickle Pounders 


Let’s just stretch on our own. Everyone gets to keep the card of their “favorite” location from the Jailbreak. Souvenirs will NOT become a normal thing at a Blindside Q


8 HIMs no FNGs (thank goodness, because I only had 7 cards to hand out)


Counsel (Right Judgment): With the gift of counsel/right judgment, we know the difference between right and wrong, and we choose to do what is right. A person with right judgment avoids sin and lives out the values taught by Jesus. The gift of truth that allows the person to respond prudently, and happily to believe our Lord. 

Counsel is the perfection of the cardinal virtue of prudence. Prudence can be practiced by anyone, but counsel is supernatural. Through this gi4 of the Holy Spirit, we are able to judge how best to act almost by intuition. Because of the gi4 of counsel, Christians need not fear to stand up for the truths of the Faith, because the Holy  Spirit will guide us in defending those truths.  



Close the week out strong!