F3 Knoxville

Jailbreak Tour (aka Deck of Pain)

THE SCENE: 71 degrees, cloudy, felt like 90.


High knees, burpees, high knees, SSH, side lunges, burpees, Iron Mikes, burpees


The second installment of the Deck of Pain (as mentioned here: Deck of Pain ) .

This time the lucky winners picked these spots and exercises to sprint between

  • Art Center Burpee Broad Jumps (card said 2 lengths, but we trimmed it to one … Cause they’re hecka hard)
  • Mount Jucante (run to the top)
  • 30 Brick Dips
  • 2 Career Path – Bear Crawl Loops
  • 10 Maintenance Hand Stand push ups

Some said we logged around three miles of running.

We were short on time and so even though our last pick was Jucomanjaro we stopped at the AO for a little Mary.

  • 50 Freddy Murcuries (4 ct)
  • 2 Minutes of Protractoring (included 180 degrees)
  • 25 American Hammers (4 ct)
  • 25 LBCs
  • 50 Side crunches (25 left and right sides).


We’ve been averaging around 5 – 6 Exercise completions for the Deck of Pain and still have six more unused cards.  Stay tuned for the third installment in which we tackle the last six exercise cards.

2018 misery in review

THE SCENE: Mid 40’s … clear skies

Cherry Picker IC (x10)
SSH IC (x15) but we did 16 because I forgot to stop.
Rockettees IC (x20)
Hand Release Merkins OYO (x15)
Groiner IC (x10)
Burpees OYO (x10) with 5 overhead claps between each.

Mosey to playground… duck walk across bridge on the way (compliments of Bartman)

30 pull-ups & 30 American Hammers any way you get them in.


1. modified 4 corners on half soccer field (compliments of Gibbler)

corner 1: squats 2: BBS 3: lunges 4: CDD. go to each corner through the center where 2 burpees are needed to continue. Repeat twice 1st time with 20 reps second time with 10.

2. Bear Crawl Ring of Fire on the center circle (Compliments of Cosmo)
1. 360 degrees of bear crawl with 10 merkins 2. 180 of boo boo bear crawl with 10 werkins. 3. repeat with other leg. 4. 180 degrees of crawl bear with 10 derkins.

3. quarter pounder – no cheese (compliments of Woodshack)

4. wheel barrow and fireman carry (compliments of Bartman)

battle buddy up – wheel barrow across parking lot for 5 spaces then 5 merkins. switch positions. Continue across lot. Return leg is fireman carry back. switch positions Half way back.

5. 11s on dog poop hill (compliments of Butters)

crawl bear up dog poop hill with easy ups at the top and squat jumps at the bottom (2 overhead hand claps between each rep).


Peter Parkers IC (x10)

I heard a story of a guy recently who was watching his car being stolen on a cold morning when he had left it running outside to warm up. He noticed the car being driven away through a window and out of instinct chased the guy down. The thief, being cold and disoriented, couldn’t put the car in park and eventually stopped the car but didn’t run away. The owner of the car after regaining possession of the vehicle saw the thief and rather than anger had felt pity for him. He was poor, homeless, delirious, cold and unable to think clearly. The story ended with with the car owner driving the thief to a shelter where he could get his needs met.

It took a week of this stewing inside my mind to realize how much this mirrored the Christmas story. God, rather than anger, had mercy, even when we were yet his enemy. Also, I consider the many times I look at people in anger instead of compassion.  Jesus said, “forgive them for they know not what they do.” Do I consider people as those who are suffering and lost?



Flex Seal on a Birthday

THE SCENE: It was Dark and smelled like Birthday Cake.

Cherry Pickers 16x
Burpees 10x
Ice Skaters 20x
Hand Release Merkins 20x
ISO Squats 20x
Burpees 6x
Ice Skaters 16x
Burpees 10x
Hand Release Merkins 20x


Partner 46s
Dora Fashion: One Partner does Box Jump/StepUps while other does 23 of the following, then Flapjack
Hand Release Merkins
Plank Jacks (2-count)
Bobby Hurley (Jump Squat)
Shoulder Taps (4-count)

It was a nice day for some Shoulder Blasters.
Just a quick note not to forget that the tasks at-hand were provided to you because you were up to the challenge.  It wouldn’t show up at your door if it wasn’t meant for you.
It was a good day…dry and cool.   Pretty good mumble chatter, some wisecracks about getting older and yet we persevered.  Great to have Hickory’s “FLEX SEAL” in attendance!
Nove 3 Olumpics!!!

Bridge to Nowhere

THE SCENE: Very sauna like

Overhead Claps x 20 IC

Partner Up and Mosey to the Outhouse

A – 20 Derkins, B – 20 Step ups  Complete your set then alternate with your battle buddy.  Do a total of 50 reps of each exercise

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn with your battle buddy

Bridge to Nowhere

Partner A does the exercises at the bottom of the Matterhorn while Partner B is bear crawling up and down the Matterhorn if he’s as fast as Booger.  Once Partner A has completed the set of exercises, including running to the top of the Matterhorn, he switches with Partner B and continues the bear crawl.  Partner B runs to the bottom of the Matterhorn and does his set of exercises.  Continue until 100 reps of each exercise has been completed.  Should be 5 trips up the Matterhorn per partner.

  • 10 Merkins
  • 10 BBS
  • 10 Squats
  • Run to top of Matterhorn

Mosey to AO stopping twice for 10 merkins, 10 BBS, 10 Squats

20 LBC’s led by Tonka

Marge/ Homer by Toto

World’s Greatest Merkin by Mayberry


We aren’t just trying to raise our children to have successful careers and be good adults.  It is much more important than that.  We are responsible for raising them to have a successful eternity.


Burpee Baseball – JUCO July 23, 2018

THE SCENE: Juco parking lot,  Wanted to do on actual baseball diamond on campus but torrential rains yesterday made it a swamp.  So cement baseball here we come!  75 degrees – very humid – slight fog


Did two burpees of each of the 20 different made up burpees that are written on the old softballs with sharpies.  Basically it combines the exercises we know and love with a Burpee.  What’s written on the ball is just the name of the exercise to combine with a burpee.  Here are the types:

  1. Iron Mike
  2. Frog   (out and back with legs while in plank)
  3. Big Boy
  4. Squat Jump
  5. Release Merkin
  6. Side Straddle Hop
  7. Double Merkin
  8. Lunge
  9. Imperial Walker
  10. Cross Mountain Climber


  • Teams: Split group into two teams (doesn’t matter how many players each hopefully will be even number of players)
  • Equipment: 22 Balls with burpee type written on it (one or two words).  5 hard balls, 17 softballs.
  • Game Play: All players remain in their teams dug-out while two players come up to the field for a “Play at bat”. One player from the “At bat” team comes up to race against one player from the “outfield” team.  The at bat player throws the ball as hard as he can and tries to get around the bases back to home before the “outfield” player can retrieve the ball and bring it back to home plate.   The player to make it back to home first gets the thrown ball for his team (and thus the points).
  • Object of the game:  The team with the most points wins.  Two points for softballs and five points for hardballs.
  • Burpees: When a player at bat picks a ball he announces it to everyone what type of burpee is written on the ball.  When that player rounds a base he has to do two burpees of that type.   When the outfield player reaches the ball he has to do five burpees of that type before he starts running for home.  While the two players are running and retrieving the ball, their respective teams have to do the same burpees as their player who is running the play.  So the outfield team does five when their player does five and the at bat team does two burpees in sync with their player as he rounds the base.
  • Infield / Outfield Switch:  The at bat team has three throws before switching to being an outfield team.
  • Hardballs:  If the at bat player picks a hardball – then all the reps are doubled.  Therefore, four burpees per base and ten burpees for retrieving (the teams in the dugouts also have to do the rep increase).
  • Game End / Lightning Round: If all 22 balls are thrown before 30 minutes is up, then the lightning round commences.  The balls are totaled (2 points per softball and 5 points per hardball). The team with the most points wins. All balls are put back in the pot. The lightning round is the same as before except the burpee repetitions is one per base and zero for the retriever.


A little 20 rep, Hello Dolly, Box cutters, scissor kicks, courtesy of @Nuetron.  Thanks Bud!


Nuetron, Pink-Eye, Snaggle-tooth, Fast-n-Easy, FNG (Sap),

Struggling with loving abusive family members sucks big !@#$.  Prayers requested for living a lifestyle of forgiveness and not just a “I’ll just forgive you once” mentality.  Jesus calls us and shows us to a higher calling that we can only “achieve” with the help & strength of the Holy Spirit! Praise God for the helper!

Kickball tournament coming up.