Q: P3
PAX: Backflow (Wesley Hunt), Cinco (Scott McGuire), Bunny, Love’s, Double Wide
FNGs: None
20 SSH
Hands agility drill
Cherry Pickers
Tie Fighters
Runners Stretch
Tempo Merkins
Tempo Squats
Poets Amphitheatre
Partner 1
1X through and run to switch with partner 2
5 up/down tuck jumps – bottom
15 Dirkins – Tier 1
15 Irkins – Tier 2
15 Up/downs – Tier 3
New Playground Pavilon
Partner 2
– 15 table rows
– 15 squat jumps
– 15 CDD
Each partner visits the amphitheater 2X
Mosey to roundabout, do 3 Cherry Pickers
Mosey to steps of the Asylum
Partner 1
12 o’clock – 20 Big Bois
3 o’clock – 20 2-count American Hammers
6 o’clock – 20 Superman’s
9 o’clock – 20 V-ups
Partner 2
Run down and back up Everest,
Q fail, only time for first group to make a run at Everest. group two experienced some St. Pattys day luck and seemed unsurprisingly grateful.
MARY: Sprinted down from the overlook to meet the ruckers if that counts
HAW RIDGE!!! Matlock (Bill Maddox) Hard Committed to joining the team
Spoke about Trust as it relates to Leadership.
Can’t have leadership without Trust.
Unhealthy Trust – given too quickly. Oversharing. You have to do the same thing. If you don’t. You are bad.
Unhealthy distrust – no matter how much equity built. Never trust anyone. Chronic distrust cannot lead. People do not feel safe around people who do not trust them.
Healthy Trust – trust but verify. Benefit of the doubt. Give them the opportunity to build trust. Give 20% and let them build to 100%. Willing to give more if consistent.
3 components of trust:
1.) character – can I trust you with my wife, my life, and my wallet
2. Responsibilities/commitments – you do what you say you are going to do.
3.) care and compassion – no trust if you don’t care about people. Relationships is the glue that builds trust. All four generations respond well to respect.