F3 Knoxville

Keep a movin

THE SCENE: 21 but felt like 12

SSH x25, Imperial Walker x15, Squats x10, HR Merkins x10, BAC x10 both ways, cherry picker x5, high knees and butt-kickers.

Mosey to playground for 7’s

  • Pull-ups at playground and v-ups at top of Bermuda Triangle.

Mosey to splashpad.

  • 20 dips + 20 decline merkins followed by lap around parking lot
  • Rinse and Repeat x5

Mosey to flag for 4 corners around track.

  • Corner 1 — 5 pull-ups
  • Corner 2 — 10 merkins
  • Corner 3 — 15 big bois
  • Corner 4 — 20 Imperial squat walkers.

Flutter-kicks x25, lbc x 10, side crunches x10 both sides.

8 HIMs

Matthew 5:3–12

[3] “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

[4] “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

[5] “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

[6] “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

[7] “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

[8] “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

[9] “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

[10] “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

[11] “Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. [12] Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (ESV)

People’s Choice


SSH, Tie Fighters, claps, squats

As Kasey Kasem used to say “The numbers keep getting smaller, and the hits keep getting bigger.”

So we did Kasey’s Kloud Kountdown: Box/Baby/Box + Table Rows, 20-15-10-5

I wasn’t going to bring Jack Webb into this, but Hands insisted, so we did.

After carefully scrutinizing the results of the F3 People’s Choice Poll, it was obvious that we haven’t visited Cardiac nearly enough, and so our duty to each other was clear.

All the way up Cardiac, dips at the top, merkins at the cone, squats at the bend, and flutters at the bottom. 20-15-10.

The results of Q’s attempt to comply with the Q/phone mandate were mixed: I brought it with me to the cloud, but I left it there. So we moseyed back to get it, then arrived at AO with juuuust enough time to finish off whatever we had left in our shoulders with some ATM.


“Jesus’ entire work proceeds as does the work of a seed: it takes place in a mystery, in secret – in a way that can neither be known nor felt, but only believed, trusted.” Robert Farrar Capon
Praying for Patty and family.
The owner of the maroon F150 who had lunch at Gus’ yesterday refused to identify himself on Slack; Matlock wants a word with you

Go Ugly Early and Own It

[ The Scene ]

  • 40s
  • Rainy
  • Literally amazing/character-building weather

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

  • add in moto for rainy day suck

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • SSH: 25 (1ct)
  • Imperial Walker: 10 (1ct)
  • Rockette: 10 (1ct)
  • Merkin: 10 (4ct Army style)
  • Flutter Kicks: 10 (4ct)
  • Squat: 10 (1ct)
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10 (4ct back)

[ The Thang ]

( Mosey to the Coliseum overlook)

(1) The Trek

  • Hill up to Saturday AO — around the curve  and Haslam Rock — up and in
  • Stop signs = 5 – 8-count ManMakers

(2) ColIseum Run

  • Entry, Middle, Exit
  • ***Entry —> Exit***
  • Entry
    • 25 Army merkins (4ct)
    • 25 Carolina Dry Docks (4ct)
  • Middle
    • 25 Rocky Balboas (1ct)
    • 25 Calf-Raises (1ct)
  • Exit
    • 25 squats (4ct)
    • 25 mountain climbers (4ct)
  • ***Exit —> Entry***
  • Side-shuffle back

Everyone makes the Coliseum Run (Entry to Exit and back) twice

(3) Coliseum Run Exodus

  • all together

(4) Back to the AO Trek

  • Stop signs = 25s (5 LBCs, 5BBSs, 5 American Hammers, 5 Flutter Kicks, 5 V-Ups)
  • There are a lot of stop signs

[ Mary ]

PAX do down & backs across parking lot and light stretching to end

[ COT ]

  • # off — 20
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs — 0
  • BOM

“Own It”

  • started reading “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink
  • Own where you’re at — even if it’s not where you want to be
  • This is where I’m at, but this is not my final resting place — own it
  • Own the places that you’ve been uniquely called to be in (think job/family/organizations – spheres of influence)

Marginal Gains

THE SCENE: Weather advisory – super gloomy.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I don’t know what I’m doing.  Go home.  Don’t kiss me.
25 SSH IC.
PAX got their funk on.
Starting in Al Gore, we listened to James Brown – Sex Machine with a reverse squat on every ‘Get Up’.  We took it to the bridge and switched it up for Plank with Merkins then moved onto a low plank and did pickle pounders when required to “shake your money maker”.  Once warmed, we went ahead, hit it and quit.
A circuit around the AO, the parking lots of Circus Maximus and the Pavalon with Pain Stations along the journey.  25s (Two exercises at each station to a total of 25 reps).

  • AO – Rocky Balboas & Asymmetrical Merkins
  • Entrance to cloud – Big Boys & Hello Dolly (4ct)
  • Far end of lot – Plank Jacks (4ct) & Crab Jacks (4ct)
  • Top of Circus Maximus – Squats & Iron Mikes
  • Bottom of Circus Maximus – Captain Thors & Heels to Heaven
  • Pavalon – Dips & Table Rows

We made it to 3.5 loops.

There was a tech breakdown so we had to make do with

  • 20 Big Boys IC
  • 25 Freddie Mercurys (4ct) IC
  • 15 Side crunches (4ct).

16 Strong
Sir David Brailsford revolutionized the UK cycling by making them focus on Marginal Gains.  Big changes are hard.  Instead, look for lots of small change that you can compound over time to make change a process.
Hat Tip to Bunny for praying us out.
CSAUP’s coming.

4 Stations of the Barkley

THE SCENE: Cold. Damp.  Spitting snow at the end.

SSH, 4 ct, x 20 (IC); 2 burpees; CP, IC, x 5; 4 burpees; BAC, forward and back, IC, x 10 each way; 6 burpees
Mosey to the Overlook for a Barkley.  Grab a battle buddy, running the perimeter of the Asylum building, with 4 stations.  Each station has 3 exercises, 1 for each lap.

  • Station #1 (Overlook): Merkins x 25; CDD x 25; Dips x 25
  • Station #2 (Westside stop sign):  LBCs (4ct) x 25; American Hammers (4ct) x 25; Hello Dollys (4ct) x 25
  • Station #3 (Old rock pile): Squats (4ct) x 20; Smurf Jacks (4ct) x 20; Iron Mikes (4ct) x 20
  • Station #4 (Eastside stop sign): Burpees x 10; Man Makers x 10; Hand Release Burpees x 10

After finishing all 3 laps, wagon wheel for the 6 and mosey back to the AO
Cat Gut leads the Pax in several minutes of Boat Canoe.  Finish strong with ATMs.


From Matthew  26:52-53: “Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.  Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?”

In today’s world, gentleness is not really celebrated.  To show gentleness is to show weakness.  And yet, it is one of the Fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5:23).

When we look at the Jesus, we see that gentleness is a chief trait.  As he was being betrayed, arrested, and (as he knew), led off to die, he could’ve called down destruction at any moment. But he humbled himself and died for us instead.

Gentleness is strength and power under control

Prayers to lift up our community, our nation, for Charmin’s cousin’s family after a sudden death, for Cat Gut’s nephew and his family, as he has been seriously injured in a motorcycle wreck.
CSAUP Jan. 30!  Sign up!