F3 Knoxville

Seven running Miles

THE SCENE: 65 With a 50% chance of rain

Cherry pickers
calf stretches

Baby arm circles 20 X

Baby arm circles backwards 20 X

Seal clap 20x

Overhead clap 20 X


Run to the track for some good old fashion miles. There will be six planks of wood with a exercise and a number on them

  • 5 Burpee’s
  • 10 lunges
  • 15 v ups
  • 20 merkins
  • 25 BBS
  • 30 Squats

I repeat and rinse


I am mad. I am mad at racism and the evil that has been so blatantly shown to us last week. I hate that another man feels fear and running in his neighborhood. I hate that one man killed another man. He took the life of another image bearer of God. I hate racism and there’s no place in the church or in our society for it. Pray for our leaders and pray for those officers who are now standing in those lines to protect and serve. Pray for the peaceful protests that true change will happen. Pray that Moore peaceful protests that happened in Nashville becomes common.

Top of the Equalizer

THE SCENE: Warm. Sweaty. Delightful.



  • Cherry Pickers IC
  • Baby Arm Circles IC
  • Tempo Squats
  • SSH IC


Had a number of stations laid out around the top of the Equslizer. Stations included:

  • Mtn Climbers (each leg) x5 — Imperial Walkers to Next Station
  • Diamond Merkins x5 — Mosey to Next Station
  • Plank Jacks x5 — Crab Walk to Next Station
  • Box Jumps x5 — Mosey to Next Station
  • SSH (4-count) x5 — Lunge to Next Station
  • Merkins x5 — Mosey to Next Station
  • Flutter Kicks (4-count) x5 — Broad Jump to Next Station
  • Crab Toe Touches (each leg) x5 — Mosey to Next Station
  • Squat Jumps x5 — Bear Crawl to Next Station
  • BBS x5 — Mosey Back to the Start


On each subsequent lap, we increased rep count by 5 (there was mild griping after the round of 20).


  • Box Cutters IC x25


11 PAX


Fruit of the Spirit – if you are of the spirit, these are the things that you produce – Patience is a tough one; it’s also really important – how can you tweak your habits & behavior to cultivate patience in your life?


Great effort from the PAX today.


Make sure to read the F3 weekly email.

Memorial Day Murph at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Perfect weather today around 68 at time of workout

Reviewed the standard disclaimer and included that not only am I not a professional I am worse… included Covid disclaimer and keep your spit and snot to yourself


SSH x 20

Slow Cherry Pickers x 5

Butter Fly Stretch combined with Coach Dunn’s advise.

Shoulder stretch

5 burpees


Today we did a modified Murph workout – the Murph is dedicated to Lt. Michael P. Murphy.  United States Navy Seal May 7, 1976 -June 28, 2005. This workout is traditionally done by the F3 community and many others on Memorial Day in remembrance of Lt. Murphy and all the others who have made the supreme sacrifice for our country. For more information about Lt . Murphy and the Murph challenge : https://www.cnn.com/2019/05/27/us/memorial-day-murph-challenge-trnd/index.html

The Murph:

  • 1 Mile Run
  • 100 Pull Ups
  • 200 Merkins
  • 300 Squats
  • 1 Mile Run

We modified the workout by submitting CDD for the 100 pull ups ( Fellas I am 53 and can’t swing 100 pull ups) The Pax ran to three different area in the park to complete sets of the exercises.  Ten total sets each containing  10 CDDs, 20 Merkins,  and 30 Squats. final leg of the workout was a run to the East Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery.

At the Cemetery Crankbait ( Pluto’s 2.0 ) led a short program on Memorial Day and shared a letter that he had received two weeks ago from Medal of Honor recipient Woody Williams. Woody Williams is the last surviving Marine Medal of Honor recipient from the Pacific theatre. For more information about Woody: http://www.hwwmohf.org

Crankbait added that this part of the letter was most meaningful and spoke to what Memorial Day means:

” I have been designated a hero many times since WWII but in my mind the heroes never got to come home. The rest of us were blessed with the opportunity of coming home to our loved ones. I am grateful to be one of those. My wife who is in heaven had a saying she would remain me of very often.

Life is God’s gift to us..what we do with it is our gift to God”

the group ran back to the AO and did one round of name your ab work while the Q stayed with the 6 to bring it home on the run back.
9 Pax got better!
Pluto shared the importance of Memorial Day and remember those who gave the utmost sacrifice. Pluto asked each of the Pax present to realize that there are many who are not Americans who would be grateful for the problems that we each have. Many in other countries have life and death challenges every day and would gladly take a day of challenges as experienced by an American.

I was grateful to have Crankbait as my Co Q !

Training for the Beach

THE SCENE: Cool with a nice break in the rain (i.e. perfect)
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER (no snot rockets, don’t get close enough to hold hands and swap spit)

SSH x 15, IC;  CP x 5, IC; Tie Fighters, front and back x 15 each way, IC
This is a 4 corners workout.  To maintain social distancing protocol, no more than 5 in a corner at a time.  This is a workout scientifically designed to get a HIM ready for the beach.  First order of business is to, one at a time, grab a coupon from the CMU pile.  This is yours for the entire workout.  Because HIMs are the ones to carry all the heavy stuff across the sand to the beach, everybody carries a CMU everywhere they go.  Beach themed music provided.

  • First Corner – 3 exercises:  Curls (for the girls) x 25; Flutter Presses x 25 (2 ct); Goblet Squats x 25
  • Second Corner – 3 exercises:  Superman Swims x 25; CMU rows x 25; Lunges x 25;
  • Third Corner – 3 exercises:  Derkins x 25; American Hammers (with CMU option) x 25 (2ct); More Curls x 25;
  • Forth Corner – 1 exercise.  25 Blockees (it helped to think of the CMU as a cooler full of beer)
  • If you hear Queen’s “Bicycle Race,” stop what you’re doing and hit your six for Freddy Mercury’s the duration of the song (3:01).
  • Complete at least 2 circuits
  • Q calls an audible after 2 circuits to go run a little bit.  Groups split up to run up Baby Everest and down the Dragon or vice versa, stopping at one point to knock out 5 burpees.  Race ensues. Bunny may or may not have taken a short cut to beat Gibbler.  All wagon wheel and finish together at the AO.

Just enough time to get to 5/20 on Capt. Thors

A reflection on a couple of quotes.  From Henry Ford: “He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right.” And from Hallerin Hilton Hill: “Attitude determines altitude.”  Stay positive men!

Prayers for Mrs. Lillydipper and family, Pinto and family, and for a good, safe summer for everybody but special request for Dung Beetle as he guides the kids of Emerald Youth this summer.

Playlist from the morning:  School’s Out, Alice Cooper; Summertime, DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince; Good Vibrations, The Beach Boys; Beautiful Girls, Van Halen; Heat Wave, Martha and the Vandellas; Bicycle Race, Queen; Hot Fun in the Summer Sun, Sly and the Family Stone; Cruel Summer, Bananarama; Rockaway Beach, Ramones; Wipe Out, The Surfaries; The Boys of Summer, Don Henley.
Regular time for Monday.  Pluto will Q and have something special.

Break Dance Training

THE SCENE: 52°F, cloudy, wet ground, but not raining 

  • SSH x20 IC 4-count
  • Do Burpees to “Get Up Offa That Thing”- James Brown

Do each exercise 4 times. The first time through build up the full routine starting with inch worms before each new addition.

  • Inch worms
  • Spider merkins
  • Hour glass jump squats
  • Flamingos
  • Gorillas
  • Jump throughs
  • Bear step
  • Crab kicks
  • Donkey frog

Rinse & Repeat full routine twice (with background music)

Do Squats to “Flower”- Moby


  • Shoulder Taps (4ct) x20
  • American Hammers (4ct) x20
  • Stretching Flow: plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog–> plank–> downward dog–> plank–> upward dog 

Mouthwash, Snitch, Stripped, Hot Tub, Bunny, Archie (QIC)

“Now Thomas, one of the twelve, called the Twin, was not with them when Jesus came. So the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord.” But he said to them, “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.” Eight days later, his disciples were inside again, and Thomas was with them. Although the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Thomas answered him, “My Lord and my God!””
‭‭John 20:24-28 ESV‬‬

Now that the Michael Jordan documentary is coming out, a common occurrence is that young people that were arguing that Lebron James (or some other current player) was the greatest of all time is watching the highlights of Jordan’s career and turns to the older basketball fans to say, “yeah Jordan is the greatest of all time”. Seeing Jordan’s highlights has brought peace to the young and old basketball fans.

Seeing Jesus’ wounds brings peace to all. It is evidence that God loves us. In this time when there is much unrest in the world. Reflect on this truth that we have peace through Jesus.