F3 Knoxville

Mostly burpees. Lots of burpees

THE SCENE: Upper 30s (heat wave after lots of days in the 20s)

SSH x 20 (IC); Imperial Squat Walker x 15 (IC); BAC, forward and reverse x 11 each (IC)
Mosey to the cloud; 100 burpees OYO;

As you finish the burpee challenge, move to the adjacent parking lot for some blackjack, a/k/a 21.  20 merkins, run to other end, 1 BBS, run back for 19 merkins, run to the other end for 2 BBS, so on and so forth.

Cut blackjack short after everybody is done with burpee challenge and mosey to Circus Maximus for Doras.  Partner runs a lap while other partner does reps.  50 CCDs, 200 jump squats, 300 LBCs;

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for 2 full minutes of elbow plank.

We’ve got a lot of rancor in the world.  So many people are angry.  Let’s be kind, let’s turn the other cheek, especially with those that upset us the most.  The world needs more kindness.
Praises for Cheatsheet’s dad being out of the hospital and on the mend.
The Asylum needs volunteers for the Hardship Hill build team.  Please help. Code Brown is leading.

Forgot plans, chalk and cups, but didn’t forget to burn calories

THE SCENE: Checkerboard clouds above, cold but not too cold. Pretty ideal for this workout.


SSHx20, 10 merks, 5 cobra Kais, 5 cherry pickers. Mosey around Course to explain exercises since I left chalk at home.
The Equalizing “kinda hard stuff but not really that hard unless you are out of shape and if you are out of shape it is good for you to do it because fitness is fun and why else would morons like us be up at 5:30am doing stuff in the darkness of a park that is not illegal” Obstacle Course. The obstacles are……

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 pull ups
  • Short chop steps around 11 cones
  • Line drills quick feet
  • 20 Merkins
  • duck walk 4 corners
  • The “didn’t we do this stupid thing before” climb on the “snake” railing
  • 20 BBS
  • Bear crawl up walkway
  • 20 dips
  • 20 rows under the picnic table
  •  20 pickle pounders
  • 20 flutter kicks

Repeat as many rounds as possible till time is up

20 box cutters, Peter Parkers, times up!

Be fun. Do fun stuff with your kids and your family.  We can sometimes get wrapped up in work, every day stressors of life, or even ourselves and forget to have some fun time with our loved ones. It doesn’t just have to be on the weekend. Take some time this week to do something fun with your kids that you normally wouldn’t. Play a game, wrestle, play 20 questions.
Several prayer requests, good fellowship afterwards with some coffee even though I forgot cups.
La-z-boys coffee, orange Ts coming soon

The UN-Matched Game

THE SCENE: Cold. Very cold. But not too cold. But cold enough to be cold. But not really that cold. Kind of like cold when your cold and think it could be more cold but don’t want it to be colder. That kind of cold.

Mosey to the flag, 20 jumping jacks, 10 tempo push ups, 10 tempo squats.


Mosey to playground for three rounds of 5 pull ups, 5 burpees and 5 squats. Then…
Route 66 with shoulder tap merkins increasing at each cone by one. (11 cones, total of 66). Mosey back to the flag.
Time for the memory game!
12 Tiles  with two of each exercise for matching. Put the tiles face down and try and pick a match. If you get a match you do the exercise and toss the cards to the side. If you don’t get a match, you do both exercises and flip them back over.  After each turn, run down to the playground and do 5 pull ups and back.(we mixed it up a little and ran a lap instead on a couple of them)

20 Flutters
8 pax
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭

talked about our need for the church. Not the actual building, although important to be there, but being with other believers and leaning on each other, learning with each other and loving each other.
Welcome back to the gloom Benchwarmer!  Your too close not to come more often.


THE SCENE:  A balmy 20 degrees

LBAC f/b, OH Claps, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, Calve Raises
Mosey to business strip center. Perform 5 rounds of the following exercises with a mosey (1/2 of the strip center) between each round: 10 Burpees (50 total), 20 Jump Squats (100 total),  20 Merkins (100 total) 30 Monkey Humpers (150 total), 20 2ct MCs (100 total).

Mosey to shovel flag. Line up along curb. Run to each parking line (5 total) and back, stopping at each line for 5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Merkins, 5 Werkins. MARY:
No time
26 strong including 8 JUCO Monday Motherruckers.

Music is powerful. It can set your mood, stir up thoughts (both good and sinful, inspire people, etc). I recalled the time frame when I first began to come to saving faith in Christ (late 20s). There was a Christian radio station in Houston doing a 30 Day Challenge to anyone interested. The challenge was to listen to Christian radio for 30 days straight. I took part in the challenge and it changed my life in a good way.  I challenged the F3 JUCO men to do this. and suggested several Knoxville radio stations to listen to.  I also discussed what an awesome witness this can be to your children while in the car, on the way to school or wherever.

Phillipians 4:8 states, ” Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Waxjob……..in a giraffe suit…..

The Bo… (Derek that is)


  • 46f and cloudy…. perfect morning to burn off the weekend goo


  • No FNGs / Quick disclaimer and safety briefing


  • 25 Side straddle Hops
  • 20 Baby Arm Circles (10 forward / 10 back)
  • 5 Cherry Pickers

Grab a CMU and head to the Pavilion for “The Bo (Perfect 10) Derek”

10 exercises x 10 reps each x 10 sets

10 CMU Overhead Press
10 Step Ups
10 Flutter Kicks
10 Pull Ups (Under table)
10 CMU Squats
10 Hello Dolly
10 CMU Curls
10 Bobby Hurley
10 Big Boy Sit Ups
10 Side Straddle Hops 


  • N/A


  • 24 HIMS!!


Perspective” – One word that can really provide you with peace of mind.
It is easy to get caught up in the day to day stress of home and work. Let’s say you just lost a contract you were really close to landing or maybe you lost a case you thought you had in the bag. Bunny is likely up a lot with a newborn or someone in this group might have a 3 year old who just decided to randomly turn over their cup of milk in the car…. The list can go on and on…. But the bottom line is, on the grand scale, in a global sense or even a biblical sense, these things are minor. The fact is every one of us here has got it pretty darn good. Keeping things in perspective helps us to remember that and focus on the positive. We’ve got food on our tables, roofs over our heads, wonderful families and friends. We’ve got this group of brothers who come together and support each other physically, socially and spiritually. We vacation, we go out to dinner, we go to the movies, we are free, etc. etc. Put into that context, the spilt milk is trivial.

A few (somewhat humorous) examples:

  • The sinking of the Titanic was by all human accounts a great tragedy… the lobsters sitting in their holding tanks in the galley likely view it very differently
  • The great modern day poet Jimmy Buffett frequently offers discourse on the value of “changes in latitude, changes in attitude”
  • The man stranded on a deserted island was excited to see the boat on the horizon.  Likewise the man lost at sea in the boat was excited to see land ahead.
  • The toothbrush was quoted as having complained that it had “the worst job ever” to which the toilet paper quickly objected!

When you think you are having a bad day, think globally. Think about the millions around the world (and those right here in East Tennessee) who don’t have what you have. Reflect on that a bit and put your troubles into perspective. It will make things a little brighter for you.


1. Scarred but Smarter – Drivin’ N’ Cryin’
2. Hellraiser – Drunken Prayer
3. Unchained – Van Halen
4. Blue Orchid – The White Stripes
5. The Distance – Cake
6. Superman – REM
7. Shake Your Rump – Beastie Boys
8. Cannonball – The Breeders
9. How You Like Me Know? – The Heavy
10. Mach 5 – Presidents of the United States of America
11. Seether – Veruca Salt
12. Good Times Roll – The Cars
13. Hoodoo Gurus – What’s My Scene?
14. What’s Golden – Jurassic 5
15. D is for Dangerous – Artic Monkeys


  • Prayers of safety for PacMan who is on a mission trip to Central America


  • Charmin thanked the group for stepping up to fill the Q calendar and encouraged others to join in