F3 Knoxville

Glad it’s not raining bad…

THE SCENE: Started our misty but then just flat out rained

SSH, because you always start there, then Mosey some and realized we were still to tight even to mosey so we stopped and stretched some more. Ten moseyed to admiral park thru the woods on the root trail.
At lake, BLIMPS. Start with 25 of each then mosey up the hill stopping at the crest to do 20 reps, then mosey to Northshore and do 15 reps, back up to crest and do 10, finish at lake with 5 reps.

Mosey back to splash pad awning stopping for some squat jumps and incline Merkins x20. . (It started raining hard right after we arrived at awning.


40 4-ct LBCs, 20 table rows, 1 minute Al Gore.

6 pax
Forgiveness when we make mistakes

I shared with the PAX about a mistake one of my kids made and how they dwelled on it too long. God forgives us we just need to ask him. Once that happens we need to move on and find ways to learn from it.
Great work this morning, the rain did not slow us down a bit. Great to see Headgear back out for his second Appearance
Forgot about them

Friday is for 11s (on the 11th)

THE SCENE: Cool – felt good. Character-building good.

Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning. Couple of things: Not a professional, you’re here on your own volition, you made a choice to be here. You know your body better than anyone, if you need to modify anything we do feel free to do it but push yourselves and push those around you. It’s Big Orange Friday, RED Friday, and the 11th of October. More to come on that…


SSH (Side-Straddle Hop) 11×4 in cadence

Rockette: 11×4 in cadence

Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 in cadence (Forward & Back)

Squats: 11×4 in cadence

Merkins (cmon, did people really expect a Friday Q without merkins?): 11×4 in cadence

Theme of the day is 11s (11th of October – ha ha ha…..)

[ Mosey to Playground by AO parking lot ]

  • 11s (Shoulda seen this coming from a mile away)
    • 1 Incline Merkin (benches)
    • Run to pavilion
    • Execute 10 box jumps
      • CORRECT FORM – Q demonstrates correct box jump form. Quality over quick. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
        • Jump up (feet planted on box (bench, etc)
        • Extend through the heels and legs, standing up straight and bringing hips up and forward
        • Jump down
    • R&R (Rinse and Repeat)
    • PAX gets spread out
    • Q identifies this and huddles PAX together at Pavilion
    • All-together –> PAX completes 11s –> runs back to the playground – executes 10 incline merkins –> sprints back to the pavilion and executes 1 good box jump in correct form

[ 10 count from PAX – walk and talk ]

[ Mosey to hill next to AO parking lot ]

  • Battle buddy up
  • “What the Hill”
    • Q explains what the hell “What the Hill” is
    • All PAX in bear crawl position
    • Move up the hill in bear crawl position
    • Counts off 11 paces of bear crawl
      • Executes 5 merkins
    • Q starts the 11 paces count-off, other PAX step up and counts the 11 + 5 merks
    • Reach the top of the hill
    • Q reminds PAX that its the 11th of October. Just because it’s not September 11th anymore, doesn’t mean that we should forget the sacrifices of 9/11 until next year. Ties in the hill element of pushing through the pain, climbing up/down that hill, without 60+ lbs of gear.
    • PAX heads back down hill in same movement
    • 1/2 way down Q gives the RECOVER and invites PAX to take 10
    • switches position from facing downhill to uphill –> crawl bear (Backwards)
    • Same movement: 11 paces + 5 merkins
    • Reaches the end of the hill

[ 10 count from PAX – walk and talk ]

[ PAX mosey to playground next to AO ]

  • Battle buddy it up
  • 11s (lol surprise)
    • 1 Man-Maker
    • 10 buddy situps
    • As a team
    • 75% of the way through –> Q gives a buy-out option: 25 squat holds with Seal Claps or finish out
    • Seal Claps win
    • PAX executes 25 seal claps while holding the squat position

[ 10 count mosey and count ]

[ PAX mosey to pavilion ]

  • New battle buddy it up
  • Circle around the flag post by the pavilion
  • All PAX execute 5 merkins THEN
  • 1 battle buddy at a time –> sprint to AO lot and starts flutter kicks
  • PAX recovers at AO lot and finishes out flutters together (25)


  • Q leads PAX in closing stretches (recover muscle groups)
  • Same way we came in this morning – we go out: PAX executes 11 loud and proud SSHs to end well

10 PAX – no FNGs

It’s the beginning of the end of the workweek (for most). I find Fridays are a good time to remember. Remember the past week – what worked, what didn’t, where you saw God show up.

  • It’s Big Orange Friday. REGARDLESS of how tomorrow turns out (Vols fans know exactly what I’m talking about) TODAY is Big Orange Friday and I will celebrate and live well in it.
  • RED Friday: Remember. Everyone Deployed. We are able to do this because people are over there doing that. Remember the brothers we have overseas serving a country who can so quickly forget about them. We won’t forget.
  •  I’ve been on a Lord of the Rings kick lately, for about the past 20 years. And was watching the Fellowship of the Ring yesterday and something really got me.
  • “Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose.”
    •  What a way to describe someone. Needless were none of the deeds of______.” I want to be like that. Life full of purpose and the things I say and do not be needless. Also I think there is a beauty in not knowing our full purpose yet. The God we serve knows and it’s a beautiful thing when he gives us glimpses of what he has created us for in this life, but we don’t know our full purpose yet. That’s part of the adventure of walking with Him.
  • Way to end the week strong men – as we go to our families and loved ones this weekend – Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight.


Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight.


2nd F Convergence with F3 Northeastern TN/Goliath at the Gorge next weekend at Doe River Gorge! Check the F3 Knoxville GroupMe calendar for info or contact Abscess, Tank, Steam for more info on how to get signed up. It’s sure to be a blast.

Doubtfire is trying to get us assaulted

THE SCENE: Beautiful clear morning, cool like a cucumber out of the fridge on some soft white bread with mayo.

Mosey to get the CMUs that Doubtfire hid in the woods and tried not to get  assaulted in the process by the weirdos that live in the woods.
Do exercises then run a 1/4 mile lap, repeat

  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 curl and press w/CMU
  • 20 dry docks
  • 25 squats
  • 30 plank jacks


return CMUs to Doubtfire’s special place and do some bear crawls, some pommel horse things, pull ups, and Bernie Sanders on the way back to the AO.


53 LBCs on 4-count


“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭

“However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, ……”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:33‬ ‭


It’s been 2 1/2 weeks since I last worked out at F3. I felt it. Got lapped but was happy to back out.
Goliath at the Gorge 10/18-19, Brolympics 11/9,



F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER almost forgot it
WARM-O-RAMA: intro to Spread Eagle Merkins 

Mosey to the trail head.  Hit the trail with flashlights on a mosey, stopping to do 20 3-ct merkins. High knees when we hit the grass at Admiral park.

5 station loop. Stop at each cone and do (reg,wide,diamond and spread eagle merkins) qty of 20 on first lap, 10, 5. On each lap stop at pavalon for 10 pull-ups.

Take a lap with only pull-ups and finish with flutters to 30. Take another lap w/o exercises.

Mosey back doing imperial walkers thru grass then mosey Thru woods back to CC Park. Stopping for 20 tempo squats and some rocketts. Bernie once out of the woods from pole to pole and then snake around the trail back up to the splash pad for 20 dips, 10 inclines and 10 declines. Snake around to the AO.

100 LBCs, circle of pain with 5 Merkins

8 in attendance


“Be careful to thank God what you ask for”  many times we are quick to ask God for  things that will help us or others, we tend to forget about going back and thanking God for his intervention. Let’s  make a greater effort to appreciate what God does for us and thank him for his many answered prayers.



Don’t leave a Q in drafts or someone will stalk you. I found this message in my Q notes.

Tank, I’m watching you….always watching you! Waaa ha ha ha.

Im guessing it’s Woodshack or Doubtfire
Dad camp, dirt circuit, TTTP.

Spacing is important

THE SCENE: Humid but cooler

Rocketts, cherry pickers, Merkins
Run around Course (roughly 1/8 mile)  stopping at cones (6) to do exercise. Change exercise after each lap. Exercises were:

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 plank jacks
  • 5 burpees
  • 30 dry docks

Mosey to lower lot and do side lunges with jumping 180 from one end to the other.

Mosey back up top to do another lap of 1/2 20 4-Ct LBCs and 1/2 20 4ct flutters
No time for that mess

Get to Know the Taste of Love (pulled from a MS devotion)

God, seeing what was happening on Earth, sends, as an act of love, His Son on a rescue mission to stop further deformation and to renew our likeness to God. Jesus Christ came to Earth to save people, to show us God’s love, and to show us how we should live to please God. He presents us our destiny and shows how this destiny will be fulfilled.

Christ came to this world because the Father wanted to be reconciled with humanity. God the Father wanted to fix the relationship we have with Him. He gave us the example of love. He wants us to trust Him and come to Him with no fear or dread.

The passage from the Gospel of Luke shows the picture of God that is dearest to me. This story shows God who is not a heartless judge, but a loving father. He is the Father that can feel sadness, joy, and who can be deeply moved. I can imagine how happy the father in this story was when he finally met his younger son! He was full of emotions! Before this meeting, the father was probably worried sick. He was wondering what was going on with his son. There were no mobile phones, so the son couldn’t call or text: “Hi dad! I’m in Jerusalem. Things are going great.” There was no Facebook or messenger (I know it’s hard to believe). There were no highways that could be used to travel quickly and visit your family. However, there was continuing uncertainty. That is why, when the father saw the son (even though the son looked nothing like the kid he used to be), he was delirious with joy! The moment he saw his son, he didn’t wait for his son to come to him. Instead, he ran toward the son and embraced him. The son, probably with tears in his eyes said: “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.” And what does the father do? He gives him presents! He doesn’t reproach his son; he is just happy that his son is safe. He accepts him back and forgets everything that has happened.

It’s exactly the same with you! It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter how dirty you feel. God loves you! You have the gift of God’s love. Do you know it?

I believe the cone were too clustered when you do 60 Merkins in 20yds. Dry docks were not fun either.