F3 Knoxville

Pick your poison

THE SCENE: Equalizer 47 degrees, clear

Mosey to flags and do SSHs and Merkins
Do following exercises and qty. before completing one lap around track and move to next exercise. You can do them anywhere along track and in any grouping you wish. Total must be 46.

  • Dry docks x46
  • Bobby Hurley’s x46
  • Merkins x46
  • Iron mikes x46
  • shoulder taps x46 each shoulder
  • Bear crawl steps x46
  • Diamond Merkins x46
  • squat jumps x46
  • wide Merkins x46
  • lunges x46 each leg
  • LBCs 4ct x46

REPEAT if  necessary

Flutters and stuff

9  PAX, toebox, tank, abacus, woodshack, hot tub,  detention, choirboy   bunny, peekaboo

“Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.”
‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭7:9‬ ‭

It wasn’t the hardest q in the world, but  that’s OK


HHOCR, prayers

Highway 45

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Went down to the oval parking lot – 9 light poles total on the perimeter of the oval. 1 Lap for each of the following exercises, stopping at each light pole and doing 5 reps of the exercise (total of 45 reps each lap):

  1. Burpees
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct)
  3. Diamond Merkins
  4. Jump Squats
  5. Mountain Climbers (4 ct)
  6. Star Jacks
  7. Wide Merkins
  8. Hello Dollies (4 ct)
  9. Carolina Dry Docks
  10. Victory lap for the ones who finished

Back up to the AO for bear crawls across the parking lot, stopping at each line to do 1 Merkin. Back across the parking lot with lunges, stopping at each line to do 1 squat. Then, reverse lunges across the parking lot with bear crawls on the way back.

Just enough time for one set of American Hammers

27 HIMs – no FNGs


Make the most of the day you’re given. It’s easy to look ahead to the next weekend, next vacation, next milestone, etc., but God has given us today. Today is a gift – be intentional with it.

Circuit Work

THE SCENE: No rain but humid

  • SSH
  • Tempo Squats
  • Baby Arm Circles (Forward/Reverse)
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Merkins

Circuit with 6 stops – 2 exercises at each stop; first lap is 15 reps of each exercise, then decrease by 1 each lap (14, 13, 12…..)

  1. Iron Mikes (4 ct) / Big Boy Sit Ups
  2. Flutter Kicks (4 ct) / Supermans
  3. Merkins / Jump Squats
  4. Derkins / American Hammers (4 ct)
  5. Bench Rows / Tricep Dips
  6. Overhead Press / Bicep Curls (w/ the CMUs)

38 HIMs including 1 FNG – Welcome ‘Goober’


Crucifixion Love is the love that Christ showed us. He loved us even though we didn’t deserve it. His Love for us was not predicated on us first loving Him.

Reciprocation Love is loving someone because they’ve first loved us or loving someone with an expectation of something in return. Examples: 1) I’m going to unload the dishwasher so that my wife will notice and that will hopefully lead to sex later on tonight. 2) I’m going to help out with the kids this morning so that my wife will let me go golfing next weekend (and if she says ‘no’, I’ll remind her of how helpful I was with the kids the other day). 3) Or maybe it’s simply that you’re hanging out with someone or being friendly towards them because you’re expecting something in return – you hope to close a business deal, be seen in a certain crowd, you want them to approve of you, etc….

Although we’ll constantly fall short of it in our fleshly bodies, we are called to love others with crucifixion love. Love others even when they don’t deserve it. Love others with no expectation of anything in return.

Feeling Gumpish!

THE SCENE: Dark and splendid!

19 SSH’s
This workout was all about getting distance!  Every exercise was performed moving forward 20 yards then medium sprint around the track, those that arrived back quickly would go back to get the 6!

☆ Bear Crawls

☆ Baby Arm Circle

☆ Imperial Walkers

☆ Broad Jumps

☆ High Skips

☆ Duck Walk

☆ Backwards sprint

☆ Butt Kickers

☆ High Knees

After completing our 5k, we all had fun at the playground.  We split into 2 groups.  Group 1 Crab Walked around the playground while Group 2 did Pullups, BBS, or Stepups OYO.  Then switched, we completed 2 rounds!

20 LBC OYO, then roll over to high plank and hold for 20, then low plank for 20, then 10 Merkins. 2 rounds as well!
Also had Schnitzel visiting from Hilton Head!

Life is constantly moving forward and continually speeding up.  Make sure to do your best to slow down and make memories.  I have been overwhelmed with work and have not made time for my family & friends like I should.  However, I needed to work until dark on Tuesday and instead dropped everything and took the family to the TN Baseball game.  I knew deep down later in life I would not regret getting those extra 4 hours of work in, but I knew that I would regret not making wonderful memories with my family…
I must say it is a small world after all!  Too cool that Schnitzel was at my Q.  Last Summer, I was on vacation in Hilton Head and worked out with F3 there on a Saturday and was invited to the 2nd F on the following Sunday.  Their 2nd F was taking 5 or 6 boats to a sand bar with family and friends gathered for some phenomenal fellowship.  This is where I met Schnitzel and his son as we talked on the boat ride over and on the way back.  He had let me dig into his cooler of wings too!  Get out there and make memories!
We prayed for Knoxville and its youth, we also prayed for a high school and college friend that was missing for 24hours that suffers from Huntington’s disease.  He has been located and is ok!  Thank you for the prayers!

Asylum Q = 1 : Elevation Patch = 0

THE SCENE: 46 and Clear

SSH x 30, Baby Arm circles forward and back x 10

Grab a partner and a CMU

Round 1  – Mosey to the top to the Pathway just past Everest, One partner goes down one side of the hill with the other goes down the opposite side.  When at the bottom run back to the top and do 2 partner mericans, repeat until you reach 8 partner mericans

Round 2, Same as round one except one partner carries CMU up the hill(Everest site)  4 trips up the hill with 5, 10, 15 and 20 4 cnt LBC,  if your partner is not up the hill when you are done with LBC’s burpees while you wait.

Return back to AO the quick way(up Everest), trade of CMU with partner half way up.

24 PAX
Do the right thing, Love your neighbor like yourself and don’t ignore Bunny on group me(or we will take CMU’s to Everest)