F3 Knoxville

Kraken’s Revenge

32 and Clear


SSH x25 IC
Tempo Merkins x15 IC
SSH x15 IC
Tempo Squats x15 IC
2 Laps around the parking lot and line up on the curb

Warm-Up Sprints
Start on the curb at one side of the parking lot.  Lunge to the cones (approximately 1/3 of the lo) and do 2 buprees at the cone.  Then sprint to end of parking lot and do 2 hand-release mekins.  Sprint back and do 2 BBS.  Rinse and repeat the merkins and BBS each trip until you get to 10 each.

Mosey to new parking lot

The Kraken!
Spread out to 8 cones.  Complete exercise at that cone and run around the cones counter-clockwise to the next cone (make the whole loop + one cone). Rinse and repeat until you complete the whole loop or until tie is up.

  • Cone 1 – Dry Docks x15 or x20
  • Cone 2 – Narrow Squats x15 or 20
  • Cone 3 – 4ct Flutter Kicks x15 or 20
  • Cone 4 – Star Jumps x15 or 20
  • Cone 5 – 4ct Shoulder Taps x10 or 15
  • Cone 6 – Reverse Lunges (each leg counts as 1) x10 or x15
  • Cone 7 – 4ct Hello Dollys x15 or x20
  • Cone 8 – Smurf Jacks x15 or x20

Mosey back to SP.

American Hammers x20 IC
Hand-Release Merkings x10 IC
4ct Flutter Kicsks x20 IC
Diamond Merkins x15 IC
Hello Dolly x20 IC
Wide Merkins x15 IC
Side Crunches, Rt x20 IC
Side Crunches, Lf x20 IC
Ranger Merkins 15 IC
American Hammers x20 IC

29 PAX

Often we measure our sense of security and significance by our external circumstances…where we “are.”  A stronger, truer expression is to look at the direction we are heading in.  Our circumstances may be tough, but if keep our eyes fixed on God, and seek to live with honor and integrity we will find a strength and resilience we didn’t know we had access to.  Conversely, we may be in a “good place” circumstantially, but if we don’t guard our heart and mind we will soon find life looses it’s joy and wonder.  Bottom Line: Life is a pursuit, not a destination!  What are your eyes fixed on?  How can you help someone in your life shift perspectives?

Cold weather is creeping into to K-Town, but the PAX greeted it head on and did strong work this morning!


  • 2 Year Anniversary THIS SATURDAY! Workout in the AM and party in the afternoon.
  • Online Q-Sign Up is live.  Go to www.f3knoxville.com to sign up for November!

Descending Ladder

THE SCENE: Low 40s & clear



  • SSH x 30
  • Tempo Squat x 10
  • 4ct Merkins x 10
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • this/that stretch


  1. Descending ladder.

Each man OYO work your way down the ladder from top to bottom.  After each round run across the parking lot & down the hill to the ball field fence.  Rinse & Repeat eliminating the lowest remaining exercise each round.  Alternate bernie sanders each trip up the hill when coming back from the ball field fence.

  • 10 Thrust Merkins
  • 9 Reverse Lunges
  • 8 Box Cutters
  • 7 Burpees
  • 6 Squatjacks
  • 5 Superman Swims
  • 4 Dry Docks
  • 3 Iron Mikes (4 ct)
  • 2 Flutter Kicks
  • 1 Ultimate Merkin


2.  Bear Square Crawl.

Four cones set up in a square.  Crawl the square while always facing the same direction.  Stop at each corner & perform the following:

  • Round 1:  10 Merkins
  • Round 2:  10 Pickle Pounders
  • Round 3:  out of time!  One long crawl to the end of the parking lot & Crawl Bear back.

No Mary today….plenty of abs in the workout.

20 PAX:  Rainbow, Booster, Snitch, Abacus, Pusher, Cat Gut, Smalls, Fabio, Rusty, Bunny, QVC, Walkabout, Code Brown, Charmin, Toll Bridge, Passport, Gibbler, Cheatsheet, Ribbed, Bartman

Repeat BOM from my last Q….it has still been on my mind.   Don’t let the cold weather make you a fartsacker!   Champions are made in the cold weather.  Keep setting the alarm, keep pushing….you’ll be glad you did once the spring arrives.


Truckin to the Pound – tomorrow 6am at the Truck Stop.

No Jabronis Allowed

THE SCENE: Darkish, gloomy, the air was almost as cold as the ice in my veins.

2 laps around parking lot

Baby Arm Circles x20

SSH x15

Tempo Squat x15

Tempo Merkins w/ pause x5

  • Mosey to the Cloud
    • Deck Squat Burpees
    • V-Ups
  • Mosey to Pavillion
    • Battle Buddy
      • One does wall sit and holds other’s feet
      • Other does 10 merkins, then switch, then 8,6,4,2
  • Mosey to Cardiac
  • Escalators
    • 10 burpees
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax, 20 merkins
    • 10 burps, 15 plank jax, 20 merkins, 25 squats
  • Side plank taps in cadence (10 each side)
  • Mosey to AO
  • Doras across parking lot
    • One parter does alternate leg burpees while other runs across lot, 6 tuck jumps, then runs back and switch.
    • Accumulate 75 total alternate leg burpees
  • Circle of Core
    • Hello Dollys in cadence x20
    • Suitcases in cadence x20
    • Tempo merkin w pause x3

Guppy, Too Late, Smalls, Cap’n Crunch, Doublewide, Anchorman, Butterfly, Pusher, Snitch, Neutron, Booster, Big Bird, Ponzi, Proton, Quickbooks, Charmin, Rusty, Rainbow, Woodchuck, Code Brown, Ribbed, Star Brite, Cat Gut, Flanders, Fabio, Jenner, Compost, Umbro, Bunny, Gibbler, Frank, G-6

“Familiarity is a danger for the church even today. The moment we become comfortable and over-familiar with our own culture, we tend to disregard those who are foreign to our ‘family.’

In order to be a High Impact Man, you need to be out of your comfort zone

Challenge: Bring someone who you have nothing in common with to F3. If they won’t come, share a meal with them

Take The Hill, Dominate Your Monday.

THE SCENE: Windy, cool, & a 100% chance of iron sharpening iron.

  • Welcome to F3! Fitness -Fellowship – Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning!
  • I am not a professional – I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have, so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do do but always give 100%
  • I need 3 things from you this morning!
    • PUSH YOURSELF – you came here to get better this morning – you absolutely have what it takes to succeed this morning – unleash it.
    • PUSH THOSE AROUND YOU – IRON SHARPENS IRON – the man on your left and right is counting on you for their safety and to push them to be better men!
    • ALWAYS GIVE 100% – You owe it to yourself to go had this morning and fight for every breath like it’s your last. You’re here this morning because you wanted to be a better man than you were yesterday – EARN IT!


  1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH) – in cadence
    1. 25 x 4
  2. The Rockett – in cadence
    1. 15 x 4 count
  3. The Cherry Picker – in cadence
    1. 10 x 4 count
  4. The Merkin – in cadence
    1. 10 x 4 count
  5. 5 Burpees On Your Own!


  • Mosey (with flag of course) to Bottom of Everest, THE Mt. Everest
    • Halt halfway –> 10 squats in cadence (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • Upon arrival at bottom of Everest –> 10 second rest/catch breath (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • SSH: 15 x 4 – in cadence
  • Take The Hill (Part 1)
    • Charge the hill with the flag (duh) all the way to the top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • Plant flag between 2 temporary high beam lights provided by Steam
    • Charge back down hill – leaving flag up top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
  • Take The Hill (Part 2)
    • Maneuver under enemy watch/fire
    • Steam sets scenario where the hill much be taken from the enemy – maneuver accordingly.
    • Zig-zag sprint up the hill
    • Stop 1
      • drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 merkins in cadence
      • Back up
    • Stop 2
      • drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 plank jacks
      • Back up
    • Bear Crawl 25 meters –> sprint the rest of the way to the top (Al Gore until 6 is up)
    • @ Top
      • Merkin: 10 x 4 in cadence
    • Back Down Hill (Hold Al Gore until 6 is up – make sure every man is accounted for)
    • Merkin – 10 x 4 in cadence
  • Take The Hill (Part 3)
    • Zig-zag sprint up hill
    • Stop 1
      • Drop down in push up plank –> 10 x 4 merkin in cadence
      • Back up
    • Stop 2
      • PAX on their 6 –> 10 x 4 flutter kick in cadence
      • Back up
    • Sprint zig zag –> line up shoulder to shoulder
    • CHARGE THE HILL! (100% all out)
    • 15 second breather 
    • The Squat –> 15 x 4
  • Mosey Back To AO 
    • Flag in front (in between 2 single file lines of PAX on either side of the road
    • American Indian run for both lines (flag stays out front)
    • Cadence Call by Steam
      • F3 –> Good For You –> Good For Me (x2) –> All Day –> Everyday –> No Man –> Left Behind –> F3 –> F3
    • Halt halfway
      • 20 x 4 squats in cadence
    • Down new patch to car parking lot –> AO
    • Circle up
    • 20 x 4 SSH in cadence
  • Finishing Strong
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder at one end of the parking lot AO
    • 80% sprint all the way across
      • 10 burpees on your own
    • Bernie Sanders 70% all the way back
    • 10 x 4 SSH in cadence
    • Sprint all the way across
      • 10 x 4 merkins in cadence
    • Bernie Sanders all the way back (100%)
    • Burpee in cadence
      • one element at a time
      • 5 total
    • Karaoke all the way across (100%)
      • 10 x 4 merkin in cadence
    • Bernie Sanders all the way back (100%)
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder in incline push up plank along curb
      • Starting from Right —- > Left: each man does one Merkin going down the line
    • Recover –> Bear crawl halfway across –> 100% sprint rest of way across
    • Line up shoulder to shoulder in incline push up plank along curb
      • Starting from Left  –> Right: each man does one Merkin going down the line
    • 100% Sprint Back
    • Flutter Kick: 25 x 4 count in cadence
    • American Hammer: 15 x 4 count in cadence
    • Hello Dolly: 25 x 4 count in cadence
    • ATMs –> Cap’n Crunch Leads ATMs to finish strong
      • 15 x 4 count shoulder taps
      • 10 slow merkins
      • 10 fast merkins

Heavy breathing
35 PAX – 1 FNG: “Ma’am”
“Periods vs. Commas”

  • The enemy tries to place periods in our life (death of a family member, a hard time, loss of job or loved one, tragedy like Vegas shooting, etc) that insinuate the game is over, that’s the end of the story. God looks at that and turns it into a comma instead, allowing whatever hard or difficult thing we’re going through or experiencing to not be the end of the story, just more of a pause as he carries us through to the “next part of the sentence” or stage of life.
  • Whatever periods you have experienced in your life and may be experiencing now –> God will turn that into a comma and carry you through.
  • Your story is not over. The is not the end. What seems like a unsurpassable period in your life is not the end of the story. Trust God to turn it into a comma and help you realize that there is more to come. You were made for more than to just be defeated by whatever period the enemy has put in your life.

Turning off Auto Pilot

THE SCENE: So humid it felt like we were working in Jello. Dimples wore long sleeves- bad choice..

The PAX rediscovered the importance of form over speed. Warm-o-rama included 10 good squats on a 4 count and 10 mercians on a 4 count.

Insert information about the workout.

  • Thunderstruck by ACDC – Side straddle hops until the song said thunder or thunderstruck. At thunder or thunderstruck we did a burpee
  • Mosey to the new parking lot and new path
  • Route 66 up the path with 4 rounds.
    • Dive Bombers
    • Star Jacks
    • Mercians
    • Squats
  • Mosey back to the AO
  • Flower by Moby (aka Bring Sally Up) – squat down when song said down, holding squat until song said up.

7s with American Hammers and flutter kicks


23 with no FNGS


Man is not designed to go through life alone. So often when things get hard we isolate ourselves and we can begin to just go through the motions. F3, Breakfast, work, dinner, play with kids, Netflix … repeat. As men we need other men in our lives to encourage us to keep running the race and pursuing Christ. Not letting auto pilot set in. Just like we encouraged each other today to keep good form and to keep going, we have got to do this for each other in life. Ask the hard questions and be a good listener.

Find and a friend who walk through life with and he can keep you encouraged.


  1. Maryville/Alcoa launch Oct. 14
  2. Truckin’ to the Pound Oct. 28
  3. Please note the new Q calendar. If you haven’t Q’d before and you’re skeered, grab a co-Q or ask a veteran some questions. You’ll be glad you jumped in!