F3 Knoxville

Circle the Wagon

THE SCENE: Crisp, clear, and cool.

  • Michael Phelps IC x10
  • Big Arm Circles IC x10
  • Mosey 2 laps around the parking lot.


Circuit. AMRAP 5 Minutes.

  • Round 1:
    • Calf Raises x20
    • Lunges x20
    • Run lap around parking lot.
  • Round 2:
    • LBC x20
    • Sundial x20
    • Run lap around parking lot.

Mosey to new, big parking lot.

  • Do exercise at every light pole on the outside of the parking lot. When you make it a full lap, do burpees until everyone gets back.
  • Round 1: Squats x10
  • Round 2: Merkins x(Pick your own poison)

Mosey to base of Cardiac Hill via new path. LBCs and American Hammers along the way to keep up the good cheer.

Cardiac Hill.

  • Sprint to first turn.
  • Merkins x10
  • Sprint to second turn.
  • Squats x10-20
  • Sprint to top.
  • LBC x20.
  • Mosey back down. Rinse and Repeat.
  • Lead group began doing lunges up Cardiac Hill on the 3rd ascent, picking up the PAX along the way. Then back to the (absent) flag.

PAX: 22. Smallmouth, Fabio, Coolio, Cheatsheet, Leonardo, Cherry Picker, Walkabout, Mr. Ed, Pusher, Expedia, Charmin, Crablegs, Snitch, High Heels, Umbro, Waffle House, Rainbow, Bunny, Rascal, +2 early departures

FNG: Compost (Forgot to get his contact info! Umbro, can you hook us up? Or Compost, just keep coming, ok?)


Mr. Ed has a torn ACL. It’s been torn for 5 years (what?). Surgery is scheduled for December. YHC felt that was too long to wait. This PAX prayed for complete healing NOW. Cause that’s what a Good Father wants to do for His boys.

I woke up late. Didn’t have a good plan the workout. Felt scattered. Didn’t have a good WORD ready for the COT. Then Mr. Ed shared about his ACL being torn and the upcoming surgery and asked that we pray for a quick recovery…after surgery. BOOM. It hit me. “There it is. Here’s the moment. Stop feeling guilty about not having something ‘prepared’ and STAY PREPARED to live freely in the moment.” I was immediately convinced this was no accident. “Mr. Ed, yeah, we’re going to pray for a quick recovery. But not for a quick recovery two months from now. We’re going to ask our Good Father for a quick recovery NOW.” A Good Father doesn’t give his boys snakes when they ask for bread. So, Father, sure, we’ll give you glory if you want to slowly heal Mr. Ed’s ACL post surgery. But we would much rather brag about how You healed Mr. Ed’s ACL without surgery.

Christian Brothers Automotive (https://www.cbac.com/knoxville/?L=true) are providing free oil changes to single moms. Contact for more details: (865) 270-6588.


HIM by Detention

THE SCENE: 55, clear with a hint of gloom. 26 PAX including 2 FNGs that did awesome despite all the burpees

done while jogging in place

Pax line up on sideline: Jog across and back, plus 20 merkins, 20 LBC, 20 squats all IC and 10 burpees OYO . RInse and repeat 2 more times

High Knee skip to the PAVALON, that’s right Lazy Boy, the PAVALON!

  • P1 does bench pull ups while P2 does 10 burpees, switch x4 sets
  • Duck Walk from Pavalon to the cloud for 7’s Body builders and BBS
  • Mosey to the new paved trail. New part of RT 66. 1st light post-1 burpee, 2nd light post-2 burps, all the way up to 8 burps. You get the picture
  • Mosey back to the AO for BOMBS. Time ran out for the squats but with all that we did, we got some good hump day work in!

no may needed as we worked in abs along the way
Insert PAX Count & FNG Name
Insert the WORD here.
HIM…..HIgh Impact Man but as detention said so well on one of his Qs. HIM also stands for:

H= Humble. Be humble and don’t put your self first. I= Invest, invest in others that surround you. As we invest in our selves during the workout, hopefully it will give us the ability to invest in others. M= Mentally Tough. You have to be Mentally tough and be strong to be humble and invest in others. This is always on my mind ever since Detention talked about being a HIM one morning. Its something I take we me everyday and try to apply in all that I do.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Uncomfortable Ladder

THE SCENE: the Asylum, It doesn’t get much better than the weather this morning

Rocketts x20
SSH x20
Super squat jumps x5
5 burpees


Mosey to Parking lot
10 cones in a line, with an additional cone 20-30 yards perpendicular to the center
(Or split into two 5 cone lines)

Cone 1: shoulder touch merkins
Cone 2: squats
Cone 3: dips
Cone 4: BBS
Cone 5: dry docks
Cone 6: lunges
Cone 7: toe touch merkins
Cone 8: American hammers 2 count
Cone 9: lizard merkins
Cone 10: reverse pickle pounders

1st Trip up the ladder x30
2nd trip up x20
3rd trip up x10
After each exercise run around cone (20-30yds) and go to next cone.
Repeat till time runs out And flutter kick till 6 finishes

Mosey to AO
Hello Dollys x29
Freddy Mercurys x20
Peter Parkers

25 HIMs

Having a goal and working hard for it.
In the beginning of this workout all of us had a goal of finishing. We worked hard, we sweat, we even got a little bit dirty. Such is life. We are going to have to work hard, we are going to have to sweat during tough times, we are going to have crap covering us from head to toe at times. We may want to give up, we may want to get mad, we may want to yell at God. But, we need to stay strong and we need to know what is waiting for us at the end. Today it’s a nice feeling of accomplishment, in life, it’s eternity in heaven with God.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭

lots of grunting and grumbling of arms being spent. BUT! Everyone pushed hard to hit their goals

2nd F party tonight

Burpee Breakfast


Worm, Fabio, Bunny, Catgut, Cheatsheet, Smalls, Frank, Hang-Tight, Snitch, Pacman, Anchorman, Too Late, Pusger, G6, Guppy, Butterfly, Flanders, Quickbooks, Rusty, Tonka, Music City, Ribbed, Footprint, Zygote, Belding, Detention, Pfeiffer (QIC)



– Cherry Pickers x10 IC

– Baby Arm Circles Forward x10 IC

– Baby Arm Circles Backward x10 IC

– Tempo Squats x10 IC

-Tempo Merkins x10 IC

-SSH x20 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to baseline of main parking lot


Starting at the baseline of main parking lot…

– 11’s with Squat Jumps and Burpees

-Begin with 1 squat jump sprint to opposite end of parking lot, do 10 burpees…rinse and repeat until PAX members are doing 10 squat jumps and 1 burpee

-Big Boy Sit-Ups when finished until recovery


Mosey to playground area for some more total body beat down.

Bench Work

Each member of the PAX find a bench and complete 11’s

-Box Jumps and Dips

-When finished find spot on padded surface of playground area and plank until recovery

Form two tight lines and mosey to bottom of Baby Hill

Merkin & Ab Circuit

Find a battle buddy…

Round 1- Partner A) sprint to incline of the hill and complete 25 incline merkins while Partner B) does flutter kicks at base of hill, Partner A & B switch roles and complete the set exercises

-10 count by Cheatsheet

Round 2- Partner A) sprints to incline of the hill, this time completing 25 decline merkins while Partner B) does Hello Dolly’s, A & B once again switch exercises

-10 count by Frank

Round 3- Partner A) sprints to top of the hill and completes 25 regular merkins while Partner B) completes Big Boy Sit-Ups, swap roles (as done in rounds 1-2)

-10 Count by Quickbooks

Round 4- Partner A) sprints to top of hill and completes 25 diamond merkins while Partner B) completes American Hammers.  (Switch roles so both partners have completed both exercises just like rounds 1-3)

-10 Count Woodshack

Mosey to back to main parking lot, keep same battle buddy


-Partner A lunges to first set of light poles then sprints to opposite end of parking lot and completes 2 Carolina Dry Docks while waiting Partner B) keeps moving by jump roping in place until partner A) returns (Switch roles and Partner B is now doing the lunges/sprint/dry dock sequence)

Rinse and repeat adding 2 dry docks to each round ending the total rep count from 2,4,6,8,10.


-Power T Flutter Kicks x15 IC

-Power T Hello Dolly’s x10 IC


Number off and Name-O-Rama


I watched Clemson Head Football Coach Dabo Sweeney discuss how to handle situations where players did not stand during the National Anthem.  His points were interesting on a topic that has been heavy on my heart.  I had the following two points for us to reflect on:

Points to reflect on:

1.) God gave us two great commandments, first to, “Love the Lord our God with all of our heart, all of our mind, and all of our strength”.  Secondly, “Love your neighbor as yourself”.  God didn’t say love people that are your same race, religion, sexuality, etc., etc., fill in the blank but, God did say LOVE your neighbor as yourself.  We do not have to all agree with other’s actions but we must LOVE one another.

2.) To see change we have to look in the mirror because ultimately we all want good in this nation and world but we have different ideas of what that looks like so to accompany our immediate prayers let us also use the simplistic yet effective formula of LOVE and KINDNESS for our fellow man and change starts at home and spreads to impact others.


No Mosey, All Business!

THE SCENE: 64 & Clear



  • SSH x30 IC
  • Tempo Squats x15 IC
  • Dive Bombers x15 IC
  • Diagonal Lunges x15 IC
  • Burpees x10 OYO
  • Baby Arm Circles Fwd x10 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles Bkw x10 IC

Everyone line up on the curb and get in groups of 3.

Triple Sprints
2 men at Cone 1 (orange cones) and 1 man at Cone 2 (orange cone).  One man at Cone 1 runs to Cone 2 while other two men do exercises at the cone, stopping in the middle at the yellow cone to do 2 burpees.  Then man at Cone 2 runs to Cone 1 while other men do exercises.  First man now runs to Cone 2.  Rinse and repeat for 6 minutes.

Upper Body:
Cone 1 = Diamond Merkins / Carolina Dry Docks
Cone 2 = Shoulder Taps / Superman Swims

Cone 1 = American Hammers / Lance Armstrongs
Cone 2 = Flutter Kick / Hello Dollys

Lower Body:
Cone 1 = Squats / Skaters
Cone 2 = Reverse Lunges / Side Lunges

10 count recover then circle up for the Accumulator.

Start with 1 exercise, adding another exercise until all 5 exercises are completed in succession. Then, work back down until only the last exercise is left. 20 seconds (20s) per exercise:

– Exercise 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1 and 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3, 2 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4, 3 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5, 4 then 20s rest
– Exercises 5

– Exercise 1: Burpees
– Exercise 2: Wide Merkins
– Exercise 3: Narrow Squats
– Exercise 4: Dry Docks
– Exercise 5: Jump Squats

Stay in circle, get on your 6 and get ready for some Mary

4ct Flutter Kick x20 IC
4ct Side Crunches, Rt. x10 IC
4ct Side Crunches, Lf. x10 IC
4ct Flutter Kick x10 IC

43 PAX, 1 FNG – Drawstring

Part of our growth is spiritual.  One observation YHC has made recently is that most men seem restrained and bored on Sunday mornings at church.  Rather than their faith igniting them, it seems to be hindering them from being who they are.  This is the exact opposite of God’s intent for us as men.  Our faith is not meant to fence us in, but fuel us for a life of impact and significance!  My faith informs me that there are no idle moments, everything has eternal significance.  Even the most mundane experiences, when viewed though faith have potential to be life-changing.  It’s about perspective.  It’s about seeing our lives as more than a quest for self-comfort and self-satisfaction.  It’s about seeing life as Jesus did…an adventure where we are part of something greater than ourselves.  We are meant to be life-givers, servant-leaders…HIMs!

Choose today to view your faith from the lens of what you give rather than receive.

It was a beautiful, clear, cool Monday morning and the PAX were out in force!  No mosey today, all business.  The men busted it for a solid 45 minutes and it was a great start to the week.  We also had a guest, cameraman from WVLT news was on site to get some video for a story they will be doing later this week.  No Sad Clown Is Safe!!!

Alcoa/Maryville Launch – 10.14.17
Trucking to the Pound CSAUP – 10.28.17
GROWRUCK05 – 11.18.17

Submitted by Cap’n Crunch