F3 Knoxville

Saturday Super Set Suicides (S3+1?)

THE SCENE: Clear, cold, and frosty (frozen fingers)

20 SSH’s 4ct , 7 Cherry Pickers
Super Set Suicides
4 Sets 15 CMU Curls  Bench Dips to Failure
4 Sets 15 Tri Ceps     Ext Pullups to Failure
4 Sets 15 Squat        High Knees to Failure
4 Sets 20 Single Leg  CMU Jump Overs to Failure
4 Sets 20 Merkins      Inverted Pullups to Failure
4 Sets 20 Overhead Press  Upright Row to Failure
Run to the cone of the same set and back. Set 1 run to Cone 1,
Set 2 run to Cone 2….

Alternate between Scissor Kicks and Peter Parker……finish with LBC’s

3 HIMS for Saturday….Butterfingers, Drifter, KY

Psalm 1

Blessed is the one
    who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
    or sit in the company of mockers,
but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
    which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
    whatever they do prospers.

Not so the wicked!
    They are like chaff
    that the wind blows away.
Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
    nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.

For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.

I wanted to share these verses from Psalms 1, because I sometimes find strength from these words.  In times of struggle when we might feel more like chaff than the tree planted by the stream.  However, if we draw deeply upon our faith we can weather any drought.  I highlighted my favorite verse above.  Hopefully, you can find something here too.


Springbrook Legacy

THE SCENE: 48 degrees F, 64% humidity, dark

SSH, Little baby arm circles, Windmills, Inchworm merkins with extra stretch.
Mosey to the upper field and stop at the fountain.

Route 66 #1:  With the fountain light pole as a home base do a compound Route 66 up the Greenway.  Run to first light pole and do 1 merkin and 11 WWII situps, run back to starting point and then run to the second light pole to do 2 merkins and 10 WWII situps.  Continue back to the starting point before running to each successive light pole to increase by 1 merkin and decrease 1 WWII situp.

At light pole 7 we all recovered and then ran cross country to the source of the Springbrook stream.  After some comments we ran back to the home base at the fountain.

Route 66 #2:  With the fountain light pole as a home base do a compound Route 66 down the Greenway.  Run to first light pole and do 1 dry dock and 11 squat jumps, run back to starting point and then run to the second light pole to do 2 dry docks and 10 squat jumps.  Continue back to the starting point before running to each successive light pole to increase by 1 dry dock and decrease 1 squat jump.

Around light pole 7 we all recovered and ran back to the fountain to learn a few things about the fountain construction and the King’s and Queen’s Chairs rock formation above the fountain.

We ran back to the AO via the Troll Bridge, another structure from the early Springbrook era.

At the scrapyard we did 20 pull ups and 20 step ups per leg before circling up at the Pavilion side for Mary.

In reality, no one was able to complete all of the prescribed beat down due to time constraints.  No complaints were registered.

Edward Scissorlegs, flutter kicks
13 HIMs and no FNG’s
Springbrook was an area owned and developed by the Aluminum Company of America starting in the 1910’s.  Company executives at the time decided to set aside one acre of park land for every 100 employees.  What is now Springbrook Park from Hunt road past Springbrook Pool originated from the ALCOA promise. Many of the structures like the fountain, stone bridges, and pool date back to the early 1930’s with much of it being built by company employees.  When orders were low during the Great Depression, management would assign workers to perform construction work at the park.  We also need to remember that most of the infrastructure of the area was provided and build by ALCOA because none existed prior to the company’s arrival.

This is a significant difference from our day and time.  Now, companies want concessions from local governments before they commit to moving in.  They want tax reductions and improved infrastructures.  They expect the communities to already exhibit those things that add up to good quality of life for their employees.  Seldom do we hear of a company starting from scratch and providing all those things.

It is good to know our beginnings.  It is good to know of our legacy.  F3 is leaving a legacy in Springbrook Park (the Bomb Shelter).  The great thing is that F3 is adding to the legacy of Springbrook Park with its goal of providing Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith to anyone that shows up.  I think it is a legacy that those who poured and will pour their effort into Springbrook Park will be pleased to see.

No man left behind; no man left unchanged.

Prayers for Swerve as he officiates a funeral and for Woodshack and Dreamer and their families in the death of David White.
3rd F at JUCO on March 28th.

Waxjob Mile

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and windy

Hand release Merks x 10

Inchworm Merks x 10

Jumping Spider Knees x 10

SSH x 12

Box Squats x 10


Triple 11’s on Waxjob Hill

WW2s and Low Peter Parker’s 4-ct

Iron Squats and Prison Get-Ups 4-ct

Diamond Merks and T-Merks 4-ct

If you get done early make a lap around the outfield and start over.

10 HIMs

Bombing Raid

THE SCENE: Low 30’s and snowy.

Some SSH and leg stretches

Drop BOMBS on this side the park.

5 targets on the loop. Run and drop BOMBS. Run and drop BOMBS. Etc.

B Burpee 10

O Lunges 15/leg

M Merkins 20

B BBS 25

S Squats 30

10 HIMs.
The bombs in our lives fall on our heads and attempt to blow us to pieces. We here at the Bomb Shelter have an circle of protection from the destruction. Through our bond of sweat and pain we support each man and lift them out of the ashes when it all becomes too much.
It was hard to think of exercise that started with O, hence the birth of the O-lunge. It’s not different from a regular lunge except somehow it was the worst exercise so I started thinking “oh ****, lunges”. Was shooting for up to 2 laps with 10 stops for BOMBS. Most got a lap and half.

Crumpet Clockwork

THE SCENE: Cool, Damp

  • LBAC
  • SSH x20
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Merkins/Calf-jumps 5/10, 10/20, 15/30


  • Take a CMU and mosey over to Mt. Crumper
  • Rounds of 15 reps, 30 sec, 45 sec, 60 sec. (exercise at the bottom of Crumpet, run halfway up, set of clockwork merkins, run to top and do another set of exercise, mosey back down and move to the next exercise
    • Round 1:
    • 15 Burpies
    • 30 sec.: Tuck Jumps
    • 45 sec. CMU Curls
    • 60 sec. Mt Climbers
    • Round 2
    • 15 Iron Mikes
    • 30 sec. Over the Block
    • 45 sec. CMU-On the Shelf
    • 60 (ran out of time), Mosey back to Grinder
  • MARY:
    • Flutter Kicks
    • Roaster Planks with leg lifts
    • Supermans
    • Pickle Pounders
    • Step-Through Planks
    Eph. 5:15, 16: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
  • Walk wisely with the time that God has gifted us. BE PRESENT because that is the time we are promised.
  • I mentioned this book: Living Life Backward: How Ecclesiastes Teaches Us to Live in Light of the End. Not a long book, but an awesome study of that book of the Bible and really transformed my perspective about the time we’ve been given to live.
  • Welcome FNG Attention!.
    Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.