F3 Knoxville

50 Stars and 13 Bars

THE SCENE: Warm as usual

  • 10 seconds of plank, 10 seconds of low plank – Repeat
  • Al Gore Tuck Jumps (10s hold) x5 IC


50 Stars and 13 Bars – After each set of exercises, run down to the road and back. On your way back, do 13 Merkins or 13 Pullups, alternate which one you do each time back.

With a CMU:

  • 50 Dead Lifts
  • 50 OH Press
  • 50 Bench Press
  • 50 Curls
  • 50 Bench Squats
  • 50 Upright Rows
  • 50 Thrusters
  • 50 Bent Rows

Ditch the CMU:

  • 50 Good Mornings
  • 50 Star Jacks
  • 50 BBS
  • 50 OH Claps
  • 50 Flutter Kicks (4 count)


  • American Hammers x20 IC
  • Cash out with LBC’s

13 Made it out this morning with FNG RadioShack!

Galatians 5:13-14 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

This week we celebrate America’s birthday and the freedom that comes with it. We are lucky to have the freedom we have, use it for good.

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THE SCENE: 67°, sunny

SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Arm circle x 10
Cherry pickers x 8
99 Problems
Suicide 8 cones up Crumpet between each exercise. Bear crawl back down.
Curls w CMU
Brick squats (sit on CMU)
4-count Mountain Climbers
Tricep extensions w CMU
LBC for 1.5 minutes
11 men including Tanya from Eastern NC region.
Nothing is good in excess.
Nobody got to Triceps.


THE SCENE: Clear skies, 68 degrees F, 96% humidity

SSH, Imperial Squat Walkers, Baby Arm Circles, Cherry Pickers
Indian run to the trail junction near the Springbrook Park fountain.

Partner Route 66 – Part 1

1 through 11 Merkins at ascending light poles.

HIM #1 runs to first light pole – 1 Merkin

HIM #2 begins 250 WWII Sit Ups

Partners switch after each return

After 11th light pole, HIM #1 returns to start and both complete 250 WWII Sit Ups

Partner Route 66 – Part 2

1 through 11 Squat Jumps at ascending light poles.

HIM #1 runs to first light pole – 1 Squat Jump

HIM #2 begins 250 Flutter Kicks (4 count)

Partners switch after each return

After 11th light pole, HIM #1 returns to start and both complete 250 Flutter Kicks

Indian run back to AO.

Push/Pull 11’s

1 Burpee

Bernie Across AO

10 Pull Ups

Skip Across AO

Increase 1 Burpee/Decrease 1 Pull Up each trip across AO

Box Cutters, LBCs, Alphabet
Total of 14 with two FNGs.  Welcome Stout and Taco
Everyone received a little grace today.  No one had to complete the three WODs outlined in the THA-THANG.  The “punishment” was taken away, the full requirement of the workout was erased.  Just like Jesus taking away the punishment of our sins and God declaring us justified through faith by his grace.  By grace we are forgiven, by grace the burden is lifted.

We have been forgiven and we are to be examples to others by forgiving.  Not always easy to do because of our human faults but, none the less, an expectation.

An incredible example of forgiveness and faith recently was demonstrated by Miranda Talley Reagan.  She was the estranged wife of Jimmy Reagan and mother of 8 year old Clark.  Tragically Jimmy murdered Clark before killing himself on June 15th.

On June 16th Miranda wrote a Facebook post.  In it she demonstrated forgiveness and faith that few emulate.  In the post she writes, “Compassion is the remedy for anger.  This was mental illness.  It’s heartbreaking this will be his legacy and that he was so tormented in his mind.  We will never understand, but please don’t hate him.”  She goes on to talk about the things that we tend to concern ourselves while raising children but she writes, “In the end, the grace of Jesus is all that matters.”  She speaks of God’s sovereignty and how she believes He will make something beautiful come from this tragedy.  She ends with this, “I could drown in thoughts of everything we will miss or all of the tiny parts of life he will take with him.  But he’s not missing anything.  This world has nothing to offer him in comparison to what he has now.”

Grace and forgiveness is something we all need and, more importantly, something we all need to give.

Prayers for KY’s wife Kelly to have a great job interview today, June 25th.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Blockees Across the Grinder

THE SCENE: Overcast… gonna rain soon and hopefully wash away the puddles of sweat we’re about to make in this humidity.

0 Burpees OYO
2 Burpees OYO
8 Cherry Pickers IC
4 Burpees OYO
16 Cossack Squats IC
6 Bupbees OYO
15 Hindurkins IC
8 Burpees OYO
15 Tempo Squat IC
10 Burpees OYO

One good warmup lap down the park and back
Random Tabata – 4 rounds of 20s on, 10s off for each exercise rolled on the die:
Butt Kickers
6″ Plank
Iron Mikes
Squat Jumps
Iron Mikes again

Called time on the Tabata halfway through the second Iron Mikes… We need to get to the 2 minute drill:

One CMU per person on the line.
Grab a battle buddy
One PAX does the exercise called out on the timer until relieved.
Other PAX runs to the line of CMUs and does three Blockee Broad Jumps, then relieves partner.
Exercises (2 minutes each):
Box Cutters
Squat Jump
Monkey Humpers

Squeezed in about 12 4-ct American Hammers
15 PAX this morning
I’m serving on the worship team at church this Sunday, and one of the songs I’ve been practicing is a lively meditation on God’s faithfulness. The bridge repeats, “I will rest in Your promises. My confidence is your faithfulness.” He is faithful, and He has proven Himself in my life as I’m sure He has in yours. Remember His faithfulness in the past, and rest in his promises for tomorrow.

Pretty much the second time this week for the same beatdown… Figured it was good enough to repeat today since my legs were still feeling it from Monday.
Assfault and a few others are working on a CSAUP for Big Ball/Asylum… Keep an ear out for more details!


THE SCENE: Partly cloudy skies, 59 degrees F, 69% humidity

Windmills x10, cherry pickers x10, overhead hand claps x30, tempo merkins x10

Indian run to Mt Crumpit with 40 sandbag.

5’s on Mt. Crumpit

2-Hand release Merkins

Run Up

8-Bodybuilders (8 CNT)

Run Down

(Increase/decrease 2 each trip)

Big boy sit ups till 6up

Indian run to AO  with 40 sandbag.

AMRAP Circuit on 1/4 mile AO Loop

  1. Box Jumps x12 orStep Ups x12/leg (run across AO)
  2. Derkins x12 (Bernie back to pavilion)
  3. Squat Thrusts x12 (run across AO)
  4. Pull Ups x8 (Bernie back to pavilion)
  5. CMU Swings x12 (run across AO)
  6. Box Cutters x12 (run AO 1/4 mile loop)
  7. Burpees x8
  8. SSH x10 (4 CNT)
  9. WWII Sit Ups x12 (run back to pavilion)
  10. Curls x12 (Start back at 1.)

Flutter kicks (4 count) x30, LBCs to cash out (x46).

13 HIMs with a couple of prodigal sons among the group.
Control.  Some things are within and some things are not within our control.  Coming up the hill for the last time this morning my SSHs were very sloppy, low energy style.  I realized midway through them that I was in control of the way I performed them and I better make a better showing for myself.  I was in control and I could just go through the motions or I could do them for my best benefit.  I was in charge of the impact they had.

Sometimes I get the false impression that I control things that are really bigger than me or my capabilities.  I remember a time when a very well know company did something I personally did not agree with.  Although I did not own any of the company’s stock, I called my financial adviser and told her to never invest my money in the company in the future.  A few weeks later another company began acting like an activist for a particular cause that I did not agree with so I called my adviser and informed her to sell the shares in my portfolio.  It happened again last week.  But this time I let it go and didn’t make the call to “sell.”

Why my different reaction this time?  I’ve become aware of my lack of impact, my lack of control.  I need to focus on what I can control, and let go of the things I cannot .  Yes, I do need to hold to morals rooted in God’s expectations.  Yes, I do need to stand up against sin and evil of others … and myself.  And finally, yes, I need to let God be God and let him dish out the wrath.  Vengeance is His, He will repay.  Jesus summed it up for me when He said that all the law can be summarized in two commandments, love God and love others.

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