F3 Knoxville

Death by Squat Thrusters

THE SCENE: A mild, dry, low 50 degree morning.

20 in cadence Bat Wings: Arm circles forward/arm circles backward/seal claps/overhead claps
10 wind mill
10 burpees
10 tempo squats
.25-.5 mile mosey to warm up


150 Squat Thrusters for time
Complete the F3 Knoxville February Challenge
Record times, Mermaid will update all times on the website
Exercises in 4 corners, perform exercise, and rotate until time is called
Corner 1 Around the world Merkins, BBS, Squats
Corner 2 Werkins, LBC’s, Lunges
Corner 3 Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Calf Raises (40)
Corner 4 Curls, tri ext, OH Press with coupon.
20 of each exercise

No mary, ab exercises were included in the workout.


Paraphrase the Prodigal son
Luke 15:  11-32
God will run to and and take you back even when you squander your opportunity.
He wants a relationship with you, and he will take you with your warts, and transgressions.

Prayer Requests:
Pool Boy-His friend Linda has Lymphoma
Rosetta’s coworker Zachary committed suicide
Spotter & Gump’s mom is having surgery today related to the return of her breast cancer.

Bring food on Friday for the Wesley House.
OTB workout at Catholic High School on Thursday 2/27 5:30 AM
Q 101 workout at the Asylum on Saturday 2/29 7:00AM
Convergence at JUCO 3/28



THE SCENE: Damp and low 40s

Cherry Pickers, High Knees w/Burpees, Tempo Squats, Mountain Climbers
Mosey over to Anytime Fitness Parking Lot: 6 stations of exercises (20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, repeat all three). Mosey up Juconte stopping for 2 Burpees at every tree (7). Recovery Mosey back down and along HV Road to start, repeat for three rounds.

Mosey to the front of Anytime Fitness. With a few observers from inside, PAX perform 20 SSH in cadence.

Mosey back to Shovel Flag parking lot:

Jelly Arms

Jelly Legs

No time
21 strong

Life is short: We live. We die. Then comes Heaven or Hell in a straight line.  That final outcome depends on the way we live this life and the choices we make. If you waste your life – in the end, you will lose it.  The life not wasted is one focused on lovingly serving others in a way that magnifies God’s glory.  Let that be our daily, even hourly focus.  Don’t waste your life!


JUCO – Rid me of myself

THE SCENE: Rain. Water everywhere……. 60F

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 15

4×4’s  x5 OYO  Burpee into plank / 4 merkins / 4 single mountain climbers / up repeat

V-up roll up – x10 OYO BBS with a crunch in-between 


Mosey to Corner #1 

40 Squats

30 Merkins

20 Big Boy Situps

10 Smurf Jacks

Mosey to Corner #2 (Sophomore Hill – The Curb) 

40 Calf raises on curb

30 Tricep Dips

20 Rocky Balboas – 4 count 

10 Derkins

Mosey to Corner #3 ( stop to grab a coupon, head to far corner parking lot ) 

40 Curls

30 Tricep extensions while doing calf raises

20 Kettle bell Swings

10 Merkins each – left/right arm on block

* return coupon

Mosey to Corner #4

Surprise stop #1 for a round of Smurf Jacks and Jumping spiders. 

Surprise stop #2 for a round of bear crawl bumper cars (Kick-Flip)

Surprise stop #3 for a round of crab walking until saved by the butt slap (Mandolin)

40 American Hammers- Single count

30 Shoulder Taps – Single count

20 Twinkle Toes – 4 count 

10 Burpees

Mosey along Hardin Valley with a quick pitstop in the shopping center parking lot for some Flap Jacks 

*2 miles of soggy mosey logged*


Mosey back to the AO for 3 rounds of ab burning Mary. (Flutter kicks, Heels to Heaven & Freddie Mercury) 

Anchorman, Spotter, Edit, Captain Obvious, Erector, Judge Judy, Mermaid, Mandolin, Mailbox, Kick-Flip, Finger Food, Sty, Slappy, Frenchie, Curveball

From Hillsong Worship – “ Lead Me to the Cross”

Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross

This chorus has been stuck in my head for the last few months. I believe God put it there to remind me on an almost daily basis that I need to be led to the cross. That I need to give up and surrender to God. 

I definitely need to “Rid me of myself” because I would say that 95% of my day is all about me. When I realize moments of selfishness I quickly pray that I would not make everything about me. 


Prayer requests:  Noonan’s family, Gump and Spotter’s mother who is going through cancer again, Mandolin’s job search, Mr. Pulte’s heart surgery on Monday the 10th. 


The little dipper amrap

THE SCENE: Crisp and cold in the high 20’s

Side Straddle Hops, Moroccan Night Clubs, Tempo Merkins, Windmills, Little Baby Crunches

Mosey to Sophomore hill for 2-3 laps of circuit with:

10x T push ups

20x BBS

30x Flutter Kicks

40x Squats

50x Coupon Curls

Next Mosey to Quad area for 11s with Dips and Bobbie Hurley’s, Bear Crawls down the steps.

Ran out of time.

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” MLK  Even with all the evil and hardship in the world we have to keep moving forward and continue to be a light to the world to overcome darkness and trouble
2 Corinthians 4:8-9
Forgot to ask

A Properly Motivated JUCO Posse

THE SCENE: Cloudy and cool, with temps around 32, and a wind chill in the high 20’s.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: This is F3, Fitness Fellowship, & Faith.  Q has a cell phone in case of Emergency.  He is not a professional, and does not know your injuries.  You will need to modify accordingly.  You are here on your own volition, the only thing that brought you here was an EH (Emotional Headlock), and a desire to check out why these guys get up so early to roll around in parking lots. 
Cherry Pickers to 5
Baby Arm Circles forward & Backward 10 ea
The Motivator from 12 (312 total reps)  This exercise reduced the mumble chatter to zero and left only groaning and complaining.


This is a 2 station workout.  At station 1 located near the coupon pile, you will perform 20 reps of each of the following 6 exercises with a coupon: Rows, Curls, Squat Thrusters, Tricep Extensions, Calf Raises, BBS aka “Louganis” holding coupon over head.  After you complete the 6 exercises, run to the top of sophomore hill.  At the top you will perform 6 more exercises, again with 20 reps each.  The exercises are as follows: Wide Merkins, Squat Jumps, Curb Dips, Diamond Merkins, El Capitan to the crosswalk, and handrail pull ups.  Once you finish run back to station 1, where you will rinse and repeat.  This is an AMRAP routine.  Most PAX made it to the third round, some beast studs began their fourth.  Butter Knife was out font leading the charge with Frenchie and Erector hot on his trail.  There may have been others in the lead group, but I was not.

Very little time for mary, the PAX held plank on their elbows for a short time (15-20) seconds.

29 HIM’s, no FNG’s.  My video failed, and I am proud of recalling 29 names from memory.  I will admit I struggled to complete the list as my picture was very grainy.

  • “I still have a dream, a dream deeply rooted in the American dream – one day this nation will rise up and live up to its creed, ‘We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.’”
    Quoting the declaration of Independence.
  • “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.”
    MLK’s Actions required Faith.  He was a champion for the civil rights movement, and so powerful a figure, with such a strong message, that those threatened by him eventually assassinated him.
  • “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”
    Matthew 22:39 Love your neighbor as yourself.
  • “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.”
    John 13:34  “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
  • “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.”
    HIM-High Impact Man

Praise from Butter Knife for the Men of JUCO.
Mermaid, 16th Wedding Anniversary today. His M is a patient woman for putting up with him for that amount of time.
Hardship Hill, can we create 2 Juco Teams?
OTB RUCK workout similar to the rush concept on Monday morning.  0500