F3 Knoxville

JUCO – Rid me of myself


THE SCENE: Rain. Water everywhere……. 60F

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 15

4×4’s  x5 OYO  Burpee into plank / 4 merkins / 4 single mountain climbers / up repeat

V-up roll up – x10 OYO BBS with a crunch in-between 


Mosey to Corner #1 

40 Squats

30 Merkins

20 Big Boy Situps

10 Smurf Jacks

Mosey to Corner #2 (Sophomore Hill – The Curb) 

40 Calf raises on curb

30 Tricep Dips

20 Rocky Balboas – 4 count 

10 Derkins

Mosey to Corner #3 ( stop to grab a coupon, head to far corner parking lot ) 

40 Curls

30 Tricep extensions while doing calf raises

20 Kettle bell Swings

10 Merkins each – left/right arm on block

* return coupon

Mosey to Corner #4

Surprise stop #1 for a round of Smurf Jacks and Jumping spiders. 

Surprise stop #2 for a round of bear crawl bumper cars (Kick-Flip)

Surprise stop #3 for a round of crab walking until saved by the butt slap (Mandolin)

40 American Hammers- Single count

30 Shoulder Taps – Single count

20 Twinkle Toes – 4 count 

10 Burpees

Mosey along Hardin Valley with a quick pitstop in the shopping center parking lot for some Flap Jacks 

*2 miles of soggy mosey logged*


Mosey back to the AO for 3 rounds of ab burning Mary. (Flutter kicks, Heels to Heaven & Freddie Mercury) 

Anchorman, Spotter, Edit, Captain Obvious, Erector, Judge Judy, Mermaid, Mandolin, Mailbox, Kick-Flip, Finger Food, Sty, Slappy, Frenchie, Curveball

From Hillsong Worship – “ Lead Me to the Cross”

Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross

This chorus has been stuck in my head for the last few months. I believe God put it there to remind me on an almost daily basis that I need to be led to the cross. That I need to give up and surrender to God. 

I definitely need to “Rid me of myself” because I would say that 95% of my day is all about me. When I realize moments of selfishness I quickly pray that I would not make everything about me. 


Prayer requests:  Noonan’s family, Gump and Spotter’s mother who is going through cancer again, Mandolin’s job search, Mr. Pulte’s heart surgery on Monday the 10th.