F3 Knoxville

The Bermuda Triangle

  • Welcome: 45 degrees.
  • Warmup:
    • SSH, Cherry Pickers,  Circle Bear Crawl, reverse bear crawl, crab walk, reverse crab walk, lunge, bernie.
  • Workout:  
    • 50 dips & 10 Hand Stand Pushups at the cone beginning then
    • Bernie to first cone
    • Crab walk to next cone
    • Reverse Crab Walk to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone
    • Inchworm to next cone
    • Bernie to next cone
    • Teams of two – Sprint to next cone
    • Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Reverse Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Broad Jump to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone.
    • Mosey back to beginning.
    • Repeat the above loop around the cone parking lot but then add in some stationary exercises (25 4ct flutter kicks, 25 LBCs, 25 Big boys, 25 Parker Climbers 4ct)
    • Then repeat the above loop around the cones with the CMU.
    • This workout was going to shape into a nice loop around the parking lot, which would have been a sort of triangle – hense the name “Bermuda Triangle” , however they started construction on site and so our triangle morphed into a pretty ugly shape..
  • Wrap-up:
    • Verse of the Day from the Bible App ” Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

It was a HILL of a day

THE SCENE: Clear and cool, maybe 37 degrees, but otherwise beautiful.


Tempo Squats x 10
Baby Arm Circles forward & Backward x 10
SSH x 20
Cherry Pickers x 5


Station 1
At Station one, El Capitan up the hill.  At the top hold a left leg lunge for 30 seconds, then repeat for right leg
Station 2
Run to the bottom of the stair case.  20 elevated heel Squats, run to the top of the stairs
Station 3
Perform 20 squats, then do a 30 second wall squat
Station 4
In front of the Middle School, elevate your feet, and do elevated plank jacks, then hold for 30 seconds
Station 5
In front of the intermediate school, elevated merkins and a short hold.
second round, one hand on the curb, merkins with a hold.
Station 6
20 Calf Raises, then walk on your toes to station 1
Rinse and repeat, at least two times, stay together and perform as a group.

Interpol led us in the Mary as he practices for his VQ.  We did American hammers, flutter kicks, monkey humpers and big boys.


1 kings 17:4
You shall drink from the Wadi, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.
1 kings 17:6
The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; he drank from the wadi
God will provide.  Just like he did for Elijah, we provides our necessities.  We have food, water, and shelter.  We also need a relationship with God and we need to be willing to ask God for help.  As a man that is a weakness.  Don’t be afraid to ask others for help, or God, and don’t take for granted the things that God provides.


Collecting for the Hope Street Mission.

Shamrock Jailbreak Tour

  • Welcome: 29 degrees – Good thing it’s free and clear!
  • Warmup: 
    • ssh
    • cherry pickers
    • 5 burpees
    • 1 burpee per shamrock to the Football field (30 ish burpees)
    • 25 yard mosey @ 25 % effort
    • 50 yard run @ 50 % effort
    • 75 yard sprint @ 75 % effort
    • 100 yard sprint @ 100% effort
  • Workout:
    • The Shamrock Jailbreak Tour:
      • Random HIM, pick a random card from the deck. Jailbreak to the location printed on the card and do the exercise printed on the card.  Someone give a 30 rest count.
      • Repeat
      • Of the 18 cards to choose from we chose:
        • @ Football field Entrance Do: 20 Wear Wolves
        • @ Pull Up bars Do: 20 Pullups
        • @ Football Field do: 2 Lengths of Bernies
        • @ Valley of Death Do: 3 hill to hill climbs
        • @ Football Stadium do: 5 Bleachers (top to bottom – touch railing)
        • @ Catholic High School Main Entrance Overhang Do: 25 Burpees
        • @ AO Home Base do: Bear crawl across parking lot twice
  • Warm Down:
    • 25 Freddy Mercuries
    • 25 Flutter Kicks
    • 5 Leg lifts
    • 10 Gas Pumps
    • 10 Captain Thors
  • Wrap-up:

Lighting the Arsenal’s Cannons

THE SCENE: Low/Mid 30’s with some sunshine
This is F3, Stands for Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith
It is a FREE workout
I am not a professional
You are here on your own volition
I have no knowledge of any injuries or your fitness considerations
It is your individual responsibility to be safe and to modify exercises if you need to, we all do it

  • SSH – 15 (IC)
  • LBAC – F/B – 10 (IC)
  • Air Squat – 10 (IC)
  • Merkin – 10 (IC)
  • BBS – 10 (IC)

Active Warm-O-Rama – Ring of Fire:

  • While Pax are still in circle have everyone alternating between plank and Al-Gore. 1 Pax will run to the center of the circle and burnie back. Once they return to the plank position the next Pax member goes. Rinse and repeat until all Pax have run to the center and back.

** Have Pax number off by 1s and 2s. 1s will go with Drifter to the Baseball Field and 2s will go with Moses to the Football Field.


Baseball Field: Bleacher Work
5 Minute AMRAP:

  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Incline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)
  • Step-ups – 10 each leg
  • Decline Merkins – 10 (4ct)
  • Dips – 10 (4ct)

Mosey to Outfield:

  • Suicides – 30 seconds
  • LBC – 20 (4ct)
  • Suicides – 30 Seconds
  • BBS – 10 (4ct)

Rinse & repeat until other group is done

Football Field Work

Place cones at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards. Pax will run to first cone, complete the exercise and run back. Then run to the 2nd cone complete the exercise, run back. 3rd cone exercise, run back. 4th cone exercise, run back. Rinse and repeat.
5 Minute AMRAP

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees

Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 American Hammers (count only one side)
  • 3rd cone 10 Hello Dolly (single count)
  • 4th cone 30 LBC

Suicides on cones 1-4 until 15 minutes is up.

Q2 and Q1 Groups flap jack and repeat circuits.

Merge Groups and mosey to Shovel Flag and present the flag

The shovel flag is one of the classic symbols of F3. No matter where you are within F3 Nation, the Shovel Flag is the one true physical link that connects us all. Just like we leave no man where we find them, the Shovel Flag is portable so that it can be carried forward and shared with others.

This shovel flag represents Respect: respect for country, respect for those who hae served and currently serve to protect our freedoms, and respect for the other AO’s across F3 Nation where similar flags are planted ever week

It represents Hard Work: it bears witness to the blood, sweat, and tears of the men of F3 who gather together at some obscene early hour to get better physically while finding new mental limits. Men getting stronger, fit, and conditioned to handle life’s challenges – most of which are not physical at all – Hard Work

This flag also represents the lives of men being changed. Men are moving from being passive participants in life, to being present. Present in our families, present in our places of work and worship, and present in our communities.

Mosey to SP (Smuggler leading the way carrying the flag)


We returned with a little extra time to spare so we decided to push through a few more variations of Merkins!

  • Regular Merkin 10(IC)
  • Wide Merkin 10(IC)
  • Dimond Merkin 5(IC)
  • 6” Crunch 10(IC)
  • Gas Pumps 15(OYO)
  • Ankle Touches 20(IC)
  • LBC for time!

48 Pax! Included (2) 2.0s and (1) FNG – Welcome ‘That Guy’

F3 has always been and will always be more than a workout.  We definitely want to push ourselves and each other physically, but we also want to grow relationally and spiritually.  The PAX is unique in many ways, But the one that is most important to remember is that we are not out here to compete against each other, but collaborate together to grow as husbands, fathers, sons, employees, employers, friends, and neighbors.  We are bound together under a high power for a greater purpose. And I pray that this group of men will continue to lead they way in setting the example for others.




THE SCENE: 35 degrees and slightly chilly

10x baby arm circles in cadence

10x reverse baby arm circles in cadence

10x cherry pickers in cadence

50x side straddle hops in cadence
Assfault’s AO Assault (4 rounds, 6 stations, 1 min work of 1 exercise at a station, 20 seconds to bear crawl to next station)

  • 8 count bodybuilders
  • Flutter kicks
  • Burpee mountain climbers
  • Burpee into squats
  • Hello dollys
  • burpees

18 men 2 FNGs Assfault mermaid Cheat Sheet Dumpster Dive Flower Pot Anchorman Fabio In and Out Brick Trolley Corona Weight Baby Boomer Betty Slappy Interpol Osteen Apollo 2(FNG) Vanna (FNG)
Mechanotransduction is any of various mechanisms by which cells convert mechanical stimulus into electrochemical activity. As members of the pax we introduce stimuli to each other at beatdowns and in our communities and stimulate growth. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another Proverbs 27:17

AO launch March 6 in Blount county at the arsenal