F3 Knoxville

Dora Go Round

THE SCENE: Chilly mid 30’s

4ct SSH x 20 (IC); 4ct Tai Fighters x 10 (IC); Tempo Squat Jumps x 5 (IC)

Mosey toward practice field; stopped along the way for extra warm up; 10 merkins/10 SSHs/10 Rocky Balboas OYO; Rinse and Repeat for a couple rounds

Round 1: 8 cones form a circle roughly 25 yards across; Each cone has an exercise assigned to it; Pick battle buddies and a starting  cone; HIM 1 takes a lap as fast as possible while HIM 2 does AMRAP of the exercise at that cone; HIM 1 swaps and does the exercise while HIM 2 takes a lap; the two then move to the next cone and rinse and repeat until all 8 cones completed; (Exercises: Merkins, Lunges, Hello Dollies, SSH, Carolina Dry Docks, Squat Jumps, Flutter Kicks, and Burpees).

Round 2: Flip carboard with exercises at each cone for a new set of exercises; Complete the Dora-Go-Round in same fashion as Round 1; (Exercises: Pickle Pounders, Side Squats, V-Ups, Snow Angels, Plank Jacks, Twinkle Toes, Superman, and Monkey Humpers).

Round 3: Same exercises from Round 2; Complete the Dora-Go-Round in solo style; At each cone do 25 single count reps and then run a lap; Move through all 8 cones.

Mosey back to AO

@Hurl had 39yo Birthday so we got in 39 Monkey Humpers (IC); Performed 6 De-motivators (start at 1 and work up); In honor of @Betty, we completed a few reps of Square Bears; Finished up with deep groin and hip flexor stretches, some Cherry Pickers, Downward Dogs, and Cobras.

Reflecting on the battle of Thermopylae and brave Spartans that stood in the gap to fend off the fierce Persian army.  Encouraged the PAX to consider their battles and importance of being prepared for the spiritual warfare going on around them.  Whether it is the battle for integrity when alone in front of a computer or the need for battle on our knees for our families and community, God’s Word and Prayer are our best weapons.  The battle is coming, so we must be ready to fight.

Proverbs 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron”… F3 is a great training ground to prepare for the frontline battles we will definitely face.

Bring coats!

Ridin the Burpee Rail

  • Scene: 47 – Damn nippy
  • The welcome and warning was delivered – ie – you are free and crazy – and so are we
  • Warmup
    • 52 SSH
    • 52 Toe touches
    • 52 Merkins
    • 52 Freddy Mercuries
    • 2 burpee Indian Run to Cedar Bluff Elementary
      • Stop and do a round of Reverse Burpees (Thank daughter Lucy for those)
      • Stop and do a round of “The Smoke House” (Big Boy – roll – superman – roll – Big boy)
  • Workout
    • Caterpillar Burpee Rail: Line up at wall – do a burpee on either side of wall then side step. (Called it the Caterpillar crawl – Riding the burpee rail.
    • Indian Burpee Rail Line up at second wall – Do step ups or box jumps while last person does a 2 burpee (1 per wall side) round and runs to the front of the line.
    • Caterpillar Burpee Rail: Go to third wall and do the caterpillar burpee rail crawl
    • Two Stair Climbs
    • Alternating Speed Bump Sprint / Walk – to get back home to AO.
  • Mary
    • 3 Smoke Houses
    • 52 Freddy Mercuries
  • Circle of Trust / Ball of Man

4 corners and 700 reps…

THE SCENE: A crisp & clear 31 degrees

Motivators from 7
Tempo Squats X 10
Tempo Merkins X 10
Bat Wings X 5
Cherry Pickers X 5
There are four corners, perform one exercise at a time doing 40 reps in corner 1, 30 reps in corner 2, 20 reps in corner 3, and 10 reps in corner 4.  Each round consists of 100 reps.
Round 1 Merkins, Round 2 Squats, Round 3 BBS, Round 4 Dips, Round 5 Lunges, Round 6 LBC’s, Round 7 Batwings

Mosey back to AO

No time for Mary today
9 Men
I have become selfish through the pandemic.  The ways that I used to serve, are not available to serve in the present, but I have not found new ways to serve, I have become about myself.  I challenged the group and myself to become a HIM (High Impact Man), and to find ways to serve.  I asked the group to look for opportunities to serve, and embrace them.  Judge Judy is trying to raise the bar, and we as men of F3 need to rise to the occasion to serve.  Be the salt and the light.

Matthew 5: 13-16

13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.


Bring your coats


The Scene

Perfect Gloom


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Thai Fighter Arm Circles

Seal claps


Tempo Squats

Bear Crawl F/S/B/S/F




Mosey to track and field hill

13 one heel elevated squats 

Bear crawl to curb, run up hill, recover down and hold plank until everyone returns


Down to 1 by 3’s


Mosey to CMU pile stopping halfway for 10 BBS/Glute bridges


13 exercises – 13 reps – .13 mile run

We only got through exercise 8



CMU Box Jumps

CMU Swings

Overhead Press

CMU lunges

Carolina Dry Docks

Mountain Climber Knee Taps

Freddy Mercury

Curb Dips

CMU Squats


Burpees over CMU


Mosey to AO switching between Bernie and mosey



Imperial Walkers for 45 seconds



17 HIM’s



Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 


Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  





Omaha to Paris

THE SCENE: Couldn’t be a nicer morning

Lots of on-time pax this morning! Stalled with some Michael Phelps or something while we waited on the stragglers, and did burpees in honor of Swimmies’ on-time (for him) arrival. Then it was time to get going. I read an article on the op-ed page of the New York Times ( https://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/06/opinion/memories-from-normandy.html ) that got me thinking I’d like to meet the author, who lived in Sweetwater.
Down to the CMUs. 5 rounds of Keepaway, or whatever that game is called. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot in between rounds. Team 1 won, although numerous lawsuits have been filed and the outcome will be contested until the recounts are over and the results have been certified.

Clint’s mom thought she outsmarted the US Army by sending Clint to typists school to keep him out of the draft. He was sent instead to the 82nd Airborne, 512th Glider Infantry.

There was work to do at the Cloud. Stepdowns, LBCs, Box cutters.

Jack Webb showed up…easily the least welcome guest at any workout.

Clint trained in Africa and was dropped into Italy. Fought his way past Mt Vesuvius, which he sketched in his secret and illegal diary.

Moseyed to the dock, practiced some Junk Science – like 90% of us are statistically entitled to 10 more years.

Clint Riddle got into a glider again and landed somewhere near Sainte Mere Eglise, and they fought their way into France.

Operation Overlord, our tribute to those guys. Omaha (Beach) to Paris. It’s almost a half a mile, and it’s all uphill. It is not easy.

Back to back Have a Nice Days, mosey home, ATM.

Ain’t nobody got time for that


Clinton Riddle stayed a Private until the war was over and he was finally discharged. He came home to Sweetwater, married, had kids, became a bi-vocational pastor, and started talking about his experience of war in his 90s, when he was one of the few people left to talk about them. He spent 3 hours one morning with me and my sons, telling us about every part of his time in battle. Pvt Riddle died last December. He was 98 years old.
With gratitude to Clinton Riddle and everyone who serves selflessly. With gratitude to the men of F3.
I owe Jumbo breakfast – INCREDIBLE Omaha-to-Paris sprint.