F3 Knoxville

Deck the Asphalt


34 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH 4ct x30 IC
Chinooks Squats 4ct x15 IC
Tempo Merkins 4ct x15 IC
Line up on curb
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
Merkins  x 4ct 10 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
BAC Fwd x10 IC
BAC Bkwd x10 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC
One lap around the parking lot

Line up on the curb.


Deck the Asphalt
The deck of cards determines our destiny!
For all suits with a card value of 1-6 = Suicides based on the value of the card

  • Example: draw a number 4 card (4wo Cone touches): Run to Cone 1, back to Start, run to Cone 2 and back to start. run to Cone 3, back to Start, run to Cone 4, back to start. Done.

For the rest of the deck, perform the number of reps based on the value of the card according to the list below:

  • Hearts: Burpees
  • Spades: Squats
  • Clubs: 4ct Flutter Kicks
  • Diamonds: Merkins
  • Face Cards = 15 reps
  • Jokers = run to the top of the hill, perform 1 burpee and back to the curb.

Finishing deck results in: 85 Merkins, 85 Squats, 85 4ct Flutter Kicks, 85 Burpees, 20 suicides and 1 Hull Run in under 45 minutes.


Number off and Name-O-Rama – 24 PAX


Golden Rule: Do to others as you would have them to do to you. (Matthew 7:12)
Golden Result: In general, people will treat you in the same manner that you treat them.

The importance of knowing the Golden Result is it reminds us that in many ways we are creating the world around us.  When it seems like everyone around us is “out to get us” that’s a cue to look inward and reflect on how you are relating to others.  As a HIM we seek to be men of impact, not men of excuses.

Today, be the type of person that changes the relational temperature of the room. Bring grace, humility and love where every you go and see if it is not returned back to you 10 fold.

Submitted by
Cap’n Crunch

Modified “Murph” Q-nniversay

THE SCENE: 39 and awesome!

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward/Backward X 10 followed by Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hop (IC)
  • Sprints back and forth the parking lot
  • Arm & Tricep Stretches
  • Calf stretches on curb
  • Mosey


Lieutenant Michael Patrick “Murph” Murphy served our country in the Navy Seals.  He was awarded the Medal of Honor, Silver Star and Purple Heart.  He was killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 205 at the age of 29.  We did a modified version of the “Murph” workout in honor of him and so many other men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

  • 9/10 of a mile run
  • 1/3 of group did pull-ups, 1/3 did merkins, 1/3 did squats “Tabata-Style” for 20 seconds then 10 seconds to shift to next exercise
  • PAX switch from pull-ups, merkins & squats continuously for 15 minutes
  • 4/10 of a mile run back to AO
  • 6 sprints across the parking lot


We did tons of Mary’s for 5 minutes during the song “Thrive” by the Casting Crowns

  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)
  • Flutter Kicks (OYO)
  • Superman (OYO)
  • Little Baby Crunches (OYO)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups (OYO)


15 HIMS & 1 FNG, Bypass, were in the gloom:  Bagger, Bartman, Bypass, Cheatsheet, Detention, Doubtfire, Erector, Rocket, Snaggletooth, Spotter, Stye, Teller, Vagabond, Waxjob, and Booster


I want to thrive in everything I do…being a Dad and husband, friend, etc.  I want to help families battling cancer through my charity.  I want to know and share the Bible.  However, I feel like I’m barely staying above water in my life…I’m good but not great and I’m frustrated as a result!

Yesterday, I heard Thrive by the Casting Crowns TWICE.  After I heard it the first time, my mind kept racing and I didn’t know why.  After I heard it on the way back from the zoo, I realized what it was…I’m just surviving, not thriving!  I hope and pray you and your loved ones thrive in everything you do so we can make this world a better place for everyone!

Read these words and listen to this great song!  Blessings to you and your family this Christmas and always!

Just to know You and to make You known
We lift Your name on High
Shine like the sun made darkness run and hide
We know we were made for so much more
Than ordinary lives
It’s time for us to more than just survive
We were made to thrive


It’s so awesome to see so many HIMs at JUCO! Let’s keep encouraging others to join us in the gloom to get better and support one another!


  • Remember the monthly challenge – 45 minutes of exercise outside of F3 equals 1 point for JUCO (or whatever AO is home for you)
  • 2nd F at Prinshop Beer Com this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. (F3’s own Amazon is involved in this business located at 1532 Island Home Avenue)
  • Possible Wesley House F3 workout this Saturday – Check GroupMe or reach out to Doubtfire for updates

A Tennessee Wonderland

48 and clear

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH 4ct x25 IC
Chinook Squats 4ct x15 IC
Hillbillies 4ct x15 IC
Line up on curb
Rocky Balbos x15 IC
Merkins  x12IC
Rocky Balbos x15 IC
BAC Fwd x12 IC
BAC Bkwd x12 IC
Rocky Balbos x20 IC

Mosey to Candy Cane Lane (circular parking lot)

Halfway stop pause for some Grinch’s leg

The Grinch’s Legs

  • Squats x10
  • Fwd & Bkwd lunges (same leg then switch) x10 each leg
  • Side Lunges x10 each leg
  • Jump Squats x10

Rinse and repeat


Candy Cane Lane
Run to cone 6 and back each time.  First time stop at far cone, cone 6, and do exercise.  Next time stop at cone 6 and cone 5 and so on until you do all the exercises.

  • Cone 1 – Squats x15
  • Cone 2 – Diamond Merkins x15
  • Cone 3 – Tuck Jumps x15
  • Cone 4 – Froggy Squats x15
  • Cone 5 – Dry Docks x15
  • Cone 6 – Candlestick Burpees x15

Mosey back to Santa’s Workshop (playground)


Worker Elf 11s

  • Toy Builders (i.e. 8ct Body Builders) & Dips

Mosey to SP


Santa’s Jelly Belly

  • Reverse crunches x10 IC
  • flutter kicks 4ct 10 IC
  • V-ups x10 IC
  • Plank Jacks 4ct x10 IC
  • Rinse and repeat


Right Side Crunches x20 IC
Left Side Crunches x20 IC
Dry Docks x25 IC
Rinse and repeat


Number off and Name-O-Rama



“And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.”

1 Thessalonians 5:14


Partners Make You Better

THE SCENE: 30 degrees and clear skies! Great morning for a workout!

SSH (IC) x 15, Moroccan Night Clubs (IC) x 10, Windmill (IC) x 10, Cherry Pickers (IC) x 10, Flutter Kicks (IC) x 10, Hand Release Merkins (OYO) x 10


Mosey to center of campus and partner up.  Starting with Dora 1-2-3 with 100 – Derkins, 200 – LBCs and 300 – Squats.  PAX not performing exercise will make 1 lap around the circle and trade with partner on return.  When your group is finished go into a plank or People’s Chair on the wall until all groups finished.

People’s Chair as a group for 1 minute after everyone is finished

More Partner Fun (All sets will be done by each PAX 3 times)

20 Incline Merkins with other partner doing Big Boys until Merkins are finished

20 Dips with other partner doing Flutter Kicks until Dips are finished

20 Shoulder Taps with other partner doing LBCs until Shoulder Taps are finished

5 Burpees with other partner holding a plank until Burpees are finished

When your group is finished go into a plank, Al Gore or People’s Chair on the wall until all groups finished.

Mosey back towards AO


Imperial Walkers (IC) x 10, Tempo Squats (IC) x 10, Freddie Mercury’s (IC) x 10

16 HIMs got after this morning! Bonus points to the 6 PreRuckers Vagabond, Doubtfire, Spotter, Erector and Judge Judy!
There are obstacles/issues in life that you may not be able to face alone.  In my circumstance, I had a major weight issue.  I am not nor have I ever been a small guy.  However, about 9 years ago I got up to 335 lbs.  Being 6’ tall, I was severely overweight and at 25 headed down a bad path.  With the support of my wife, I was able to lose 100 lbs over about 2 years.  She kept me motivated to work out, meal planned and meal prepped for me.  Without her, I would never been able to get where I am today.  We all faces issues/demons in our lives.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help whether it is from your spouse, family, friends or your F3 brothers.


Hardship Hill registration is live now

Self propelled pavement dryers

THE SCENE:  32  winter mix, but cleared off

Little streching, this and that

legs stretching this and that


tennessee rocking chair

baby arm circles

8count body builders



mosey to parking lot 1

sprints from light to light repeat

lunge / bear crawl mix from light to light


to the Sophomore

10 overhead claps Bernie the hill

20 BBS lunge the gap

30 Mtn Climbers Bernie down the hill

40 calf raises sprint to start


to the CMU pile


curls, tri’s, rows, press   Sprint to the cans and repeat


to the raised wall,

10/1 derkins to dips

mosey to the F3 parking lot

lunge / burpee 4/1 wash rinse repeat


back to the AO

Flutter kicks led by Erector

”Bring Sally Up” challenge
12 HIM’s in motion
God said no.

And God Said No’ (poem)

Here’s a poem, “And God Said No,” written in 1980 by a woman raised in an alcoholic home, whose sister was murdered and middle daughter diagnosed with a severe disorder requiring 24-hour care, … and the list of suffering and trauma could go on.

I asked God to take away my pride, and God said "NO". 
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.

I asked God to make my 
handicapped child whole, 
and God said "NO".
He said her spirit is whole, her body is only 

I asked God to grant me 
patience, and God said "NO".
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation, 
it isn't granted, it's 

I asked God to give me 
happiness, and God said 
He said He gives blessings, happiness is up to me.

I asked God to spare me 
pain, and God said "NO".
He said suffering draws you apart from worldly cares
and brings yo closer to me.

I asked God to make my 
spirit grow, and He said 
He said I must grow on my 
own, but He will prune me 
to make me fruitful.

I asked God to help me love others as much as He loves me,
And God said "Ah, finally 
you have the idea"!

© 1980, Claudia Minden Weisz. Used by permission of the author.  http://www.andgodsaidno.com

3 Pax with prayer requests we lift up
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.