F3 Knoxville

Spring Practice

THE SCENE: 49 degrees, cloudy, great day for some practice.

Baby arm circles (4-count) x 12 forward, x 12 back

Cherry pickers x 12

SSH (4-count) x 20

5 burpees


  • Mosey to Emerald Youth Soccer Complex
  • Kick Coverage:  PAX splint into 2 equal groups.  Line up on goal line.  1 HIM kicks or punts the ball as far as possible, the rest of the group sprints to the ball, the HIM who recovers the ball has 5 reps of appointed exercise, everyone else 10 reps.  Second group goes while 1 group completes reps on opposite side of field.  Repeat until all PAX have kicked.  Exercises: Round 1 burpees, Round 2 Wide Merkins, Round 3 Ranger Merkins, Round 4 Diamond merkins, Round 5 Catalina wine press, repeat as necessary.
  • Tennessee Drill:  Circle up in middle of field.  Groups of 4 in center battle with appointed exercise to exhaustion while 1 HIM calls out cadence, last one standing is the winner.  While central group is battling, PAX in circle perform appointed exercise.  Round 1:  Center WWII sit-ups , circle squats.  Round 2:  Center Merkins, circle forward lunge.  Round 3:  Center Hello Dollys, circle Reverse lunge.  Round 4:  Center CDD, circle Bobby Hurleys.
  • Two Minute Drill:  Cross the field with appointed exercise as a group until goal line is crossed.  1:  Broad jum burpees x 5.  2: Bear crawls 4-count x5.  3:  Crab walks 4-count x 5.  4:  Merkins x 5 (we did not make forward progress, but it was well executed.  5:  Forward lunge x 5.  6:  Cross the goal line with high steps, finishing with your best Heisman pose.
  • Mosey back to AO


  • Out of time

19 strong with 1 FNG.  Cougar and Bullseye  were also in attendance (could not find their tags).  Welcome FNG Jarrett Delozier ( Zacchaeus)

  • How do you handle or respond to constructive criticism?
  • “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary.  It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body.  It call attention to an unhealthy state of things.”  Winston Churchill
  • “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.”  Norman Vincent Peale
  • “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”  Proverbs 1:7

Pray for Sam, friend of G-6, who is fighting cancer.

Circuits of Courage

THE SCENE: Just about perfect weather – 50 degrees, no wind



  • SSH IC x 25
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 10
  • Tempo Squats IC x 12
  • Merkins IC (4 ct) x 15
  • 2 sets of 5 burpees OYO as we toured the circuit


We did a circuit on the grinder (1 station at each corner) with 1 station at the flag pole, and another at the pavalon. Each station has 2 exercises listed. Pretty simple – pair up with a battle buddy and do 20 reps of both exercises listed and move to the next station until time is called. Ended up making it through 3 rounds.

  • Station 1: Mountain Climbers (4 ct.) and Squat Jumps
  • Station 2 (flag pole): Dry Docks and Flutter Kicks (4 ct.)
  • Station 3 (pavalon): Bench Rows and Derkins
  • Station 4: Supermans and Hello Dollies (4 ct.)
  • Station 5: Shoulder Press and Bicep Curls (both exercises with the supplied rocks)
  • Station 6: Merkins and Lunges

Mosey to base of Little Baby Hill. One partner runs the hill and does 2 burpees at the top, while the other does squats at the bottom. Rinse & repeat – 3 times up the hill each.


Did a little plank work, 20 American Hammers (4 ct) IC, and finished with AMRAP LBC’s for the last minute.


38 strong this morning – No FNG’s


When one man acts courageously, it strengthens the spines of other men. It took courage for Peaches and Food Truck to share their testimonies with us at the 3rd F event on Saturday. By doing so, they allowed our small group time to be more open and allowed us as men to be more vulnerable with each other because they had the courage to be open themselves.

When we come out each morning to the gloom, we can either choose to push through the suck and make our brothers push themselves harder and farther than they imagined, or we can choose to half ass it and settle for mediocrity. When I see a brother pushing himself to his max, something stirs inside me that makes me want to push myself harder as well. Don’t be the guy who waits for someone else to step up before stepping up yourself. We’re called as HIMs to be the guy that strengthens the spines of other men through our actions.

Magic No. 24

THE SCENE: 44 degrees // light rain // cloudy but kinda purty outside

“Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith. My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this morning. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition, which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have. So if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so but push yourself and those around you.

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 15 x 4 in cadence

2. Cherry-Picker: 15 x 4 in cadence

3. Windmill: 15 x 4 in cadence

4. Squat: 15 x 4 in cadence

5. Merkin: 15 x 4 in cadence
Mosey — PT — More PT — More Mosey — More PT — Mosey Home

  • Mosey to The Square (American Indian run formation)
    • Bridge across Henley St. = battle buddy side lunge across
  • Arrive @ front of Market Square
    • 24 x 4 SSH in cadence
  • Assemble battle buddy teams
  • “It Pays Tn Be A Winner
    • 4 stopping points to cross market square
    • 5 rounds
    • Round 1: 5 merkins/square
      • Sprint back to start
    • Round 2: 10 dry docks/square
      • Spring back to start
    • Round 3: 15 buddy sit-ups/square
      • Sprint back to start
    • Round 4: 20 SSHs/square
      • Sprint back to start
    • Round 5: 25 squats/square
      • Sprint back to start — hold plank
  • Mosey to S side of Market Square — enter well lit /charismatic Ally running parallel to Market square
    • Mosey 1/3rd of way: 24 merkins
    • Mosey 1/3rd of way: 24 plank jacks
    • Mosey to end: 2 burpees
  • Mosey around to N side of Market Square
  • ABS
    • Battle buddy decline sit-ups (24)
      • Sprint to S side of Market Square & back = Bell & Back
    • Flutter kicks: 24 x 4 in cadence
      • Bell & Back
    • American Hammers: 24 x 4 in cadence
      • Bell & Back
  • Market Square Departure Exit Ticket
    • SSH: 50 x 4 in cadence
  • Mosey Back Home
    • Before bridge across Henley St.
      • 24 squats x 4 in cadence
  • Porti-Pottys alongside pond at WFP
    • Squat rotations all the way down the line
    • American Indian Run back to field
  • Take the Field
    • Sprint the field – 100%


PAX Count: 8

Cheatsheet – Waxjob – Cheesesteak – G-6 – Abort – Pfeiffer – Detention – Steam

I want to encourage us to take heart this morning men. I’ve had the honor of getting to know and be mentored by a Marine officer by the name of Brandon Rabun. He’s a warrior for Christ above all else, even above the Corps. I want to share something he shared with us on our spring break trip last week. I need to hear this more than anyone.

“We’re men, let’s act like it. Be strong. Physically run a mile – lift a weight – climb a mountain – let’s do this together. Mentally be emotional and show a loving side at all times. Spiritually, open the word and encourage other men to do the same. As men were not allowed to be weak. Throw that away – accepting and owning your weaknesses shows the upmost strength. – Walk alongside men of character and impact to battle your weaknesses together in fellowship.”

Brandon is a huge role model for me.

So this morning I want to call us as men into active duty for the Lord. Take heart in him, because everyday we’re going toe to toe with the enemy. But we don’t have to do it alone or do it according to the world.

|| Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight ||

|| No Man Left Behind – No Man Left the Same ||

Mid-week Split – Do the next right thing

26 HIMS split up to Kick hump day in the teeth!

F3 – March 20th, 2018  

5:30 COP

  • Side Straddle Hop x 20
  • Baby Arm Circles x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 15
  • Michael Phelps x 15
  • Cherry Pickers x15

Core Group

 4 Corners Escalator 10 burpees, 20 Squat Jumps, 30 merkins, 40 squats

RUN UP THE HILL!  Bear crawl between corners.  Work your way back down.

Aiken Legs – Play Ground  

  • Done in succession with no rest — 20 Squats, 20 Box Jumps, 20 Mary Catherine Lunges (10 each leg), 20 Reverse Lunges (10 each leg forward).

Dora 1,2,3 on any hill close by.

  • 100 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Run Group

Escalator to big lot

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Squat Jumps
  • 30 Merkins
  • 40 Squats

Grinders – Groups of 3   Burpees, Big Boys


  • 150 Merkins
  • 200 Squats
  • 300 Flutter Kicks

Mosey back on trial Route 66 style.

  • Squat Jumps

Cash Out Together

We reap what we sow, but not in the same season.

Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

– The delayed fruit causes us to be short-sighted, and we pay a price for it in the long haul.
– It is so easy to pursue unrighteous, unhealthy, “bad” things and hard to pursue righteous, healthy, good things.
– This is why long term goals couple with short term grit is critical for growth.
– Keep your eyes fixed ahead and do simply do the next right thing.  The fruit will come, in it’s due season.

Just another Monday Morning

THE SCENE: Wet, rainy and awesome

C0-Q with Coolio and Proton

Side Stradle Hops X20

High Knees for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Heels to butt for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

Drive and skip for the half the parking lot and 50% finish

50% sprint for half and all out sprint for half.
Proton’s “Core” Workout at the AO

Bermuda Triangle – 2 Second Hold-  3 Stations. 1- Pull-up, 2 Rows, 3- Wall jumps/step-ups.

Break up into four groups and run to each station.  Every time you pass the Flag Pole do 5 or 10 Burpees.

-10 Pull-Ups x 3 rounds

-20 Picnic Table Rows X 3 Rounds

-20 Wall Jumps or step up x 3 Rounds

Bearpees 1 Burpee followed up by 4 count bear crawl forward around the outside of the playgroud.  25 yards.   Burpee Dan – 1 Burpee followed by 4 count lunges 25 yards

Mosey to bottom of the hill

Jacobs ladder- Run the hill 1 Burpee, backwards up the hill 2 burpees, run the hill 3 burpees, etc. etc. up to 7.

Burpee Dan’s – Groups of 4

-4 Burpee : 4 lunges across lot.

-1 burpees : 4 lunges back to starting position.

Coolio’s “Run and Grind” workout

3 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

10 box jumps


2 minute Mosey

20 Merkins

20 BBoys

20 Squats

1 50 yard sprints

This was repeated 5 times.  Ran just under 3 miles


35 men no FNGs

Get in the habit of taking out the Garbage.  Get into the habit of confessing sin to your brothers.  Don’t let it build up and fester in your heart.  God gives Grace the the humble.  1 John 9: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 51:10

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and renew a rightb spirit within me.
11Cast me not away from your presence,
and take not your Holy Spirit from me.
12Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Get out there and sign up for a Q.  Call someone to CO-Q.