F3 Knoxville

Green Day Beatdown

52 and Dreary


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  • SSH (aka Flying Falcons!) x25 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Tempo Squats 15 IC
  • Little Arm Circles x10 each Forward and Back IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Diagonal Lunges x15 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Dive Bombers 15 IC
  • Two laps around the parking lot

Mosey to bottom of the hill


Jacob’s Ladder
Run up hill, do 1 burpee, run down.  Repeat adding 1 burpee until you get to 7

Mosey to pavilion


1-2-3 Pyramid on Benches
Do the following:
1 Box Jump, 2 Decline Merkins, 3 Squats.

Repeat adding one rep to the first exercise and multiplying that number by 2 and 3 for the other exercises until you get to 10, 20 and 30 reps respectively.

Mosey to new parking lot


Parking Lot Work
Cones placed at 10, 20, 30, and 40 yards

Circuit 1: Legs

  • 1st cone 10 lunges in place
  • 2nd cone 5 burpees
  • 3rd cone 10 squats
  • 4th cone 5 burpees
  • Round back to start
  • 6 minute AMRAP


Circuit 2: Abs

  • 1st cone 10 BBS
  • 2nd cone 10 4ct Dlu
  • 3rd cone 10 Hello Dolly (single count)
  • 4th cone 10 4ct LBC
  • Run back to start
  • 2 rounds

Mosey to bottom of Cardiac Hill.

Stop halfway for 10 Hand-release Merkins


Cardiac Circuit
Do the following:

  • Base – 15 Merkins
  • 1st curve – 15 4ct Mountain Climbers
  • 2nd curve – 15 Dry Docks
  • 3rd curve – 10 Iron Mikes (each leg counts)

Mosey to the SP in the parking lot for abs.



4ct American Hammers x25 IC


16 PAX


Iron sharpens iron is more than just a tag line, it is the heart of what F3 is all about.  Each man, by being part of the PAX, on any given morning is choosing to reject passivity and accept responsibility for himself and the men on his left and right. That is the “secret sauce” of F3.  It is what helps men to see growth in their own lives and impact the world around them.



Submitted by Cap’n Crunch

Crazy Eights and Synchronized Squats

THE SCENE: Misty and temperature in 40’s

20 Lateral Leaps, 10 Burpees, 10 Synchronized Squats (for Crawdad), 10 Tempo Merkins , 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Twisters

Mosey to Dragon Tail.  We will do a Route 66 up the Dragon Tail with the following exercises:

  • Mountain Climbers (Four Count)
  • Ice Skaters (Four Count)
  • Star Jumps (Four Count)

The first person to reach the eleventh light (where a cone will be placed) should turn and sweep all men back to the starting point before we begin the next exercise in the sequence.

Mosey to Stop Sign at Northeast Corner of Administration Bldg.  Gander at the view of the river below.

Mosey to Boulder Pile by Admin Bldg Parking Lot.  We will be running clockwise on the road that goes around the Admin Bldg., stopping to perform the exercise(s) written by each cone that will be placed along the road.  We will rinse and repeat after going around the first time. The exercises to be performed at each cone are as follows:

Cone 1 (at boulder pile):  Each man picks up a cinder block weight boulder and does the following:  20 Rows, 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Curls, 20 Squats

Cone 2 (at north end of Admin Bldg parking lot):  Run up and down fire escape at Admin Bldg.

Cone 3 (a few feet from Cone 2):  Bear Crawl to Cone 4.

Cone 4 (located about 20 yards from Cone 3):  Hop to Cone 5.

Cone 5 (located about 20 yards from Cone 4):  20 Merkins

Cone 6 (Located about 20 yards from northeast corner stop sign.):  20 Squats

Cone 7 (Located on east side of admin bldg., 20 yards from northeast corner):  20 Squat Jumps

Cone 8 (Located close to sidewalk leading to front of admin bldg):  Run up steps at front of admin bldg.  Do 20 Box Cutters.  Return back to cone and do 20 lunges (each leg).

Cone 9 (Located about 20 yards west of southeast corner stop sign):  20 Diamond Merkins

The first two men to finish should split up with one man going clockwise and one man going counter clockwise to sweep all men back to the sidewalk that leads to the front of the Admin Bldg.

Mosey to Pavillion.  We will run counter-clockwise to the following locations and do the following exercises:

  • 20 American Hammers, 20 Hello Dollies, 20 Big Boy Sit-ups, 20 Bicycle Kicks

Mosey to AO.

Let’s face it men, we are sinners.  We screw up.  We make mistakes, saying I will never do that again, yet do it again the very next day.  Thankfully, we have a God who truly loves us.  That is so difficult to grasp.  It is easy to think of God as angry and judgmental, ready to jump all over us for our sins.  There are times in our life when we truly hurt, when we truly have messed up and we think, How could God really love me?

Yet, the Bible tells us of God’s overwhelming love for us.  God made and truly loves every inch of you.  Ponder on that today.  God cherishes you.  Thinks about that one.  God is always with you.  Huh, really?  Yes, he is always there, always walking with you.  And this God is a God of grace, all powerful, yet willing to die on the cross for you.  So walk on with that knowledge, that God is fond of you, has your back, and is always there.

Upcoming 3rd F Event will be at Outlook, 8:30 am on March 24.  Praise that Crawdad’s MRI was negative for any tumors!!!!

Nice & Low Impact

THE SCENE: It was Cold!

  • SSH IC x 40
  • WGM (World’s Greatest Merkin) IC x 5
  • Rockettes IC x 15
  • Merkins OYO  – 2 Minutes
  • BBS OYO – 2 Minutes
  • Burpees OYO x 10



Circuit 1 –

  • Gorrilla Shuffle Line Dance- OYO
  • HR Merkins x 2
  • Gorilla Shuffle x 3 to the Right
  • HR Merkins x 2
  • Tuck Jumps x 2
  • Bear Crawl FWD x 10
  • Rinse & Repeat to the Left and Make your away across the Soccer Field
  • 10 Burpees and take a Hot Lap around the Field – Plank it up Center Field



  • Rock Climbers IC x 15 (Not Mountain Climbers those are standing)
  • Plank Jack IC x 15
  • Dips OYO x 25 (4 Sets)


Circuit 2 –

  • Caterpillar Merkins OYO x 1 Ascending to 5
  • Add Lunge (ea leg) for every Merkin – work your away across the field
  • 10 Burpees – Take a Hot Lap


2nd Intermission

  • Plank it up Mid-Field
  • Absolutions – Hi Plank – Lo Plank – Lo Plank Jacks on a 6 count IC (I forgot the In-Out Motion)
  • Then 15 OYO (Cuz I can’t breathe)


Then my workout ran short … so we did 11’s

  • Start 0 – 11
  • Merkins Southside
  • BBS Northside
  • Lunge North
  • Run South


Back to the AO

10 Burpees


The Gap between who you are today and the Man you are meant to be is called the Gap to Greatness. This can be overwhelming or motivating depending on how fiercely you are closing that Gap!
Getting the Band back together again. We had a lot of old school guys come out that we haven’t seen in a while. Since Tank was making a comeback on his Tankle, we had to make sure we kept it nice and low impact. I did however not make good on my promise to keep it under a mile… Great work Men! Thanks for coming out

Sweet Sixteen and Heading to the Finals

THE SCENE: Cloudy, cool, had rained earlier in the morning

Side Straddle Hops, Cherry Pickers, Windmills, Body Twists
Mosey to top of trail at northern end of park.

Starting at cone we will do Route 66 downhill.  The first to get to the cone at the 11th light should turn around and sweep all men back to the first cone.  The following will be the exercises:

  • Mountain climbers (four count)
  • Squat Jumps
  • Carolina Drydocks

Mosey back down trail until we reach area by Big Tree.  20 Merkins

Mosey to perimeter trail on other side of northern park entrance.  20 Merkins

Mosey on perimeter trail to area below Mount Everest.  20 Diamond Merkins

Mosey up Mount Everest to boulder pile near Administrative Bldg Parking Lot.  Each man takes cinder block weight boulder.  We will do the following exercises with boulders:

  • 20 Overhead Presses
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 Triceps
  • 20 Lifts
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to stop sign on Northeast side of admin bldg.  20 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey to Pavilion by AO

We will do Totem Pole with following exercises. Exercises to be performed for 30 seconds, adding on another exercise each time until we have done all five.  Then we drop bottom exercise, etc. until we finish with last exercise.  Thus, all exercises will have been performed five times by the time we are done.  The exercises are:

  • Burpees
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • American Hammers
  • Picnic Table Pull-ups
  • Bicycle Kicks

Mosey to AO


Sixteen men.  One was FNG whom we dubbed “Notorious.” Another man, “Shakespeare”, is transplant from F3 at Columbia, SC.  He now lives in Knoxville and we welcome him!
The scripture of the day is from Matthew 6: 5-9.

“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love xto stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. yTruly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, zgo into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. aAnd your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

“And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as bthe Gentiles do, for cthey think that they will be heard dfor their many words. Do not be like them, efor your Father knows what you need before you ask him. fPray then like this:  (then the Lord’s Prayer is recited).

When we pray, we do not have to worry about praying with beautiful sentences or big words.  God wants you to be yourself.  God also wants time with you alone.  He made you and desires relationship with you, conversation with you.  Because He wants conversation with you, both talk to Him and listen to Him.  Take time to listen in prayer.  If things happen in your day, ask God what He is wanting you to learn from those things.  What is God trying to tell you?  And remember, when talking to God, that He is Love.  Do not shy away from your father, who created you, who knows you, who loves you.
Coffeeteria Baby!!!

Physical Training is of Some Value…


35°F, cloudy, the snow and ice is getting out of here but there are still a couple slick spots.



  • SSH x25 (IC)
  • Burpee x5 (OYO)
  • Merkins x20 (IC)
  • Squats x20 (IC)
  • Curb to Curb
    • High Knees
    • Butt Kicks


Mosey to the Pavilion

21s- Bench pull-ups and squats

Mosey to parking lot at playground and line up across the curb

Long jump a quarter of the way across and then sprint

Bear crawl halfway across and then sprint

Lung halfway across and then sprint

(repeat sequence)

Mosey to the hill along the road towards the Northshore entrance to the park

11s- Burpees at bottom and Flutter Kicks at the top

Mosey to the playground

11s- box jumps and BBS


  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • Warrior Pose
    • Right foot forward and twist right
    • Left foot forward and twist left
  • Plank
    • Hand and leg up
    • Switch to other side
  • Warrior Pose
    • Right foot forward and twist right
    • Left foot forward and twist left
  • LBC x30 IC



“for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬


We are saved by grace, but we should be just as (or more) intentional towards growing in Godliness as we are towards growing in physical fitness. This doesn’t mean start fartsacking more often. It means learn from how you are able to focus on physical fitness, to stop fartsacking on your relationship with God.


The guys worked hard this morning. 21s on the bench pull-ups was a little much but they pushed through it.