F3 Knoxville

Irish Buddy System

THE SCENE: Cloudy & cool, low 50’s

SSH, Mike Tyson’s, Alt Rockette’s, Squat jumps w/ ground touch, Alt Superman’s w/ holds, IT band static stretch, Child pose into Cobra, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles/Adult Arm Circles, Rotator Cuffs, Neck Rolls
Continuous Irish squats in circle, while one PAX performs 5 four-count mountain climber burpees.  Each PAX performs a set of MC burpees and passes the buck to the next PAX, in clockwise fashion.

Irish trivia (no fact checking) thrown out at random by the Q, as follows (correct answer = rest, incorrect answer = purgatory) :

  • <10% people in Ireland have natural red hair  Yay
  • The Jacks is slang for the bathroom  Yay
  • The Irish are the 3rd biggest tea drinkers in the world  Nay
  • Ireland has only 2 known species of snakes  Nay
  • May is generally the driest month in Ireland  Yay
  • Fluthered is slang for being stumped  Nay
  • Ireland sells the most Guinness in the world  Nay
  • Halloween was invented in Ireland  Yay
  • Craic is an Irish dessert  Nay
  • The boot is slang for a trunk of a car  Yay
  • A village is named Hospital after its historic medical facility  Nay
  • A mineral is slang for a soda  Yay
  • The press is slang for an iron  Nay
  • Donkey’s years is a reference to time  Yay
  • A jumper is slang for an anxious person  Nay
  • Shuck is slang for corn  Nay
  • Originally, St. Patrick’s colors were light blue  Yay
  • A nagging & a shoulder are measurements  Yay
  • The Irish Flu is a bona fide medical disease  Nay
  • May your coffee be strong & Monday be short is an Irish proverb  Yay

Grab partner and mosey to Station 1.

Station 1: Merkin Midsection Melee

P1 (Player 1) starts with 15 diamond merkins, then bear crawls up the wheel chair ramp, and finishes w/ 15 diamond merkins.  When complete, swap with P2.

P2 (Player 2) performs continuous 4-leaf clover crunches until P1 relieves them of duty.

This back and forth circuit (same reps) continues through the following list until both P1 & P2 complete all exercises, as follows:


  • Fist merkins & crab crawl
  • Narrow merkins & bear “
  • Regular merkins & crab “
  • Wide merkins & bear “


  • Alternating flutter kicks & scissors
  • American Hammers
  • Heels to Heaven (Gas Pumps)
  • Elevated Planks

Walking lunges performed until all tandems finish.  Mosey to Station 2.

Station 2: Over the Hill and Far Away

P1 – 15 SSH, mosey down hill, 5 sec fast feet into “hit the deck” (chest to ground) x 5, sprint up hill

P2 – 20 yd sprints w/ alternating return of side shuffle, backpedal, & karaoke until P1 relieves them of duty

Ran out of time at this point…however Station 4 was performed by several PAX in our OT session.

Station 3: CMU Lucky 7’s

1 CMU per Pax. Form 2 lines with P1 & P2 facing each other.

P1 performs 7 regular curls, while P2 performs isometric hold mid-curl.  Then, P2 performs 7 regular curls while P1 performs isometric hold mid-curl.  This duel continues as reps decline 6,5,4…etc.

Circuit repeats with following exercises:

  • 7’s CMU overhead press & isometric rifle carry hold
  • 7’s CMU close grip bicep curls & isometric mid-curl hold
  • 7’s CMU front raises & isometric front hold (feel the burn)

Finisher (aka The Mint)  —–> P1 7 reps of blockee’s, while P2 7 reps of CMU bench presses into feet raised iso ab hold with CMU outstretched iso hold until P1 relieves them of duty

Return CMU’s and mosey to Station 4.

Station 4: Leaping Leprechauns 

P1 – broad jumps to the Pot O’ Gold (approx 20 yds) then Spiderman crawls back, performing 5 dive bomber merkins every 5 yds (total of 20 db merkins).  Swap with P2.

P2 – Brick pillar wall squat w/ good form until P1 relieves them of duty.

Complete (endure) 3 sets.  Mosey back to flag.

Ran out of time after Station 2.  No complaints, however.
14 PAX’s (many nicely repping F3 Shamrock tees)
When times get tough, Romans 8:18 ESV comes to mind.  “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

  • This life is a temporary existence, with greater things to come above 😃
  • Lean on our brothers in Christ through trials and tribulations
  • The Lord does not want us to do this all alone
  • Don’t let pride be a stumbling block
  • Reach out (phone calls, video chats, lunch, bible studies, weekend projects/workouts etc.)

There are so many in this pandemic who are in need of the love the Lord speaks of in his greatest command!  We can provide this, if we search for opportunities to be a blessing to others!

Prayers for Curry’s family, Pringle’s father, Dr. A & family (Commission), & Boulder Colorado victims/families.
Thank you all!  Or in Irish, go raibh maith agat!

OYO Together

THE SCENE: Colder than it should be

Abe Vigoda x 7, Hairy Rockettes x 10, Tempo Merkins x 7, Cherry Pickers x 7, Moroccan Nightclub x 20

Mosey to the big parking lot and line up on the curb.

The thing: Run to the first line and back and perform 10 of any exercise (Dealer’s Choice).

Run to the second line and back and perform 20 of any exercise.

Repeat for all ten lines. Culminating in 100 reps of your last exercise.

Caveats: No repeating any exercises and must change muscle groups each round. Also, the first person to get to each line has to perform one burpee and Bernie back.

All of the PAX completed all ten levels of this “Choose your own adventure” workout. Dartgun and Butterknife took turns on the Burpee/Bernie combo.

Poolboy gave the PAX a generous 30 count recover as we lined up for a longer than normal jailbreak back to the shovel flag.

In the shovel flag parking lot, perform 11’s with Bobby Hurleys and Diamond Merkins.


12 men made the hard choice this morning.
Re-emphasized the monthly JUCO challenge. Prayer. This challenge has been difficult to be consistent with. It’s important that you make a concerted effort each day to set aside a time and place to truly get 10 solid minutes of focused prayer/meditation in. Something I have added to the challenge in this past week is to have a specific topic/focus each day for your prayer time. So far we have had: Immediate Family, Extended Family, Church Family, The Lost, Personal Growth, and Government. I encouraged the PAX to experiment with having a different focus each time they pray to allow for more meditation on these specific areas. Also encouraged the PAX not to avoid prayer due to embarrasment/shame over how long it’s been since they prayed. God will welcome you with open arms, not shame you for your negligance.

Dartgun and Butterknife are fast…

Still collecting items for the Street Hope Project: Trash bags, copy paper, and napkins

March Madness with 2.0s

THE SCENE: 50s, dense fog to drizzle

  • Reach for the sky
  • Let it hang
  • Neck Rolls
  • Arm Circles Forward, Backward, Morrocan Night Clubs, OH Claps x 10 each
  • Hip Circles in cadence
  • Cherry Pickers
  • Side Straddle Hops
  • Tempo Merkins

Find the curb – then Lunge and Twist, Toy Soldiers and Elbow to Instep

Mosey to the “Court”yard of paradise for March Madness Doras

  • Bobby Hurleys x 200
  • Dips x 150
  • Bonnie Blairs x 100
  • Merkins x 50
  • Bobby Hurleys x 200 because coach said to do more freethrows when you are tired.

Mosey, wagonwheel, jailbreak back to the flag

Flutterkicks x 25

Sidestraddle hops x 25
18 HIMS, 3 named 2.0s and 10 FNG 2.0s
Happy St. Patricks Day!  Did you know that St. Patricks Day is not about Irish Traditions, it is about the spread of the Gospel by St. Patrick in Ireland after he was kidnapped at age 16 from Britain, forced to work in Ireland, escaped slavery only to return to plant churches all over Ireland.  The truth can be lost some 1600 years after things happen.  So lets talk about Lies — what is the worst that can happen when we think about Lies?  The Pax correctly answered, “We can believe them.”

Satan, the enemy, Jesus said is the father of lies – John 8:44.  Jesus said, “I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life.” John 14:6.  Let’s talk about one of God’s important truths — the fruits of the Spirit — love, joy, peace patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (of which against there is no law)  Think about where God put Adam and Eve — in the Garden of Eden.  We are constantly surrounded by manmade homes, buildings and materials, but when we get into nature, we see how God makes things.  This is how it works inside our souls.  God granted me a great peace that passes understanding in my greatest time of need, and I believe it was because of my love for God and belief that my faith mattered.  The agricultural theme throughout the Bible is not just for the people of the day to understand, but it is how God works.

I encourage you all to read Matthew 13:1–23, Mark 4:1–20, Luke 8:4–15 — the Parable of the Sower of the Seed.  We cannot earn the fruits of the Spirit but we can resist the lies of the enemy, deceitfulness of wealth and world systems, and desire of the flesh to live when faced with persecution.  We can also prepare our soil through unity with God.  The oneness with God thru Jesus Christ gives us light from the fierce fiery love of God and saturates us with the River of Life from the throne room of God.  This COT is a continuation of a Q previously: Psalms 37:4, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  Decided to read this literally, by delighting in the Lord, HE will literally give me the pure, holy desires in my heart (not give me what I desire).  Desire is the fuel that waters Passion, and Passion is the soil from which Purpose can Grow  =   Abundant Life.
Please pray for my friend, Nick Osborn’s healing from cancer and salvation.

Recruiting Mission 2.0

The Scene

52 Degrees 

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Motivators from 8

Prisoner Squats

Tempo Merkins

Mountain Climbers

Imperial Walkers


Mosey to Anytime Fitness Parking lot for a recruiting mission

20 SSH in cadence and 5 burpees OYO in front of the gym


Mosey to the light pole in the far corner of the Spring Bluff Way shopping center

We used 5 light poles close to the building transitioning between light poles with the Sneaky Gorilla 

Light Pole 1- 10 Hand Release Merkins

Light Pole 2- 10 Prisoner Squats

Light Pole 3- 10 Mountain Climber Toe Taps

Light Pole 4- 10 Imperial Walkers

Light Pole 5- 10 Shin Huggers


Plank for the 6. In between round 1, we went up Mt Juconte with 2 burpees at each tree and a crab walk halfway down. After the second round, we still did 2 burpees at each tree on the way up then crawl bear halfway down. 


We got through 3 light pole rounds and 2 trips up Mt. Juconte


We made one last recruiting attempt on the way back to the AO with 10 SSH in cadence and 5 burpees OYO. 

On our way back to the AO we stopped on Hardin Valley Rd for 20 4-count monkey humpers with a nice flow of traffic to perform for. 


Archie chose American Hammers (20 4-count)

Survivor chose flutter kicks (20 40count) 

Betty chose 2 burpees


10 HIM’s


Spoke about how March 14, 2020 was the 1 year anniversary of joining F3. A similar recruiting mission (February 2020) to Anytime Fitness led by Judge Judy was the EH I didn’t know I needed. I am thankful for the men I have met and the accountability that comes along with being apart of this crazy group of guys. 


Joshua 1:9

“Haven’t I commanded you: Be strong and courageous? Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 




Rise and Grind

THE SCENE: 50ish and dry…

Good morning! You gentlemen are here for F3. That stands for fitness, fellowship, & Faith. This is a free workout. You are here on your own volition. I do not know your injuries. Modify if necessary. Modification does not always mean backing down if something is too easy, I encourage you to add on. Covid guidelines make sure you maintaining 6 feet of space and we will not be sharing equipment. Let’s get started!


Side straddle hop in cadence  20

Cherry Pickers

10 tempo merkins

Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence

Reverse thumbs down in cadence

10 Windmills in cadence

Side straddle hop in cadence

Mosey to Hard Knox parking lot

  • Grab 2 rocks you can hold for man-makers
  • Line up on curb for Shaun T’s – step up, knee to opposite elbow,

Step down, backward lunge and reach to curb.

  • Burpee leap frogs from one curb to the other
  • Flutter kicks in cadence x 25
  • Mosey across the street to JuConte
  • Sprint to the hill
    5 burpees at each tree 🌳 on the way up
    5 squats at each tree 🌳 on the way down
    Burnie back to the start
    20 American Hammers
  • Mosey back to Hard  Knox
  • Cardio Island: Karaokes, High Knees, high heels, skip, side to side low, walking lunges
  • Butt Dial FaceTime Mom
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mucho Chesto: Diamond, Regular, Wide, and Staggered  10x each
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence
  • Mosey back to the flag


Walking Lunges

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

I finished reading the Bible for the first time in my life back in February. This is probably not a feat for you guys… It took me a little more than 2 years to finish a 1 year plan.  But I did it! I’ve always been around the Bible and I’ve read bits and pieces, here and there. I made a lot of attempts to read it cover to cover, and I would fizzle somewhere after the creation… If you struggle like I did, I highly recommend a Bible reading plan. Honestly, I’m excited to read it again.

Recently Guardrail did the same Q he had done previously (admittedly I was at Rush), but I caught the message and how he tied it to the importance of repetition.

Then we were challenged not to pray the same prayers or at least not just walk through the motions. This is important also. We need to expand our reach and God’s love is infinite.

I pray everyday. Some prayers are repetition. These are the prayers I’m good at. So the reps I’ve put in, make it come natural.

I  joined Spotter’s monthly challenge to pray 10 minutes a day. This is taking me out of my comfort zone some days, but it’s allowing me to expand and grow as well.

Repetition, variety, and switching things up will all strengthen us. Mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys.

Sign up for a Q! We will help you. Design a workout, steal shamelessly from a back-blast… It doesn’t matter. We’re here to workout together, speak our hearts and minds, and thank God for allowing us to do so, before most people are rolling out of bed.