F3 Knoxville

The Bernie Bear

THE SCENE: 31 degrees and misty mountain madness all about.

Welcome to another episode of “Torture with Trolley”


  • Circle Burp – for about 25 burpees
  • 51 merkins
  • 51 guardrail dips
  • 25 Australian mtn climbers
  • 25 dancing crabs ( crab position with kicking legs )

Introducing The Clap Jack – a burpie, clap merkin, to star jack.

5 Clap Jacks

THA-THANG: The Bernie Bear

Up Jucomanjaro, switch every hundred feet

  • Bernie
  • Bear crawl

To corner

At corner do teams of four 100 foot sprints with mosey back. About 6 reps.

Then going down,  do mosey and crawl bears alternating every 100 feet to bottom

Through parking lot do 5 more Clap Jacks and 15 more Australian Mtn Climbers


  • 51 Side Crunches
  • 51 Bay City Scissors (4ct at 45 degs, 4ct at 1 degs)
  • 15 Break Dancer Merkins (from lexicon)
  • 51 Flutters
  • 25 Crunchy Frogs (from lexicon)
  • 51 Slutties – spread eagle flutters
  • 20 Bropees (from lexicon – groups of two burpees with High Ten finish)

As I pray, make me willing to speak up, lift up, show up, and stand up for the ones Jesus loves and died for.  Help me to forget myself and my needs so that I can enter their lives and their need to know their deliverer and experience new freedom”


Still having F3 on Black Friday!


THE SCENE: Low 50s and damp

Static Stretching, Descending Burpees (x10,  x9, x8, x7, x6, x5) – Co-Q Bartman
Mosey to strip center parking lot for 15 more Burpees.

Mosey on to the base of Jucomanjaro. 8 cones spaced out going up to the summit. Each cone marked with an exercise.   Battle Buddies complete 50 reps total as a team, one exercising while the other runs to next cone and performs 3 hand-clap Merkins before running back. Once reps complete, teams move to next cone and repeat, making our way slowly to the top. Exercises: Jump Squats, LBCs, Incline Merkins, Monkey Humpers, Freddy Mercury (4ct), Decline Merkins, Windmills, SSHs.

Once PAX reached the summit, we were greeted by Waxjob, levitating amongst four blazing torches of fire and the Golden CMU perched atop of a large log seemingly engulfed in flames. Bartman presented the Golden CMU to JUCO but required exercises called by Judge Judy (10 Burpees) Booster (100 calve raises) and Spotter (25 Harry Rockettes) before it was handed over.  Judge gave a short speech about Spotter’s awesomeness and announced Spotter would be keeper of the CMU – well deserved!

Pax jogged back down the mountain with the inflamed torches ablaze. Once torches were extinguished in the duck cesspool, PAX performed Merkins – x40, x30 and x10 before circling up for MARY at the shovel flag.


Really slow Peter Parkers – Co-Q Bartman
32 strong

Judge Judy told a story of a hostage situation he encountered at work and the tremendous leadership and bravery displayed by law enforcement during the event.  What difficult Jester in your life is Christ asking you to clean up? Do you have the courage to obey his command, even when it feels like too much to ask?

Golden CMU handoff was absolutely epic. Thank you Bartman for co-Qing with me and Waxjob, La-Z-boy and Code Brown for making the ceremony so creepy, yet awesome.
Abscess traveling to Cleveland for 1 year anny.


THE SCENE:   43 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered 

Abe Vigoda IC x 8
Finkle Swings (demonstration!) OYO
Chinook (demonstration!) IC x 8
Seal squats (demonstration!) IC x 8
Pickle pounders IC x 10
E2K L&R (demonstration!) IC x 6


Come!  Bring 6 CMUs and mosey to “Aww Hill”.  Q calls out “up”, “down”, or “bernie” and the PAX run up, down, and backerds…

Come!  Mosey to the “Stairway to Nowhere”.  Form two teams for a little competition.

Three at a time from each team will carry CMUs to the top of the steps and back while the rest of the team performs listed exercises in cadence (metronome set to 95 BPM).  Once runners return, start the next exercise while three new men run the steps.  Repeat until one team finishes the list.

List of exercises is;

Seal squats
Hello Dolly
Mountain Climbers
E2K (Right)
Tempo Merkins
E2K (Left)
Iron Mike
6-inch plank
All run to the cone and back
Scorpion Dry Docks (left leg)
Monkey humpers
Scorpion Dry Docks (right leg)
Side crunch L
Side crunch R
Bobby Hurleys
Flutter kicks
Pickle pounders
Shoulder taps
All run to the cone and back

Come!  Mosey back to the Shovel Flag




33 men counting the Rushers.  2 bugged-out before the pic.

Welcome!  FNG to-be-named (that dude CRUSHED the workout without even breaking a sweat!  I think I even saw him yawning a half-dozen times…)

Glad to have you!  2 from down-range (Chattanooga), “Blindside” and “Laces Out”


It’s been said that when leading his army in conquest, Julius Caesar would never tell them “go forward” – instead, he would move first and then tell the army behind him, “Come!”.  This morning, I want to talk about leading by example – and more specifically to those of you who are fathers – about leading your children by your example.

In some ways, your sons and daughters will become what you are – are you being what you want them to be?

In the mid-19th century, J.C. Ryle wrote a book, “Duties of Parents”.  Here are a few nuggets of wisdom from the book;

  • Train them (your children) remembering continually the influence of your own example
  • Instruction, advice, and commands will profit little unless they are backed up by the pattern of your own life
  • Your children will never believe you…so long as your actions contradict your counsel
  • They will seldom learn habits which they see you despise or walk in paths in which you do not walk yourself
  • What they see has a much stronger effect on their minds than what they are told

Your actions speak much louder than your words.  Are you demonstrating right living?

You must be demonstrating for your sons and daughters, habits which will produce healthy bodies (exercise, eating well…).  More importantly, you must demonstrate habits which promote healthy relationships (trustworthiness, self-control, kindness, vulnerability…).  Most importantly, you must be persistently demonstrating through observable action, habits which promote a healthy soul (charity, prayer, reverence for the Name of God, studying the Word of God…).

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable…excellent…and praiseworthy” (Philippians 4:8).  You must fill your own mind with these things – and DEMONSTRATE them to your sons and daughters.

They are observing you, Dad!  Are your behaviors promoting the young men and women that you want them to be?

The parent who tries to train without setting a good example is building with one hand and pulling down with the other.” – J.C. Ryle

A lot of today’s exercises we did to failure.  Do you ever fail at being the example you want your children to follow?  I wish I could say that I never have setbacks – that I can always tell my sons, “Imitate me, just as I imitate Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1) – but that’s not the case.  I fail sometimes, and those failures are counterproductive to my hard work.  Just three days ago, at the end of what had been an incredible and memorable boys-only weekend, I lashed out at my oldest and called him a “stupid ass” (for nearly blinding his little brother by directing a leaf blower right into his face…).  For all the time and energy my wife and I spend building him up and up… with that emotional outburst, I tore some of our hard work down.

For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing” (Romans 7:18) – (Hat tip to Anchorman for his Q last week)

Inevitably, you’re going to fail as well.  What then?  Here’s what I did last weekend (after the emotion died down)…  I explained my reaction – I was volcanic at him because he could have very seriously hurt his brother.  I admitted my mistake – which was assuming that he’d done it on purpose for a laugh.  I asked his forgiveness and talked to him about how I could have reacted differently.  He sees me trying hard to be a better father.

DEMONSTRATE right living for your children, men.


3 CHALLENGES for today – from easiest to hardest…

#1: Commit this to memory;
Proverbs 20:7 “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”

#2:  What is something that you want your kids to do or be that you will START DEMONSTRATING for them?
(For me, it’s reading scripture.  I often read on my phone, but for all my sons know I could be playing Candy Crush…  I need to be more deliberate about outwardly demonstrating that habit – it can be as simple as reading an actual paper Bible, or including them in discussion)

#3:  What is one unhealthy part of you that you do not want your kids to do or be – and you will STOP DEMONSTRATING for them?
(For me, it’s reacting emotionally)


  • Prayers for Guardrail’s family in Chicago, for Gump and his wife as they have a baby today (!), praise for Mailbox’s answered prayers from Monday!
  • Here’s a link to the book I quoted above.  At only 25 pages, it’s a quick read.  Review pages 20-21.  https://chapellibrary.org:8443/pdf/books/dopa.pdf
  • The workout didn’t seem nearly hard enough today.  I’ll be scheming about how to bring more pain next time I’m on Q.
  • If you’re up for it, share in JUCO Group Me about life changes you will make to better demonstrate right living (Answer Challenge 2 and/or 3)


Convergence December 7th!!!!

JUCO Slaughterhouse II- Veterans’ Day Special

THE SCENE: Clear, chilly, full moon; 6 point buck watched over the sophomore hill setup… he approved.

Side Straddle Hops x 10

Windmill x 10

Cherry Pickers x 10

  • Indian Run (last man up) to Sophomore Hill to celebrate Forrest Gump: partner up. PAX 1 “Shrimps” up the hill, LT Dan back down, and complete a Diamond Clock. PAX 2 celebrates legs with 10 “Mrs. Gumps” (monkey humpers w/sound effects), Range Targets down the hill, then Lunge Walks back to start point.  Trade positions to complete the set.
  • Run Forrest Run to the CMU pile and bulldoze to the parking lot. Keep your partner and DORA 100 “Jennys” (modified hello dollys), 200 BBS with CMU, 300 pullovers (over-planned, no chance of completing in time allotted)
  • Mosey back to AO, complete side crunches to run out the clock.

“Greater love hath no man that to lay down his life for a friend”, many have made that sacrifice, but it sucks for everyone involved. I pray that none of you are ever put into that type of situation. “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church”- we’re not getting nailed to a cross for them, so how do we love them? Visit 1 Corinthians 13- Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful…” If someone asked your wife to describe you, in full honesty, would patient and kind be the first words out of her mouth? Honestly, I’d be 0 for 9 on that list. As HIMs, we need to strive to be better at love, toward our neighbor, our family, our friends. We need to bring peace with us wherever we walk, not chaos. Walk into your home, your work, your church, your life, prepared to be humble and peaceful.
Prayer requests: Commission’s friend and mentor Dillard passed away; pray for peace and healing for the loss. Nutmeg’s father undergoing a major surgery. Pete Billingsley’s health as he struggles with a dire heart issue.
Congrats to JUCO for taking the AO Brolympics title, and to Spotter for nearly beating Woodshack out of the individual title.

Calf Raises and Bear/Crab Races at JUCO

THE SCENE: 41F and clear

Baby arm circles forward (IC) 4 CT x 10

Baby arm circles backwards (IC) 4 CT x 10

Overhead clap (IC) 4 CT x 16

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 20

Mountain Climbers (IC) 4-count x 20

Tempo squats (IC) 4 CT x 10

Squat Calf raises (IC) 4 CT x 10


2 lines Mosey to coupon pile  

Surprise stop for 5 Jumping Spiders OYO  x 2

Surprise stop for 10 Jumping Spiders OYO  x 1

Surprise stop for 10 Smurf Jacks  OYO

Grab a coupon – all in cadence single count

Overhead triceps combined w/ Calf raises x20

Hold Squat and do Curls x20 

Repeat both

Mosey with coupon to top of sophomore hill, stop halfway to do 10 Merkins OYO 1 hand on then switch to other hand and do 10 more Merkins 

Bernie to the top of sophomore hill

Grab a tall curb. 

Tricep dips  (IC) 4-count x10

Squat Calf raises (IC) 4 count with coupon held out in front

Tricep dips (IC) 4-count x10 – Optional Coupon on lap

Squat Calf raises (IC) 4 count with coupon held out in front

1 lap around the hill doing a Bernie back up to the top

Tricep dips (IC) 4-count x10 – Optional Coupon on lap

Squat Calf raises (IC) 4 count with coupon held out in front

Mosey to Coupon Pile

Hold blocks overhead and do squat calf raises x20

Return coupons 


Halt for 10 more Jumping Spiders OYO

Halt for Flutter Kicks (IC) 4-count x 20

Indian crab bear race from 1 line to the next approx. 20 yards  ( groups of about 5 ) 

Repeat for another race. 


Front Parking Lot

10 Merkins OYO then side shuffle to the end then 10 squats OYO side shuffle back

20 Mountain Climbers then side shuffle to the end then 20 squat calf raises OYO side shuffle back

Judge Judy led us in 23 burpees as payment for our lack of food donations. Lessons were learned. Tears were shed.

29 HIMs: Weedwacker, Anchorman, Commission, Curveball, Downhill, Erector, Frenchie, Gump, Judge Judy, KickFlip, Mermaid, Nadia, Pool Boy, Sargent Slaughter, Spotter, Shingles, Guardrail, Alter Boy, Mandolin, Rosetta, Trolley, Slappy, Hydro, Kenjo, Edit, Mailbox, Butcher, La-Z-Boy

!!!Welcome FNG “Geo Crap” !!!


The Word:  Romans 7:18-25 – Released From the Law, Bound to Christ – Pauls submission to Christ

For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. 19 For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing. 20 Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it. 21 So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. 22 For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; 23 but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. 24 What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? 25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

The 1st time that I truly heard this passage was about 3 years ago when I was a part of a group at church called Strong Hearts.  

I’m so thankful that Paul wrote this because we have all been there. We are cruising along in our Christian lives and then we fail. Then we feel the guilt pile on us.(Verse 24) We failed our father. (Verse 25) Our saving grace. Thankful that one of the great superheroes of the Bible laid it all out and admitted his struggles for an example for us.


Prayer requests. Praise that Sargent Slaughter’s wife is recovering. Prayer for guys at F3 with injuries. Safety for Brolympics

Brolympics Saturday at 6:45AM – The Asylum – Lakeshore Park