F3 Knoxville

Mr. Spectacular and the Victory Lap

THE SCENE: 71 and muggy but we did not get mugged! Saw a Fox on the Ruck!

Everything based on OCHO! Team OCHO won the HHH 10 hr race so why not celebrate it with reps of 8!

SSH x 8 iC

Rockettes x8 IC in a circle with Tank calling the cadence

Squats x 8 IC

Merkins x8 IC

Shoulder taps x8 ic

Mr. Spectacular x8 OYO . Mr. Spectacular is easy if you do one, but do LOTS and LOTS of them and they suck!. Put the CMU on the ground, feet on either side of the CMU, bend over and put your hand son the ground in front of your feet, walk your hands out until you are in the push up/plank position, do a MERKIN and walk your hands back to your feet, pick up the CMU and do a thruster. repeat that about 100 times and let me know how you feel, spectacular! Not……..

  • Partner up  and make a victory lap to the Matterhorn. Partner one Farmer Scurries(run or fast walk) with 2 CMU while P2 stays behind and does 8 merkins and 8 squat jumps. Once done P2 runs to catch P1. P1 hands off CMUs to P2 and P2 takes off while P1 stays back for 8 merkins and 8 sq jumps. You get it? Do this all the way to the Base camp of Matterhorn.
  • We had 28 so we stayed with our partner. P1 ran halfway up Matter horn and does 8 Big boys(incline) while P2 stays at the bottom and does 8 Mr. spectaculars. Switch out when P1 runs back. P1 now does Mr. Spectacular and P2 runs up and does 8 big boys
  • We do this with the goal of running up the matterhorn 8 times…imagine that, 8 times!
  • Well, due to time, I think we ran up the hill 5 times. Some may have ran 6 and some may have run 4. Either way, we kept moving and NO ONE stopped! Way to work men!
  • You all are Spectacular!
  • Partner up and complete the victory lap back to the AO. Again with P1 cmu farmer scurry and P2 does exercises. then run to catch and switch up….

Just under 5 mins left for mary…

LBC x8 ic

Flutters x8 ic

Dollies x 8 IC

Proton Parkers x8 IC

Box cutters x8 IC

Plank the last 20 seconds

28 MR> SPECTACULARS where on hand for the Celebration of Team Ocho! 2 FNG, Fax and Flashback, welcome!
HIM ( High Impact man) or as Detention puts it. Humble Invest Mental. The acronym that I love and used it on TANK. he exuded ALL three this past weekend and really, the past several months, planning for the Hardship Hill event. Tank put himself last and his HUMBLE disposition was apparent(by the way, I know Tank pretty well and he is a SMARTASS too, LOL!!). He INVESTED himself for the sole purpose of raising money for OEW by dedicating a tone of time and effort into the Hardship Hill race. With the stresses of putting on such an event, he showed MENTAL toughness through out and never waivered on his attitude. Not to say deep down(like all of us) he was stressing a little, but he NEVER burdened anybody with his stresses about the event. He was always positive. Truly a HIM and I am proud to call him my F3 brotha but more importantly , my friend!
Don’t be like Tank, be your self but take the “HIM” and apply it to your everyday actions. I know I need to! Love you guys!
ANNOUNCEMENTS:Tank, when the hell is the next one!? LOL!




Cherry Pickers


Mosey around outhouse
Mosey to track around soccer fields.  Do a BLIMPS then run a lap around the track repeat 4 times

B – Burpees x 5

L – Lunges x 10 each leg

I – Imperial Walkers x 15 each side

M – Merkins x 20

P – Plank Jacks x 25 single count

S – Squats x 30

Mosey to parking lot at skate rink for more BLIMPS.  5 reps for all exercises

B then run to end of parking lot (75 yards?), L then run back

I, run to end, M run back

P, run to end, S run back

Mosey to AO

Ratchet – Elbow Dolley

Crossbar – Boat/ Canoe
Lone Wolfe, Squirter (FNG), Farva (FNG)

Be enthusiastic in whatever you are doing

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Hardship Hill May 19th

Ruck and Roll

THE SCENE: mild clear and dry

20 merkins

20 squats

20 BBS

Ruck the long loop with sandbag stopping twice at the upper soccer field.

1st stop: overhead ruck carry to midfield and do 20 squats then back and 20 more then back again with 20 bent over rows and back followed by 20 more.

2nd stop: bear crawl ruck drag about 25yds and do 15 ruck swings and back followed by 15 more, next lunge same distance and do 15 lion kings and back with 15 more.
We did flutter kicks in cadence then wall ball led us in a round of BBS, followed by some up and overs on waxjobs cadence.


Great work fellas!

The Old Hag

THE SCENE: 50’s, a little gloomy

20 Ruck Merkin buy-in
Coupons were 1 – 65ish pound sand bag and 1 – 60 pound sandbag

Ruck with coupons and PT stations

PT Station 1

20 sandbag and ruck Squat

20 sandbag and ruck bent over row

20 ruck merkins

20 ruck presses

PT Station 2

20 Incline Ruck Merkins

10 Sandbag cleans

PT Station 3

15 Diamond Ruck Merkins

20 Sandbag Ruck Squats

15 Ruck Swings

20 Ruck Presses

No time


Insert the WORD here.
My sandbag is a 80 pound bag but I only have about 65 pounds in it right now.  It hangs over your shoulders when carrying it.  I-Beam thought it looked like a saggy old hag (use your imagination).  So, that is how the sandbag got the name Old Hag.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Hills & Pyramids

THE SCENE: Low 50s….perfect F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Standard welcome….no FNGs today WARM-O-RAMA:

  • Run in place 20-30 secs
  • Butt kickers 20-30 secs
  • High knees 20-30 secs
  • SSH (4 ct) x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4 ct) x 10 IC


  • Indian run to baby everest
    • Battle buddy up.  DORA each of the following exercises while partner runs to top of baby everest and does 5 squats.  Move to other side of parking lot perform ab work while waiting on the 6.
      • 100 Thrust Merkins
      • 100 Carolina Dry Docks
  • Mosey to the long island
    • 8 cones set up around the island.  Run a lap around performing the following exercises x 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16 at each cone.
      • Lap 1:  Burpees
      • Lap 2:  Iron Mikes
  • Mosey back to baby everest for some pyramids
    1. 20 tempo squats, run hill
    2. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, run hill
    3. 20 tempo squats, 20 mountain climber, 20 ranger merkins, run hill
  • Indian run back to AO


  • LBC (4ct) x 50
  • Hello Dolly (4ct) x 20
  • Box Cutters x 15


12 strong:  Junk, Mayberry, La-Z-Boy, Tweet-E, Frosty, Sparky, Wagon Wheel, Crossbar, Butters, Smoker, I-Beam, Bartman

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM:  My heart has been focused on my relationship to Jesus and whether or not I’m all in or not.   As Americans we tend to mold Jesus to fit our lifestyle and our comforts, when actually it should be the other way around.  Take a moment and ask yourself….are you living 100% for Christ or are you fitting him into your routine?   In Matthew 13 Jesus tells a parable which compares Heaven to a treasure that is found in a field.   The man who finds the treasure covers it up and then sells all he has to buy the field.  I’m sure the man in the parable faced ridicule from others who thought he was crazy to sell all of his possessions to buy the field, however he knew the value contained within the ground therefore he gladly accepted the ridicule.  That’s the perspective we should have…our faith in Christ should be such a treasure to us that we willingly accept ridicule, punishment, even death because we know that the prize is of so much greater value than anything this world can offer.


MOLESKIN: Prayer request made for anonymous PAX members struggling with their marriages

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hardship Hill 5/19