F3 Knoxville

Taking Out the Trash

THE SCENE: Low 50’s, clear, and otherwise wonderful

Motivators from 5
Tempo Merkins 10
Tempo Squats 10
Baby Arm Circles Forward 10
Baby Arm Circles Backward 10
Moroccan Night Club 10

Run to different areas of campus.  Pick up a piece of trash and put it in the box.  Rinse and repeat until the area is tidy.
After the area is clean do one of the following: Merkins (25), Squats (25), LBC’s (25).  Run to a new area.

In total we did 13 areas, so we started on our 4th round of exercises.
Merkin total 125
Squat total 100
LBC total 100

The PAX called an AB exercise, we did that followed by 10 merkins each time.  We made it through 8 PAX, here are the exercises.
25 Snow Angels
15 Heels to Heaven
25 Pickle Poundes
50 single count Flutter Kicks
20 Freddie Mercuries
20 Box Cutters
25 Pickle Pointers (Hip Thrusters)
20 Captain Thor’s (BBC with 4 count American hammer at the top)

Total 80 merkins

12 in attendance
Take out the trash.
We listened to Christian rap today during the workout.  As we physically removed trash form the Catholic campus, we spiritually removed trash from our lives.  Garbage in = Garbage out.  I challenged each of us to find the trash in our lives that impedes us, and to remove it.

John 2:13-22

Jesus overturned tables in the temple.  He took out the trash.  When confronted with things in our lives, look at how Jesus handled situations, and model your response after his.  If something is not right, we should follow his lead.
Pray for East Knoxville.
We are collecting for Safe Haven.  There is not a more appropriate   time to consider helping the East Knox Community.  Here is one way we can assist.

Hey Fellas. For the month of April, we are going to be collecting items at the AOs for Safe Haven, a program of the World United Ministries (www.worldunitedministries.org) led by Laurence Williams in East Knoxville. The ministry is in the trenches trying to steer the really at risk kids in the Austin-East community into good choices and away from gang life.  Safe Haven, a donated house on Magnolia Avenue, is meant to be a place where kids can go and hang out, and also escape violence when needed – it has bunk beds available.  F3 Knoxville will be providing them with the following items:
* individually wrapped snacks
* individual bottles or cans of soda, Gatorade or water
* paper towels, Clorox wipes, trash bags
* toilet paper
* Visa gift cards in small denominations ($10-20) 
* Bath towels and twin bed linens.

Moving Impediments


Clear Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
49 ℉ 67% 47 ℉ 5.3 mi/h SW

I am not a professional.


20 – SSH
10 – Tie Fighters 10 forward 10 backward.
3 – Cherry Pickers

Mosey to CMU pile and have everyone grab two. Using parking lot, place a CMU on each side of the parking lot. Starting at one CMU#1, do an exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, mosey back to CMU#1 do exercise, mosey to CMU#2 do exercise, and then mosey back to start CMU#1. While waiting for six, do second exercise. Finally, when six has finished doing first exercise four times, do third exercise in cadence. So, first exercise 4 times with CMUs, second exercise while waiting, and third exercise as group.
1, 15 CMU Merkin walk-overs, Squats, Jump Squats
2, 15 Overhead CMU Press, Big boys, Flutters
3, 20 CMU Curls, Calf Raises, Twinkle Toes
4, 25 CMU Bench Press, Hello Dollys, LBCs
5, 15 CMU Triceps, Lunge, Jump Squats
6, 15 CMU Rows OR CMU Kettle Bells, LBCs, Box Cutters. Due to time, PAX was given a choice. And Recover was called cutting this short.

Circle up PAX, grab two workout dice. Die one has 6 different merkin variations. Die two has rep counts. Roll the dice and perform the rep count of the merkin type. Mosey a bit towards AO. Circle up and roll dice again. Mosey to AO, roll again. And for fun, roll again.

10 – 4 count Flutter Kicks.

14 men.

“The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

Marcus Aurelius


For the sick and elderly.  For our brothers battling illness and their wives.  For those starting Ramadan and all striving to better themselves.


Shamrock – Valley of Despair

THE SCENE: 55F perfect

Motivators: starting at 7

On your back Side Straddle hop x25 

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 10

Cherry Pickers: 5


Line up at one end of parking lot. 

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the 1st line and do 1 merkin, BC to next line 2 merkins, BC to next line 3 merkins all the way to 10

Round 2: Pregnant Crab walk with stone on stomach to the 1st line and do 20 American Hammers single count, using your rock. Repeat at each line all the way to line 10 for a total of 200 reps. 

Mosey to the valley of despair. 

Battle buddy up

Partner A: Dealer’s choice – merkins or big boys ( switch between the 2 when you burn out ) 

Partner B runs to the bottom, 10 squat jumps, run up the other side, 10 monkey humpers, back down for 10 more jump squats, Bernie back up to partner. Switch. 

3 rounds of this for 10-15 minutes. 

Mosey to CMU pile

Stopped along the way to do 7 burpees, then 6, 5 , 4, 3, 2, 1.  28 total. 

25 Curls

50 Bench press

Repeat for 3 rounds. Total of 75 curls and 150 bench press. 

Mosey back to AO flag

Stopped along the way to do 7 burpees, then 6, 5 , 4, 3, 2, 1.  28 total.

4 minutes of abs and merkins

14 – Anchorman, Betty, Brick, Cheatsheet, Curveball, Dumpster Dive, Interpol, Jenner, Kick-Flip, Mermaid, Osteen, Slappy, Trolley, Vanna


Compliment. A polite expression of praise or admiration.

 I have never been great at giving or receiving compliments. F3 has given me a lot of practice the past couple of years. There are countless high impact men that show up here and other AOs who are excellent leaders. They see the good in you and me and point it out. 

“Way to kick some ass today, you really pushed it”

“Great Q man” 

“Man that was a killer pace on that run you did yesterday” We are all saying that about Osteen right now and want to know what his secret is. 

“Mermaid, thank you for leading this AO in such a positive and fun atmosphere while at the same time pushing us hard to get better physically, spiritually and as a brotherhood.” 

“Trolley!!!! Thank you for teaching us how to push ourselves way out of our comfort zone”

“Betty, thank you for always having a positive attitude.”

“Jenner, thank you for educating us with real life stories about veterans and walking us through some of their heroic actions” 

“Baby Boomer, thank you for injecting humor in this group and for your creative Qs that are full of painful challenges.” 

“CheatSheet, thank you for my sore upper body and for all the words of encouragement that you preach to us”

“Curveball, thank you for making this awesome location possible for us”

“Kick-Flip, thank you for writing the book on leadership. Your laser focused drive to constantly ask more men to join F3 is impressive”

I could go on and will keep trying to do a better job of handing out compliments. 

I want to challenge us to keep that up. It makes a huge difference, so thank you guys for what you bring to the table / parking lot. 

Also, let’s take the compliments and spread them out beyond F3 to our families, friends and strangers. 


Trolley’s job, my buddy Jordan, my nephew Ian


Passing the Torch!

THE SCENE:  A couple of degrees below freezing…


Forgot to mention that I am not a professional…  However I am sure the PAX is aware of that by now!

30 SSH

10 Tempo Merkins

10 Tempo Squats

Baby Arm Circles Forward/Reverse


Drawed the number 2 with GPS with 3 stations located in the park.

Station 1 – Bear Crawl around the tennis court with 5 Burpees at each corner.  Run and touch gate then proceed to Station 2.

Station 2 – at the back parking lot I placed some modified CMU’s in the grass next to the trail entrance.  We used these CMU’s for 20 Curls and 20 Overhead Presses.  Then run over to the boat ramp.

Station 3 –  We did 20 Dry Docks facing downhill on the ramp.  Then starting at the water, 20 Squat Jumps up the ramp.  Then we ran back to the Tennis Court.

Rinse and Repeat as many times as you could.

ATM closeout led by Cap’n Crunch


Passed the Flag over to Stripped, he is a wonderful asset to the Equalizer.  Not only is he accountable at the workouts, he is also accountable to reach out to brothers that are needing help outside of the workouts.  I am grateful that the Equalizer is in good hands!

“Leadership is not about a title or a designation.  It’s about impact, influence,  and inspiration.”

Was one of the most boring workouts I have put together but drawing the 2 for our 2 year anniversary was very important for me.  However it did turn into a pretty good beatdown, so I plan to use it again soon!
Hardship Hill 10/2!!!

Back in the Saddle

28 and Clear

Run to lower front parking lot
SSH x35 IC
Merkins (4ct) x10 IC
Imperial Squat Walkers x10 IC
Baby Arm Circles Fwd x12 IC
Baby Arm Circles Bkwd x12 IC
Run to HGTV Area

Tree Trunks
– Squats x10
– Fwd & Bkwd lunges (same leg then switch) x10 each leg
– Side Lunges x10 each leg
– Jump Squats x10

Rinse and repeat

Run to parking area under the HGTV Area

Partner up. One person performs the routine while the other jump ropes.

One man runs to far cone perform x20 reps, run back to first cone perform x15 reps, run to the second farthest cone and perform x10 reps, run back to first cone perform x5 reps. Partners does jump rope while waiting.

1. Diamond Merkins
2. Dry Docks
3. BBS
4. Squats
5. Wide Merkins

Mosey to playground (The Cloud)
* Stop on the way at the parking lot, do 5 Wolverines

Bench 11’s
11’s on benches: Bench Squats and Dips

Run to end of parking lot, do 5 Wolverines, run back to the playground and do LBCs while waiting in the six.

Run to lower parking lot at far entrance to the trail. Take the trail to the SP, do Route 66 along the way.

Route 66
Run the trail stopping at each light pole to do merkins. Start with one rep and add step at each light pole until you get to the end.

At the SP, circle up for MARY

American Hammers (4ct) – x20 IC
Superman Swims (4ct) – x12 IC
Box Cutters (4ct) – x15IC
Superman Swims (4ct) – x12 IC
Flutter Kicks (4ct) – x15 IC

23 PAX


“For this is the will of God,
that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people.
Live as people who are free,
not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil,
but living as servants of God.”

1 Peter‬ ‭2:15-16 ESV

Honor – Adherence to what is right or to a conventional standard of conduct

“Honorable men refuse to wallow in the small and the bitter.
Honorable men refuse to hate life because something once went wrong.
Honorable men don’t build monuments to their disappointments, nor do they let others brand them and curse them to their destruction.
Honorable men seek out the highest definition of their lives, the nobler meaning granted by heritage, by their ancestors’ dreams and their parents’ hopes.
Honorable men cry out to God until curses are broken and a grander purpose is achieved.
Honorable men don’t settle for lives of regret.”

Stephen Mansfield, Mansfield’s Book of Manly Men

As we push ourselves physically each week it is important to remember that we must also be pushing ourselves mentally, emotionally and spiritually…to grow as HIMs. Physical fitness is important, but character, virtue, integrity and leadership are paramount. Our world is starving for men with these characteristics. Men of honor who live beyond themselves. Men who are life-givers, not life-takers. I believe there is a direct correlation between strenuous physical exercise and the strenuous pursuit to live a life of honor, integrity and impact. Both take effort and focus. Both take intentionality, consistency and daily commitment. Both are met with resistance from the status quo and our own passivity. Both can’t be pursued alone and require me to surround myself with like-minded men who inspire, encourage and challenge me along the

Each morning in the gloom we have an opportunity to experience AND be these things for the men on our left and right. Iron sharpen iron. This is what it means to wear the “F3”.