F3 Knoxville

“The one with the sandbag…”

The Scene

Perfectly Gloomy!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


Cherry Pickers


Box Crawls

Imperial Walkers

Hand Release Merkins


Mosey to the inner loop road just over from shovel flag. We took a detour and everyone thought I was lost.

There we met an 80 lb sandbag

We divided up into groups of 2. Group 1 partner carries the sandbag ~10-12 steps then burpee (repeat sequence 3 times then run back to the first station. Group 2 will do the same and so on…While each group is taking their turn the other groups will be working on the 1st station of exercises. When the sandbag reaches the next station everyone progresses to that station. Stations were roughly .24 miles apart. 

1st station 

21 of each-15 of each-9 of each (In between each round run to wherever the sandbag is and back)

Squat Jumps/Hand Release Merkins/Shin Huggers

2nd Station

21 of each-15 of each-9 of each (In between each round run to wherever the sandbag is and back)

Curtsey Lunges/Carolina Dry Docks/Crab to Toe Taps

3rd Station

21 of each-15 of each-9 of each (In between each round run to wherever the sandbag is and back)

Monkey Humpers/Merkins/Pickle Pounders


We caught up to the group with the sandbag with about 5 minutes left and finished carrying it back to the AO in the same fashion. The rest of the group alternated between bear crawl and walking. 


No time


20 HIM’s 11 for the beatdown and 9 for rush


“Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.”- Richard E Byrd (American Naval Officer and Medal of Honor Recipient) MOLESKIN:


07/02 Convergence @ JUCO A sign-up sheet. Go sign up so that they know how much food/coffee to get and how many will be present for the speaker. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MvKVUXClWHsLknEsCKYuuvkQHliEpycTdB3nMqTGFU8/edit?usp=sharing

Joy of Tire Flips

THE SCENE: more hot and humid weather

10 Projectivator, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to the recruitment center. Grab a CMU and circle up. As a timer for each exercise, 5 PAX, one at a time, do 3 tire flips as all others do the exercise. After a set of 15 total tire flips, switch to the next exercise in the list. The exercises are as follows:

  • Merkins
  • OHP
  • Tricep extensions
  • Curls
  • Rows
  • LBCs
  • Heavy Freddie’s
  • Goblet squats
  • Heavy Lunges
  • Burpees block jump overs

We got two full rounds in. Mosey back to the shovel flag.

No time left for Mary.
24 for a surprise celebration!
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” – James 1:2‭-‬4 NASB1995

This is definitely one of my favorite passages, but it is tough. We are instructed here to consider it joyful to encounter trials. These trials have a purpose: to perfect our faith. Perfected faith results in a heavenly home when our life on earth is over. So, sometimes life is hard, but if we endure, our faith will be perfected.

So YHC noticed a few weeks ago, that I was approaching my 100th Q for F3 Knoxville. However, I had no idea that my brothers had orchestrated a celebration in my honor! What an amazing group of men that are in this brotherhood! Thank you all so much for the love and support.
Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd!

little known facts about laziness #1

THE SCENE: Muggy, humid, 101% humidity and also just alot of water in the air.


  • Cherry pickers
  • Harry Rockets
  • Baby arm circles forward ‘n back
  • tempo merkin
  • tempo squat
  • stretch OYO


Descending Ladder

Complete the given number of reps for all 19 exercises. Mosey a short distance. Drop the top exercise and start again at 18.

  • 19 Mountain Climbers
  • 18 Diamond Merkins
  • 17 Tricep Extension
  • 16 Dry Docks
  • 15 Crab Toe Touches
  • 14 Bench Presses
  • 13 Big Boy Situps
  • 12 Squats
  • 11 Baby Arm Circles (each direction)
  • 10 Step-Ups
  • 9 Calf Raises
  • 8 Freddie Mercury’s
  • 7 Side Straddle Hops
  • 6 Bicep Curls
  • 5 Merkins
  • 4 Lunges
  • 3 Overhead Presses
  • 2 Jump Squats
  • 1 Burpee


None, our timing was impeccable.


Little known facts about Laziness #1

Lazy are good at risk assessment

Prov 22:13

The sluggard says there is a lion outside. I shall be killed in the streets!

Notice the sarcasm. Proverbs isn’t very gentle to the lazy.

Prov 26:13

The sluggard says “There is a loin in the road! There is a loin in the streets!”

Again about the lion in the road. The lazy guy sure is milking this lion excuse. This is repeated twice which is interesting. Some of the sharpest criticism in proverbs is directed toward the lazy.

Prov 20:4

The sluggard does not plow in autumn. He will seek out the harvest and have nothing.

At  least the excuse has changed here. The sluggard has moved on. The idea of autumn is that it’s a little cold or chilly. It’s just a little hard to do the work right now. Something to keep in mind, I might have to try it out next winter.

Proverbs paints a picture or holds up a mirror. This is what laziness looks like. We have a chance to look at it and consider if it’s us. What in our life might look like this.

Today, consider this picture. Do you see yourself?

More little known facts about laziness to come.

July 2nd, Convergence on JUCO.

Thank you to those who have served!

THE SCENE: humid but nice

  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) X 10
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Overhead Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Seal Claps X 10 (IC)
  • Tempo Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Mountain Climbers (IC) X 10
  • Temp Merkins X 10
  • 30 seconds of whatever stretch you want
  • Mosey to the back of campus


Modified Murph

  • Run to and up Sophomore Hill (approximately 1/2 a mile)
  • 5 pull-ups (or 5 modified)
  • 10 Merkins
  • 15 Squats
  • Rinse & Repeat
  • Run 1/4 of a mile around the parking lot every 4 circuits through
  • Run back to AO


  • Flutterkicks X 20


14 men


On June 28, 2005, Lt. Murphy was the officer-in-charge of a four-man SEAL element in support of Operation Red Wing tasked with finding key anti-coalition militia commander in Afghanistan. Shortly after inserting into the objective area, the SEALs were spotted by three goat herders who were initially detained and then released. It is believed the goat herders immediately reported the SEALs’ presence to Taliban fighters.

A fierce gun battle ensued on the steep face of the mountain between the SEALs and a much larger enemy force. Despite the intensity of the firefight and suffering grave gunshot wounds himself, Murphy is credited with risking his own life to save the lives of his teammates.

By the end of a two-hour gunfight that careened through the hills and over cliffs, Murphy, Gunner’s Mate 2nd Class (SEAL) Danny Dietz and Sonar Technician 2nd Class (SEAL) Matthew Axelson had fallen. An estimated 35 Taliban were also dead.  The fourth SEAL, Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class (SEAL) Marcus Luttrell, was blasted over a ridge by a rocket-propelled grenade and knocked unconscious. Though severely wounded, the fourth SEAL and sole survivor, Luttrell, was able to evade the enemy for nearly a day; after which local nationals came to his aide, carrying him to a nearby village where they kept him for three more days. Luttrell was rescued by U.S. Forces on July 2, 2005.

Lt. Murphy was buried at Calverton National Cemetery less than 20 miles from his childhood home. Lt. Murphy’s other personal awards include the Purple Heart, Combat Action Ribbon, the Joint Service Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Ribbon and National Defense Service Medal.

Murph Foundation

Philippians 2:3-4 – Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Hebrews 13:16 – Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God
1 John 4:7 – Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

John 13:34 – A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

Philippians 2:3-4 – Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.


We’re so blessed to have men and women who are willing to serve our country!


  • June 11th Kickball Tournament – If anyone is interested, contact Tank
  • July 2 – Convergence at JUCO


Be different

THE SCENE: a very pleasant 60 degrees at JUCO.

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey along the road towards the big, east parking lot. Running counterclockwise, at each light pole, stop for:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 merkins
  • 15 squats

Continue counterclockwise in the parking lot until the next main intersection. At each parking lane, stop for one of the following and continue through the list to the end of the lot.

  • 5 prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees
  • 10 jump squats
  • 15, 2-ct flutter kicks

Mosey around campus to the coupon pile.

  • 20 curls, 20 rows
  • Up the steps for pull-ups (as many as possible), 20 diamond merkins

Mosey toward the shovel flag and stop in the western big parking lot. Bear crawling between each aisle, do the following exercises, one each time in order shown:

  • 5 burpees
  • 10 heels to Heaven
  • 10 big boy sit-ups

Mosey to the shovel flag.

10 side crunches each side, Protractor
11 got better with burpees this morning!
“Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.”-Romans 12:1‭-‬3 NASB1995

We are not to give in to desires of the flesh. This is what the world does, but we are called to be different…transformed in fact. One way in which to do this is to not think too highly of ourselves. Arrogance and selfishness are two terrible characteristics to have. Everyone struggles with these. Instead remember to humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up. James 4:10

Way to push through this morning. Burpees can be tough, but they will make you stronger if you keep doing them.
Convergence at JUCO on July 2nd, family workout at the Project on Saturday at 0900.