F3 Knoxville

Route66 – The Dog Pound Style

The scene: 34 degrees, dark and cool!

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


ISO arm stretches, swimmers stretch
Squats ICx15

Tha Thang:
PAX moseyed from the parking lot to the loop by the water.

Route 66

The PAX ran the parking lot loop performing the following exercises:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Star Jacks
  • LBC’s

Repetitions increased at cones placed along the route (1st cone, 1 burpee; 2nd cone, 2 burpees…etc.) to a total of 10 reps.

Mosey back to AO

Flutter Kick ICx20
Penguins ICx20
Mountain Climbers ICx20
American Hammers ICx15
V-ups ICx10

Count-Off and Name-O-Rama:

P-nut related how our run down Route 66 was an analogy to traveling life’s path. We have distractions along the way, but we need to remember the words of Jesus in Luke 9…and how we must be willing to sacrifice everything in order to truly follow Him.

P-nut then prayed us out- including a prayer request for Pfieffer’s grandfather and relief from holiday stress…especially that stress placed on our wives.


A group of brave souls with questionable judgment participated in a RUCK/run prior to the beat-down. All PAX were treated to 3 miles and a buffet of burpees, squats and merkins. Spirits were high and the mumblechatter was strong. Great morning at the Pound.

Respectfully submitted,


Getting the week started right!

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

5:30 COT

  • Windmill x 15
  • Imperial Squat Walkers X 20
  • Arm Circles x 25 each way
  • Burpo’s – 10

Mosey Lower Parking Lot and grab CMU’s – Partner up

Partner Shuttle Run 3 Times

  • Partner 1 – Squats, Merkins Rows Alternate exercise every time you reach start.
  • Partner 2 – Run to 1st open area and completes 1 burpee and runs back.
  • Repeat above with an increasing number of burpees at each opening.
  • LBC or Plank until PAX complete Shuttle.
  • After PAX completes all 3 Shuttles. Superman x 10

 Mosey to Hill

 Forties – High rep version of 11’s. Always add up to 40 subtracting 5 each time:

Merkins and Curls

       –     30 Curls, Devin Hester 10 Big Boys

  • 25 Curls, Devin Hester 25 Big Boys
  • 20 Curls, Devin Hester 20 Big Boys
  • 15 Curls, Devin Hester, 25 Big Boys
  • 10 Curls, Devin Hester, 30 Big Boys

Cash Out

  • Squat hold to Burpos – Called out x 5


  • Flutter Kicks x 30

 Take Every Thought Captive

 If the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. —John 8:36

 God pays no attention to our natural individuality in the development of our spiritual life. His plan runs right through our natural life. We must see to it that we aid and assist God, and not stand against Him by saying,

“I can’t do that.” God will not discipline us; we must discipline ourselves. God will not bring our “arguments…and every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5)— we have to do it. Don’t say, “Oh, Lord, I suffer from wandering thoughts.” Don’t suffer from wandering thoughts. Stop listening to the tyranny of your individual natural life and win freedom into the spiritual life.

Burpees for Bandwagon (MIA)

The Scene: Lower 40s and Early
SSX x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
Burpees x 10 OYO
Squat Jumps x 10 IC

The Thang
Partner Up and Grab one Cinderblock between the two
Mosey to parking lot
One partner starts with 10 squat to shoulder press with cinderblock while the other starts with 10 merkins on the other side
Run to the other side and do 10 burpees halfway across and do opposite exercise at the other side
Run back and do 10 burpees again then 9 merkins until you get to 1 of each exercise

110 Burpees Total

Mosey to Cardiac Hill
Start at very bottom 20 little baby crunches at bottom and run to top and do 20 dips
Repeat 3 more times

Finish with 10 burpees at top

Mosey back to AO

1 Timothy 6:6-12

“6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. 8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. 9 Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

Being content. What does that look like in today’s world? Why is it so hard to get to a place of contentment in our society? Everything is telling us the opposite, we deserve a bigger house, nicer car and the best of the best. Look around us and see people recently in Gatlinburg that have lost everything and we are still not content with what we have. BUT this is our human nature we are broken and we can not find peace in what we have here on this earth. The only way to move closer and closer to that contentment is to strive daily for a personal relationship and love of Jesus Christ.

Great workout as the 21 PAX that made it out as everyone grinded through the burpees and cardiac hill. Nothing better than seeing Dimples cramping up while trying to keep up with Edit getting up Cardiac. Hopefully it was a good enough workout for everyone as we missed all those fartsackers that were dreaming of sheep. Great to see DuckPond back out!

The Matterhorn Strikes Again

THE SCENE: 32 degrees and chilly

F3 Intro and Disclaimer 

Run in place for 1 min
SSH x 15 IC
Bobby Hurley x 10 IC
Cherry Pickers x 10 IC
BAC x 10 IC
Reverse BAC x 10 IC

Mosey to the Matterhorn

Bottom- Burpees
Top- Squats

Mosey to the Pavilion
As many sets of the following you can do for 5 minutes total

Pull Ups x 5
Forward Lunges x 10
Triceps dips x 15

After 5 minutes, switch to the following:

Merkins x 5
Reverse Lunges x10
Squats x15

After 5 minutes recover and mosey to the coupon pile
At the coupon pile, choose a medium size coupon and do the following:

Bicep curls x 10
Shoulder press x 10
Behind the head triceps extension x 10

Rinse repeat x 1 increasing the set to 20 reps

Mosey to the AO

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
LBC x 20 IC
Pacman x 20 on each side
In the busyness of the holiday season be sure to take time to “Be still and know that I am God”. We should always take time out of our day to acknowledge who God is in our life and give Him the praise that He deserves. Psalms 46:10

UF3 Championship

F3 Welcome and disclaimer

10 burpees
10 mericans
20 Baby arm circles
Mosey and run in place while explaining stations and exercises


UF3 Championship of the WORLD!

Split into even groups at 5 stations
All exercises at each station will repeat when completed for 5 mins straight.
1 min Recover walk/mosey to next station.

Station 1:
10 mericans
15 side straddle hops 3-count
20 squats

Station 2:
10 burpees
15 clean and press w/CMU
20 straight forward air kicks

Station 3:
10 Turkish get ups with KB
15 flying knees in place
20 curl to overhead press w/CMU while moving side to side

Station 4:
10 line sprints
15 bear crawls
20 goblet squats w/CMU

Station 5:
10 burpees
15 squats
20 3-count punches while moving

Indian Run to “little Everest” 10 count rest
Run up and do 10 rocky balboas with “belt”
Run around road on top back to the bottom of little Everest.
Run up and do 30 second l gore then 10 3 count air punches

Mosey to AO


15 flutter kicks
10 mericans

Count off/ Name o rama

Armor of God
Eph 6:10
“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

‭‭What was the purpose of the belt in Roman armor?
Everything is held together by the belt.
Protection, starting point for weapons allows for everything to work together.
The Truth…is Jesus, the Bible. The word is what all things should be based on.