F3 Knoxville

Draw the line

THE SCENE: Dark, warm and dryish

SSH, Merkins, cherry pickers and this and thats

Do one more of each exercise starting with one rep at each line (cone) coming back to start each time (suicide style) 15 lines (cones) about 10 yards apart. exercises are:

  • Diamond Merkins
  • LBCs on a 4-count
  • Merkins

Audible out a little early. Mosey to splash pad for some partner DORA. 100 table rows, 200 squats, 300 LBCs.

Mosey to pick up cones and do burpees at every other cone. Mosey to AO for some ring of fire merkins.

Flutter kicks x21
11 pax
We talked about drawing a line in our lives that we will not cross. In different aspects of life. Temptations (pornography, bad vices, language etc.) or lines on how we interact with people. Standing up to ourselves and saying I will not cross this boundary.
FNG @Sticks, did a great job!  Hot tub took a spill during the Pre-run and was out for the Q. Stinks. Supra did Sticks not tagged yet
Prayers for Ms. Junk, Mrs. Tank, Supras new addition in his family. (Blanking on relationship of who had baby) and Hot Tub’s  ankle.

Deck O Cards

THE SCENE: 70ish and muggy

25 SSH Baby Arm circles

Deck O cards

13 Man makers to make up for the 13 cards we didn’t get through in the deck.

Insert the WORD here.

Ring of Fire

THE SCENE: 51 degrees F.  Clear and cool summer morning.  Perfect for a beatdown.

LBAC Forwards & Backwards
Mosey…tempo merkins…mosey….tempo squat…mosey…H2H…mosey….


Following the road main road at PSCC puts you on a wide arc around most of the campus, maybe ½ mile.  Pair up.  Work around the ring – stopping at each of the 12 crosswalks to do the exercise set that is labeled on the ground – move the to next crosswalk per instructions (mosey, sprint, bear crawl).  First pair that finishes – turn around and start back the other way.  Collect the other HIMs as you pass them and work backwards as a pack, eventually collecting everyone.

Exercise 1

15x Monkey Humpers

5x Peter Parkers (2 count)

20s LBCs

Sprint to the next crosswalk!


Exercise 2

15x Squats

20x Merkins

20x BBS

Sprint to the next crosswalk!


Exercise 3

5x Burpees

15x Dry Docks

15x Flutter Kicks (4 count)

Mosey to the next crosswalk


Exercise 4

5x Iron Mikes (5x each leg)

20x Diamond Merkins

15x Heels to Heaven (4 count)

Bear Crawl to the next crosswalk


Exercise 5

10x Broad Jumps

10x Burpees

15x Hello Dollys (4 count)

Mosey to the next crosswalk


Exercise 6

20x Monkey Humpers

20x Merkins

20x Flutter Kicks (4 count)

Mosey to the next crosswalk


Exercise 7

30x Squats

20x Dry Docks

20x Heels to Heaven (4 count)

Mosey to the next crosswalk


Exercise 8

10x Burpees

20x Diamond Merkins

20x Hello Dollys (4 count)

Bear Crawl to the next crosswalk


Exercise 9

10x Iron Mikes (10x each leg)

5x Burpees

30x LBCs

Mosey to the next crosswalk


Exercise 10

10x Broad Jumps

10x Peter Parkers (2 count)

30x BBS

Sprint to the next crosswalk!


Exercise 11

5x Burpees

15x Dry Docks

20x Heels to Heaven (4 count)

Sprint to the next crosswalk!


Exercise 12

10x Iron Mikes (10x each leg)

20x Diamond Merkins

25x Hello Dollys (4 count)

About-Face – Repeat – Collect the PAX!


Mosey to each crosswalk in reverse order, performing 1 exercise per stop (PAX choice).  Jailbreak.



Happy Father’s Day to all the dads!  Being a father is one of the most important roles you play in life.  Doing it well is worth every once of energy that you can muster!  This Father’s Day weekend, I encourage you to spend some time praying and reflecting on your role as a father – protector, provider, encourager, discipliner, teacher, etc.  Take pride in the things that you are doing well – and commit yourself to improving the areas that you are not doing well.  Here are three things from scripture that you can mediate on;

  1.  Do your best to live your life with honor. When you screw up, own your mistakes and recommit yourself to be a better man.

Proverbs 20:7 “The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him.”

2. As fathers, your words have immense power over your children. Use them with care.

Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue”

Proverbs 15:4 “Gentle words bring life and health…”

Proverbs 16:24 “Kind words are like honey, sweet to the soul and healthy for the body”

Proverbs 18:4 “A person’s words can be life-giving water…”

Colossians 3:21 “Fathers, do not discourage your children, so that they will not lose heart.”

Ephesians 6:4 says, “Fathers, don’t make your children bitter about life. Instead, bring them up in Christian discipline and instruction.”

3. If you are a believer, teach your children about God and the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is nothing more important that you could be teaching them.  If you spend hours each week showing them how to kick a soccer ball, and 30 seconds at night praying with them – you’re missing the point.

Proverbs 22:6 “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old, they will not turn from it”.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up….”

Here are some resources for you to check out;
For younger kids;
Jesus Storybook Bible
Action Bible

For kids of all ages;
Download the free app “YouVersion Bible”.  Search plans by “kids” or any other keyword.  Gazillions of free devotions.

Live with integrity, use your words with care, teach your kids about God.

Booster called for assistance tomorrow – see Group Me text for deets.

Welcome “Chop Shop” from Chicagoland!

2 For Tuesday: Character-Building Festivities

THE SCENE: SUPER cool, like 70s cool. Breezy baby.

Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith! My name is Steam & I’ll be your Q this evening. I am stoked to be back here Qing with you guys. I am not a professional and you are here on your own volition – which means that you chose to be here this evening, just like everyone else. Let’s rock!


Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 11×4 in cadence

Steam: “We will be celebrating 2 For Tuesday this evening gents”

Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 11×4 in cadence

Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 (forward) in cadence // 11×4 (backwards) in cadence

Baby Arm Circles: 11×4 (forward) in cadence // 11×4 (backwards) in cadence)

Cherry- Picker: 11×4 in cadence

Cherry-Picker: 11×4 in cadence

Imperial Walker: 11×4 in cadence

Imperial Walker: 11×4 in cadence

Let’s get on the mosey!
[The 2nd part of any 2 For Tuesday exercise can be substituted w/5 burpees if PAX chooses]

  • Mosey towards Cardiac Hill


  • Every stop sign PAX passes = 8 merkins (1-count)
    • 3 stop signs = 24 merkins


  • “Cardiac Hill 100”
    • 4 points of contact going down Cardiac Hill
    • (1) Top of Cardiac Hill (2) curve 1 on Cardiac (3) curve 2 on Cardiac (4) bottom of Cardiac
    • At all points of contact
      • 10 squats
      • 10 big boy sit-ups
      • 5 incline merkins (facing up Cardiac)
    • PAX holds the plank at the bottom of Cardiac


  • PAX American Indian runs to boarded walkway by the river
  • PAX forms battle buddies


  • 11s
    • Boardwalk overlooking the river: LBCs (4-count)
    • Left Down the boardwalk 20ish yards: Merkins (4-count)
      • 10 + 1
      • 9 + 2 and so on
    • High-Heels leads PAX in core work exercises until 6 recovers on the boardwalk overlooking the river


  • PAX duck-walks up a little hill into the grass about a football field away from the Lakeshore Chapel


  • The Slinky
    • PAX gets into 2-man battle buddy (BB) teams
    • Q gives command to run – stop (hold plank)
    • (1) 1st BB team runs until the command “down” is given
    • (2) 1st BB team drops down into a plank
    • (3) 2nd BB team sprints past 1st BB team until the command “down” is given
    • (4) 2nd BB team drops down past the 1st BB team in the plank position
    • (5) 3rd BB team sprints past the 1st and 2nd BB teams, until the command “down” is given
    • (6) 3rd BB team drops down past the 1st and 2nd BB teams, holding the plank position
    • Rinse & Repeat – starting with the 1st BB team – until all PAX reach the edge of the Lakeshore Chapel


  • Doubtfire verbalizes the fuel on the fire and PAX rushes through the field in back of the chapel, across the street under a tree
  • Q leads PAX in Monkey-Humpers, in front of soccer moms, kids, and God himself
    • 11×4 in cadence
    • [2 For Tuesday]
    • 11×4 in cadence
  • Q points to an object 40-50 yards away – PAX charges at it full-speed


  • PAX are facing a hill
  • Q instructs PAX to get in a decline big boy setup position on the hill
  • 11 1-count big boy sit-ups
  • [2 For Tuesday]
  • 11 1-count big boy sit-ups


  • PAX runs up the hill and recovers by two trees close to the road leading to the Asylum PM road
  • Q leads PAX in 11 1-count Pinto Squat-Jump Twists(?) (Jury is still out on the official name)
    • Starting position: PAX facing 1 direction
    • PAX squat –> jump up and twist –> landing facing the other direction = 1
  • [2 For Tuesday]
  • 11 1-count Pinto Squat-Jump Twists


  • Pax charges towards the final stop sign
  • PAX charges the final road/hill back up to the AO


  • handy.


Total Time: 45:20

Distance: 2.2miles

Elevation Gain: 128ft.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Giving Credit/Being Your Own God

I just got a new job, am moving into a new house, have a new relationship with a great girl – things are going great in my life right now. And I feel like I need to hear this more than anyone: I need to realize that my pride is a very dangerous thing and that I am blessed with these things because there is a God above who is working in my life and putting breath in my lungs – to serve Him. None of the seeming success in life that I seem to be a part of has anything to do with “me being the man” or “me crushing it” lately. It’s so easy for me to pat myself on the back and develop a false sense of “look what you did man, you’re doing great.” Sometimes as men I think it’s easy for us to fall prey to our own pride in our work or successes in life, etc, and not remember who woke us up this morning and spoke life into the blessings we enjoy. We were created for so much more than ourselves men! Our story is just a small small part in the great HIStory He’s telling through us.

Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

Prayer Requests (PRs): Steam’s new dating relationship – struggling/wanting to keep the Lord at the center and working on being a HIM in it.

High Fidelity

THE SCENE: Clear and Comfortable

Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward x10 IC
4 Rounds of 26 reps (Civilian Cadence Count) of: Merkins , Flutters (13 x 4 IC), Squats, Mt Climbers. Inidian Run by the PAX around the track in between each round.

Sandbag Carry:

-Each member of the PAX had their turn carrying an 80# sandbag around the parking lot loop by the “splash pad” while one person carried it the other PAX members held 10 second squat then did 10 reps of squats/monkey humpers sprinted to the other end of the parking lot and held variations of plank for 10 seconds followed by 10 merkins.

PAX went to playground and did dead hangs for 30 seconds, followed by 13, 4 ct American Hammers IC, dead hangs for 40 seconds followed by 13, 4 ct Hello Dolly IC, finished up by a 42 second dead hang (In honor of Belding) and 13 BBS OYO

ATM cash out and boat/canoe
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Start your week off right by attacking the day with fidelity. Do not slack off to begin the week. This Monday is a precious gift from our Lord.
Remember our city and our own prayer requests and needs of our brothers.
Hardship Hill