F3 Knoxville

Under Cover @ The Dog Pound 4-26-22

THE SCENE: Early arrivals made their way to the Pav-A-Lon in the dry.  Those who were right on time got washed.  A couple of new exercises were introduced this morning.  Descriptions of each are included below.

Done and done well.  Big welcomes to 1 FNG (I.C.P.) and to Jagged Pill for making it back for a second time.

Some leg stretching and tempo-merkins
EV.1 – Ab Circuit – 30 seconds work, 15 seconds rest, 4 sets of each exercise before moving to the next

1 – Elbow Plank

2 – Dead Bug

3 – Full Range Fred (Freddie Mercury where the elbow comes all the way to the knee and the foot goes all the way back to the ground to complete each rep)

4 – Sitting Single Leg Raise (seated position with back resting against picnic table bench and legs straight – raise your leg as high as you can without bending the knee, then lower it and repeat).

    • 2 sets for each leg
    • this needs a better name

EV.2 – 10 Minute E.M.O.M. – perform 10 reps for all exercises, every minute on the minute

1 – High-Steppers – Rocky Balboa using the picnic table bench as the elevated touch point (2=1)

2 – Air Squats

3 – Imperial Walkers (2=1)

EV.310 reps of each, together, for 3 rounds.  QIC calls the cadence, PAX calls out the rep count, 10-count between rounds

1 – Cap Gun (R) – bench-assisted pistol squat with the right foot grounded

2 – Cap Gun (L) – bench-assisted pistol squat with the  left foot grounded

3 – Bird Dog (2=1)

4 – Single Leg Step Down (R) – standing on the picnic table bench, perform a single leg squat so that your left foot is lowered below the bench and your right thigh becomes parallel to the ground, then stand back up

5 – Single Leg Step Down (L) – standing on the picnic table bench, perform a single leg squat so that your right foot is lowered below the bench and your left thigh becomes parallel to the ground, then stand back up

6 – Arm-Ups – similar to a shoulder tap – from high plank position in front of the picnic bench, move each hand from the floor to the bench, and then back down to complete one rep (left hand up, right hand up, left hand down, right hand down = 1)

Windmills x 6 IC; 10 Merkins OYO
9 PAX, 1 with Respect, and 1 FNG
Ancestral Mathmatics –

In order to be born, you needed:

2 parents

4 grandparents

8 great-grandparents

16 second great-grandparents

32 third great-grandparents

64 fourth great-grandparents

128 fifth great-grandparents

256 sixth great-grandparents

512 seventh great-grandparents

1024 eighth great-grandparents

2048 ninth great-grandparents

For you to be born today from 12 previous generations, you needed a total of 4,094 ancestors over the last 400 years.

Think for a moment – How many struggles?  How many battles?  How many difficulties?  How much sadness?  How much happiness?  How many love stories?  How many expressions of hope for the future? – did your ancestors have to undergo for you to exist in this present moment…

CSAUP – Escape From Haw Ridge coming up May 6

Don’t be Conformed

THE SCENE: 74 and Humidity with a beautiful moon.

1 Burpee

20 grady corn

20 SSH

Mosey to the bottom of Matterhorn

  • start a t the bottom of hill, run to top of slope and do 25 reps of an exercise, return to starting position and do 25 SSH. R&R 4 times, totaling one hundred of the exercise.
  • round 1: Carolina Dry Docks
    • Mosey to the bottom of the steps
  • Round 2: LBC (Single Count)
    • Mosey to the pee rocks pile
  • Round 3: Lunches (Single Count)

Romans 12 :2


Simple, Not Easy – Going Against the Flow @ DogPound 8/19/21

THE SCENE: Dry!  Well, at least nothing falling from the sky

Touch your toes; Cherry Pickers; LBAC (front/back) while stretching calves and achilles; CoQ (circle of quads) – an experimental group stretching exercise; mosey to the Backbone

1 – Cycle the following –

  • Pullups
    • first set is 10, then 9, then 8,………all the way to 1
  • 20-yd downhill Crawl Bear
  • 10 reverse crunches with feet extended downhill
  • 40-yd uphill sprint
  • 10 reverse crunches with feet extended downhill
  • 20-yd downhill mosey back to the Backbone to repeat the cycle with 1 less pullup this time

2 – 8 minute abs

  • 9 different ab exercises, 25 reps apiece, in cadence (a Trunk staple)

3 – Fellowship mosey to the AO

– 3 minutes. Partnered up – one partner does AMRAP Merkins while the other jogs a lap around the outside of the tennis court, then they switch.

– 30 second plank
10 Men
– 4 motivations for physical fitness as men, husbands, and fathers:

  • 1 – health and longevity
  • 2 – ability to save your own life (can you run, lift, swim, climb, and hold on?)
  • 3 – ability to save someone else’s life (could you carry your child or wife over a long distance if you had to?)
  • 4 – ability to defend yourself against an attack

What we do in the mornings isn’t easy, and yet we return again and again because we want more for ourselves than what is common – and for good reason!  Apply that to your spiritual life as well, because the rewards that are promised in the Gospels are far greater than anything this world has to offer.

“If we consider the unblushing promises of reward and the staggering nature of the rewards promised in the Gospels, it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak.  We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea.  We are far too easily pleased.”

CS Lewis, The Weight of Glory

Our prayers go out to Cosmo2 and his family after the loss of his father this week

CSAUP this weekend.  Good luck and safety to all participants, and a big thanks to the organizers

Wesley House food donations being collected at every AO.  Non-perishable snack foods, juice boxes, etc.  Bring something to your next post.


Small, medium or large

THE SCENE: Steady light rain, nice actually

Regular stuff
Mosey to the marina clubhouse.
Small: CMU and burpees, Medium: 2.5’ pole and squat jumps, Large: 3+’ log and Merkins

split up into groups of 3. One person from each group carries their item to the con while their team runs ahead. The team does the exercise associated with the item until their item reaches the con. Then you switch with a teammate and continue down the trail of cones to the Matterhorn and the pull up bars. Do five pull-ups and then repeat heading back to start. Once at start, teams switch items and repeat until all three teams have carried all three items. Once complete, all teams run to cones and do 10 Merkin (3 times) and Cobra Kais (3 times). All hang from bars until 6 catches. Then 10 knee ups. Mosey back to start stopping at each cone for 20 LBCs.
Everyone take turns carrying items back to AO


  • Sometimes
  • bulleted
  • lists
  • are
  • handy.
  • in this case they were not.

Marge Simpsons led by Tweet-E since the Q didn’t know what the correct form of a Marge Simpson was. Some other stuff and then something else. Maybe something else too but not sure.
Prayer and worship. Spoke to the packs about prayer not being some grand rehearsed spectacular thing, but rather a communication with our father. It’s not for others but for him. Same with worship, we don’t need to worry about how good our voice sounds or who hears us and what they may think. We just need to worship our father.
So last night was one of the worst nights of sleep I’ve had in a while. Not showing up was not going to be an option. Glad I did. I need to make it out more often, but the bed feels so good in the morning. I have this memory foam pillow and it’s so nice. I probably should give it a name. We have a memory foam mattress pad to. It’s pretty awesome. I don’t think I should give it a name. Our blankets are regular type blankets but are very comfortable. Although last night none of this helped me. It was a bit hot in my room last night because we forgot to turn the air down. That sucks. I went out and slept in the living room and it was too cold because there’s two vents in that room. I felt like Goldilocks I was looking for baby bears bed, but sadly there was no baby bear bed, so I went back to the big bears bed in my room and it was cooler then so I might have slept 15 to 20 minutes. I was thirsty so I got something to drink, not beer. I did fall asleep for a little bit after that and remember dreaming about beating people up that were bullies. I mean like really beating them up. One of them I remember throwing over a fence when I was done with him. They kept coming back with more of their friends to try and beat me to no avail. I kind of felt bad when I woke up. Do you have  dreams like that? I like dreams. Dreams are fun. I like to have fun. Do you like to have fun? You know what’s funny? Monkeys are funny. They throw their poop sometimes. I hope those of you that are reading this are wondering what the heck is he talking about, did he come off his meds or something? Then again I don’t think anybody reads this. If you are reading this, I’m not off my meds, I don’t even take meds…well sometimes ibuprofen. Anyway, if you are still reading this then put a monkey emoji under the post on slack. Then you will be in the secret society of people that read Tank’s backblasts and I will send you a decoder pin in the mail telling you to drink more Ovaltine. Till then, have a wonderful day my brothers
CSAUP, forgot to mention snack drive.

Go Touch Dwayne and Come Back Here…

THE SCENE: Clear, starry morning. Almost pleasant 

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this, Ribbed asked for repeats as needed 


SSH IC x15

Cherry Pickers IC x%

LBAC x15 each way 

Tempo Squat IC x10

Tempo Merkin IC x 10


Grab a CMU and a buddy 

One partner Farmer Carries the CMU’s towards the Boat Ramp while the other does 15 BBS then moseys to their partner. Repeat. Exercises to complete: 15 BBS, 15 Merkins, 15 Squats. Repeat as necessary until reaching the bottom of the stairs. Wagon Wheel to the SIX. 

Each HIM grabs a cardboard piece with an exercise on them. Line up and complete your exercise while the HIM at the front of the line bunny hops up the steps, runs up the “Dwayne” the rock, and returns to PAX. Each HIM moves down the line to the next exercise. Time to complete one Round. (Special Note: No one seemed to find the “extra credit” exercise of Man-Makers written on some cardboard at the top of the hill at Dwayne. I know that @Trunk is mad he missed it).

Exercises Performed: 

  • Squats 
  • Kettlebell Swings 
  • CDD
  • Blockees
  • Flutter Kicks 
  • V-Ups 
  • BBS 
  • LBCs 
  • OH Press 
  • Freddy Mercury 



Ring of Fire: Only one HIM being extra doing clap merkins (You know who you are). 


12 HIMs showed up in the Gloom this morning! 1 DownRange from F3Franklin. Thanks for joining us @Corncob! 


For those who have attended my Q’s in the past, you know that I go one of two ways. Thoughtful, well-researched, and readout of my notebook WORDs, and those that come to me randomly. This morning I want to talk about patience. BACKGROUND: I spent several hours on the phone with two cell phone providers trying to figure out why my M’s phone was shut off and why another canceled my order for new SIM cards for her and my 2.0s. Patience was needed. Not just for the customer service reps, but also with my wife when I informed her that we had to change the phone number she’s had for half a decade. 

While I was indeed frustrated and running out of patience, I knew that I needed to remain a calming presence while she dealt with this fact. I made sure to talk calmly and not put my own frustrations of the past 4 hours on the phone on her. It wouldn’t be fair to her and would not help the situation AT ALL. The lack of patience can infect your life, your family, your job, everything. Be mindful of how your attitude and frustrations affect those that mean the most in your life. 


CSAUP on August 21st.