F3 Knoxville

Short Notice

THE SCENE: 44 and clear

Baby arm circles 12 forward/back on 4 count

A little of this/that.   Michael Phelps

Cherry pickers x 5

SSH x 25 on 4 count

Tempo squats x 10

Tempo merkins x 10


  •  Mosey to the playground for some CMU work.  25 curls, overhead presses, BBS, Tricep extensions, bench press, rows.
  • Mosey towards the Big Ball.  3 laps around the pond with 4 stations of exercises.  5 burpees under the bridge, 10 big ball pull ups, 15 merkins on the bridge, 20 squats under the amphitheater.
  • Mosey to Candy Factory for Dora’s:  50 BBS, 100 merkins, 150  flutter kicks (4ct), 200 squats.  While partner performs exercises, the other Pax is running up the hill towards the art museum ( Bernie Sanders  the first half and sprint the second)
  • Mosey back to AO for Aiken Legs:  20 squats, 20 box jumps, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 split jacks (10 each leg).

Edward Scissor leg x 20 (4 ct)

Flutter kicks x 15 (4 ct)

Side to Side pickle pounders x 15 (4 ct)


3 HIMs

eight counts with a rock

THE SCENE: 41* – a little cooler than lately but clear and no wind.  Perfect weather.  Amazon and Abort Co-Q shooting from the hip.

BAC Forward x10 IC
BAC Reverse x10 IC
Moroccan night club x15 IC
Tempo squats x10 IC
8-ct bodybuilder x5 IC
SSH x15 IC
Mosey out of start point in the direction of the amphitheater, running through it (not uphill and around for some reason…) and across Cumberland Ave, stopping on the bridge.  Everyone down for some early ab work, flutter kicks x25 IC and American hammers x20 IC.  Back up and continue mosey to parking lot of Church Street United Methodist Church.  Everyone grab a rock and get ready to roll.

  • 8 count body builders (OH press rock going up) x10
  • Curls (for the girls) x10
  • Squat thrusters x10
  • Sit ups with rock pressed x10

After each round of PT, place rock on ground and run up the hill to the Church, high five the church, and return to rocks.  Repeat for 3 rounds total.  Quick 10 count and change up exercises, same routine.  Go through 4 exercises of PT, drop rock and run to the church and return.  Three rounds of second set as well.

  • Rock overhead squats x10
  • OH tricep extension x10
  • American hammers (left right 1) x10
  • Front lateral shoulder lift x10

Recover, replace rocks in pile and mosey in the direction of the Big Ball. Quick repeat of Dead Hang Dora.  Pair up, one man dead hangs from the beams of the Big Ball, while the other man knocks out merkins.  When the partner drops, they swap and cumulatively knock out 150 merkins.  This sucks BTW.  Recover and mosey back to start point.

All done in succession with no rest, because Abort is a jerk:
Box cutters x10
Edward scissor legs x15
Flutter kicks x20
13 Strong, including some faces that haven’t been seen in a bit: Operation, The Voice, Cowbell, Swanson, 2×2, G6, Duggar, Petey, Rousey, Quarantine, Misfire, Amazon, Abort
Operation and Misfire spoke about consistency.  One quote Operation shared was “Don’t choose what you do well, choose what you do consistently.”  He may correct me on that, but it was the idea.  Great word to think about.  We were also fortunate to have Misfire, Soot’s father, speak about Soot’s recent deployment and how F3 was a positive thing to give consistency outside of the military and how we as men NEED that.

Also big thanks to Petey who picked up a card for us all to sign to send to Soot, great stuff there.


THE SCENE: Low 50s, Raining mostly.

High Knees – x10 IC 4CT

Mountain Climbers – x15 IC 2CT

Moroccan Night Club – x30 IC 1CT

(palms out – rotate up and down)

LBC – x15

Cherry Pickers – x10

P.E. E.X.A.M. – modified from Erector’s recent Q. Mosey to parking lot.

  • P – 20x Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpees PCMBs
    • Burpee – 3 merkins – Each knee to the chest between the merkins.
  • E – Elevens – merkins at the bottom, squats at the top. Run across parking lot.
  • E – Escalator – 10 squat jumps, 20 burpees, 30 merkins, 40 squats, 50 lunge walks around the lot.
    • Mosey back to the AO to get under cover and continue the workout.
  • X – X-factor – 20x on your 6. Arms and legs extended to make an X. Right arm up, left ankle up and touch. Repeat.
  • A – ABS.  American Hammers. Flutters. BBS. 50 each. 2CT.
    • Circle Merkin. PAX does 1 pushup while the other planks. Reverse. Repeat adding 1 rep each time til you get to 10 reps.

Take 1 lap around the AO for good measure and time.

Duggar, Filter.

“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest; we have to be more disciplined than the rest”. Warren Buffett.

Discipline yourself so no one else has to. – Pat Summitt



THE SCENE: Sunny and nice, temps in 50’s

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 second squat, 15 Mountain Climbers, 30 second squat, 10 Windmills, 45 second squat, 10 Cherry Pickers, 60 second squat, Little of This and Little of That.  Split into three groups and Mosey to workout stations.  In each station we will work out for 15 minutes.  After workout out at the three stations we will meet back at AO.

STATION 1 (at parking lot near entrance of northern ball fields)
There will be bricks on ground at Corner 1 and CMU’s on ground at Corner 3.
We will circle the parking lot counter clockwise, stopping at each corner to do the listed exercises.  We will circle the lot three times, doing the series of exercises as we go.
  • Corner 1:  With brick in each hand do:  1. 25 Wings Out  2.  25 Wings Up  3.  25 Wings down.  Bernie Sanders to Cone 2 after each listed exercise.
  • Corner 2:  1.  20 Merkins  2.  20 Dive Bombers 3.  20 Carolina Drydocks.  Bear Crawl to Corner 3 after each exercise.
  • Corner 3:  With CMU do:  1.  25 Overhead Presses  2.  25 Curls  3.  25 Rows.  Sprint to Corner 4 after each exercise.
  • Corner 4:  1.  20 American Hammers (4 count)  2.  20 Box Cutters   3.  20 Flutter Kicks (4 count).  Lunge to Corner 1 after each exercise.

STATION 2 (on north side of parking lot with nice restroom and across street from northern ballfields)

Picket’s charge w 3 Burpees at every cone
Circle Burp: grab a baby and take turns leading cadence with curls until saying “Go” and do two Burpees all around circle, repeat w Triceps
Give and Take: choose a battle buddy, plank across from each other. Take turns taking bricks off CMU and replace until time is up bout 1-2 minutes.
Merkin Suicides: run to cone do 10 merkins suicide style

Station 3 (in parking lot by southern ball fields)

On one end you will do an exercise than run to the other end and continue that exercise until the Six arrives.  Modification is leave early on the run.

Strength and Conditioning Side:

Exercise 1     20 – Merkins

Exercise 2     20 – 4 Count Side Straddle Hop

Exercise 3     20 – Squats

Exercise 4     20 – Carolina Dry Docks

Exercise 5     5 – Burpees

Exercise 6     3 – Yoga – Plank – Downward Dog – Upward Dog You will need to call it out.

Ab Side:

Exercise 1     20 – IC 4 Count LBCs

Exercise 2     20 – IC Holly Dolly

Exercise 3     20 – IC Plank Jacks

Exercise 4     20 – On your own Shoulder taps  shoulder

Exercise 5     20 – On my Up – Big Boy Sit Ups

Exercise 6     20 – IC 4 Count – American Hammers IC

50 Baby Crunches, 25 Sit-ups
43 men with one FNG, Jeremy Cameron whom we dubbed “MIB”
We all must suffer.  That will be the theme of today’s 3rd F.  It helps to remain optimistic in the face of suffering.

Pfeiffer is gonna be a daddy this week!

3rd F at Outlook immediately following this workout!

Ducky biscuit

THE SCENE: Mostly Cloudy, 47°F, Feels like 47°F, Humidity 68%, Wind 1mph from NE


  • SSH 20x IC
  • LBAC 10x IC forward and reverse
  • Tempo squats 15x IC
  • Little of this, little of that

Mosey to the duck pond.

  • Sea biscuit, complete exercise, then run lap, exercise then 2 laps, etc. till 6 laps then work back down
    • 10 squats
    • 15 Merkins
    • 20 BBS

No time for mary


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord , my rock and my Redeemer.
Psalms 19:14 NASB

Returned to work today after a week of with my kids and my attitude about work want good. We need to work towards all of our thoughts, words, and actions being pleasing to God.


Convergence at Asylum this Saturday then 3F on the strip.