F3 Knoxville

Repeating the Word

THE SCENE: About 60 or so and clear. Not a pool in sight.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: I’m not a professional. COVID distancing. Cell Phone ICE. Repeat of my VQ (small modifications)

All of these are OYO but started by the Q:

3 x Inchworms forward (moving arms only)
3 x Inchworms backward (moving legs)
3 x Toe Touch Squat and Reach (3 each arm)
3 x Werewolf (downward dog to upward dog back to downward dog = 1 rep)
3 x Stationary lunges forward (3 each leg)
3 x Stationary lunges left
3 x Stationary lunges right
3 x Stationary lunges backward (3 each leg)
3 x Merkins (hold plank)
3 x Diamond Merkins (hold plank)
3 x Wide Merkins (hold plank)
5 x Tempo Merkins (recover)

From the AO to Freshman Hill past the coupon pile, Double Applesauce (aka 2-column) Falling Indian Run doing Burpees until you reach the back of your line and fall in.

Individual Competition: Exercise then Mary
33 of each of the following and once done do the corresponding Mary exercise until the Q calls recover:

Exercise F3 Name Mary until Q calls done
Lunges touch ground w/hands El Capitan Pickle Pounders
Down dog to up dog Werewolf Freddie Mercuries
Burpees Burpees BBS
Starters (like Monkey Humper but the toe of one foot is directly behind the heel of the other). Do 33 each leg forward N/A LBC

Team DORA Competition: (teams of 3 were did not turn out as well as it did last year)
1 person running or at Station 1 / 2. Rotation is as follows:
Station 1, run up the stairs and back down to Station 2, Station 2, run to Station 1

Station # Base Exercise 1st Rd 2nd 3rd 4th
1 Squats Parallel Below Parallel Pistol Quarter
1 Stationary Lunge Forward Left Right Backward
2 Merkins Normal Diamond Tempo Wide
2 CMU’s Colt ’33’s OHP Tricep Extensions (Bent Over) Rows

I said this last time but I really mean it for Team Dora – next time we do Team DORA I’ll probably still have 2 stations but more reps per exercise and maybe fewer exercises at the station and/or variations, writing it out linearly what each team should do. All feedback is still welcome!

Repeat Double Applesauce Falling Indian Run(Do-ah-diddy variation)  but you can fall off and just get in at the back of the line. S/O to Erector for pushing it and doing burpees the whole way back which encouraged me to do some too!

One dealer’s choice – Dart Gun led about a million (okay actually 30) hello dolly’s and the Q led 18 LBC’s (both IC) until the 6:15 alarm sounded on my watch.


19 PAX. No FNG’s but welcome Dumpster Dive from Shamrock!

I cannot believe it has been a year since my VQ! Over this past year so much has changed. God saw 2020 coming but I can tell you He has been faithful every step of the way. From physical distancing (I’m not being antisocial with anyone in these trying times!) to the coming election to Zoom calls ad nauseum to being so thankful for what God is doing in and through all the chaos and confusion it has truly been good in spite of all the trials that have come.

God and His Word never change. Just as last year, how important it the Bible is hasn’t changed and seems to only increase when it seems the earth beneath us might move any moment now. As we know, God’s Word NEVER returns void. So again, to emphasize the importance of putting the Word in our hearts and our minds and letting it fill us, I recited from memory Colossians 3:1-17 (this is why we did 3 and 33 of everything today ICYMI):

If, then, you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, you also will appear with Him in glory.

Put to death, therefore, what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, & covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you too once walked when you were living in them, but now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self with its desires, and have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its Creator. Here there is not Greek & Jew, circumcised & uncircumcised, Barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all and in all.

Put on then as God’s chosen ones, holy & beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful. Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

God’s Word is so important to us we should prioritize it over everything. We should take it in slowly, daily, and consistently. It should be more precious to use than anything and we should fight to put it before us so we are changed by it and have it ready at all times when we are under spiritual attack or temptation from anywhere. It does so much for us (2 Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 119:9-11, and many more).

One additional note I want to personally reiterate from 5k’s “Window Shopping on Hardin Valley” Q on  Wednesday: “Log Speck” applies here. I haven’t been intentionally churning over and over and memorizing the Bible like I was at this time last year.

3 questions to consider about God’s Word:

1. Are you prioritizing time in the Word and with Christ above all else?
This means over breakfast, lunch, sleep, Netflix, even F3 and working out. Nothing is more important than Christ’s Word.

2. Are you memorizing Christ’s Word so it is always with you, dwelling in you richly?
-Next up on my list to memorize is Ephesians 1:15-23 and James 1 (all 27 verses). These have been on the list for some time but just as I would say I’m not going to let it discourage me, don’t let something you haven’t done that you should do discourage you!
-There are many tips and tricks to memorization I’d be glad to discuss with you (just ask!), but the main thing is just like F3: show up and do it! You’ll get better faster from just reading and trying to memorize while asking God to bring your heart into alignment with not only loving His Word but a passion for the verses He puts on your heart to memorize – and if you don’t feel a zeal for God’s word then start with verses about treasuring God’s Word like Psalm 119:11, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, and Romans 10:17 to chew on them over and over and get the flavor so that you crave His Word like your favorite food!
-Fast from other things and devote time to the Bible. This is huge when we feel like home and work and life all blur together in 2020. Take intentional time to just be along with the Bible. 5 minutes, a half day off work, even a yearly weekend retreat to spend time with God’s Word are possible if you plan them.

3. Are you talking about God’s Word with people in your life?
With your wife, your kids, your small group, other F3 HIMs, friends, & coworkers. Unsaved and nominal. And of course and most importantly with God Himself through praying His Word back to him!

Praise for my friend Sam’s 5th surgery post-accident going well. Prayed for Brenda, Chris, and Steve. S/O to Booster for sending us a message from the airport about reading backblasts while he was heading back to Ktown.

-F3 JUCO Pre-order shirt deadline is October 24th, 2020 (that’s tomorrow if you’re reading this the on the day this workout was done!)
-In lieu of the F3 Brolympics this year we’re having a Convergence at #the-asylum and ICYMI F3 Knoxville will have a new Nantan. Come and see who our new Knoxville PAX leader of VAPE will be!

Shamrock – What’s your story? Actually, where do I fit into God’s story?

THE SCENE: Crisp fall morning

Side Straddle hop (IC) 4 CT x 25

On your back Side Straddle hop x25 

Twinkle Toes  (IC) 4 CT x 10

Monkey Humpers (IC) 4 CT x 10

On your back Side Straddle hop x25


Line up at one end of parking lot. 

Round 1: Bear Crawl to the 1st line and do 1 merkin, BC to next line 2 merkins, BC to next line 3 merkins all the way to 10

Round 2: Lunge to the 1st line do 10 single count twinkle toes, repeat at each line to line 10. 

Round 3: Crab walk to the 1st line and do 20 American Hammers single count, repeat at each line all the way to line 10

Mosey to the CMU pile to do 4 square stations and made it through almost 2 rounds: 

#1: 40 Squats, 30 Merkins, 20 Big Boys, 10 Smurf Jacks

#2: 40 Calf raises on curb, 30 Tricep dips, 20 Rocky Balboas, 10 Derkins

#3: 40 Curls, 30 Tricep extensions combo with calf raises, 20 Goblet Swings, 10 Alternating Merkins

#4: 40 Hammers single ct, 30 Shoulder taps, single ct, 20 Twinkle Toes 4-count, 10 Burpees

Mosey back to the AO

no time
11 HIMs: Cheatsheet, Honeydew, Trolley, Kick-Flip, Dumpster Dive, Baby Boomer, Curveball, Mermaid, Pringle, Jenner, Anchorman

What’s your story? Actually, where do I fit into God’s story? I have been reading through the Bible with my community group and we are still in the Old Testament. I love the perspective that you get when reading through the Bible. You get to see this amazing story full of countless events that all point to God’s glory. Stories of people like David who had this incredible heart for God and for his people. He messed up big time and the Bible does not gloss over this and keeps reminding the reader that he screwed up. But God makes it clear that David was an important part of his story regardless. I read about Ruth and how she was a foreigner that was a nobody. God used her courage and faith and she became the great grandmother of King David. 

Sometimes I read amazing stories like this and wonder how my ordinary life in the suburbs of west Knoxville play into God’s story. I wonder if I am doing enough for God. The fact is, He doesn’t need me, but will use my life to glorify him in his story. So once again I am reminded that it’s not about me, but God will use me for his plan. I heard someone on the radio last night say that it can be a scary thing to say to God, but asking him to “use me” is something he wants to hear.


Prayer requests: Racism, Cheat Sheet’s family, Trolley’s job, Jenner’s student loans / job, Pom-Pom. 

Garage Things.


Partly Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
51 ℉ 94% 51 ℉ 2.2 mi/h S

I am not a professional.

25 SSHs.
10 Baby Arm Circles forward.
10 backward.
3 Cherry Pickers.

Mosey to car trunk and pick up PVC piece and weight(plate) to create ab wheel.  Along side walk use ab wheel.  5 x straight out.  2 x out to right.  2 x out to left.

Mosey to football field divide into teams of 3 or 2 HIMs.  At 50 yard line is pile of trinkets.  On “Go.” everyone runs to trinket pile and picks one up.  On trinket is exercise, each HIM does that listed exercise 30 times at the 30, 20 times at the 20, and 10 times at 10.  (So a team of 3 would be doing 3 different trinkets. Everyone does their own.) Upon completion, throw trinket in your teams completion pile.  Then rinse and repeat with more trinkets.  ~20 minutes.  Team with most trinkets wins.  Yeah.

Mosey to bleachers.  Winning team gets to lead the charge.  Up and down bleacher steps from one end to the other.  At the bottom, each time, 10 jump squats.  Then up and down back with 10 Heal Drops at the bottom.

Mosey to sidewalk with ab rollers.  10 ab rollers straight.  Using PVC pipe, 10 American Hammers.

Mosey to St Patrick 30 dips, 20 box jumps, 20 dips, 10 box jumps, 10 dips, 5 box jumps.

Mosey back to AO.  Stopping 2 times to use ab rollers.  10 times each stop.

Mary happened during mosey back to AO.
11 HIMs
Psalm 23:3.  He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Embrace the Earth

THE SCENE: Low 50s, light rain off and on.

SSH x25 IC
Cherry Pickers x5 IC
LBAC fwd, back, overhead claps all x15 IC
Hindurkins x10 IC
Cobra Merkins x5 OYO
Cossack Squats x10 IC

Mosey to the retention pond hill
11s with Embrace the Earth Burpees (hand release burpee, spreading arms wide to embrace the earth at the release) at the top, squat jumps at the bottom.

Mosey to the far parking lot by the practice field for random Tabata by roll of the die.
Each exercise gets 4 sets of 20s work, 10s rest.
Best I can remember, it was:
Butt Kickers
Calf Raises
Iron Mikes
Squat jumps

No time today!
10 strong this morning. Everyone got a little wet, but just once.
Proverbs 3:5-6:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

I was a little surprised by who was complaining about the wet this morning… 😀
Tomorrow, tomorrow, Bomb Shelter, tomorrow! Convergence a day away!

Mark Klement

THE SCENE:  Gloomis Maximus – Men in the gloom but not of the gloom.  Men in the gloom but not gloomy.  Men in the dark but filled with inner light.
  • SSH, Cherry Pickers, Wear-wolves, Dancing crabs, Mtn Climbers, Plank Rollers.
  • Mosey to CMU Pile – cary CMU to main lot.

WOD = The Mark Klement:


For Time: 74, 44, 11 reps of Burpees, Merkins, Big-boys, Squats

Parking lot stall progression will be our rep station markers. Thus over the course of the workout we’ll progress over twelve spots. Take your CMU to each stall as your placeholder & marker of which reps you are doing.  The Stalls are:

  1. 74 Burpees
  2. 74 Merkins
  3. 74 Bigboys
  4. 74 Squats
  5. 44 Burpees
  6. 44 Merkins
  7. 44 Bigboys
  8. 44 Squats
  9. 11 Burpees
  10. 11 Merkins
  11. 11 Bigboys
  12. 11 Squats.

Be sure to hit your name on the iPad timer (Ultimate Stopwatch app) to record your time.

Little side note: Haste makes waste.  In my pre-coffee brain I wrote 77 instead of 74 on the pavement, so we did 77 reps on the first 4 rounds…. ha oops. Sorry.  That’s what you get for getting me up this early.


Background: This Hero WOD is dedicated to KHK Mark Klement of the Frankfurt (Germany) Police, who was killed in the line of duty on the night of July 7, 2019.

At the time of his death, KHK Klement and his team were attempting to locate and arrest a number of wanted suspects. During a short foot chase on nearby railroad tracks, KHK Klement was struck by a freight train and killed.

The “Mark Klement” Hero WOD was first posted by CrossFit Muehlheim-Main @crossfitmuehlheimmain (Mühlheim am Main, Germany).

Jens Hoppe designed the workout. The rep scheme signifies the year when Mark was born (74), his age when he died (44), and the age of his daughter (11).

Hebrews: 12:1 “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Cherish the day – cherish each breath. Run the race! Press on!