F3 Knoxville

New Year’s Day at JUCO

THE SCENE: 35 Degrees, a slight wind, but otherwise comfortable.

The Motivator from 10

Mosey to the pond .75 miles
Warmup exercises
Walking Lunges
Cherry Pickers
1 mile run
once finished, find people still running and encourage them, pick up cones
Push up PT test
Sit up PT test
Mosey to AO

I will add a tab to Mandolin’s spreadsheet, so that if we want to repeat these, we have a baseline to measure improvement.  See link here.  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QvJB3KJoW9XvUVQYBBMQ-kUdJR3yOgKx_jjZbzyHQxY/htmlview# 

Results from testing:

January 1, 2020
PAX Weight Mile Time Pushups in 2 min BBS in 2 Min
Booster 9:16 45 47
Cheatsheet 8:08 100 61
Erector 6:07 81 50
Hurry Can 7:06 41 50
Judge Judy 6:57 75 55
Mailbox 6:45 41 50
Mandolin 11:29 55 40
Mermaid 199 N/A 56 50
Ralph 9:05 15 33
Spotter 6:06 68 57

The mile run and additional warm up exercises took longer than expected.  No time for Mary.
10 guys, no FNG’s today  Ralph was here too, but not yet entered into the website, so he can’t yet be tagged.
The new year an new beginnings.  I spoke about my professional life, and some challenges that led me to the where I am professionally today.  Don’t be afraid to make a professional change.
Prayer Requests:
Cheetsheet – Pray for his family
Booster –  A friend named Jim Johnson who recently passed.  His family and their grief.
Judge Judy – His Wife’s family member Chris Kerr who is gay and is having issues with his family because of his decision to come out.
Mailbox – his wife has had some good days, continued prayer for her hart condition because the cause is still not known.

Polar Bear Plunge New Years day at noon, clown car options avail.
F3 New Year’s Party on Friday night 1/3 @ 7:00PM.

Finished. 2,019

THE SCENE:   40 and clear
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

We’re going to bid adieu to the decade in the most fitting way I can think of – by doing 2,019 reps of exercises.  With the completion of each 100 reps, blow your horn!  Hang on to your butts, ‘cause here we go!

  • LBAC forward x 8 IC (32)
    LBAC backwards x 8 IC (32)
    Monkey humpers x 9 IC (18)
    Merkins x 9 IC (18)
  • Motivator from 6 (84)
    Werkins x 16 OYO
  • Overhead clap x 13 IC (26)
    Squat x 13 IC (26)
    Seal clap x 13 IC (26)
    Iron Mike x 11 OYO (22)


With CMUs….

  • Colt 45 (45)
    Kettlebell swing x 15
    Goblet squat x 20
    Upright row x 20
  • Heavy Freddy x 20 IC (40)
    Tricep extension x 30
    Bent row x 30
  • Squat thruster x 30
    Derkins x 20
    BBS x 25
    Curls x 25
  • Lunge w/ CMU x 30
    Pickle pounders x 20
    Lunge w/ CMU x 30
    Pickle pounders x 20
  • DORA – partner farmer carries CMUs around the island
    100 Merkins
    200 LBC
    300 Squats

Mosey to the planters…

  • SSH x 25 IC (50)
    Dips x 40 OYO
    11s (Box jumps + Derkins) (110)

Mosey back to the shovel flag…

  • Captain Thor up to 5 (75) …and we’re out of time.

1,575 reps!  You guys crushed it!



No time




Traditionally, my wife and I have been totally into making and executing New Year’s resolutions.  We’ve designed complicated, multi-tiered, resolutions and – for the most part – have been pretty good at keeping them.

2019 was different.  We resolved to do just one thing for the year – to prayerfully seek God’s direction for our lives.  I feel that He provided direction that by aligning our hearts on a couple of topics that one year ago today we were a chasm apart.  My wife and I now end 2019 facing in a common direction – we know what we want to define our lives and legacy.

In 2020, we are embarking on yet another theme for the year – and I invite you to do the same.  We plan to spend this year casting vision for this new direction that we are facing and making a plan to get there.  We now share a common goal where we want to bring our family – what things we want to define us for our lifetimes and beyond.  In 2020, we will set out to make a plan; “when” and “how” step-by-step.

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no VISION, the people perish

Proverbs 20:5, “The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.”

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, director and chair of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative, says this, “A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.”

Author and business leader, Joel Barker, has said, “Vision without action is merely a dream.  Action without vision just passes the time.  Vision with action can change the world”. 

“Vision without execution is delusion”.  Thomas Edison

Men, let 2020 be the year that you cast (or re-cast) an incredible vision for your lifetime and beyond.  Don’t live by coincidence or circumstance!  Instead, plan your life’s legacy and execute that plan (be flexible to the Lord’s ways, remembering, “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails” Proverbs 19:21)



Hey you!  Yes…YOU!  You’re not finished yet!  We said we were doing 2,019 reps and we only got in 1,575.  You owe another 444 reps!  Here’s your homework – get it done before midnight!  When you finish, announce “Happy New Year!” in the GroupMe thread.

25 merkins

50 LBC
50 Flutter Kicks

25 side crunch (left)
25 merkins
25 side crunch (right)
25 merkins

50 SSH
50 shoulder taps (single count)

25 side crunch (left)
25 merkins
25 side crunch (right)
25 merkins





The Project is expanding!  Thursday?  Saturday?  Bootcamp?  Run?  Weigh-in on GroupMe with your preferences!

When you can’t do anything dumber…Totally redeem yourself

THE SCENE: post rain – 53 degrees and clear.

15 SSH, 5 Cherry pickers, 5 tempo merkins, 5 tempo squats

  • Indian run with back two men racing to the front (ran to the rear parking lot in front of the ‘Stadium’ hill.
  • 3 x Circuit Breaker – broadjump two parking stalls, lunge one parking stall to the end of the parking lot. Alternate sprinting forward, shuffle, bernie, shuffle, burpee in each parking lot stall until reaching the start point.
  • 11s on Stadium Hill – Hip thrusters on the parking lot, sprint up the hill, monkey humpers at the top of the hill.
  • Dora – 100 merkins, 200 Squat Rockettes (Squakettes), 300 American Hammers (cut short on time), partner runs with CMU up the stairs and slapped the Rec Center wall.
  • Mosey back to AO.

31 total: 26 Pax//5 FNGs

Classic scene in Dumb and Dumber – Just when I think you can’t do anything dumber, you go out and totally redeem yourself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnkefjCES-4

Matthew 5:23-2423 Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.

When things are wrong, whether it is your fault or not, we must be about making things right. This is not an obstacle, it is an opportunity. I shared a story from my time as an officer in the Navy. A sailor opened the door to a pressurized space and it caused the door I was opening to slam, nearly taking off the fingers on my right hand. I rushed at the sailor and got about two inches from his face and started berating him. He was in the wrong and I outranked him. In the middle of yelling at him, I look down to see another sailor that I had been studying the Bible with. Seeing her replaced my anger with shame. I walked away and cooled down. About an hour later, I found the sailor I had yelled at and I apologized to him for embarrassing him and for the things I had said. Two hours later, I found the female sailor that I had previously studied the Bible with. I owned what I had said and done and shared that I had apologized to the other sailor. I shared that the anger she saw in me was the man that I had to die to daily, the man whom Christ has helped me change from. She said that she knew I had apologized because the whole crew was talking about it (it’s rare for an officer to apologize to an enlisted sailor). 15 years later, we are still close and I saw her over Thanksgiving. She is married to a preacher and they have two kids.

Just when I couldn’t do anything dumber, I totally redeemed myself in her eyes and we are both better for it. Make wrongs right and see obstacles as opportunities.


Christmas Eve at the Project

THE SCENE: 40’s and dry, a little foggy

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 5 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 10 temp squats, 10 windmill
Mosey to the K2-5 hill for 12 days of Christmas.  Perform 1st exercise and run up the hill. Then the 1st and 2nd exercise followed by running up the hill…and so on.

  • 1-Dive Bomber
  • 2-Heels to Heaven
  • 3-SSH (4-ct)
  • 4-4x4s
  • 5-Freddie Mercury (4-ct)
  • 6-Lunges each leg
  • 7-Diamond Merkins
  • 8-Flutter Kicks (4-ct)
  • 9-Squats
  • 10-Merkins
  • 11-Big-Boys
  • 12-Iron Mikes

No time!
11 at the Project with some help from the JUCOnians.
This time of year many people around the world increase their focus on Jesus and His birth.  I was actually raised not celebrating Christmas as a religious holiday, because the Bible doesn’t provide instruction to do so.  I am sure this sounds odd to many, but we instead focused on the things the Bible does teach us throughout the year.  What if the people who increase their focus on Jesus during this time of year did the same all through the year?  What could the world be like?  I definitely appreciate all the good words that are shared during our F3 COTs.  So, how exactly can we shift our focus throughout the year?  In Galatians 5:16-23, Paul mentions the ways of the flesh (worldly) that we need to steer clear of and the fruits of the Spirit that we need to cling to.  He mentions jealousy and outbursts of anger as sins that will cause us to “not inherit the kingdom of God”. Those aren’t things I typically think of when I think of “sin”, but there it is in God’s word…plain as day.  Increasing our focus on Jesus and His sacrifice for us throughout the year will help us to live by the fruits of the Spirit and not the deeds of the flesh.
Thanks to all the JUCO PAX for coming out to celebrate 12 days of Christmas with us.
Merry Christmas!

McDonald’s on the Fly

THE SCENE: 20’s and no Q in sight….

LBAC-F/B, Overhead Claps, Tempo Merkins, Mountain-Climbers, Tempo Squats, TN Rock’n Chair
Mosey to big student parking lot, stopping for a short Bear Crawl. Perform the Double Quarter-Pounder (without cheese) – look up in Exicon.  So Fun!!

Mosey to small parking lot. 4 corners – rotate between 10 jump squats and increasing 8ct Body Builders at each corner. I think the lead group made it to a corner of 8 BB’s.  Great work!

Dead Bug, Flutter Kicks
25 strong
Talked about inner peace and 5 steps that have helped the Q obtain inner peace: 1) Trust totally in Christ. This settles where you are headed when you die. 2) Trust in God’s sovereignty and control over all things, even the small details of your life. This eliminates fear. 3)  Trust the Lord to meet all of your needs. Takes care of the constant desire for more. 4) Maintain a clear conscience. Helps protect your inner peace. 5) Accept the way God made you.  You can’t change things that are outside of your control. Trust Him with those things.

Ribbed was on Q but slept thru his alarm. Trolley (JUCO’s newly appointed Executioner) will decide his fate upon his next appearance at JUCO.
No official workout Christmas Day at JUCO.