F3 Knoxville

Unoffendable Juco UNO

THE SCENE: Just right

Tempo squat x 10
windmill x 10
Little Baby Arm Circles forward/back x 10
Tempo Merkin x 10
stretch ONO


Took some inspiration from Blindside and tried some F3 UNO. Moseyed to setup where we had a plywood board and CMU’s setup as table and chairs. Let’s play some UNO!

UNO Instructions
# Card = Exercises x multiplier
Color on Card = Exercise
Reverse = Repeat an exercise you’ve already done
Skip = Save to pass on a future card of your choice. Draw again.
Wild = any color exercise. Reps x 10
Wild Draw 4 = All 4 colors. Reps x 3

Partner up and draw a card. Choose from 2 sheets of exercises and do the reps based on the card drawn.
Partners can’t repeat a sheet more than twice.
First 2 sheets are Arms or Legs:

Diamond Merkin x 3 Green
Werkin x 3 Red
Carolina Dry Dock x 3 Yellow
Hand Release Merkins x 3 Blue

Squat x 10 Green
Iron Mike x 10 Red
Heels to Heaven x 10 Yellow
Imperial Squawkers x 10 Blue

After completing a card, mosey a short loop and draw another card. Rinse and repeat for ~ 8-10 minutes.
After ~10 minutes pick up CMU chairs and table and rifle carry a short distance to setup again.
Partners have 2 new sheets to choose from:

BBS x 10 Green
Kick Throughs x 10 Red
Freddy Mercury x 10 Yellow
Shoulder Taps x 10 Blue

Burpee x 1 Green
Body Builders x 1 Red
Prisoner Cell Merkin Burpee x 1 Yellow
Spiderman burpee x 1 Blue

Play some more UNO. Draw cards, do exercises, mosey, repeat for ~8-10 minutes.
After time rifle carry/curl table and chairs to third location for 2 more sheets to choose from.

Press x 5 Green
Curl x 5 Red
KettleBell Swing x 5 Yellow
Tricep Extension x 5 Blue

Toe merkin x 3 Green
Toe merkin x 5 Red
Toe merkin x 7 Yellow
Toe merkin x 9 Blue

Q watches the time and calls recover when it’s getting close. Head back to flag.

Had enough time for 30 seconds of flutter kicks.


I was reading a book recently called Unoffendable by Brant Hansen. The premise of the book if that we can choose to be unoffendable. We can choose to not take offense.

Offense comes from anger or resentment we feel when there’s been a violation of our natural right to something. The classic example that comes to mind is driving. If you view yourself as having a natural right to go where you want to go, as fast as you want to go, it’s going to be tough getting anywhere. We’ve probably all experienced this ourselves in many areas of life.

Giving up our natural right denies ourself and points us toward others. It allows us to not get angry when things happen to us. It allows us to forgive others.

We can choose to be unoffendable.

We should choose to be unoffendable.

We are called to forgive, not be angry.

Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

— Prov 19:11




THE SCENE:   Mid 50s and calm.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Projectivator
  • Cherry Pickers
  • LBAC F&B
  • Grady Corns
  • Squats


Mosey to the tennis courts.  At the benches do 20 dips + 20 squats.  Bear crawl to the road, crawl bear back.  (Repeat)

Get inside the tennis courts for a couple games of Battleship.  Separate into two teams.  On the court are 12 cones for each team, grouped into a set of 2, two sets of 3, and a set of 4.  Each team has six battle stations – each of which has an exercise associated with it.  At “go” PAX run and grab a ball then run to one of six battle stations.  Perform the exercise, then throw the ball at the enemy’s ships.  Do each battle station before you repeat one.  Continue until one team’s ships are sunk.

Exercises were;

  • 30 Merkins
  • Lunges 15 each leg
  • 40 Mountain Climbers
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 25 Bobby Hurlies
  • 40 flutter kicks

30 second rest.  Rehabilitate your fleet (i.e., stand up your cones).  Play another round of Battleship, this time exercises were;

  • 20 carolina dry docks
  • 40 plank jacks
  • 10 burpees
  • 10 catalina wine mixers
  • 40 hello dolly
  • 10 burpees


  • 5 squats + 5 seconds Al Gore
  • 10 squats + 10 seconds AG
  • 15 squats + 15 seconds AG
  • 20 squats + 20 seconds AG
  • 25 squats + 25 seconds AG

20 merkins + 1 minute plank

Play the song “Turn it up” by Oh The Larceny.  SSH to the cadence of the song.  Burpee each time they sing the phrase “Turn it up”.  28 Burpees + what felt like about a thousand SSH…


Me and 9 of the best men I know.


Last Tuesday, Biohack’s Word about leaving a legacy made me think of something that a colleague told me years ago.  On a Monday morning, she gave an account of an event that had happened over the weekend in her neighborhood.  She told of a young dad who was mowing his yard.  He rode his mower onto a steep hill, and it tipped over and crushed him underneath.  The man’s wife heard the commotion and came running out to him.  Knowing that he was hurt badly, he asked her to get their children and bring them out so he could speak to them.  He saw his kids for a minute or two and died before the ambulance arrived.

That short story has haunted me for years.  I wonder to myself, “if he sensed that this was the last time he would speak to his children…what did he say to them?”  And then I ask myself, “what would I say?”.  Would I spend my last breaths to tell them how much I love them?  Or would I try to say one last time the most important thing I want them to remember?  If so, what would those words be?

Imagine yourself in a similar scenario…  If you had just 1 more minute on earth with your children, what would you say to them?  Some of our answers included;

  • “It’s all about Jesus”
  • “I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know”
  • “Despite my faults, you turned out great”
  • “I’m so proud of you”
  • “Don’t let this loss ruin you, thrive in life”

(What about you, BB reader?)

Deuteronomy Chapter 6 says (paraphrasing), The Lord our God, the Lord is One.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.  Teach these things diligently to your children.  Repeat them.  Talk about them when you’re at home…and away…when you lie down…and get up… Write them down and tie them around your wrist… Write them on the doorframes of your house…   In short, do everything you can to ensure your children understand these things and remember them.

It is likely that you will, mercifully, have much more than a few minutes remaining with your loved ones.  Maybe you’ll heed the advice of poet Robert Frost, and “live life like it’s the last breath you take for that breath is the whole essence of living, the little things in life are what connects us to all the big things we live for.

What is the big thing that you want your kids to know?
Teach it to them diligently.
Repeat it often in big and little moments.
Find an opportunity to say that thing to them today.
Make the time and have the courage to say the things that mean the most.    


  • Three-peat is deadly accurate with a tennis ball!
  • Glad to have Kraut with us from downrange!


  • Family Workout planned for Saturday 9:00 AM – might pull the plug if there is rain
  • May 25 – AOQ Change at Shamrock
  • May 30 – Rampart AO Launch, 7:00 AM Fort Southwest Point
  • July 2 – Convergence at JUCO

Better Late Than Never Egg Hunt + Prey-Predator Game

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and cloudy.

  • Overhead Claps x 11.
  • Seal Claps x 10.
  • SSH x 11.
  • Plan Position (30 sec).
  • Shoulder taps x 10.
  • Merkins on your own x 10.

Mosey to the new building.

We did some laps around the new building stopping at each entrance. The exercises at each entrance were:

  • 15 Lunges.
  • 10 Burpees.
  • 10 Heels to Heaven.
  • 15 Derkins / 30 Toe Merkins.
  • 20 Box Jumps / 20 Dips.
  • 20 BBS.
  • 20 Squats.

Egg Hunt.

We divided ourselves in 2 teams, we collected as many eggs as we could and we gave the eggs that we collected to the other team as a present :)…then the teams had to run around a loop (800 feet), crack open the eggs and do the exercise prescribed by the egg :). Team number 2 did a great job finishing all of the eggs in less than 10 mins…great work gents!!!

Prey-Predator Game.

Two Stop signs. Three predators and many preys. The objective was to carry as many eggs as possible from one stop sign to the other douching for the predators. If you get caught by a predator, you do 10 burpees, you become a predator and the predator becomes a prey. It was a really fun game, but there was not much time to do many rounds :'(.

No time.
16 Strong HIMs showed up this morning.

Reflected about happiness and how easily we can take things for granted. Let’s try to see love and beauty in the small things.

Proverbs 20:27

“The Spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD, searching all the innermost parts of his being”.

No time.

The desire of my heart

THE SCENE: Downright PERFECT May morning. Crisp and cool.

  • Projectivators
  • Little baby arm circles
  • Moroccan night clubs
  • Tempo merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Pickle pointers
  • Tempo squats


  • Mosey on down to the parallel bars for 30 merkins and 10 dips
  • Mosey over to the pool wall for 10 wall-pees
  • Mosey to the recruiting center, grab a block
  • Circle up by the pull up bar and black betty
    • Work it circuit – 45/15
      • Black Betty dead lifts
      • Pull ups (optional chain for weight)
      • All others rotate thru:
        • Curls
        • Goblet Squats
        • OHP
        • Heavy Lunges
        • Derkins
      • After each full rotation
        • 30 flutters (4-ct)
        • 30 big boys
        • 60 second plank
      • We got through 2 rotations.
    • Mosey on back to the flag

No time.

Genesis 3:6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

Desire is a powerful thing. The desire for wisdom led to the fall, and each of us today continues to cope with our own desires. There are different approaches to dealing with desire, but at the root they generally take a few forms. You can attempt to sate a desire by giving in to it, and in some cases this is appropriate. If you are thirsty and desire water, drinking water is often a good solution because slaking your thirst will truly address the desire and is ultimately healthful. In this case, the desire supports good management of my body’s needs. Most desires also have feedback mechanisms. In the case of thirst, the pleasure of drinking correlates pretty well to the need, quickly falling from ecstasy to neutrality and eventually becoming painful as need becomes glut. This desire seems to me to be well ordered, and consequently, you don’t often see folks struggling with their desire to drink water, although it isn’t unheard of.

Many other desires need to be managed more deliberately. Not all feedback mechanisms operate promptly, and sometimes by the time we see the real consequences, it is too late to turn back. In addition, other desires often ask more than an equal portion of our time and energies; it is physically impossible to sate all of my desires. If we try, they compete with each other, growing, pushing against each other. Those desires that have the slowest consequences and the provide the greatest pleasure will naturally expand to consume all they can manage. Thus, desire becomes disordered and sinful.

Romans 6:12 Do not let sin control the way you live; do not give in to sinful desires.

This problem is further complicated by our own interference. Once we ate from the tree, we could discern between the outcomes we like and the outcomes we don’t, and this introduces the opportunity to use our power to modify the outcomes. Artificial sweeteners can modify my food to heighten the pleasure but reduce or eliminate some of the physical consequences. In the short term, this seems like a win. I can sate my desire without the trouble of getting fat. But a desire that is fed grows. While our power of discernment can be used to aid us in learning to regulate our desires, just as often we use it as a way to more fully give ourselves over to them.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Men, hear the good news. The Lord is not cruel; He does not test us in vain. He did not make us as a sort of prank, filled up with desires that we must reject to make our lives difficult. It is right for man to desire wisdom, but we must not grasp it for ourselves as we did in the garden. Rather, we must receive it from the hand of the One who made us. If we can learn to follow Him rather than our desires, He will do for us what we cannot do for ourselves. He alone can satisfy the desire of our heart. He placed it there for that very purpose.
Great group today! Nine was a bigger group than I expected, stretched out the rotation a bit.
CSAUP TOMORROW! Family workout moved to May 14th with Skewer on Q.

JUCOtop Stargazers

THE SCENE: 66°, Dry and wonderful


Side Straddle hops, Mountain Climbers, Reach for the stars, let it hang, Cherry Pickers, some other stuff.  Booster mentioned doing stargazers, so we headed to the top of Juco to try it out.  Campus is too bright.
Grabbed some rocks after doing 25 dips.  Carried them to the base of Jucomajaro.  Did a min of exercise followed by a sprint up 2 lines, carrying our rock.

  • 1 min of burpees
  • 1 min of Imperial Walkers (It is May the Fourth)
  • 1 min of BBS
  • 1 min of Squats
  • 1 min of plank
  • 1 min of Flutter kicks
  • 1 min of Superman

Made the summit where we had a ring of fire, starting at 4 merkins.

Then we got 3.5 seconds of stargazers before we did some Hello Dolly.  Too many clouds to see stars anyway.

Stone Jenga was played.  We held Al Gore while building a pile of rocks.  We got to 7 rocks before it fell so 10-7=3… 3 burpees.  Well done.  Mosey back to return our rocks, do more dips, bear crawl across the street and back, 10 Dirkens, Duck walk to curb and 20 calf raises.

Hello Dolly, Freddie Murcury, Superman and 10 Regular, 10 Wide and 10 Diamond merkins
Psalm 18:  I love you, Oh Lord, My Strength

Looked at making sure the Lord is our strength, our deliverer and our Rock.   David, leading the victorious army didn’t find his strength in his self but from the Lord.  Make sure Jesus is the foundation of your strength.

Be praying for our F3 brothers we miss due to injury.  Especially Survivor, Spotter, 5k, Gump and others.

CSAUP at Haw Ridge Friday night 9-Midnight.  Last chance to sign up today.  Family workout moved to May 14.