F3 Knoxville

JUCO Fellowship

THE SCENE: low 40s at JUCO

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins,15 Moroccan night club, 15 Imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to JUCOmanjaro to the first marker. Perform 25 merkins and then run to the fourth. Do 25 squats and then run to the 8th marker. Do 25 flutter kicks and then run to the top. Do 10 burpees and then repeat exercises on the way down.

Mosey towards the coupon pile. Stop a couple of times on the way. 25 diamond merkins and then 20 lunges.

Grab a coupon.

  • 10 irky derkies
  • 5 pull-ups

10 LBCs, 5 6″ LBCs
9 worked hard and covered some ground.
“and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” –Hebrews 10:24‭-‬25 NASB1995

“Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up.”-Ecclesiastes 4:9‭-‬10 NASB1995

“but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin.” – 1 John 1:7 NASB1995

The message YHC wants to present is that fellowship is essential to our spiritual, physical, and mental health. I got a random phone call from a friend from highschool yesterday. We were pretty close then but have drifted apart once we moved away. It was great to catch up and it reminded me how important it can be to reach out to our family and friends. We become stronger together. Proverbs 27:17 – ISI.

The unity and fellowship that we can have in Christ is even more powerful than our earthly relationships. Let’s walk in the light!

I am glad we didn’t climb that mountain more times!

Danger Zone at the Project

THE SCENE: A blisteringly hot day with scorching sand, glistening tans, and government issued Ray-Bans…perfect for beach volleyball “with the boys”! …or it was just dark and 42 degrees. You pick.

F3 WELCOME & DISLCLAIMER: Roger that, Ghost Rider.

An assortment of Project classics that included the following:

  • SSH x 15
  • Willy Mays Hays x10
  • Tempo Squat x5
  • Knoxville Cherry Pickers x5
  • Forward LBACs x10
  • Reverse LBACs x10
  • Moroccan Night Clubs to the beat of 10
  • Chattanooga Cherry Pickers® x10
  • Up-tempo SSH x15
  • 25 Merkins OYO (for KickFlip Stuff™)
  • Mosey for touch and go at the fountain for 25 more Merkins – OYO
  • Mosey to the Thang!

“Let’s turn and burn!”

Pax formed a circle with CMUs around the speaker blaring the Top Gun Soundtrack.

Pax performed a slightly modified “Top Gun” routine – 10 reps each of 5 coupon exercises for 10 minutes. The 5 coupon exercises are repeated for the entire 10 minutes. The Danger Zone happens every 2 minutes when PAX drops coupon and perform 3 Burpees, then pick up where they left off on the coupon exercises. The “Top Gun Motion Picture Soundtrack” only moderately numbed the pain.

    • Round One: Curls, Rows, CMU Swings, OH Press, Squats, rinse and repeat for 10 minutes with 3 burpees every 2 minutes
      • Mosey a lap around the lot
    • Heavy Hammers, Heavy Freddies, Heavy Crunches, Heavy Dollies, Heavy Flutters, rinse and repeat for another 10 minutes with 3 burpees every 2 minutes
      • Mosey a lap around the lot

Pax then performed 25 more merkins and a 2 minute plank

KickFlip had “a need….for speed!” and called jailbreak when “Danger Zone” played. No one could resist.

Total for Push, Pull, Plank Challange:

  • 75 merkins + 30 burpees = 105
  • 2 minute plank complete
  • 0 pullups

Pax arrived at base at exactly 06:15. We fly by the seat of our pants. No time for Mary.


The Real Danger Zone is not getting enough rest.

YHC recently took a test for a couaching group and found out he is high on “restlessness.” I realized how much I struggled on vacation; always looking to the next thing, irritable when we’re not accomplishing something. I have a hard time actually resting.

Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, in his book Rest says, “I argue that we misunderstand the relationship between work and rest. Work and rest are not polar opposites. Rest is not work’s adversary. Rest is work’s partner. They complement and complete each other.”

When we work out, we’re not building muscle. It’s the rest and sleep that are VERY important to the process. This is where the building of muscle actually happens. 

Pang continues, “Further, you cannot work well without resting well. Some of history’s most creative people, people whose achievements in art and science and literature are legendary, took rest very seriously. They found that in order to realize their ambitions, to do the kind of work they wanted to, they needed rest. The right kinds of rest would restore their energy while allowing their muse, that mysterious part of their minds that helps drive the creative process, to keep going.”

  • Albert Einstein’s day dreaming and mind experiments led to the Theory of Relativity. They came when he stopped overworking the math.
  • Winston Churchill took naps every day – pajamas and all.
  • In seminary, I would work hard on gathering information and forming the structure of my paper. I would then take a nap and wake up with how it all ties togetyer. This is very often true for my sermons each week as well.

Psalm 127:1-2
Unless the Lord builds the house,
    those who build it labor in vain.
the Lord guards the city,
    the guard keeps watch in vain.

It is in vain that you rise up early
    and go late to rest,
eating the bread of anxious toil;
    for he gives sleep to his beloved.

It takes a certain amount of FAITH to REST.
Are you trusting the Lord enough to rest?
Are you caring for your work and family with rest?
Are you caring for your mind, body, spirit with rest?


  • YHC: “If you’re going to watch Top Gun, you have to endure the volleyball scene.” Mathlete: “What do you mean ‘ENDURE’?!”
  • Three-Peet momentarily saw his spirit leaving him during heavy crunches and “Memories”. (Goooose!)
  • Extra Top Gun points to Tuba for pulling out the aviators for COT

Workout Soundtrack:

  • “Top Gun Anthem” by Harold Faltermeyer
  • “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins
  • “Playing with the Boys” by Kenny Loggins (sufficiently endured)
  • “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling” by The Righteous Brothers
  • “Great Balls of Fire” by Jerry Lee Lewis (“Hey Goose, you big stuuuud!”)
  • “Mighty Wings” by Cheap Trick
  • “Memories” by Harold Faltermeyer (Goooooooose!!!)
  • “(Sittin’ On) the Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding
  • “Lead Me On” by Teena Marie (I admit… this was a bad choice. My bad, guys.)
  • “Danger Zone” by Kenny Loggins


  1. New AO “Rampart” (Kingston) OTBs THIS Saturday as well as 4/9 & 4/23 at 7AM
  2. No Family Workout Sat Apr 2
  3. Check Slack channel @TheProject for details on Family Camping April 1-3 (1 more camp site available – BEST ONE!) OR hiking Devil’s Racetrack on Sat, Apr 2
  4. Planning for 1st Project CSAUP May 6 – see Slack channel for signup and details on Google Doc


THE SCENE: Steady warm rain, 60°

Side Straddle Hops, Grady Corns, Baby Arm Circles, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Kick Throughs and stretch  oyo.
Mosey to the closest loading dock for Chain Reaction (relay).  1 HIM moving at all times taking the place of the next guy.

  • Press Ups on dock (leg swing for extra credit)
  • Bear crawl down the stairs to hold a plank
  • Bernie to kick through station
  • Bernie to SSH station

Indian Run to CMU Pile.  Rifle carry a CMU to the base of Sophomore hill.  Where we found 2 braided climbing ropes. Crazy lucky that it was there, rain soaked and heavy.

2 HIMs on opposite sides of the rope tried to carry the rope to the top of hill without the middle touching the ground.  If they made it the rest had to do 5 Burpees.  If it hit the ground, next 2 guys tried.  By the 3rd or 4th round we got the hang of it and some burpees were done.  The “spectators” were doing CMU Curls, Triceps, Thrusters and other heavy work outs while we watched and hoped for a big wipe out.

A few rounds of muddy tug-o-war at the top.  Resulted in all of us running down the hill.  Uneven teams resulted in some fast muddy slides.  We ended with Rope hold against each other at the bottom while more CMU work was done.  Rinsed off with some flutter kicks in a puddle then mosey’d back.

Guardrail dips, incline merkins, then some box cutters, flutter kicks, imperial walkers and other core till the rushers arrived and time was called.
9 (4 were Rushing) HIMs took on the rain
Thanks for the prayer covering for my family while we were on our missions encounter in Tajuana, Mexico.  The Lord taught me there that to give, you must have something to give.  He loves to fill us up so that we can be poured out.  That is why we are given things, joy, hope, and love.  Give it out freely.  Acts 20 reminds us what Jesus said: It is more blessed to give than receive.

Out here, that means get better, encouraged and stronger and then give back by filling up a Q calendar.  At church that means watching online isn’t enough.  Give of your time… maybe in a much needed volunteer role, but maybe what the Lord has for you is to connect with a friend or a stranger before or after a service.  You are not filled up to feel better but to give back.  Receive so that you can serve.

And lastly, be real.  In Mexico addressing the heartache and sadness was necessary.  Here it’s easier to find a silver lining or hide behind work or busyness.  God can handle our sadness.  Bring it to Him and you’ll have more joy than I can explain.

OTB work out Saturday at the Hardship hill location, Camping site still available April 2&3

12s at The Project


 Lap around Parking Lot
 Projectivator x7

 Squat (tempo+4-ct) x6+6
 Tempo Merk x10
 Mtn Climber x10

 LBAC F/B X6+6
 Moroccan x6
 Grady Corns x6
 Chatt Cherry Pickers x6
 6 Burpees OYO
 Stretch OYO
 Mosey to Playground

1. Playground: 6 Burpees+6 Pull-ups+lap around playground
2. Amphitheater: Merkins – BBS (11+hill+1, 10+hill+2, etc)
3. Step-ups/box jumps – Squats (CUT FOR TIME)
4. LBC – Merkins
5. Lunges – Bonnie Blairs
6. 120 second Plank
7. Playground: 6 Burpees+6 Pull-ups

PAX CHOICE: Freddie Mercury x10, Squeaky Dolly x10, X-Men Crunch x10



It has been 3 weeks since my last day at work. What has it been for? What is God saying to me? What is God doing in me? What am I learning about God, myself, marriage/family, work/responsibility/calling, others/service, etc?

What am I struggling with/working through this week?
 order/rhythm, productivity/sense of accomplishment,
 leading my family rhythms while I am failing to lead myself,
 serious time to be with and talk with God,
 understanding this season of in-between

I’m going to submit myself to a process called the Daily Office. It’s a rhythm of prayer throughout the day that gives space for quiet before God that allows the doubts, thoughts, and the movements of my heart and soul (that are most often ignored or overlooked) to rise to the surface. The practice of daily silence/prayer/journaling will help (force) me to articulate those thoughts and feelings.

Romans 12:1-2 (NIV)
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Hebrews 12:1-3 (NIV)
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.


Good hustle today – We completed this Week 12’s challenge for today: 12 pull-ups, 120 push-ups, and 120 seconds of plank. Praying for Kick’s bro-in-law David with possible MS symptoms/work stress/effect on family; Bambi’s Baby Alina recovering from heart surgery at Vandy; Tuba and family’s custody of son and stepson

    New AO Rampart (Kingston) Kickoff! Sat 3/26 7AM
  2. No Family Workout Sat Apr 2
  3. Check Slack channel @TheProject for details on Family Camping April 1-3 (1 more camp site available – BEST ONE!) OR hiking Devil’s Racetrack on Sat, Apr 2
  4. Planning for 1st Project CSAUP May 6 – see Slack channel for details on Google Doc

Setback. Move Forward

THE SCENE:  Extra gloomy – just how we like it.

  • OHC
  • Phelps
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Andrew, The Matador
  • Squats
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Cobra / Down Dog
  • Walking lunges


Mosey to the recruiting center and grab a CMU

  • Roll the die. Complete that number of exercises in the sequence. (e.g., roll a 3 – complete exercises, 1, 2, and 3)
  • Roll the die again and complete that many exercises, starting where we left off. (e.g., roll a 2, complete exercises 4, and 5).
  • Roll the die a third time – this time we go back that many exercises (e.g., roll a 4, complete exercises 5, 4, 3, and 2).
  • Repeat until the set is finished. Two rolls move us forward, every third roll sends us backwards.

Exercises were;

  • 5          Blockees
  • 20        Toe Merkin Triceps
  • 20        Goblet squats
  • 16        Side pulls (8 each side)
  • 10        1-arm thrusters (5 each side)
  • 5          Irky Derkies
  • 12        Good mornings
  • 10        High pulls (5 each side)
  • 10        Heavy Lunges (5 each side)
  • 15        Curls
  • 4          Burpee jump overs
  • 15        Heavy LBCs
  • 10        Alpos
  • 15        CMU Swings
  • 20        Squats
  • 5          Walkover merkins
  • 15        2-arm rows
  • 10        Lunge thrusters (5 each leg)
  • 10        Heavy freddies (4 count)
  • 5          Blockees


No time!


Me and 3 of the best men I know


We’ve been talking the last couple of weeks about bricklaying – and about forming habits.  Part of that discussion was centered around “what causes us to stop our pursuit of a new habit?”  Last week, we ended the discussion talking about boredom and short-term perspective as two habit-killers.  Here’s another – maybe it’s because we have an “all-or-nothing” mindset.  If we fail one time, we think we are a failure.  When you are implementing a new habit – remember to give yourself some grace, big fella.  Being consistent is not the same thing as being perfect. 

With these new habits that we are forming – and old habits that we are leaving behind – if you miss a day (WHEN you miss a day) – what do we do?  If you take two steps forward, only to take one step back, what do we do?  We lean forward again and keep progressing toward the objective.   

Maybe you’re trying to start a healthy habit

  • …exercising everyday…
  • …praying with the wife everyday…
  • …reading something that uplifts your soul everyday…
  • …leading your family spiritually everyday…

“I had a goal to start ____ but I’ve lost track of that goal and it’s been 2 months”START AGAIN – keep pursuing it.  One day off does not spoil your journey.  Keep pressing on!

Maybe you’re trying to stop an unhealthy habit

  • …raging at the kids…
  • …spending money frivolously…
  • …looking at fake pictures of fake naked women…
  • …drinking not to relax, but to withdraw…

“I really want to stop doing ____ but I did it again”Time to restart your streak!  Keep resisting!  One slipup does not change the objective to rid your life of this vice. 

“A setback only paves the way for a comeback.” – Evander Holyfield

In Romans, Paul says, “I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.”  Romans 7:15 (NLT).  I can relate!

BB Reader: I hope you being challenged to accelerate your fitness, your fellowship, and your faith.  I hope you are striving each day to be a better father, husband, and friend.  I hope you’ve been setting up new habits and systems in your life to achieve those goals – but today’s takeaway is this…  WHEN you have a setback in chasing that new objective…don’t give up on it – one failure does not make you a failure – KEEP AFTER IT.  Momentary failure is just part of the process.  Missed one day?  Did that thing again?  Okay…identify your vulnerability and shore it up… Now, START AGAIN toward your goal. 


  • Hat tip to Blindside for his BOM last week that inspired this BOM.
  • Throwing dice with 3 of my favorite men in the world – no better way to start a day!
  • Who is that lady at Dunkin… Doesn’t she know that is our table? 🙂
  • At this moment, I hope to never do another Irky Derky for the rest of my life.


  • March 26:  OTB Workout at Fort Southwest Point in Kingston – 7:00 AM.  Our own Bobbitt will be planting Knoxville F3’s newest AO, Rampart.  Come help us spread the word and demo a workout for Kingston men who want to see what this F3 thing is all about.
  • April 1-3:  Family Camping Trip.  Cove Lake State Park.  Come one night or both.  (I have an extra site – site 27, right on the water – let me know if you want it!)
  • April 2:  Family Hike.  Devil’s Racetrack near Caryville.  If you are not camping, meet us at the swimming pool parking lot at 1:00 PM.  We’ll carpool to the trailhead.