F3 Knoxville

IPC Week 0

THE SCENE:  70 and rainy
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

Stretch OYO

To the track…


Iron PAX Challenge, Week 0

  • 100 merkins
  • Run 2 laps (800m)
  • 75 merkins
  • Run 3 laps (1200m)
  • 50 merkins
  • Run 4 laps (1600m)
  • 25 merkins
  • Run 5 laps (2000m) 


No time


Me and 7 of the best men I know


Psalm 143:4

“Remember what God has done for you. Let His grace and mercy comfort you, and remind you of His unfailing love.”

Psalm 103:2

“Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.”



The Talking Donkey

THE SCENE: warm, clear, and muggy.

15 SSH, 15 Mountain climbers, 10 tempo merkins, 15 Moroccan night club, 15 imperial walkers, 10 tempo squats
Mosey to the recruiting center and grab a block. Line up in the parking lot along the short side. Perform first exercise and then carry the block to the other side (mode per PAX choice). Perform first and second exercise and then bear crawl with the block back to the opposite side. Continue adding an exercise each round and alternate carrying and bear crawls to transport the block across. When you get to round 8, drop the first exercise and then at round 7, drop the second exercise. Repeat.

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 Curls
  • 20 2-ct, Heavy Freddie’s
  • 20 Burpee block jump overs
  • 20 Bent over rows
  • 20 Thrusters
  • 20 Heavy Big boy sit-ups

Well, that was the plan anyway. We almost got to the Big boys. Oh well.

No time.
6 plus our flag-bearer, Kick-flip
Reference Numbers 22:22-33

“forsaking the right way, they have gone astray, having followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; but he received a rebuke for his own transgression, for a mute donkey, speaking with a voice of a man, restrained the madness of the prophet.” 2 Peter 2:15‭-‬16 NASB1995

Notice what God used to initiate rebuking Balaam. He could have chosen the Angel to do so, but instead He allowed the Donkey to speak. What seemingly insignificant things in our life could possibly be used to rebuke us? God may choose to use these in our lives to help us to see the error of our ways. Pay attention!

Always optimistic in my workouts. There was a lot of hard work put in, but we were not even close to getting through the whole thing.

Sweating with the Oldies

THE SCENE: Low 70’s with some humidity

Side straddle hop x 20 (4 Count)

Cherry pickers x 5 

Tempo merkins x 10

Failure to launch (modified to a 3 count) x 10

Scorpions (from plank, raise legs individually as high as you can) x 10

Supermans x 10 (4 Count)

Swimmers x 10 (4 Count)

Mosey to the courtyard

  • Dora with one lap around the short path
    • 100 Imperial Walkers (4 Count)
    • 100 Swimmers (4 Count)
    • 100 Mountain Climbers (4 Count)
    • 100 Superman (4 Count)
  • 11’s on the bricks – Dips and Scorpions
  • 30 sec of Bobby Hurleys followed by 30 sec of Wall Sits (2 rounds)
  • Mosey to the AO
    • 10 merkins (4 Count)
    • 10 lunges (4 Count)
    • 10 Failure to launch (modified to a 3 count) x 10
  • Jailbreak to the flag


ONCE THERE WERE two brothers who inherited their father’s land. The two brothers divided the land in half and each one farmed his own section. Over time, the older brother married and had six children, while the younger brother never married.

One night, the younger brother lay awake. “It’s not fair that each of us has half the land to farm,” he thought. “My brother has six children to feed and I have none. He should have more grain than I do.”

So that night the younger brother went to his silo, gathered a large bundle of wheat, and climbed the hill that separated the two farms and over to his brother’s farm. Leaving the wheat in his brother’s silo, the younger brother returned home, feeling pleased with himself.

Earlier that very same night, the older brother was also lying awake. “It’s not fair that each of us has half the land to farm,” he thought. “In my old age my wife and I will have our grown children to take care of us, not to mention grandchildren, while my brother will probably have none. He should at least sell more grain from the fields now so he can provide for himself with dignity in his old age.”

So that night, too, he secretly gathered a large bundle of wheat, climbed the hill, left it in his brother’s silo, and returned home, feeling pleased with himself.

The next morning, the younger brother was surprised to see the amount of grain in his barn unchanged. “I must not have taken as much wheat as I thought,” he said, bemused. “Tonight I’ll be sure to take more.”

That very same moment, his older brother was also standing in his barn, musing much the same thoughts.

After night fell, each brother gathered a greater amount of wheat from his barn and in the dark, secretly delivered it to his brother’s barn. The next morning, the brothers were again puzzled and perplexed.

“How can I be mistaken?” each one scratched his head. “There’s the same amount of grain here as there was before I cleared the pile for my brother. This is impossible! Tonight I’ll make no mistake – I’ll take the pile down to the very floor. That way I’ll be sure the grain gets delivered to my brother.”

The third night, more determined than ever, each brother gathered a large pile of wheat from his barn, loaded it onto a cart, and slowly pulled his haul through the fields and up the hill to his brother’s barn. At the top of the hill, under the shadow of a moon, each brother noticed a figure in the distance.  Who could it be?

When the two brothers recognized the form of the other brother and the load he was pulling behind, they realized what had happened. Without a word, they dropped the ropes to their carts and embraced.

Romans 12:9-13

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.

Suffering is not the end

THE SCENE: Humid and 70, but we can see the stars.

  • Projectivators
  • Moroccan Nightclubs
  • Tempo squats – demo “in the basement”
  • Tempo Merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Hairy Rocketts
  • Lap with run warm-ups – skips, karaoke, slides


  • Grab 2 blocks each and farmer carry down to the square
  • 40 curls, murder bunny to NW corner
  • 40 OHP, sprint back to get block
  • 10 squats, 10 4c basement squats, rifle carry to NW corner
  • 20 bent over rows – both arms together, farmer carry to SW corner
  • 10 split irkins, 10 4c basement split irkins, block bear crawl to bell
  • 10 step-up w/ press, 10 dips, 10 4c basement dips, farmer carry to parallel bars
  • 20 curls, 20 inverse rows, farmer carry to pool wall
  • 10 wall-ups, farmer carry one block to senior center pavillion
  • 10 squats, 10 4c basement squats, hustle to parallel bars
  • 20 inverse rows, 20 merkins, sprint to pool wall
  • 10 wall-ups, rifle carry remaining block to senior center
  • Heavy core set – 20 freddies, 20 LBCs, 20 flutters – all 4c

Kind just did the thang


Faith is the art of holding onto things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods.
-Clive Staples Lewis

From “No man is an island” by Thomas Merton, Ch.5 Item 2

The Christian must not only accept suffering: he must make it holy. Nothing so easily becomes unholy as suffering.

Merely accepted, suffering does nothing for our souls except, perhaps, to harden them. Endurance alone is no consecration. True asceticism is not a mere cult of fortitude. We can deny ourselves rigorously for the wrong reason and end up by pleasing ourselves mightily with our self-denial.

Suffering is consecrated to God by faith – not by faith in suffering, but by faith in God. To accept suffering stoically, to receive the burden of fatal, unavoidable, and incomprehensible necessity and to bear it strongly, is no consecration.

Some men believe in the power and the value of suffering. But their belief is an illusion. Suffering has no power and no value of its own.

It is valuable only as a test of faith. What if our faith fails in the test? Is it good to suffer, then? What if we enter into suffering with a strong faith in suffering, and then discover that suffering destroys us?

To believe in suffering is pride: but to suffer, believing in God, is humility. For pride may tell us that we are strong enough to suffer, that suffering is good for us because we are good. Humility tells us that suffering is an evil which we must always expect to find in our lives because of the evil that is in ourselves. But faith also knows that the mercy of God is given to those who seek Him in suffering, and that by His grace we can overcome evil with good. Suffering, then, becomes good by accident, by the good that it enables us to receive more abundantly from the mercy of God. It does not make us good by itself, but it enables us to make ourselves better than we are. Thus, what we consecrate to God in suffering is not our suffering but our selves.

Does this mean that seeking out suffering (like here) is inherently prideful?

Suffering is unavoidable
Suffering well requires practice
To practice suffering well, it is better to pick a good environment (Merton was ascetic)
I had planned to make it back to the recruiting center, but it was clear by the time we got to the bell we wouldn’t make it. That first leg of murder bunnies was longer than I thought…
CSAUP in two days, 2nd F – concert at Bissel 6:30 pm Saturday, IRON PAX is coming up in September

The Overlap

THE SCENE: 68 and 1/2″ of dew (humidity high)

Reach for the sky — let it hang — reach for the sky — let it hang

cherry pickers — cherry splitters

down dog x6 — left leg forward — knee outs x6 — world’s greatest x6 — lil pickle twists x6

down dog x6 — right leg forward — knee outs x6 — world’s greatest x6 — lil pickle twists x6
Mosey to the rock pile behind strip mall

Small rock front raises x20 — empty can raises x20 — side raises x20

20 dips on guardrail

Mosey to coupon pile — 5 second count, leader drops off for 2 burpees

Partner up at coupon pile — while partner runs up to do 5+ pullups, partner does

  • 20 shrugs, 30 curl press, 40 weighted squats — when partner returns, help finish partner’s reps in a designed overlap.  Then start your own reps while other partner runs up.
  • Next set reduced reps to 25 curl press, 30 weighted squats, 20 shrugs
  • 3rd set 30 weight squats, 20 shrugs, 25 curl press

Mosey to the flag, along the way — 25x flutter kicks, 15x box cutters, 20 freddies

Boat and Canoe x1 minute

Imperial Walkers x20

Pickle Pounders x20


Last week, Wednesday 8/11 was 4 years since being diagnosed with Leukemia.

After my first round of Chemo in early September, we never saw another blast.

I believe I was healed, but I continue to long for God’s rescue.  If we all think about it, aren’t we all hoping and seeking God’s rescue, to know that He is coming through for us.  I assume you all pray on occasion when we think about it for Jesus to come again and rescue us.  And on occasion I’m reminded of the deep and horrible tragedy of the Garden when the union with God was severed, sin nature inherited, and Earth’s authority transferred to the kingdom of darkness.

The Good News of the Bible says God has come through for us by the work of Christ.  Doesn’t Jesus say that, “10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”  Luke 19

So why is that not enough and that knowledge transforming us daily?  Life is hard, and it is true that we must gird ourselves like men as God told Job.  But what about my burden is light and yoke is easy and is freedom really available in this life?  I’ve listened to so many sermons over the years about the cross.  I heard one a couple years ago that was truly beautiful and exciting until the very end when the pastor said now all we can do is lather, rinse, repeat referring to sinning and returning to the cross for forgiveness over and over again.

Forgiveness is such a precious gift and is so widely touted as it should be; and now as true believers, we are dead to sin and alive in Christ.  This life allows the union with God to be restored, our sin nature circumcised and the ability to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth in this life.

Romans 5

10 For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life.

17 For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.

I’ve heard the catchy Christian statement that, “it takes more faith to believe what the world believes, than to believe in what we believe.”  I believe that is true only when we limit our focus to Jesus’s death on the cross, but let’s not forget to believe in Spirit with child-like faith in the first hand testimony of the disciples that it is the Resurrection power and Ascension of the one man Jesus that gives us life and the power over sin in this life.  Remember your identity as a beloved son of the King today and every day, and put these sins we are struggling with in the past and in the grave!

There is an overlap the Bible describes concerning the work of Christ — the cross and death, the resurrection life and the ascension where all authority over heaven and earth was transferred to Jesus.  We supported each other in an overlap today and we can support each other in the spiritual overlap as well.


Work Of Christ

Christianity is the power of God to restore His originally glorious creation to all it was meant to be.

You see–there’s far more to the Christian life than just forgiveness, and there’s far more to the work of Christ than the Cross. Yes, Jesus came to die for us. It is an act of love unparalleled in the history of the world. But Jesus, also, rose from the dead. And the power of His resurrection is what most people are missing in their lives–the power of real Life.

The power of restoration and healing, the power to live as we were meant to live.

And there is more…

Christ also ascended to the throne. All authority in heaven and earth is His, … and He has shared it with us. That’s how we triumph over the Enemy. That’s how we bring His kingdom … in His Name.

Come and discover the power of the full work of Christ. The power to restore you–as a woman or a man whose life is filled with the radiance of God.

Approximately 2 hours, 39 minutes.



Prayers for Spotters Uncle Scott, Guardrails wife Missy and Datas family this weekend.  Iron Pax starting soon, CSAUP Saturday.