F3 Knoxville

Trail of Tears

THE SCENE: Humid and gloomy

  1. Projectivator
  2. Cherry picker
  3. Moroccan night club
  4. Run to track
  5. Overhead clap


During the course of this workout, we did exercises relating to events from President Andrew Jackson’s public life.

  1. Death march (Indian run w/ burpee before sprinting to the front of the line) 2 laps
  2. Battle of New Orleans
    1. Fought after the War of 1812 was over (Americans won)
    2. Despite a large British advantage in numbers, training, and experience, the American forces defeated a poorly executed assault in slightly more than 30 minutes. The Americans suffered roughly 60 casualties, while the British suffered roughly 2,000,
    3. 20 Big Boys, 40 LBCs (for the 60 American causalities)
  3. Death march 2 laps
  4. Dismantle 2nd Bank of the United States
    1. Chartered by James Madison in 1816
    2. 18 Hello Dollys
    3. 16 Heels to Heaven
    4. Liquidated in 1841
    5. 18 Big Boys
    6. 41 LBCs
  5. Death march 2 laps
  6. In 1835, Jackson became the only president to completely pay off the national debt
    1. 18 Basilisks
    2. 35 Big Boys
  7. Death march 2 lap
  8. Return To Base
  9. 1824 Presidential election
    1. Jackson won the plurality of the popular and electoral vote, but not a majority of the electoral vote.  He lost the contingent election in the House of Representatives.
    2. 99 squats (3 sets of 33 w/ 5 merkins in between each set) for his electoral votes.

Bobbit led a set of 10 big boys.


Andrew Jackson was a very effective leader.  He was able to accomplish lots of initiatives and often in the face of huge opposition.  However, many of them seem to be made with a lack of human empathy.  It is important to remember as we seek our goals that everyone we encounter are also children of God and deserve our respect and love.

Service opportunity at Girls Inc on Thursday, August 12th.  CSOP on Saturday August 21st.


THE SCENE: Perfect gloom

  • SSH
  • LBAC – fwd/bwd
    • Tempo Squats
    • Tempo Merkins
    • Mountain Climbers
    • Cherry picker x5
    • @Pool Wall – 5x Wall-up
    • @Playground – 5x pull-up
    • @Amphitheater – 5x boxjumps

Heavy Stations – 2 ROUNDS
Round 1
1. CMU Thrusters
2. CMU Lunges
3. CMU Tricep Extension
4. Tire Flips
5. Ball Throw Down
6. Inverted Rows (on pull-up bar or handrailing)
7. CMU Squats
8. Bear Crawl – TIMER
Round 2
1. CMU Kettleswing
2. CMU Curls
3. CMU Curls
4. CMU Single-leg Squat
5. CMU Single-arm Row
6. Sledge Hammer Swings on Tire
7. Pull-up
8. Bernies down to end and back – TIMER

In a circle, Pax holds plank while 1 at a time does 1 merkin. When everyone does 1, add 1 merkin each round up to 3 and back down.
Mosey back to Shovel Flag.

PAX Choice

Crazy 8

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: We focused on verse 5 – waiting. What do we do while we wait? We shared 3 things: Be in the Word to hear His specific word for your situation, PRAY, and worship while you wait.

Psalm 130 (The Passion Translation)

Lord, I cry out to you out of the depths of my despair!
2 Hear my voice, O God!
Answer this prayer and hear my plea for mercy.
3 Lord, if you measured us and marked us with our sins,
who would ever have their prayers answered?
4 But your forgiving love is what makes you so wonderful.
No wonder you are loved and worshiped!
5 This is why I wait upon you, expecting your breakthrough,
for your Word brings me hope.
6 I long for you more than any watchman
would long for the morning light.
I will watch and wait for you, O God,
throughout the night.
7 O Israel, keep hoping, keep trusting,
and keep waiting on the Lord,
for he is tenderhearted, kind, and forgiving.
He has a thousand ways to set you free!
8 He himself will redeem you;
he will ransom you from the cruel slavery of your sins!

SO. MUCH. FUN. Love these guys – Praying for school starting up

CSAUP – Kick’s got a team going – SIGN UP; Oak Ridge Outdoor Concert coming up – good food trucks, music, etc

Don’t Hold Back

THE SCENE: Muggy and mid-70s

Reach through (aka cherry picker) IC

Little baby arms circles IC

Reverse baby arm circles IC

Harry Rockets IC

Tempo meek IC

Tempo squat IC


Mosey toward coupons with weave sprint

Motivators From 8, continue mosey to coupon pile.

Grab your coupon and rifle carry to the parking lot east of maintenance.

Four corner style:

20 each- Merkins on the coupon, knee up jumps, squat jacks, Flutter kicks (two leg count).  Transition from corner to corner by mosey, shuffle, Bernie, shuffle (face the same way the whole time). Repeat twice

Bring your coupon to stadium hill. 10 heavy squat thrusters, bear crawl up the hill with a burpee at the top.  Mosey down.  20 curls, bear crawl up the hill with a burpee at the top.  Mosey down.

Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Return coupons with a wall sit waiting for the 6.

Mosey back to the old F3 lot.  Mosey and Bernie between the islands of the new parking lot.

Jail break to the flag.

Hello Dolly to finish up.
What is holding you back…..

Several things may come to mind.

  • How you address your work; doing all of your work, striving for the extra, going back to school.
  • How you handle your home life; spending time with your kids and not watching tv or taking the easy way out at times.
  • How you need to avoid/move one/let go of a bad habit or sin; what relationship, website activity, etc.
  • Why don’t you volunteer in your church; sing, bring food, help with children’s ministry.

Remember that it’s much more difficult to do the thing you need to do.  We spend a lot of our times in the 80% of activities that we’re good at based on 20% of effort.  The last 20% is where we need to focus; It may take all 80% of our effort to get there but that’s where the ‘fruit’ is.

Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.



THE SCENE: A tad humid but not too bad.

LBACF (x20), LBACB (x20), OHC (x20), Windmills (x10), Tempo Squats (x10), Tempo Merkin (x10) (All IC)
Mosey to large parking lot. Traverse entire parking lot by Bear Crawl and/or Walking Lunge, rotating at each parking stall.

Partner Up for a Partner Set of 100 Merkins – Both Partners in plank for entire set.  One partner performs 10 Merkins while other planks, rotating until 100 reps is reached.

Mosey to inner courtyard brick wall.  Two Rounds of Aiken Legs: (20 Squats, 20 Wall Jumps, 20 Lunges, 20 Iron Mikes)

Mosey to Coupon Pile – 30 Curls, 30 Tricep Extensions, 20 Curls, 20 Tricep Extensions……conclude with 10 Blockees

Flutters (x15), Pickle Pounders (x15), LBCs (x20), Plank for 45 sec
15 Strong
Micah 7:18 – God is eager to forgive.  We should imitate Him in this regard.
4 FNGs
Praise for Butter-knife’s Wife and her new job.

What kind of hero?

THE SCENE: Proper TN gloom. 70s and sticky.

  • SSHs
  • Tempo Squats
  • Little baby arm circles
  • Tempo merkins
  • Mountain climbers
  • Hairy Rockettes
  • Moroccan nightclubs
  • Projectivators


The Thang – To Mordor
First, three sets of elevensies

  • Parallel Bar
    • Iron Mikes
    • Inverse Rows
  • Pool wall
    • Wall ups
    • Deep squats
  • Peace Bell
    • Carolina Dry Docks
    • Pistol Squats
  • Death March toward K-25, the long way around
  • K-25 Hill – Mucho Hillo
    • Mucho Chesto but with a hill sprint between each set of 25
    • Merkins
    • Wide Merkins
    • Diamond Merkins
    • Stagger merkins, each side

Erector got us one set of freddies before time was up

What kind of hero do you aspire to be?

We find a wide array of hero types in our culture. For most of my life, my favorite kind of hero was the highly masculine bad ass. He has the luxury of knowing who the bad guys are and possessing the wherewithal to give em a proper beat down. In terms of personality, they run the gamut from stoic, to clever, to goofy. Basically every super hero falls into this category. And it’s the kind of hero I think we all want to be. Power ranger, He-man, Beowulf, Superman. But these guys rarely show up in history books. The only one that came to my mind was Alvin C. York.

Another type of popular hero is still masculine but faces an enemy or task that is clearly beyond his ability to conquer. These make many appearances in history books. Firefighters climbing the WTC while it collapses, passengers aboard United Airlines Flight 93 who fought back against hi-jackers, military men memorialized with a medal of honor who charged machine gun nests, jumped on grenades, or drove their ship to the brink. We read a story like this each month in the F3 Knoxville newsletter.

These two types of heroes can be found in cultures from all over the earth and throughout history. In Christian tradition there is a third type, which can only be recognized as a hero if you hold a Christian world view. These heroes oppose bad guys by choosing to live differently, openly defying the evil they see in the world, but seeking the good of all people, including, or perhaps especially, their enemies. It is passive and submissive on the exterior, but subversive and compelling to see and experience. This type of hero is forming throughout the old testament, leading up to the single culminating event of all history, Calvary. This type of heroism is also described in Revelation 13:5-10.
5The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. 6It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. 7It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. 8All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written in the Lamb’s book of life, the Lamb who was slain from the creation of the world. 9Whoever has ears, let them hear.

10“If anyone is to go into captivity,

into captivity they will go.

If anyone is to be killed with the sword,

with the sword they will be killed.”

This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God’s people.

Erector was our Frodo today, making it to the top of Mount Doom.
Dad Camp, CSAUP, Hardship Hill