F3 Knoxville

Birthday ABC’s

THE SCENE: 68°F and clear

Moroccan night club IC x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Rotational Merkins IC x 10
Tennessee Walking Chair IC x 10
Hand Release Merkins 5 OYO
Slurpee 5 OYO
All PAX on the curb
Run to first light pole 50%, run 60% back to curb, 70% , 80%, 90%, 100%
Calf Raises on the curb x 20

Today’s Theme: ABC’s – Arms, Burpees, Core

Mosey to big parking lot across grassy knoll

Big Parking Lot – Do the following exercises and run to the next light pole. At the end of the parking lot do Stargazing Starfish (Starfish but do arms & legs all in and out at the same time) until we pick up the 6

Arms 24 x Walking Merkins (Wide, Plank walk into Diamond, repeat, counting each Merkin as 1)
Burpees 24 x Burpees
Core BBS

Get a 10 count, number off 1 to 3 for groups. Mosey to coupon pile – each PAX has their own.

Coupon Pile – 3 stations (7-minute timer)

Arms – Top of Hill 4 x Pull-ups + 20 Hand-release Merkins
Burpees – Bottom before the stairs 4 x Blockees + 20 Burpees
Core – Bottom after the stairs – 4 x Louganis (BBS + CMU above your head) + 20 4ct Heavy American Hammers

Call time, get a 10 count. Mosey to newer parking lot with lots of lighting.

Newer parking lot with lots of lighting

Arms 24 x (Hand-release?) Merkins (the Q had a mental lapse here but we did Merkins of some variation)
Burpees 24 x Burpees
Core 24 x 4-ct Flutter kicks
D # x Derkins (S/O to Anchorman for calling an exercise that starts with ‘D’ when I tasked him with it)

Mosey back to the AO with the JUCO Rush PAX joining us.

Everyone on the curb, it’s time for Burpee-cides for approx. 3 minutes
Sprint/run/jog to first light pole, do a burpee, sprint back to the curb
Sprint/run/jog to second light pole, do a burpee, sprint back to the curb
Sprint/run/jog to third light pole (curb before water retention pond where the geese are), do a burpee, sprint back to the curb

Repeat. We got approximately 1 full rep in and some got a 4th sprint + burpee.

Ain’t nobody got time for that
14 for Beatdown, 7 for RUSH (click for picture)
Do you remember where you were on June 24, 2019? I do. @5k gave me this idea a while back because in their family they celebrate Spiritual Birthdays (the more important ‘date’ if you ask me). It’s not necessary for salvation to remember the date / time / place you repented of your sins, confessed Jesus as Lord, and choose to take up your cross and follow Him- but the idea stuck out to me because of where I was on June 24, 2019.

So where was I on June 24, 2019? My grievous and wicked sin had caused my wife to kick me out of the house and I was sleeping at some wonderful people from church’s house one night because I was too ashamed to go to my parents’ house at first. I woke up at 3am and was overwhelmed by my sin- not just trying to avoid consequences as I had “fake repented” before, but truly confessing them to God and asking Him to forgive me because of Christ’s finished work of a perfect life lived, unjustly crucified, and the Father raising Jesus from the dead. I told Jesus I didn’t know if the prayer I’d prayed when I was 10 was real or if I was confessing Him for the first time truly, but it didn’t matter because I repented and turned from my sins through His power. I was face down on rug for who knows how long, but after I did that I was indeed as 2 Corinthians 5:17 says “a new creation”.

So what did I do? It was as easy as ABC:
Admit that I was a sinner (specifically by confessing them to God and repenting of them)
Believe that Jesus is the perfect Son of God and He died on the Cross for my sins
Call upon God to save me because of what Jesus did and I am dead without Him

My sin was pervasive, wicked sexual sin and LOTS of lying. I turned from those to Jesus. There’s more to it, and I’d be glad to share more with any of you about how God has changed me, but the question you need to ask is:

Are you repenting? Are you confessing your sins to God? This isn’t a one-time thing even though once you truly confess and repent you are saved. It is ongoing, daily humble confession and repentance. When God resurrects our souls, He expects us to bear fruit as the sign we’re alive in Christ. When we confess and repent of our sins, we do several things (and more I’m sure I’ve not exhaustively listed below):

-we demonstrate fruit in keeping with repentance (Matthew 3:8)
-we make sure our calling (2 Peter 1:10)
-we show others Jesus in us bearing the fruit in ourselves and others (Matthew 13:8)
-we prove ourselves truly repentant (2 Corinthians 7:8-11)

I wasn’t truly repentant before this day last year. I had faked it and lied so much I even lied when I didn’t intend to. But the Scripture just mentioned does indeed tell the story of how I’ve walked this past year

2 Corinthians 7:8-11

8 For even if I made you grieve with my letter, I do not regret it—though I did regret it, for I see that that letter grieved you, though only for a while. 9 As it is, I rejoice, not because you were grieved, but because you were grieved into repenting. For you felt a godly grief, so that you suffered no loss through us.

10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death. 11 For see what earnestness this godly grief has produced in you, but also what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what punishment! At every point you have proved yourselves innocent in the matter.

Q1: What is the sin you’re needing to keep putting to death (Colossians 3:5-11)?

Q2: What part of repentance do you need to work out (2 Corinthians 7:8-11)?

Prayed for more increasing unity in our city and nation. I’m thankful for F3. You men have pushed and pursued and sharpened me in ways I couldn’t have imagine on this date last year. My 1-year F3iversary is coming up so be on the lookout for a repeat (or possibly modification) of that beatdown in the near future!
Q101 this Friday, June 26, at Shamrock led by Tank (with extended time after for discussion & teaching of how to lead a Q)
Q101 also Friday July 10, at JUCO led by Judge Judy.

SYITG soon, HIMs!

Doing Squat

THE SCENE: Neutral

Cherry Pickers, SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats

Mosey to large west side parking lot.

Perform 3/4 quarter pounder with exercises performed at three different light poles across the parking lot. Sprint to first light pole and perform 25 merkins, bernie back. Sprint to second light pole and perform 50 squats, bernie back. Sprint to third light pole and perform 75 SSH, bernie back.

Mosey back to the coupon pile while performing 3 burpees at every sign along the way. (45ish burpees total)

Grab a coupon and mosey over to stadium hill.

Perform 25 reps of CMU exercises at the bottom and 25 squats at the top of the hill for three rounds:

  • Curls
  • OHP
  • Tricep Extensions

Put the coupons back and mosey over to the courtyard.

Perform 20 box jumps/step ups, 20 squats, & 20 lunges before sprinting around the sidewalk in the grass courtyard. After each round, increase the distance of your sprint by running down to the next cut through in the courtyard. Performed three full rounds.

Mosey back to the AO.

No time.

21 HIMs
Discussed the story of Job. He had everything taken away from him due to nothing he himself did. However, Job refused to give up on God. Job’s three friends come to him three different times with some not so great advice. 

It’s easy for us to think we know what the answer to other’s problems is and to inadvertenly offer some not so great advice ourselves. Job’s friends had no idea why Job was in the predicament he was in, but made their own assumptions and gave advice based on those. Let’s strive to understand that we do not always see the full picture when others are struggling and we may have a different perspective than they do.

The one piece of advice that we can always give with 100% certainty is to look to God for strength and support.

Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The Project: HEAVY 7s

THE SCENE: cool and gloomy

A little bit of this and a little bit of that

  • Mosey to Parallel Bars/Pool Wall for 7s: Dips + Muscle Ups
  • Mosey to Recruiting Center
  • Heavy 7s:
    • BIG TIRE: Derkins + Box Jumps
    • BIG TIRE: Tire Flips + Tire BBS
    • Cut Telephone Poles: Squats + Overhead Press
    • Cut Telephone Poles: Curls + BBS
    • CMU: Blockees + Kettle Swing
    • CMU: Thrusters + Squats
    • Double Stack CMU: Incline Merkins + Jump Over
    • Double Stack CMU: Side Step + Derkins
    • Dumbbells (35s): Curls + Tri Ext
    • Dumbbells: (40s): Rows + Overhead Press


5STRONG: Erector – Chaco – Pi – Nuclear Ninja – Snaggletooth

CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: (In light of Father’s Day, I wanted to share a devotional about the kind of Dad our God is to us.)

How Much God Wants to Bless You (from Solid Joys by John Piper)
“The Lord will again take delight in prospering you.” (Deuteronomy 30:9)

God does not bless us begrudgingly. There is a kind of eagerness about the beneficence of God. He does not wait for us to come to him. He seeks us out, because it is his pleasure to do us good. God is not waiting for us; he is pursuing us. That, in fact, is the literal translation of Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy shall pursue me all the days of my life.”

God loves to show mercy. Let me say it again. God loves to show mercy. He is not hesitant or indecisive or tentative in his desires to do good to his people. His anger must be released by a stiff safety lock, but his mercy has a hair trigger. That’s what he meant when he came down on Mount Sinai and said to Moses, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love” (Exodus 34:6). It’s what he meant when he said in Jeremiah 9:24, “I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord.”

God is never irritable or edgy. His anger never has a short fuse. Instead he is infinitely energetic with absolutely unbounded and unending enthusiasm for the fulfillment of his delights.

This is hard for us to comprehend, because we have to sleep every day just to cope, not to mention thrive. Our emotions go up and down. We get bored and discouraged one day and feel hopeful and excited another.

We are like little geysers that gurgle and sputter and pop erratically. But God is like a great Niagara Falls — you look at 186,000 tons of water crashing over the precipice every minute, and think: Surely this can’t keep going at this force year after year after year. Yet it does.

That’s the way God is about doing us good. He never grows weary of it. It never gets boring to him. The Niagara of his grace has no end.

HEAVY THURSDAYS are a great workout at The Project but because of COVID precautions we wanted to create enough stations with multiple movements at each station so PAX can get a diverse workout without sharing equipment. Also challenged PAX to try something new (BIG TIRE, Telephone pole, etc) in addition to CMUs. 

Encouraged new guys to Q or Co-Q with any of us.


THE SCENE: Too nice. 60s.

Cherry Pickers, Good Mornings, Windmills, Tempo Merkins, Plank Jacks

  • Mosey to guardrail.  Perform 25 Dips, Lunge across road to opposite side, 25 Squats, Lunge back. (3 rounds)
  • Mosey to small upper parking lot.  Stand at parking stripes facing curb. Bear crawl to curb, 25 Merkins, Crawl Bear back. (3 rounds)
  • Mosey down road toward Sophomore Hill (SH), 1 Burpee at every tree along the way. Pause for 10 Diamond Merkins at the end.
  • Mosey to top of SH, stopping twice for Merkins and Werkins along the way.
  • Half of the PAX doing AMAP Pull-ups at the rail bar while other half lunges across parking lot and lunges back.  When lunging group reaches halfway point, Pull-up PAX switch to underneath grip on bar. (2 rounds)
  • Mosey to Coupon Pile, grab a coupon.  25 curls, 25 Tri-cep Extensions, 25 Squats with coupon (3 rounds)
  • Mosey back to Flag, stopping for 50 dips and 25 Merkins at the brick wall.

(IC) 25 LBCs, 20 Flutter Kicks, 15 Pickle Pounders
9 for Boot-camp, 7 for RUSH (1 FNG)
Shared a short story out of the book, “No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy Seal,” called “Staying in your three foot world.”  In times of stress and worry – focus on 1) what matters most and 2) what you can control in the moment – ignore everything else.
Ralph VQ on Friday

Share Your Heart

THE SCENE:  60 and clear.  Perfect for a beatdown.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered

  • Morrocan Nightclub x 10 IC
  • Chinook x 5 IC
  • Cherry pickers x 7 IC
  • Carolina Dry Docks x 5 IC
  • E2K x 5 IC
  • Hello Dolly x 5 IC
  • Rosalita x 5 IC
  • Twinkle Toes x 10 IC


Mosey to the high-school lot…

Routine 1:

10 Wing-nuts (4 count) + 20 Derkins…. 3 Rounds

Routine 2: Heart-shaped circuit.

6 stations – each has 2 exercises.  Get into groups of 3.  A group starts at one of the stations.  After performing both exercises, run 5/6 of a lap and stop at the station pervious to the one you just left.  Each time you pass the culvert drain (the middle of the “heart”), do 3 muscle-ups on it.  Continue circuit until Q calls stop.

Exercises are:

  • 10 Burpees + 20 BBS
  • 20 E2K Left + 20 E2K Right
  • 10 squat jumps + 20 Diamond Merkins
  • 20 Flutter kicks (2-count) + 20 Squats
  • 30 Calf raises + 20 Carolina Dry Docks
  • 20 Hello Dolly (2 count) + 20 Rosalita (2 count)

Routine 3:  7s on the steps.  Burpees + Donkey kicks.  Bear crawl, crawl bear.

Routine 4:  Suicides on the tennis courts.

First cone and back, second cone and back, third cone and back – Mountain climbers.

Repeato with flutter kicks

Repeato with freddy mercury

Mosey back to the flag


No time!


Me and 5 of the best men I know


Shakespeare’s Macbeth is about toxic ambition and rivalry for the Scottish throne.  Once he becomes king, a paranoid Macbeth orders a raid on the castle of a perceived rival – Macduff – and in that raid Macduff’s entire family is killed.  Macduff, who is in England during the raid, is with a companion when he receives the terrible news about his family – and he becomes silent.  After a moment, his friend prompts him, “Give sorrow words.  The grief that does not speak whispers the o’er-fraught heart and bids it break”.  His friend is urging him – don’t keep this agony inside, or you will implode into despair.  That is good advice – and in this season that I’m in, it registers loudly with me.

I am, by nature and nurture, someone who bottles up emotions – both good and bad – and seldom processes them externally.  We modern men are doubly disadvantaged when it comes to sharing our emotions.  The inner architecture of our brains is physiologically different from our curvy counterparts – MRI studies have shown that women are more capable of expressing their emotions verbally.  On top of that physical handicap, our culture layers an expectation for men to be laconic and impassive – like Charlton Heston in every role he has ever played.  We are free to express anger – but other emotions are effeminate and off-limits.  What a shame that we promote this dysfunction.

Last time I spoke in this setting, I told you about our recent miscarriage and vowed to support my wife well through this hard time.  That meant listening, praying with her and for her, and making myself available – but I also committed to sharing more of my own sadness.  I can tell you, each time I do – whether it is opening up to her, or a quick word with one of you after the workout – expressing those feelings relieves the mounting pressure in my chest.

I want my three young sons (ages 4, 7, 9) to excel where I have not.  I want them to have healthy strategies for talking about their emotions – because in doing so, they will be physically healthier and have richer relationships throughout their lives.  Like their dad, they seem unwilling or unable to reveal much when simply asked, “how do you feel?”.  Maybe they don’t want to talk about it – or maybe they don’t know how to translate their feelings into words.  Just in the last few weeks, I’ve been prodding their emotions a little differently and they’ve responded.  When I can get one of them alone and the moment is right, I’ll ask, “What is the happiest thing in your life right now?”.  Sometimes, they’ll answer that question in full paragraphs – sharing their heart with me.  Then I’ll ask, “What is the saddest thing in your life right now?”  That simple change has led to expanded discussion and gives me a little glimpse of what it looks like for these young boys to express emotion.

Are you at all like me?  Do you muffle your joy and sadness and excitement and disappointment?  Do you even know if you do?  Licensed counselor, Debbie Causey, says a sign that an emotion has been buried is when you give a “dollar response” to a “fifty-cent incident”.  If the largeness of your reaction is disproportionate to the weight of the incident, you might have buried emotion.  Be honest – have you overreacted lately?  Explore that.

Challenge:  Those who are closest to you – friends and family who love you – they deserve to know you better.  They deserve to know how you feel.  Pick one person who is close to you and share a little of your heart with them today or this week.  If you don’t know where to start, then answer one of the questions, “What is the happiest thing in your life right now?” or “What is the saddest thing in your life right now?”

Bonus Challenge Ask them to reciprocate with their own answers – and listen.



Prayers for Pi’s upcoming exam.  No pressure…but….HIS CAREER AND HIS FAMILY’S LIVELIHOOD DEPEND ON HIM PASSING!  But, no pressure.  We know you’ll do great!

Rocket – you better be doing your burpees!  We missed you out there.

I know that, sadly, other HIMs have a wife who has, or will, experience a miscarriage.  If you want to work through that agony with someone who can relate, DM me on Slack and we’ll get together.